What is the best loan for a pensioner? Where is it profitable to get a loan for a pensioner? Steps to get a loan for pensioners

  • 06.01.2022

And preferably at a small percentage?

From a great variety of financial institutions, in the opinion of analysts, one can choose 7 banks, where a pensioner can take a loan on relatively comfortable terms. There are no fundamental differences in the lending procedure. The package of documents is smaller (if this is a non-working pensioner) due to the salary certificate not required.


In the table below, we have collected the best offers for today on loans and loans for pensioners.

  1. If you need a loan, not a microloan, we RECOMMEND applying to SOVCOMBANK (first in the table → link on the right"GET A LOAN" ). In the most favorable conditions for pensioners in 2019.
  2. If you get rejected, try the next one on the list - Eastern Express Bank. The interest rate is 0.5% lower than in Sovcombank, but the minimum loan amount is 25,000 rubles.
  3. The third in our table, (not present in all cities of the Russian Federation), offers preferential terms for a loan to pensioners, but is characterized by a high interest rate - 21% per annum.
  4. If here you were refused, try to take a loan from 9 MFIs following the banks. But before that, carefully read the terms and conditions.

Age of borrower up to 85 years
- Interest rate - from 12% per annum
- Amount - from 5,000 to 300,000 rubles
- Term - from 1 to 3 years
- Age at the time of return - up to 85 years

Age: up to 70 years
- Amount: from 25,000 to 3,000,000 rubles
- Rate: from 11.5% per annum
- Term: from 13 to 60 months
- Minimum package of documents (passport only)
- Online decision making

Borrower age: from 55 years old for women and over 60 for men at the date of receipt and up to 75 years at the date of repayment of the loan
- Interest rate: from 21% per annum
- Amount: up to 600,000 rubles
- Required documents: Passport only

Age of borrower up to 75 years.
- Instant decision without calls and filling out documents.
- Decision is made within 12 seconds.
- 4 Delivery methods.
- 8 payment methods.
- Loan renewal online.
- SMS confirmation: NO.

Age of borrower up to 75 years.
- A microloan is issued online for up to 25 days.
- At the first application, you can get a loan online in the amount of up to 8,000 rubles.
- For regular customers You can borrow up to Rs 15,000.

- The company approves 99.9% of customer applications.

Age of borrower up to 75 years.
- Term loan for the amount up to 8000 rubles.
- Applications are processed within 5 minutes.
- clients.
- SMS confirmation: yes.

Age: up to 60 years old.
- Loan amount: from 1,000 to 15,000 rubles.
- Loan term: from 5 to 30 days.

Age of borrower up to 75 years.
- Loan amount from 1500 rubles to 70000 rubles.
- First loan up to 10,000 rubles.
- Loan term from 5 days to 18 weeks.
- Interest rate from 0% per day to 1.85% per day.
- The first online loan at 0% up to 15 days.

Age up to 65 years.
- The first loan up to 15,000 rubles at 0%.
- Time from registration of the application to receipt of money - 15 minutes.
- Lack of collateral and guarantor.
- You can repay the loan at any time before the end of the loan term.
- Without coming to the office.

Age: up to 65 years old.
- The amount of the first loan: from 5000 to 8000 rubles.
- Repeated loan: up to 15,000 rubles
- Loan term: from 5 to 25 days.
- Interest rate: from 1.0% per day.

Age: up to 65 years old.
- Interest rate: from 0.63% to 2.17%;
- Loan term: from 7 to 30 days;
- Age: from 18 to 75 years old inclusive;
- Amount: from 2000 to 30000 rubles;
- Required documents: Passport only.
- Proof of income: not required.

Age: up to 70 years old.
- The amount of the first loan: from 2000 to 9000 rubles.
- Repeated loan: up to 12,000 rubles, subsequent loans up to 15,000 rubles
- Loan term: from 7 to 30 days.
- Interest rate: from 1.9% per day.
- Methods of obtaining a loan: online to a bank card

Having studied the information, we choose a bank, in person, by phone or on the website we leave an application for a loan, provide the required information, wait for a decision and, in a good situation, go to the branch of the selected bank at the place of residence.

8 banks providing cash loans to pensioners aged 55 to 85 years.

