What deposits are not insured? How does the bank deposit insurance system work? Which banks are insured by the state?

  • 18.06.2020

What deposits are insured by the state

Many people are interested in whether the deposits of individuals are insured, including deposits in foreign currency, as well as money on debit (salary) cards. Don't worry - we're insured.

If the bank is a participant in the deposit insurance system, then the funds of individuals, regardless of citizenship, located in deposits and accounts with the bank are subject to insurance, including:

  • - time deposits and demand deposits, including foreign currency;
  • - current accounts, including those used for payments using bank (plastic) cards, for receiving salaries, pensions or scholarships;
  • - funds in the accounts of individual entrepreneurs (for insured events occurring after 01/01/2014);
  • - funds in nominal accounts of guardians/trustees, the beneficiaries of which are the wards;
  • - funds in escrow accounts for settlements on real estate purchase and sale transactions for the period of their state registration(for insured events occurring after 04/01/2015).

Please note that not only the amount of money contributed to the deposit is insured, but also the accrued interest. They are calculated in proportion to the actual term of the deposit until the date of insured event.


Some institutions disguise themselves as banks, offering high interest rates and keeping silent about the lack of appropriate guarantees! You can check whether an institution is included in the deposit insurance system on the websites of the Bank of Russia (www.cbr.ru) and the DIA (www.asv.org.ru), as well as via free hotline DIA 8-800-200-08-05.

See also:

- deposit rates for individuals in Rosselkhozbank >>

What bank deposits are not insured by the state?

Not all the money you entrusted to the bank is insured by the state and will be returned to you by the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) if the bank loses its license and goes bust. The following are not covered by the deposit insurance system:

  • - deposits certified savings certificate bearer or bearer passbook;
  • - funds in the accounts of individual entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity, if the accounts are opened in connection with professional activity(for insured events that occurred before 01/01/2014);
  • - funds in the accounts of lawyers and notaries, if the accounts are opened in connection with professional activities;
  • - deposits in branches of Russian banks located abroad;
  • - funds transferred to banks in trust management;
  • - funds placed on impersonal metal accounts;
  • - funds transferred to so-called “electronic wallets” (electronic money).

Are funds placed in microfinance organizations insured by the Agency?

The funds of citizens deposited in microfinance organizations (MFOs) are subject to the Federal Law “On Insurance of Deposits in Banks” Russian Federation» does not apply. MFOs are not banks and are not part of the system compulsory insurance deposits.

Are individual entrepreneurs' deposits insured in banks?

For a long time, deposits of individual entrepreneurs, who are individuals, were not insured by the state, like deposits of legal entities. But several years ago this case was eliminated. Currently, funds in the bank accounts of individual entrepreneurs are insured (for insured events occurring after 01/01/2014).

See also:

- what deposit rates are Binbank giving today >>

- interest rates on deposits in Post Bank >>

How much are deposits insured in 2019?

If the insured event occurred after December 29, 2014, maximum amount compensation for deposits is 1,400,000 rubles. It is up to this amount that deposits of individuals in Russian banks are insured today.

If the insured event occurred from October 2, 2008 to December 29, 2014, then the maximum amount of compensation for deposits is 700 thousand rubles.

For insured events occurring from March 25, 2007 to October 1, 2008, the maximum amount insurance compensation is 400 thousand rubles;

If the insured event occurred from August 9, 2006 to March 25, 2007 - 190 thousand rubles;

IMPORTANT! Separate insurance compensation, maximum size which is up to 10 million rubles, paid:

By escrow account, open for settlements under a real estate purchase and sale transaction;

In an escrow account opened for settlements under an agreement for participation in shared construction.

By the way!

The Central Bank of Russia and the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) have prepared a bill to compensate depositors of collapsed banks up to 10 million rubles. in special situations, for example when receiving an inheritance. The head of the DIA, Yuri Isaev, spoke about this.

