What are the bills of US dollars? What do dollars look like and who is depicted in dollars? Degrees of protection of Euro notes, external signs.

  • 04.12.2019

3. Advantages and disadvantages; - paper money, - barter, credit money

The development of economic relations between people has led to the objective need for the appearance of money. Money in its history took the most diverse and unusual forms. With the advent of the monetary form of value, the entire commodity world was divided into two poles - goods and money. Each of ordinary goods directly acts only as use value; value is hidden in the goods and is detected only by equating them with the universal equivalent - money. Money, in contrast to other goods, acts as a universal and direct embodiment of value. Money is a special kind of goods that acts as a universal equivalent

Historically, the first paper money began to be printed in China (since, in principle, paper was invented there). They are mentioned by the famous traveler Marco Polo, who visited Beijing in 1286. Paper money simply struck his imagination: “... you can tell about the great khan - he knows alchemy quite ... Such a lot of this money is made by his order that you can buy all the wealth in the world with it. All his subjects everywhere, I tell you, willingly take these papers for payment, because wherever they go, they pay for them with pieces of paper - for goods, for pearls, for precious stones, for gold and silver: everyone can buy pieces of paper and pay for everything with them ... ".

With the increase and development of commodity circulation, more money was required. The minted coins had a number of drawbacks: the long and laborious process of minting, the inconvenience of handling, and the difficulty of transportation. In such circumstances, the idea of \u200b\u200ba release paper moneythat have clear advantages. With the development of paper money began to represent banknotes endowed with a state of compulsory par.

There are two types of paper currency: government issued by the treasury (treasury tickets) and banks (bank notes or bank notes). Treasury bills are called simply paper money, unlike banknotes, which by their nature are credit money. Historically, paper money originated before credit. Banknotes appear with the development of credit relations.

Expansion of commercial and bank loan in an economy in a situation where commodity relations have become comprehensive, has led to the fact that credit money, which belongs to the highest sphere of the socio-economic process and is governed by completely different laws, is becoming a universal commodity. Credit money went through the following evolution: bill, banknote, bank deposits, check, electronic money, plastic cards.

In recent years, barter operations have become an important component of economic life. Barter, that is, bilateral exchange of goods, allows you to promote your goods and acquire others without attracting money. Each of the parties to the barter transaction acts both as a seller and as a buyer. The main reason for the barter transaction is currency problems (lack of convertible currency, its instability, etc.). The aggravation of the problem of international currency liquidity increases the weight of the barter transaction in international trade. In modern conditions, barter transactions are carried out mainly in foreign trade (especially with currency restrictions).

Paper money

Credit money

Easy to handle

Easy to carry, store;

Engraving makes the value of money easily distinguishable;

Low manufacturing costs

Abstractness (no specific type of transaction specified);

Indisputability ( obligatory payment debt);

Circulation (transfer of a bill of exchange as a means of payment);

The advantage of credit cards is the availability of various bonuses for its holder;

Upon receipt of a credit card, the bank offers its client to choose maximum amount loan;

Reduced exchange time (item-item, not item-money-item.)

Depreciate during inflation;

Do not have their own value;

Easy to lose;

Easy to fake;

Surplus cannot withdraw from circulation without taking certain measures

Credit cards must be used very carefully;

Interest rates on credit cards are traditionally higher than rates on consumer loans;

A limited circle of persons is involved;

Credit cards must be used very carefully

The goods are not always equivalent (it is difficult to assess the real value of the goods)

Losses of the country's budget money

1998.No.2. S.22-23, No. 3. S.22-23.

I.V. Viktorov-Orlov.