Bank lending conditions are about the same. Programs for pensioners, promotions, bonuses may differ. Having set out to choose the most-most, we go around several banks. Advertising, not the most unobtrusive, has already conveyed everything attractive about potential creditors. It remains to clarify, verify, accept or reject. It often happens that we return to a rejected financial organization after refusing to provide a loan in the one we have chosen.

7 banks with the best loan rates for pensioners

It is not difficult for any working citizen to choose a loan program from the many offers offered by banks today. There are also programs specifically for retirees. They can be divided into three groups.

The first is pensioners who receive a pension and do not have any valuable property. In this case, they can count on an amount of no more than 30-50 thousand rubles.

The second is elderly people who have expensive property. They may receive bail.

The last one is pensioners who continue to work. This category has more opportunities to get a loan for a large amount. We bring to your attention an overview of the best loans for pensioners.

The program "Pension +" - the offer of Sovcombank

This option is suitable for pensioners who do not have the opportunity to take a loan secured. A potential client must meet the following requirements:

  • Be no older than 84 years old.
  • Have a residence permit in any region where the bank operates.
  • Be able to communicate using a mobile or landline phone.

The minimum rate is 11.9% per annum. If the client agrees to issue a salary or pension through this bank, then the interest may be reduced.

Under such conditions, a pensioner can take 30-350 thousand rubles. for a period of 1-3 years. It also makes sense to issue a program called "Financial Protection", otherwise the interest under the contract will increase to 26.4%.

Vostochny Bank and lending conditions for the elderly

Among the banks that give loans to pensioners, there is the Orient Express. Here, the conclusion of the transaction takes a minimum of time.

For this you need:

  • Provide a passport of a citizen of Russia and a certificate of a pensioner.
  • If you have a positive credit history, it will be easier for a pensioner to get a loan.
  • The decision on the client's application is made immediately, literally in 5 minutes.

The loan is issued under the following conditions:

  1. The amount is from 30 to 99 thousand rubles.
  2. The period is from 13 to 36 months.
  3. The rate is 22.7% per annum in case of cashless payments.
  4. For cash - 39%.

These conditions vary depending on the financial situation of the client. The Bank may request any other documents to help it make a final decision.

Alfa Bank

In this bank, a pensioner can get a loan in two ways:

  1. Consumer credit.
  2. Convenient credit.

On the bank's website, you can familiarize yourself with the terms of a favorable loan for pensioners. They are as follows:

  • The interest rate is 13.99% per annum or more.
  • The bank provides an amount of up to 1 million rubles. for up to 5 years.
  • In case of receiving a large amount, a collateral or guarantor will be required.
  • Without accruing commissions and penalties, the amount can be paid for a long time.
  • The bank provides the Alfa-Mobile application free of charge.
  • The application is considered 1 day or more.

The site has a special calculator where you can calculate the amount of the planned payment online.

Loans for pensioners from Sberbank

Due to the fact that pensioners are classified as a risk group of borrowers, guided by data on average life expectancy in the country, the bank sets an age limit.

To get a loan in this bank, you need to be of age:

  1. Men - 60 to 70 years old
  2. Women - from 55 to 70 years.

The interest rate for such loans ranges from 14 to 18% per annum. If a citizen receives a pension through this bank or keeps his finances in it, then the bank provides him with a one percent discount.

If the client does not need a large amount, it is enough to provide only a pension certificate and a passport of a Russian citizen. This makes it possible to receive up to 50 thousand rubles from the bank.

If a pensioner wants to take a large amount, he must provide security (guarantee of return). Under such conditions, you can borrow up to one and a half million rubles from the bank.

A loan at Sberbank for the elderly is issued for up to 4 years. Payments are made evenly once a month, the amount of each can be calculated online.

How can a pensioner get a loan from VTB?

Considering which bank is better to take a loan to a pensioner, one cannot ignore VTB. The bank offers several specially designed programs that differ both in amount and in interest.

In this case, you need to provide a standard list of documents, the requirements and conditions of insurance are the same for everyone. The interest rate depends on the package of documents provided by the borrower, as well as on the amount of his income.

