Cards with free money transfer money for account details. How to translate money? Transfer of cash on details using the Sberbank service online What does Transfer to details mean

  • 16.05.2021

Implementation of international payments in foreign currency on bank details

JSC AIKB "Yenisei Joint Bank" transfers in foreign currency through the SWIFT system. SWIFT is a leading international organization in the field of financial telecommunications, providing the operational, secure, confidential and absolutely reliable transmission of financial communications on a unique system that is the largest world network of information transfer.

If there are bank and recipient details, you can transfer cash beyond the Russian Federation both in favor of a natural and legal entity. Translations are carried out in foreign currency in one of two ways:

- without opening a bill - cash withdrawal in the amount of translation and commission for its implementation;

- with account - By writing off funds in the amount of translation and commission from the current account, open in the bank.

To send translation you need:

    Present a passport or other document certifying personality;

    Provide recipient details.

    Make a transfer amount or without opening an account.

    Pay for banking services (in accordance with applicable, at the time of the operation, the Tariffs of the Bank).


1. The Bank does not carry out monetary transfers of individuals in favor of legal or individuals related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities.

2. According to the Federal Law "On Currency Regulation and Currency Control", the maximum amount of translations from the Russian Federation during one operational day for residents of the Russian Federation is no more than $ 5,000 or its equivalent in other currency (at the official rate established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation at the date Registration of the operation of writing off cash from the account).

3. Transfers from the account without limitation of the amount are possible when submitting relevant confirmation documents. The Bank has the right to further request documents related to the implementation of translation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

For payments in foreign currency, the following details are obligatory:

    Intermediary Bank Name *

    SWIFT Code or Aba (Routing Number) Intermediary Bank

    Address Bank

    Name of the bank of the recipient

    SWIFT Code or Aba (Routing Number) Recipient Bank

    Address of the recipient's bank

    Complete name of the recipient

    Recipient account number **

    Address of the recipient

    Purpose of translation ***

* Intermediary bank details are optional, but their presence will help speed up the execution of the payment in the international bank transfer system.
** For EU countries, it is necessary to specify an account in IBAN (International Bank Account Number).

*** In the "Purpose of Translation" or "Destination" field, you must specify the full and accurate goal of the transaction. For commercial payments, it is necessary to specify the number and date of the document, on the basis of which the transaction is carried out (contract, account, commodity and technical document, etc.), as well as for what type of product or service is made.

Receipt of translation in foreign currency at the expense opened in the Yenisei United Bank

Details for the receipt of funds in foreign currency for individuals and legal entities who have accounts in the Yenisei United Bank, you can see

Use the Bank's services is convenient to pay any services or purchased goods. Payment is made by Sberbank details online, which means you do not have to leave the walls of the house with the purpose of making a payment transaction. Most Russians are cardholders issued by the leading financial institution of the Russian Federation, with the help of cards can be easily paid to organizations or individuals.

The service is available for all owners of Sberbank Cards, you will need to perform the following actions:

  1. Activate your mobile application;
  2. Go to the official website of the financial organization;
  3. Specify the payment card number and enter a password that will be sent via SMS;
  4. Pick up login and come up with a password.

For a successful transaction, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Run entrance to your personal account in Sberbank online;
  2. In the relevant section, select "Translation of the organization";
  3. Fill the account number and INN in the "Recipient" block;
  4. We go to the "Bank of the recipient" and introduce data on details - bik. The system may also offer to choose a bank in automatic mode.

In some companies, it is required to provide additional information, it must be made to the "Appointment of payment". This is necessary to accurately identify the payment.

Important. Before you pay, make sure that you entered the data unmistakably entered, then confirm the operation using a disposable code sent to SMS.

The recipient will be listed in cash during the day from the moment of successful operation. When the money did not come, it is necessary to check the payment status, it is enough to go to the "Operations Stories".

When the bank deflects the transaction, it is displayed in status. The inscription "rejected by the Bank" will appear to find out why the operation has not passed successfully, you will need to contact the contact center.

Service users have the ability to print a receipt if necessary in the "History of Operations" section. You can configure regular payments service, then you will save time, you will not need to enter a disposable code every time to confirm the operation. Transactions on the template do not need to confirm additionally.

Monetary operations in favor of individuals

Holders of Sberbank Cards can pay not only services of organizations, but also to translate money to individuals online. To understand how to pay, it is easy, while payments without problems will be received by customers of any financial institution.