More recently, in the bonist’s collection you’ve seen “walking currency”, i.e. foreign banknotes in the form of communication, not so often. The majority of the collection consisted of either outdated notes or the very bottomdenominations of paper money in circulation. Citizens of the USSR were forbidden to have currency. Coming back from behind of a border business trip, a citizen was obliged to exchange the remaining currency with him for Vneshtorg "coupons" or return it to the State Bank,where foreign money was exchanged for Soviet rubles. Times are changing, now any citizen of Russia and other countries CIS is free to purchase foreign currency I do whatever she wants with her. Apparently, for this reason, the collectionthe banknotes of many bonus players began to grow rapidly, replenished with dollars, feet sterling, stamps and other "walking money". As the collection of banknotes formed, questions began to arise how to form a collection, what should be considered a type of cu purees, its variety and option. In other words, many faced the problem of what is the principle of classification of pololive at the heart of gathering. Due to the fact that the most affordable US banknote has become a dollar denomination, many collectors are trying to understand what is depicted on these bills, which mean letters of the alphabet, various numbers and inscriptions. That is why in this work the author tried to answer the question: "How to read a banknote?" In this work, which the authorcalled "manual" or "guide", tells about the meaning of those images, inscriptions, digital and alphabetic indexes,which we find on a US dollar bill. After reading this manual, the collector will be able to independently solve the question: "What to collect?" and "How to collect?" The choice is great.

The first paper money in the United States appeared in 1812. It was government payment obligations that brought from2 (5 to 6% of revenue. 10.1.1929, under President Taft, banknotes of a new type were introduced. Unlike old banknotes,in 1861, which replaced the payment obligations of 1812, the new banknotes were much smaller. This size of 155.6 x 60.7 mm was set for all denominations. The idea of \u200b\u200breducing banknotes to a single size belonged to the Secretary of the US Treasury Andrew Malloy, who on 20.8.1925 created a commission to develop banknotes of a new design. In the general nii a new type of so-called. "small-format" banknotes appeared 10.1. 1929. The first small-format banknotes were issued with the date "1928", in subsequent years their release continued until 1995, when the design change of these banknotes to a new one began. The first denomination of banknotes of a new design was a note in denominations of $ 100. The process of replacing old design banknotes with new ones is designed until 2002 with the annual replacement of one denomination. IN1997, a new design banknote of 50 dollars was issuedmoat. All banknotes, starting from notes with a date of 1928, are required to be accepted as payment in the United States.

About 10 billion banknotes of various denominations are printed annually in the United States, 50% of them are banknotes of denomination in 1 dollar. This is the most common denomination, so this particular denomination has become the most common collectorientation.

The design of notes of all merits is the same type: on faces. Art. in the center is a portrait of a statesman, one hundred to whose rons are placed: seal of the treasury, indices of issuing banks, signatures officialsas well as the name of the countryus and the name of the type of banknote. On about. Art. there is no such uniformity; various subjects are depicted there.

1. PORTRAIT. The following portraits are placed on banknotes of various denominations:

1 dollar portrait of J. Washington (1732-1799) of the 1st President of the United States (1789-1797)

2 dollars portrait of T. Jeffersoeia (1743-1826) 3rd US President (1801-1809)

5 dollars portrait of A. Lnnkoln, (1809-1865) 16th US President (1861-1865)

10 dollars portrait of A. Hamilton (1757-1804) 1st Secretary of the US Treasury (1789-1795)

20 dollars portrait of A. Jackson (1767-1845) of the 7th president of the USA (1829-1837)

50 dollars portrait of U.S. Grant (1822-1885) of the 18th President of the United States (1869-1877)

100 dollars portrait of B. Franklin (1706-1790) statesman, scientist.

500 dollars portrait of W. MacKinley (1843-1901) of the 25th US President (1897-1901)

1000 dollars portrait of S.G. Cleveland (1837-1908) of the 22nd and 24th President of the United States (1885-1889) (1893-1897)

$ 5,000 portrait of J. Madison (1751-1836) 4th US President (1809-1813)

$ 10,000 portrait of S. Chase (1808-1873) US Supreme Judge (1864-1873)

100,000 dollars portrait of T.V. Wilson (1856-1924) of the 28th US President (1913-1921)


The types or names of banknotes have changed over time. There are 6 main types:

UNITED STATES NOTE United Stags Ticket.