For older people, the most suitable consumer loans are:

  • "Large" (obtaining such a loan does not require guarantors) - in this case, the interest rate will be 15.5% per year. If the client receives a pension or salary in this bank, then the percentage is reduced to 15%. For 5 years, here you can get the amount of 5 million.
  • "Convenient". This is the most common loan, for which guarantors are also not required, although the maximum amount is not so large - up to 400 thousand rubles at an annual rate of 16 to 22%. You can pay this amount for up to 5 years, as a result of which the monthly payment becomes small.

If a citizen lives in Moscow and the region, he must confirm that he has a permanent income of at least 30 thousand rubles. per month. For other regions, this amount is 20 thousand rubles. If the client receives a pension or salary on a VTB card, he can take a loan on other conditions:

  1. It is enough to have with you only a passport of a citizen of Russia and SNILS. Other documents from the standard package do not need to be presented.
  2. Such clients can receive up to 5 million rubles.

In this bank, only working pensioners will be able to take out a loan, as a mandatory document is a certificate that the employer must certify. Nevertheless, the option is quite profitable due to the presence of specialized programs for people who have gone on a well-deserved rest.

More about the map

  • Term up to 5 years;
  • Loan up to 1,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 11.99%.
Loan from Tinkoff Bank Apply for a loan

More about the map

  • According to the passport, without references;
  • Loan up to 15,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 9.99%.
Loan from Eastern Bank Apply for a loan

More about the map

  • Term up to 20 years;
  • Loan up to 15,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 12%.
Loan from Raiffeisenbank Apply for a loan

More about the map

  • Term up to 10 years;
  • Loan up to 15,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 13%.
Loan from UBRD Bank Apply for a loan

More about the map

  • Solution instantly;
  • Loan up to 200,000 rubles only with a passport;
  • Interest rate from 11%.
Loan from Home Credit Bank. Apply for a loan

More about the map

  • Up to 4 years;
  • Loan up to 850,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 11.9%.
Loan from Sovcombank.

Hello, dear readers of the online magazine "site"! Today we will talk about how and where it is profitable to get a loan for pensioners and which banks give the best loans to non-working pensioners with low interest rates.

After studying the article from beginning to end, you will learn:

  • Can pensioners get a loan at a low interest rate;
  • How to get a loan for a working or non-working pensioner without guarantors;
  • Where can I apply for an online loan for pensioners without refusal.

Also in the article you will find tips that will help increase the chances of positive decision . At the end of the publication, we traditionally answer the most popular questions within the framework of the topic under study.

Read about how to get a loan for a pensioner and where they give out the best (favorable) loans for pensioners in this issue.

Not everyone understands whether a pensioner can get a loan from a bank. Meanwhile, elderly people need funds not less often, and sometimes even more often.

Before proceeding with the study of the features of lending to pensioners, it is worth understanding what categories of older people are usually distinguished. This parameter can have a significant impact on the terms of loans issued.

So, citizens can become pensioners for the following reasons:

  • upon reaching a certain age - for women 55 years, for men 60 years;
  • with a certain length of service, that is, for length of service;
  • in case of loss of a breadwinner;
  • when assigning a disability.

However, the inclusion of a citizen in one of these categories does not prohibit him to get a job. Therefore, most pensioners, in addition to payments from the budget, receive wages. Naturally, the presence of a constant income leads to the fact that there are banks that agree to give them a loan.

It is also of great importance that some citizens become pensioners on a preferential basis . Such individuals are much younger, they are far from the maximum lending age set by banks.

Moreover, lately upper age limit of the borrower raised repeatedly. First of all, banks do this in order to attract the maximum number of customers in the face of fierce competition.

For example, consider the age limit in some popular banks:

  • Sberbank requires that the borrower at the end date of the loan agreement had no more than 75 years;
  • V Sovcombank the maximum age at the time of making the last payment is set at 85 years;
  • In terms of lending Bank Post the maximum age of borrowers differs for men ( 75 years) and women ( 80 years).

Many credit organizations treat pensioners as fairly reliable borrowers who have a small but stable income.

However, not every credit organization wants to cooperate with pensioners. Even in those banks where lending to the elderly is provided, not all programs are usually available to such borrowers, but only certain types.