If a bank of an individual to whom you are going to translate money, Sberbank, go to the Translation Operations section, the payment is carried out in the subsection designed to send funds to the holders of Sberbank Cards. It will be needed to specify the account number and other recipient data, therefore, the translated operation is carried out by details.

Payments to other banks

You can transfer money to individuals from your personal account, you will need to find the section "Transfer to the account in another bank". To send a payment by details, the required recipient data is introduced: the account number, FULL NAME, INN, "Address", "Recipient Bank" and in the section for translated operations in the "Account Account" line, the payer chooses a plastic card or an account where cash will be translated from recipient. The payer must indicate the exact summary of which his savings bank should translate the recipient.

Confirmation of a successful cash transaction

To complete the payment operation, the payer presses to "translate", then a special form will open. All fields in it will be filled, you need to carefully check the data to eliminate the possibility of error.

To confirm the transferable operation, a special code is entered, which will come to a mobile phone along with SMS. By confirming the transaction, the user will review the translation data.

Payment using a mobile application

Mobile application service is available for the client at any time. To use them, you need to register. Sberbank card must be valid, it will be necessary to connect it to the mobile bank. This Sberbank service connects when accessing the Client with an appropriate request to the Contact Center. Mobile bank is also connected in Sberbank ATMs or terminals.

Important. The client can establish a mobile application on 10 different devices. With any of them, it is easy to carry out translated operations on details.

Payment on the Internet receipts and invoices

In the system of payments online provides for this opportunity. In the receipt there are already all the necessary recipient information. In the case when there is no data required, you will need to send an inquiry to the company, its employees will quickly send an answer.

When filling in a special form, it is sometimes necessary to specify the purpose of the payment transaction. Check carefully to make sure there are no errors. A disposable password will come to the mobile phone to be entered to confirm the transaction.

Calculation of payment is made during the day if this has not happened, it is recommended to check the status of payment and view the history of operations. Seeing the status "not accepted by the Bank", contact the support service to find out the reason.

Sometimes it is enough to wait for some time, and then perform the operation again. The check can be printed in the system. If you configure the operation template, payment will be automatically paid without requiring confirmation using disposable passwords.

There are many payment methods, select the one that suits you more.

Remote control has become the usual attribute in the presence of an account and card. A variety of transactions occupying minimum of time and strength are carried out. If you need to transfer the organization for details through Sberbank online, learn a detailed instruction that helps without errors to carry out the necessary operation.

How to translate the organization in the personal account?

The introduction of innovative technologies led to changes in the financial institution. Bypassing new opportunities are considered rather unreasonable.

Sberbank actively works in two directions. The focus is traditionally paid to ordinary citizens. Elderly people prefer to receive a pension and accrue percentage on the rest. Young people operate with scholarships and advantageous offers. Salary customers will be able to count on a loan with minimal rates.

Business development is impossible without infusion. Especially for IP and business people have developed excellent lending programs, including overdraft and the ability to restructure when changing circumstances.

Transfer to a private person or organization is easy. Developed a simple algorithm of actions, and it remains to follow him with regard to some nuances.

Online mode allows you to use the smartphone after installing the application. We must not forget about the Commission and Taxes. The amount must be deducted from the account. Regular payments are more profitable to translate into automatic mode, allowing to make the translation even easier at exactly the specified period.

What do you need?

The first step will be the opening of the account and receiving plastic on the hands. Now the procedure does not take much time:

  • you should go to the page and proceed to registration;
  • the questionnaire is filled and designated the smartphone number attached to the map;
  • one-time code and login will be accepted as an SMS message;
  • it is introduced into the window and the data are checked;
  • accessing will allow you to change the two components for entering a more complex combination;
  • taking into account the platform, the application is installed on the smartphone;
  • the monthly cost is paid if plastic does not apply to the premium segment.

Now it will be possible to carry out a transaction by any convenient way. Through the smartphone also occurs in the office. Using a computer is beneficial to a large screen and the ability to check more carefully.

Step-by-step actions in Sberbank online

The actions in the office begins with the instructions of the code and login, otherwise it is impossible to get to the page. In the future, it is necessary:

  • find on the left part of the section of payments and translations;
  • go just below to transfer the organization;
  • enter available details (INN, BIC) with account number;
  • select a card that allows you to write off the money;
  • designate the details of the payment with the appointment (number number), address, surname and the sender's patrols;
  • specify the amount, not forgetting about the commission;
  • check and confirm the SMS.