We are talking about cases of high balances in a bank account “due to special life circumstances,” Isaev clarified. Special situations may be associated with the temporary receipt of money from the sale of residential real estate, inheritance, social payments and benefits.

Deposit insurance in 2019: questions and answers

How is the compensation amount calculated if the deposit is placed in foreign currency?

If the deposit is placed in a foreign currency, the amount of compensation is calculated in rubles at the exchange rate established by the Bank Russia on the day of the insured event.

What amount of compensation will the spouses receive if each of them has deposits in the same bank?

If an insured event occurs, each spouse will independently receive compensation for deposits in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of his deposits in the bank, but not more than the maximum amount of insurance compensation established by law.

What amount will a depositor receive if he has deposits in different branches (branches) of the same bank?

Deposits in different branches (branches) of the same bank are deposits in the same bank. Therefore they are subject to general rule calculation of the amount of compensation: 100 percent of the amount of all deposits in the bank, but not more than the maximum amount of insurance compensation established by law.

January 2019

One of the most popular ways to save accumulated savings now is to open a bank deposit. But in order for the level of trust among the client base to be high, the state and banks must apply certain mechanisms for the protection and safety of deposit funds. One of these mechanisms is the insurance system. bank deposits. The article will talk about its principle of operation and the main important features.

What is the bank deposit insurance system?

The bank deposit insurance system (abbreviation “CDI”) refers to a certain protective mechanism, the result of which is the insurance of deposits by the state. It is the CER that maintains the stability of financial institutions and high level citizens' trust.

This system has been operating since 2004 after the entry into force of Federal Law No. 177 (more details about this law can be found at the link). Its work is regulated by a specialized state corporation - the Deposit Insurance Agency (abbreviation “DIA”).

The principle of operation of the entire deposit protection system can be briefly described as follows: if a banking organization loses its license or declares bankruptcy, the state compensates the individual. individuals and individual entrepreneurs the amount of deposit funds in an amount not exceeding 1.4 million rubles. - this is the maximum amount that can be returned in case of an insured event. It will be very difficult to return more than this amount.

What is DIA?

The Deposit Insurance Agency began its work in January 2004. It was created for the purpose of regulating CERs.

The main functions of the DIA are:

  • making payments of compensation to depositors on deposits in case of insured events;
  • maintaining a register of participating banks of the CER;
  • controlling the formation of a deposit insurance fund;
  • fund management.

As of February 20, 2018, the number of financial institutions participating in the deposit protection program was 778 units, and the number of recorded insured events was 431 (as of March 5, 2018).

How does deposit insurance work for individuals?

The SSV now applies only to individuals (individual entrepreneurs are also included in their number). Its operation scheme is similar to the principle of classical insurance. Only the insurer here is not a citizen, but financial structure.

Credit organizations make contributions to the DIA in the amount of a certain percentage of the funds raised. In this way, an insurance fund is formed, from the funds of which compensation is subsequently paid to deposit owners.

The client who opens the deposit automatically becomes a participant in the bank deposit insurance program for individuals - there is no need to enter into any special agreements. If a situation arises that is insured, the client submits a request for a refund and receives the deposit amount insured by the state.

Now regarding insurance cases. There are only two of them:

  1. The financial organization's license was revoked.
  2. Central Bank The Russian Federation has imposed a moratorium on satisfying the claims of bank creditors. This can happen when a banking organization is behind in payments to its creditors.

Up to what amount are bank deposits insured?

So, what amount is insured in banks for deposits? The upper limit of this amount in 2018 is 1.4 million rubles. For example, from 2004 to 2006 this figure was equal to 100,000 rubles.

It follows from this that funds exceeding this amount should not be kept in one bank. You can return more than 1.4 million rubles, but this cannot be guaranteed 100%. First, the client will receive the maximum allowable amount, and will have to stand in line to return the remaining funds. And when the assets of the bankrupt bank are sold off, it will be possible to receive the rest of the amount. I must say that in this case the wait will be very long.

Are deposits of legal entities insured in banks?