Thus, getting a loan for pensioners is quite realistic. But it is worth understanding that it's not always easy . If you encounter any difficulties, you can contact credit brokers.

2. What loans are available for pensioners - an overview of 3 popular types

Retirees are usually interested in what type of loan can they get. In general, there are no restrictions on the type of loan, anyone can draw up an agreement of the selected type.

It should be borne in mind that pensioners may be subject to additional restrictions, as well as requirements for obtaining any loans compared to other categories of clients.

We will deal with the most popular types of loans that citizens of this category can apply for.

Type 1. Consumer loan for pensioners

from 9.9%Checkout! Tinkoff the lowest percentage 9,9% Checkout! Sovcombank up to 85 years12% Checkout! UBRD up to 7 years17% Checkout! Home Bank up to 1 million rubles10,9% Checkout!

Unfortunately Alfa Bank, does not issue loans to pensioners under 75 without guarantors

Calculate the monthly payment and overpayment on the loan

Microloan for pensioners

If you need a small amount in a short time, a microloan for pensioners is just what you need!

Company Loan amount Online application
Loan-ExpressUp to 15,000 rubles.Checkout!
without refusalUp to 80,000 rubles.Checkout!
One click moneyUp to 9000 rub.Checkout!
MonezaUp to 10,000 rubles.Checkout!
without refusalup to 30.000 rub.Checkout!
Ezaim without refusalup to 30.000 rub.Checkout!
GreenmoneyUp to 15,000 rubles.Checkout!
WebBankerUp to 15,000 rubles.Checkout!
Up to paycheckUp to 100,000 rubles.Checkout!
eCabbageUp to 30,000 rubles.Checkout!
Loan-ExpressUp to 15,000 rubles.Checkout!


  • Interest rate - from 12% per annum
  • Amount - from 5,000 to 300,000 rubles
  • Term - from 1 to 3 years
  • Age at the time of return - up to 85 years

The best of the banks that issues loans for pensioners with 12% per annum. The age of a pensioner can reach 85 years, a loan is also issued to a pension certificate,. The Bank works with both working and non-working pensioners.

"OTP" Bank

  • Interest rate - from 11.5% per annum
  • Amount - up to 1,000,000 rubles
  • Term - up to 5 years
  • Age at the time of return - up to 65 years

Another profitable bank that issues loans to non-working pensioners in Moscow and other cities of the country. According to the terms of the bank, you must be no more than 65 years old, the loan amount is up to 1,000,000 rubles at 12.5% ​​per annum. When registering, bring your passport and pension certificate with you.

Renaissance Credit

  • Interest rate - from 11.3% per annum
  • Amount - from 30,000 to 700,000 rubles
  • Term - from 2 to 5 years
  • Age at the time of return - up to 70 years

Up to 70 years old, Renaissance Credit Bank will easily give you a decent amount, and on the day you apply. All that remains is to come to the bank branch with two documents (passport, pension certificate) and pick up cash.

Orient Express Bank

  • Interest rate - from 15% per annum
  • Amount - from 25,000 to 500,000 rubles
  • Term - from 1 to 5 years
  • Age at the time of return - up to 76 years

Not a bad choice for those who are over 75 years old. Do not be afraid of high interest, let the overpayment be even higher, but the bank has a high degree of lending.

What documents are needed to get a loan?

As a rule, at the time of application, only a passport and a pension certificate are required. Sometimes they ask for the SNILS number, and in exceptional cases - a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the amount of the pension paid for the last month.

Until what age can you get a cash loan?

Almost all banks set the maximum age of the borrower, and we are always talking about the age at the time of full repayment of the debt. In Sberbank, this bar is at the level of 65 years, in Rosselkhozbank - 75 years, in Sovcombank - 85 years. The only place where there are no age limits is Post Bank.

Where to get money for a pensioner with a bad credit history?

To begin with, it is worth contacting commercial banks with the highest chances of approving the application. Such organizations include Vostochny, Renaissance and Sovcombank. The second way is to get a loan secured by real estate.