The input of code designation will allow you to send an application for processing. The specified amount will come in a slightly later, and it remains a chance to withdraw due to objective reasons.

Translation through a smartphone after installing an application for Android

The entry in the menu speaks of the transition to the payment section. At about the middle there is a point "Other!. The recipient's account number is reported along with the INN and the bank identification code. Record helps to make a click on "pay" and make a listing.

Translation Instructions for iOS Application

The popular iOS application is used in the same way. Introduction Code contributes to Sberbank online. Again interest will cause the payment section and transfers.

You need to reach the item "Other". The search for name, account or identification number is performed. The upcoming translation is performed by details. They are included in the payment, and you can always check.

Replenishment at the account of the organization in the office

The fulfillment of partnerships, payment of the goods received or the work carried out indicates the need to replenish the account. Cabinet is suitable for this.

  • again, the main steps are made through the transfers;
  • the invoice is paid in the transition to the counterparty payments;
  • recognize the recipient's bank code is easy from the directory if you click on the button below;
  • the number of details includes the exact number of the account (up to 25 characters) and the INN;
  • the amount is sent taking into account VAT;
  • interbank Translation will require to designate the service, the region of payment, company name and the expense of the sender.

A proven algorithm has several distinctive features. The translation usually means a large amount and requires special attention.

Confirm translation

Pressing the click of translation leads to the filing of the questionnaire. The fitting occurs in parts. Careful reconciliation takes place several times, especially at the final stage.

Invalid details will lead to return or getting funds to a completely different account. Get them back difficult and most likely have to go through judicial instances.

Complete confidence in the absence of errors will make it possible to request an SMS and then enter numbers in the field. Payment will be considered successful and remains time to check.

View operation

The selected application cannot reach instantly to the recipient. It is required to process the request, especially when the account is open in another institution. Important value has time for reference. At night, the office does not work, and you should wait for the morning until the staff begin to work.

It is important to find out the true state of affairs. Perhaps the specified counterpart number simply does not exist or entered erroneous details. The cause of refusal becomes lack of funds on its own account. Do not always take into account VAT or currency rate that led to the inclusion of the collection.

Find out the delay motive will be able to in your account. In the section of the operations of the operations, the statuses of the application clearly noted. It is discussed, deviates or the transfer of funds with the advent of the stamp "executed".

Setting up auto plate

Long-term cooperation leads to regular payment. Reduce risks allows you to configure the autoplating service. The sample can serve as the first payment and successful account replenishment.

Very often to customers, you need to make a listing not by the card number, namely using the full details of the banking storage or only a cyphic number. It should immediately clarify that the number of plastic and accounts are different things. They consist of different numbers of numbers and do not coincide. How to transfer money from a bank card to the account of Sberbank and any other credit institution?

Sberbank Online

Let's figure out how to transfer funds to the current account in the Internet bank.

Transaction to another bank

  1. We go to the Personal Cabinet Sberbank-online using the login and password.
  1. In the top menu, select "Transfers and Payments", and then proceed to the section "Translated by a private person to another bank for details."
  2. Next, we introduce complete details of the bank and the recipient information and click Translate. Before the transaction, you will need to confirm the transaction, code - it will come to your phone.

Thus, you can pay a loan in another bank, pay for goods and services, as well as make large listings. But remember, the Commission will be charged in 1%. The maximum amount of the Commission is 1000 rubles.

Transaction Customer Sberbank

  1. To do this, you are also authorized in Internet banking, and go to the section "Payments and Translations".
  2. Next, choose "Translation by the Sberbank Customer".

  1. In the top tab, select the type of the "Account" list. Here it will be necessary to fill out all the details and data of the recipient: the account number, surname, name, patronymic, Inn, address, bank name, bik, corr. with., Choose a card with which you will send funds. We enter the amount of departure and enter messages to assign payment.
  2. Click "Translate". Confirm the transaction SMS code. Once the funds are translated, you will receive a notice to the phone. You can also see a transaction in the history of operations.

NOTE! If you send rubles to plastic, which was obtained in another region, then the Commission will be 1%. This is due to the fact that the bik of banks from different regions and cities are different (when recking funds in currency, the Commission will be 0.5%).

The Bank itself is discharged that it was a forced measure - to smash offices and offices, since Sberbank is a huge institution. But in fact, most likely it is just a reason to fit with customers their blood.