Currently, the deposits of legal entities are not covered by the CER program. For now, the Bank of Russia has postponed this possibility until at least 2019-2020.

What options do organizations have in this situation? There are two main options here:

  1. It is theoretically possible to return your own funds to a legal entity. At the time of an insured event, a company representative will need to draw up and submit a legal claim containing a request for the return of funds from the account. But the wait for funds can be significantly delayed, since individuals receive payments first, then individual entrepreneurs, and legal entities- at the very last moment. You may not even wait for compensation, since the law does not regulate mandatory protection of deposits for legal entities.
  2. Voluntarily insure your funds. Nowadays, many insurance companies provide this service.

How many deposits can you open in one bank?

The number of deposits that can be opened in one bank is not limited in any way. There could be at least ten of them, at least a hundred. Another question is the advisability of a large number open deposits in one financial institution.

If the client plans to have several deposits in one bank (for example, one long-term, the other short-term), it will be necessary to take into account the maximum amount of the insured amount for deposits in banks. It follows from this that the amount of funds invested at interest for all active deposits in a certain financial organization must be equal to or less than 1,400,000 rubles. Then when recalling banking organization license, as well as in case of bankruptcy, the client will receive the entire insured amount.

If you want to open several large deposits, it is better to do this in different banking organizations. If, of course, you plan to pay over 1.4 million rubles at interest.

Insurance of foreign currency deposits

Foreign exchange bank deposits CERs are also protected, like ruble ones. In case of bankruptcy credit organization DIA will produce compensation payments For foreign currency deposit in ruble equivalent at the rate that was set by the Bank of Russia during the period of occurrence of the insurance situation.

A small example for clarity: a person made a foreign currency deposit in the amount of 15 thousand dollars at a time when its exchange rate was 30 rubles per dollar. We calculate the ruble equivalent of such a deposit: 15,000 × 30 = 450 thousand rubles. After some time, the financial structure in which the deposit was made declares bankruptcy. The dollar to ruble exchange rate at this moment is 40 rubles per dollar. From here we get the amount of insurance compensation in rubles: 15,000 × 40 = 600 thousand rubles.

Regarding the maximum amount paid under foreign currency deposit, then it will be equal to the equivalent of 1.4 million rubles. It is important to remember here that the calculation will be made at the exchange rate at the time the insurance situation occurs, and not at the time the deposit is made.

List of banks included in the deposit insurance system

The list of ten most popular banks participating in the deposit insurance system includes the following financial structures:

  1. Sberbank
  2. Gazprombank
  3. Rosselkhozbank
  4. Alfa-Bank
  5. Promsvyazbank
  6. Binbank
  7. Rosbank
  8. RaiffeisenBank
  9. Sovcombank

A complete list of banks that insure deposits of individuals can be found at the link.

Those wishing to make a deposit in any banking institution will find the following simple recommendations useful:

  1. The most important thing when opening a bank deposit is to carefully select and evaluate the financial institution where the funds will be transferred at interest. Be sure to choose only reliable and trusted banks that have large assets of their own. You also need to make sure that the selected credit institution is included in the register of insured banks for deposits (it is important to be sure to look for current data at the moment). As a rule, all major financial institutions are participants in the CER. You should not open a deposit in a little-known organization that offers more high percentage, since there is a risk of losing own funds will be very big.
  2. You should not open a deposit of more than 1.4 million rubles. in one banking organization. If you want to invest a large amount, then the best solution would be to divide the entire budget into several parts and open several deposits in different financial institutions. For example, you need to invest 2 million rubles at interest. It would be better to open two deposits of 1 million each in two different banks.
  3. If the deposit was opened through the online application of a credit institution, you will need to obtain a statement from this institution confirming the placement of the amount in the account. The client must have a written contract.
  4. In case of replenishment of the deposit, it is important to request receipts from the bank employee cash orders, containing information about the account number and currency.