Bank Percent Application

It is generally accepted that pensioners in Russia are an insolvent and low-income category of the population, and therefore few banks issue loans for people who are on a well-deserved rest. Interest rates for loans to pensioners are set individually, depending on the credit institution and personal characteristics of the borrower. Traditionally, consumer loans to pensioners are issued without additional collateral, but in some cases, the lender may insure himself and request a guarantee from an individual or a pledge of real estate.

Credit for pensioners

In order for a pensioner to apply for a consumer loan, it is enough to have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a document confirming the appointment of a state pension. To document the amount of the pension, a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is required - the borrower draws it up, as a rule, on his own. Depending on the income received and the size of the current obligations (if any), the bank makes a decision and issues a loan for pensioners with a low interest rate.

Loans for pensioners

Which banks provide loans for pensioners? Among the most loyal banks that issue loans for pensioners the following organizations can be distinguished:

To apply for loans to pensioners, a minimum package of documents is required, so the application is considered as soon as possible.
The presence of guaranteed payments allows banks to set lower interest rates on loans, offer a wide range of lending programs (including mortgage loans, car loans). Traditionally, the lender enters into a loan agreement subject to the conclusion of an insurance agreement.

Loans for non-working pensioners

Loans for non-working pensioners can also be issued in Russian banks. Confirmation of income is a document from the Pension Fund, a certificate in form 2 - personal income tax in this case is not required. However, loans for non-working pensioners are, as a rule, consumer loans in a small amount and for a short period.

Where is the best place to get a profitable cash loan for pensioners? This question arises quite often, because any person, regardless of his age, may urgently need additional financial resources. Many people think that getting a loan after retirement is unrealistic.

However, there are a number of banks where you can get a loan for a pensioner. For older people, they have specially designed loan programs. As a rule, within the framework of such programs, loans are issued for any needs (that is, the bank is not interested in what exactly the client will spend the funds on), repayment periods usually do not exceed five years.

Steps to get a loan for pensioners

Lending to pensioners has no fundamental differences from the standard procedure. The only feature is that there is no need to collect a huge package of documents. It includes the following steps:

  • Choice of financial institution.
  • Application form. In many banks, you can leave an application on the bank's website.
  • Waiting for a response (usually takes from one hour to several days).
  • Preparation and submission of a package of documents.
  • The package of documents is checked by the bank (an organization can spend from 15 minutes to several days on this procedure).
  • Signing of the contract and related documents.
  • Issuance of funds to the use of the borrower.

A number of banks are developing programs under which a consumer loan is issued for retired citizens. At the same time, older people are offered more loyal credit terms than usual. At the same time, of course, banks are very enthusiastic about working pensioners, as well as citizens with a good credit history (its absence, as well as the presence of negative data in it, may give the organization a reason to think about approving the application).

TOP-7 banks in 2019 for a loan to a pensioner

Which banks give loans to pensioners? If such a question arises, it is worth paying close attention to seven financial institutions. They offer to get a loan for the elderly at a low interest rate, while requiring a minimum of documents. Below are banks where you can get a loan for a pensioner, while you can leave an application via the Internet without leaving your home. We recommend filling out an online application. and get a decision in a few minutes.

The most profitable cash loan for pensioners at Sovcombank

Sovcombank offers to receive money on credit to a pensioner under several programs. Within the framework of the "Pension" there are two tariffs:

  1. Credit "Pension +". Under this program, funds can be obtained for a period of 12 to 36 months. A non-working pensioner can count on an amount not exceeding 200 thousand rubles, while a bank can offer a loan of up to 299,999 rubles to a working elderly citizen. The interest rate starts from 12.9%.
  2. The Pension Express + loan is a program that allows you to get a cash loan for small amounts (up to 29,999 rubles) with a short loan term (from six to eighteen months), while the loan rate will be from 13.9% per annum.

In addition, you can borrow money using a standard loan program. Here the rate is more favorable and amounts to 12% per annum.

Sovcombank provides loans to citizens whose maximum age on the date of the final payment does not exceed 85 years.

Preferential loans for pensioners under 75 from Interprombank (Moscow and Moscow region)

In Moscow Interprombank, pensioners living in Moscow and the Moscow region can get a profitable pension loan of up to 1 million rubles at a low interest rate. You can choose the loan term from 6 months to 3 years. This will allow you to choose a comfortable payment for yourself, which could be easily paid from your pension.