In other banks: Rosurobank, Tinkoff, Alpha Bank, Rosselkhozbank, etc. Absolutely the same listing scheme. The only thing that may differ is the names of the tabs in the Personal Account.

ATM or terminal

  1. First you need to find a terminal or an ATM, which can translate. Usually, a number of functions that they support are written next to them, so there should be no problems with this.
  2. Next, insert plastic and enter the PIN code.
  3. In the main menu, go to the section "Payments and Translations".
  4. select the desired transaction method.
  5. Here you need to enter 20 digits.
  6. Next, as usual, we enter the amount you want to send and click on the "Translate" button.
  7. Before sending the system asks you to check the details. Once again, on every fireman, check the number. After, confirm the listing.

If you are mistaken with a number or other requisite, then nothing terrible will not be completely blocked for 10 days, and then return to you on the debit card. But you agree - if you need to do this urgently, this situation may not be very comfortable.

Branch of the Bank

Before going to any compartment, it is worth a clear to know and write all details on the leaflet or on the phone. The most important of them is the number of the face, but it is better to know the bick. Take a passport with you and the card with which you want to make a write-off. Plastic can not be taken, but you have them somewhat should be taken to not confuse.

Next, you need to say any employee of the bank that you want to translate into account. Give all the details and specify the amount. You will need to sign the paper on the write-off of funds. The Commission will be 1.5%, but not more than 1,500 rubles - if you send money to the account in another bank or at the expense of Sberbank plastic, which was opened in another city or region. Also in the department it is more convenient to translate from the bank card to the bank card.

With the development of Internet technologies, people have become more convenient to carry out financial transactions. While at home, you can make a loan in a bank, take into debt of loved ones, shopping in stores, order services. It is enough to have access to the Internet and a plastic card with a certain amount of money.

However, there is one small problem. Performing a transfer from the card to the card, you have to pay commissions. Their size varies in the range of 1-2% of the amount of the amount. If you want to save, we recommend transferring money from the account details card. How to do this, we will show below, and give an example of banks that provides a service for free.

Why is it profitable to translate money on details?

Probably, we will not be mistaken if we say that the overwhelming majority of plastic card holders perform translations by the number of financial instruments. A huge plus such an operation is speed. The means go to the card instantly, in rare cases, in a few minutes. However, there are disadvantages. It is impossible to transfer a large amount (suppose 1 million). If you make a mistake in the room, the money will go to another card. You can return them, but problematic.

But the transfer from the account details of the account allows you to avoid these problems:

  • The amount of the amount does not have a serious limitation. Even 10 million can be translated.
  • In case of errors in details, nothing terrible will happen. Funds will return back to your account
  • True, enrollment will occur slowly. This usually happens on the day of sending money or the next day. It all depends on the time of the operation. But customers always warn that the procedure can delay up to 5 working days. It happens rarely

Translation for details is beneficial when you need to send a large amount of money when buying, for example, real estate or car. If any problems arise, the transfer of money can be proved by a payment order, which is issued to the client when performing an operation.

How to send money on details?

We learned about the benefit. Now we will analyze the procedure for sending financial resources. When transferring money to a physical person, you need to accurately indicate the following details:

  • Bank bik, on the map of which funds are translated
  • Recipient account
  • Phoe Recipient

If the operation involves sending money to a legal entity, the first two points are saved. The name of the recipient is replaced by:

  • The name of the company
  • CPP of the company
  • WH LIT included in the price

Just above, we said that not every financial institution offers this service for free.

Among the largest 50 Russian banks on the size of assets are only 5! They are allowed to make translations without commissions:

  • With debit card
  • Via the Internet bank
  • Using applications loaded on a smartphone

Note that a similar operation made using a credit card, even in these banks will require commissions.

  • The best conditions offers Alpha Bank. After following the Alpha Card, you can not pay for the cost of service.
  • Next, we note two cards. This is Tinkoff Black from the Bank of the same name and multiferous VTB. At the first / second card service costs 99/249 rub. monthly. It can be avoided if you issue a Tinkoff contribution, credit or tariff 6.2. In VTB, it is necessary to spend monthly on a map from 5 thousand rubles. (The commission still spikes, but then returns back to the account).
  • Embodstates OpenCard in the opening bank, you will have to pay 500 rubles. For release. But if you pay for purchases from 10 thousand rubles., The amount will return bonuses.
  • Perhaps the worst conditions of MasterCard Standart from the ICD. Service cost - 850 rubles.

In the end, we note that the given data were relevant to the middle of April 2019.