Video on the topic

Many Russian residents have entrusted their money to banks. Depositing in a bank or keeping money in a savings account is one of the most popular options for storing money among Russians. It is important to know how much money will be returned in the event of a bank bankruptcy. This will help to keep the correct amounts in bank accounts - that is, amounts that can definitely be returned when the license is revoked.

You also need to know which tools are best to use for storing money in a bank. For example, deposits are returned, but the return of funds on impersonal metal accounts is not provided for by law

If you want to know how much money you will get back, we recommend taking a simple test
The latest recent cases of revocation of the license of Smolensk Bank, Masterbank, reorganization of PSB, B&N Bank say that this information is quite relevant.

Why are several deposits in one bank dangerous?

If you have in one bank several deposits for more than 1,400 thousand rubles, you will receive maximum 1400 thousand rubles.
Deposits up to 1,400,000 rubles are insured by the state - this true statement. But there is one caveat.

The total amount of deposits up to 1,400 thousand rubles in one bank is insured by the state. Those. if you made 10 deposits worth 1,400 thousand rubles in one bank and they are insured, then you will receive a maximum of 1,400 thousand rubles. This rule also applies to bank branches. Those. bank name is one bank. It doesn’t matter in which branches you made your deposits. The maximum you will receive is 1,400 thousand rubles.
Everything is spelled out in more detail in the law:

A few more nuances

  • I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the currency of insurance compensation is always rubles. It doesn’t matter in what currency your deposit was opened. The transfer of currency into the deposit occurs at the Central Bank exchange rate on the day the license is revoked.
  • Funds on debit cards are protected. If you had a salary or debit card, and the bank’s license has been revoked, then the money will be refunded to you. The money on the card is a deposit and is covered by deposit insurance.
  • The funds of individual entrepreneurs are protected on an equal basis with the funds of individuals. They are subject to the same refund rules.

Will interest on deposits be returned if the amount is more than 1,400,000?

We all put money in the bank for interest, to save money from inflation and in the hope of increasing it.
By law, the deposit amount + accrued and capitalized funds are insured. Those. As soon as the bank’s license is revoked, then from that day on the accrual of interest stops.

You receive money from the day the deposit starts until the day the license is revoked. You can calculate your compensation amount for a deposit with capitalization using. You just need to indicate the end date of the contribution = the date of license revocation.

In this regard, everything is simple and clear. If the deposit amount plus interest is more than 1,400,000, then you will receive a maximum of 1,400,000. The rest can only be returned through bankruptcy and the sale of the bank’s property. The bankruptcy procedure is not quick and can take months or years.

For what funds will you not receive a refund?

The Deposit Insurance Agency clearly determines which funds are not subject to insurance.
If your license is revoked, you will only be able to return this money on a first-come, first-served basis.

  1. Funds in current accounts of legal entities
  2. Bearer deposits confirmed by a bearer passbook certificate are not insured;
  3. Funds transferred to trust management are not insured.
  4. If your bank has a branch abroad, then your funds are not insured.
  5. All electronic money (This applies to WebMoney, Yandex money, etc.)
  6. Funds in metal accounts
  7. Funds with bonus program, if there were any.

Procedure for payment of deposit insurance

Many people rush to the bank after their license is revoked, demanding their money back. Panic, storming bank offices - they will not lead to anything good. Your task is to wait and be aware of events.
The storming of the bank will result in nothing. There is no more money in the bank.

You need to wait at least 7 days. It is during this time that the DIA publishes a message in the press about which bank will pay the insurance premium
Payment of insurance compensation is made by the agent bank. This special bank, to which the DIA transfers the insurance.

It must have many branches and must be prepared for the influx of visitors. There is no need to rush to collect your money on the first day or stand in lines. You need to be calm - you can write an application within 2 years after the bank’s license is revoked

After a few days we just go and write a statement. Don't forget to take your passport with you. Money can be received on the day of application. If you do not agree with the amount of compensation, you will need to provide additional documents to the DIA.

Where to invest after receiving insurance money?