Another advantage of a preferential pension loan is that it is issued without any insurance and commissions.

Consumer cash loan to pensioners from the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Also, a loan to a pensioner can be issued by contacting a branch of a large Ural bank UBRD (Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development). Despite the fact that the bank was founded in Yekaterinburg, at the moment the bank has hundreds of branches throughout Russia, including in large cities from Moscow to Vladivostok.

Here you can get borrowed funds in the amount of 20 thousand rubles to 600 thousand rubles, while the repayment period varies from one to seven years. The interest rate on the loan is set on an individual basis and is set from 15% per annum. This organization limits the age of potential borrowers to 75 years.

Cash loan for non-working pensioners at Renaissance Credit

Sometimes you need money urgently. Citizens whose age has not reached 70 years (in all cases, this refers to the age at the time of the final repayment of the loan) can choose Renaissance Credit as a lender, which offers a special program for them called "Pensioners". Here, for a period of 1 to 5 years, you can borrow up to 200 thousand rubles. The average interest rate, which can range from 11.9% to 26.9%, makes this program quite attractive.

Online loan to a pensioner without guarantors from Tinkoff Bank

Also, a pensioner who has an urgent need for money may pay attention to the offer of Tinkoff Bank. An online application for a cash loan at this credit institution allows you to receive up to half a million rubles, while you can pay within 3 to 36 months.

Tinkoff usually lends to its clients without the requirement to collect references and without guarantors. At the same time, the registration is very convenient - everyone can apply via the Internet. In this case, you can save time and effort without leaving the office. You also don't have to sit in long lines. If desired, a debit card with money will be brought directly to the pensioner's home.

Lending to pensioners without collateral and guarantors up to 750 thousand in OTP Bank

Describing banks that give loans to pensioners without guarantors and collateral, one cannot ignore OTP-Bank. It also lends to older people, offering them special loan programs. Here, a pensioner can be provided with an amount of up to 1 million rubles for a period of 1 to 5 years. The interest rate of 11.5% makes this loan one of the cheapest options considered.

Favorable loan conditions for the elderly at Post Bank

Post Bank also does not refuse to see retired citizens as its borrowers. It also applies to companies where it is more profitable to take a loan for a pensioner. This organization was created quite recently - in 2016, but has already managed to develop and offer pensioners a loan product called "Preferential".

Men under the age of 75, as well as women, can get a loan on favorable terms at the Post Bank branch - for them the maximum age is limited to 80 years. The maximum amount that can be borrowed from this bank does not exceed 150,000 rubles, and loan terms vary from 12 to 36 months. The interest rate starts from 14.9% and can go up to 29.6%.

Credit to pensioners in Rosselkhozbank on favorable terms

Perhaps one of the most loyal conditions among the programs under consideration is offered by Rosselkhozbank. Here they offer a loan at a low rate, which does not exceed 19% per annum. Moreover, if the client receives a pension on the card of this organization, then he can expect to receive money at a rate of up to 15.5%. Under such remuneration, the bank offers amounts up to half a million rubles, and the repayment period is limited to seven years. Pensioners under the age of 75 can count on such a loan.

Basic requirements for pensioners

For almost all of their borrowers, the best banks for a loan to a pensioner present a standard list of requirements. In the case of pensioners, there will also be no fundamental differences.

Turning to any bank, you will need to have citizenship and registration. Also, the decision of the bank will be influenced by credit history. In the case of older people, you should pay attention to the age limit - it can vary greatly in different financial institutions. For example, some banks may refuse to issue a loan to a citizen whose age has exceeded 65 years, and somewhere they will gladly issue a loan to an eighty-year-old pensioner.

When looking for options where to get a loan for a pensioner, you should remember that there is one difference from traditional schemes. The only additional requirement that banks sometimes (but not always) impose on their elderly borrowers is that in addition to a passport and TIN, you may need to provide a certificate from the Pension Fund or a pension certificate. As a rule, there are no problems with these documents.

Thus, contrary to popular belief, it is quite realistic to take a loan to a non-working pensioner, as well as to those who continue to work, in our country. The main thing is to choose the right credit institution.