Your money must work. Although there is a second option - buy something. This could be a new car, perhaps a down payment on a mortgage for an apartment. Think about it. These days are turbulent, but real estate has been and remains one of the most profitable investments of your money.

What will happen next to the bank?

In addition to obligations to depositors, a bank usually has property and creditors. All other persons who have monetary claims against the bank stand in a “queue”. The bank's assets are being sold. The funds received are returned to the creditors.
But here the question arises: will there be enough funds for everyone after the sale of the property? The sale of property is carried out by DIA. It is in the interests of all other depositors and creditors to achieve the sale of bank property at a fair price.

If you want to open a deposit in a financial institution, you must request information about deposit insurance. Almost all banks licensed to carry out this activity insure their obligations to return the deposit to the depositor.

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In case of liquidation or reorganization of the company, the invested funds will be given to the owner.

Deposit insurance concept

Deposit insurance is a system that allows individuals to receive invested funds even if a financial institution is liquidated. The Central Bank obliged all credit institutions to join this system and pay a fee.

Every year, banks pay a fee for funds raised to a special fund, where they accumulate and then pay out the money to the depositor.

The concept originated in the United States of America during the repression in 1933. Then the payment was limited to 5 thousand dollars. Then the state increased it to 100 thousand dollars. Now in America the insurance fund pays out 250 thousand dollars.

Russia introduced such a concept a little over a decade ago. The Central Bank obliged financial institutions to insure their risks to all depositors.

At first, this action was not approved by banking sector experts. The bank limited the return to 700 thousand. Then it was enlarged. Now deposits are insured in the amount of 1,400,000 rubles.

Procedure for receiving insurance payments

Many citizens, having heard that their credit institution leaves the financial market, rushes to the branch demanding a return of the invested funds. The excitement does not lead to anything good, since at this time the bank is trying to implement a recovery policy.

The correct action in this situation is to wait and check the information on special sites. Knowing the course of events, a person will be able to contact the bank at the right time and receive his funds.

The minimum waiting time is a week. This is the time it takes for the DIA to publish in the press the name of the bank that will pay the insurance. The payment takes place at a branch of a third-party financial institution-agent. This is the reserve bank to which insurance funds are transferred.

The bank must have many branches, which will allow it to cope with the influx of people. You should not contact immediately after receiving information. We need to wait until the influx of people subsides. An individual has the right to request the amount within two years from the date of revocation of the bank’s license.

With a passport, an individual goes to a credit institution and writes a corresponding application. Money can be received on the day of application. If the amount issued does not satisfy the client’s requirements, then he must provide supporting documents to the DIA.

State-insured deposits

All deposits are insured for a specific amount. But not all money invested in the bank will have insurance.

If the bank is a participant in deposit insurance, then all funds of individuals, regardless of citizenship and method of investment, will receive compensation for the deposit. Even if the deposit was opened in foreign currency.

Subject to insurance:

  1. time and demand deposits, including foreign currency deposits;
  2. current accounts, including bank cards;
  3. money in the individual entrepreneur's account;
  4. money in the nominal account of the guardian, beneficiary;
  5. in escrow accounts for transfer cash to the real estate seller during the registration period.

What deposits are not insured?

Government-insured deposits always pay out to depositors. But not all investments fit this rule.

The following deposits are not covered by insurance:

  1. bearer savings certificates;
  2. on accounts of individuals without opening an individual entrepreneur;
  3. on the account of a lawyer and a notary;
  4. deposits abroad;
  5. money transferred financial institution in trust management;
  6. impersonal metal accounts;
  7. money on electronic wallets.

Which institutions insure risks?

So which banks issue insurance amount upon liquidation? Before making your deposit, you need to check the information about the availability of deposit insurance. This information is posted on the official website of each credit institution and on the website of the insurer.

All banks paying such fees offer to invest money at a small interest rate. Other organizations offering to open an account with a cost of over 14 percent per annum deceive citizens by not paying the insurance premium.

If such an organization is liquidated, the individual will not receive the invested funds.

On at the moment attractive offers of time deposits from banks:

Video: What you need to know

With replenishment

Insurance covers not only time deposits. Having additional conditions in the form of replenishment, a person can get much more profit, even though the interest rate is slightly lower.

This type is offered by the following financial institutions:

Partial withdrawal

Without sufficient funds, each person can place savings without fear of losing interest on withdrawal.

Such offers are rare financial market. Accompanied by decreased interest rate, since the bank carries great risks of losing funds already invested in investment instruments.

The following banks offer this type of deposit with an insurance part:

Interest insurance payment

All individuals, when investing their savings, want to make a profit. But if a credit institution is declared bankrupt, then people wonder about returning the amount for interest.

According to the legislation to which it is subject banking sector, the investment amount and interest accrued during the storage period are insured. From the date of liquidation or deprivation of the license, interest on the deposit ceases to accrue.

Money to receive is the principal amount of the investment + interest until the day the license is revoked. You can calculate the final amount using a special calculator on the website of the insurance company or bank.

If the investment amount is more than 1.4 million rubles

If the amount is more than specified, then getting the remaining amount will be problematic. A person receives 1.4 million rubles from an agent bank. Everything else is presented in judicial procedure.

In addition to obligations to citizens who have invested funds, a banking organization has a responsibility to creditors. Other persons who have claims on the financial institution stand in line. All property is sold at auction. Then, the money received is returned to the creditors.

If there are enough funds, then the money is returned to investors who invested more than established limit. The sale of capital is carried out by the Deposit Insurance Agency. It is in the interests of the investor and the lender to achieve a sale at an inflated price.

During the bankruptcy procedure, a committee of creditors is formed in court. There are investors there. In fact, the court defines them as creditors. This committee monitors the work of the DIA and ensures proper implementation. The company is elected based on the results of a vote of creditors.

Return Features

The current list of financial institutions participating in the CER can be found on the website of the State Insurance Corporation.

If a person has deposits in several banks, and the license of both is revoked at once, then he turns to the agents of each.

What law regulates the procedure for paying insurance compensation?

The procedure for paying insurance compensation is regulated by No. 177-FZ “On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation” dated December 23, 2003

At which Sberbank office can I receive refunds on deposits??

You can receive compensation for deposits or accounts at any authorized Sberbank office listed in the list of banks for which Sberbank pays compensation. Sberbank makes payments to both individuals and individual entrepreneurs. The list can be viewed on this page.

Detailed information can be found:

  • by phone 900;
  • by calling the Deposit Insurance Agency: 8-800-200-08-05.

In what currency is the refund paid?

Payment of compensation for deposits is made in rubles.

At what rate are deposits in foreign currency converted?

Deposits and accounts in foreign currency are converted into rubles at the exchange rate at the time of license revocation or suspension of your bank.

Can a depositor, a foreign citizen, receive insurance compensation for deposits?

Yes, it can. Compensation is paid regardless of the depositor's citizenship.

Can an individual entrepreneur receive insurance compensation for accounts or deposits??

Yes, it can. According to 177-FZ “On Insurance of Deposits of Individuals”, the depositor receives compensation in cash or via wire transfer. If:

  • the individual entrepreneur has not lost his status, the money is transferred to his current account in the DIA participating bank;
  • the depositor has ceased to be an individual entrepreneur, the amount is transferred in cash or to any other account in a DIA participating bank;
  • the entrepreneur declared bankruptcy proceedings - to the debtor's account used in open bankruptcy proceedings, to an account opened on his behalf by the bankruptcy trustee, or to a court deposit account.

For all deposits and accounts, an amount of no more than 1.4 million rubles is paid. Instead of an individual entrepreneur, the following may receive compensation:

  • the investor or his representative by proxy, including when the state registration of an individual entrepreneur is canceled;
  • representative of the investor-debtor in the event of bankruptcy of the investor;
  • the investor's heir, the executor of the investor's will and their authorized persons;
  • legal representative of the investor in the event of restriction of entrepreneurial legal capacity, recognition of a citizen as incompetent, or restriction of a citizen’s legal capacity.

What amount will be paid individual entrepreneur, if he had a deposit in the amount of 800 thousand rubles and a current account for entrepreneurial activity with a balance of 900 thousand rubles?

The maximum amount of compensation for all deposits and accounts should be 1.4 million rubles. If the total of all invoices exceeds this amount, then compensation is paid in proportion to the size of each invoice.

In what form is compensation paid for deposits of individuals?

Compensation is paid at your choice: in cash or by transfer to an account in a specified bank that is a participant in the deposit insurance system.

What fees does Sberbank charge for paying compensation, issuing an extract from the register or a certificate?

Sberbank does not charge a commission for paying compensation and issuing certificates.

Is it possible to transfer the refund amount to an account with another credit institution?

Yes, you can. To do this, in the application for payment of compensation, you must indicate the details of the bank participating in the deposit insurance system and the details of the recipient.

Is it possible to transfer the amount of compensation to the deposit or account of another individual?

At the request of a private client or his representative, as well as an heir or his representative, the amount of compensation can be transferred to the deposit or account of another individual. To do this, in the application for payment of compensation you must indicate the details of the credit institution, account number and full name of another individual.

What commission does Sberbank charge for transferring the compensation amount to the account of the recipient or another person, the account of an individual entrepreneur in another bank or commercial organization?

The translation is free of charge.

What documents must be provided by an individual entrepreneur to receive compensation?

To receive compensation, an individual entrepreneur needs these documents:

  • passport;
  • entry sheet in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (information);
  • TIN (information);
  • client information and attachments thereto (based on the sample posted on the website PJSC Sberbank: www.site, section “Small businesses and individual entrepreneurs” → “ Banking services» → « Cash services legal entities and individual entrepreneurs" "Other documents for opening and maintaining a bank account" → "Identification of a client - an individual entrepreneur for the purposes of 115-FZ").

If you have lost your individual entrepreneur status, take a document that confirms this.

How do I get a refund if I can't come to the office?

You may receive a refund instead confidant. To do this, he needs to come to the bank office with his passport and a power of attorney certified by a notary. You can download a power of attorney in the bank form.

A representative of an individual entrepreneur must additionally take:

  • documents confirming the applicant's rights: originals of a court decision, will, notary certificate or their notarized copies;
  • a questionnaire if the heir of the individual entrepreneur or his representative is a private person.

The deposit was opened for a child under 14 years of age. Who can receive insurance compensation?

Insurance compensation can be received by any of the child’s parents upon presentation of:

Your identification document;

The original birth certificate of the child or a notarized copy of the certificate.

The deposit was opened for a child aged 14 to 18 years. Who can receive insurance compensation?

A child can receive insurance compensation upon presentation of:

A document proving his identity;

Notarized written consent of legal representatives (parents, adoptive parents, guardian) for the minor to independently submit such a request.

Parents will need:


The original birth certificate of the child or a notarized copy of the certificate;

The child's original passport or a notarized copy of the child's passport.

Where can I get a claim form for compensation?

The application can be filled out at the bank office or downloaded from the Deposit Insurance Agency website.

What deposits are not insured?

Not insured:

  • money in bank accounts or deposits of lawyers, notaries and other persons, if such accounts are open for the intended purpose federal law professional activities;
  • bearer bank deposits placed by private clients, including those with a savings certificate or savings book;
  • accounts transferred to trust management by private clients;
  • deposits in foreign branches of Russian banks;
  • electronic money;
  • nominal, collateral and escrow accounts, with the exception of those opened by guardians or trustees for their beneficiaries or wards, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

The Sberbank office refused to pay a refund due to the lack of information about me in the register. What to do?

You need to provide account statements, orders, payment orders, confirming the existence of an account, to the Sberbank office where payments occur, and sign a statement of disagreement.

You can do it yourself

Is interest on the deposit insured?

All interest on the deposit accrued on the date of license revocation is added to the principal amount of the deposit and is included in the calculation of insurance compensation, unless otherwise provided by the terms of the agreement with your bank.

Why is not the entire amount paid, but only some part?

The maximum amount of reimbursement for invoices is 1.4 million rubles. However, when calculating compensation, the amounts of the bank's counterclaims to the depositor are deducted from the total amount of the accounts.

For example, if the amount of balances on deposits (accounts) is equal to 600 thousand rubles, and the loan debt / credit card is equal to 300 thousand rubles, then the insurance compensation is calculated as the difference between these amounts: 600,000 – 300,000 = 300,000 (rubles).

I had bills in the amount of 2 million rubles, why was only 1.4 million rubles paid? What to do?

The maximum amount of reimbursement for invoices is 1.4 million rubles. The remaining part of the funds - 600 thousand rubles - is repaid by your bank during liquidation procedures. To do this, the bank fills out the appropriate section of the payment application.

There is no need to confirm that the amount exceeds 1.4 million rubles, with the exception of heirs and their representatives, who themselves submit to the Agency originals or copies of documents confirming the validity of the claims.

You have the right to independently submit a claim from the creditor to the temporary administration of the bank with which the insured event occurred. Information about the address of the temporary administration can be obtained on the official website of the State Corporation “Deposit Insurance Agency” in the “Liquidation of Banks” section or by calling the DIA hotline (8-800-200-08-05).

What should I do if I do not agree with the refund amount?

You need to provide account statements, orders, payment orders confirming your requirements to the Sberbank office where payments occur, and sign a statement of disagreement.

You can independently write a statement of disagreement and submit it to the address of the State Corporation “Deposit Insurance Agency” (109240, Moscow, Vysotskogo, 4), with an attachment additional documents, confirming the validity of the requirements.

What amount will I receive if I have deposits in different bank branches,with whom the insured event occurred?

The general calculation rule applies to deposits in different branches: the full amount of all deposits in the bank is reimbursed, not exceeding 1.4 million rubles.

What amount of compensation will the husband and wife receive if each of them has deposits inbank,in respect of which the insured event occurred?

If an insured event occurs, each spouse will independently receive compensation for deposits in the amount of 100% of the amount of his deposits in the bank, if their amount does not exceed 1.4 million rubles.

I had bank card, attached to the account of the husband or wife. How are deposit refunds calculated?

Reimbursement for deposits will be paid only to the account owner, that is, the husband or wife.

Can the investor's heirs or representatives of the heir receive insurance compensation and in what amount?

Heirs or representatives can apply for reimbursement of deposits. To receive a refund, take your passport and certificate of inheritance with you.

What amount will be paid to the heir if the extract from the register indicates an account that does not correspond to the account number indicated in the certificate of inheritance?

If several heirs of the investor apply for the amount of insurance compensation, what share will each heir get?

The payment is made in accordance with the amount according to the register for the shares indicated in the inheritance documents, without analyzing the account numbers.

How can the investor's heir receive a deposit amount exceeding 1.4 million rubles?

The maximum amount of reimbursement for invoices is 1.4 million rubles. Part of the amount exceeding 1.4 million rubles is repaid by the bank with which the insured event occurred during liquidation procedures.

To do this, the heir or the heir’s representative must independently, without the participation of the bank, send the completed “Creditor’s Claim Form” to the Agency at the address: 109240, Moscow, Vysotskogo, 4.

Please attach to the letter originals or notarized copies of documents confirming that the amount of deposits exceeded 1.4 million rubles.

How can a depositor, including an individual entrepreneur, repay a debt on a bank loan?with whom the insured event occurred?

You can read about the repayment of a loan from a bank with which an insured event occurred on the Deposit Insurance Agency website in the “Liquidation” section or by calling the DIA: 8 800 200-08-05.

If arbitration court the bank has not been declared bankrupt, you can find out about loan repayment from the temporary administration of the bank.