SILVER CERTIFICATE Silver certificate

GOLD CERTIFICATE Gold certificate.

FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTE Federal Reserve Bank ticket.

FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE Federal Reserve (Bank) Ticket

NATIONAL BANK NOTE National Banknote.

Banknotes in denominations of 1 dollar issued only three types: 1, 2 and 5.


Type 2


The name of the banknote (or its type) is placed on the front side at the top.


Banknotes of the 1st type with the date "1928"started the stove thief in April-May 1933. They came into circulationonly in 1948-1949. Some of the banknotes of this type werereleased in Puerto Rico. On faces. Art. in the center is a portrait of George Washington, to the left of the portrait is the seal of kazleadership of red color, on the right inscription of the face value in letters"ONE ". On about. art.; ha background the word "ONE "face value inscription"ONE DOLLAR ", the inscription at the top of the cartouche:"UNITED STATES - OF AMERICA. Below - "ONE DOLLAR "repeated twice, by corners -face value in numbers.


The name of the banknote is "SILVER CERTIFICATEFICAT "- indicates that banknotes of this type are freesmeared in the bank on a ringing silver coin,in circulation. Banknotes 2ndof typehave a variety or subtype.


These banknotes were issued with the dates "1928","1928A", "1928B", "1928C", "1928D "," 1928E. Facial the side is identical to the Type 1 front side, but the Treasury seal, to the left of the portrait, is blue. Negotiable hundredrona is the same as Type 1.


Banknotes of this subtype were issued only with yesthat " W 34. "On faces. Art. to the left of the portrait is a numberand the seal of the treasury is placed to the right of the portrait on the word "ONE", the rest of the details are the same about the persons. Art. type 2-A. About. Art. similar to about. from. type 2-A.


Banknotes of this subtype were issued with the dates: "1935", "1935A". "1935B." "1935С", "1935D "," 1935E "," 1935P "," 1935 G "," 1935H. "" 1957 ", "1957A", "1957B". Persons. Art. almost completely owlfalls from faces. Art. type 2-B, exceptthat the frame from the portrait under the seal of the treasury removed the word "ONE".

Design vol. Art. completely changed. In the center!/in large print it is marked the notes:"ONE "(One) the name of the country appeared at the top: "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA", and at the bottom the denomination with the words: "ONE DOLLAR ". Right - coat of arms USA, on the left is the image of the state pyramid with inwith a seeing eye. "In banknotes with the date" 1957 "above the word"ONE "put the motto:"IN GOD WE TRUST "(We rely on God)

continued in next issue


To be continued. Start at # 2


This is the most common type foundnow in circulation. This banknote was issued with the dates: “1963”, “1963А”, “1963В”, “1969”, “1969А”, “1969В”,"1969C", "1969 D "," 1974 "," 1977 "," 1977A "," 1981 ","1981A", "1985", "1988", "1988A", "1993", "1995".

Persons. Art. this type to the right of the portraittreasury against the background of the word "ONE", by print green go cyst. To the right of the portrait is a stamp of one of12 US issuing banks. Closer to the cornerswife's code digits assigned to this issuingjar. Otherwise, there are no major changes. About. Art. similar to about. Art. type 2-B. So there are three types and three subtypes. These fivemost distinctive varietiessigns formed the basis for the classification of options for many collectors bashat.

However, there are smaller differences that are considered by the Bonists in the formation of their collections. For examplebanknotes of the third type are considered those details that can be taken into account when compiling collections.


Twelve banks located in major US cities are given the right to issuebanknotes. Each bank is assigned a specific index, indicated by the letter of the alphabet and a figure. These indices are placed on the front side of the bill: letter - inside the seal of the issuing bank to the left of the portrait and to the left of the banknote serial number. Digital Index byit is also located on the front side near the corners of the bill.

A - 1 Boston E - 5 RichmondI - 9Minneapolis

AT 2 NYF - 6 AtlantaJ -10 Kansas City

C - 3 PhiladelphiaG - 7 Chicago K-11 Dallas

D-9 Cleveland N - 8 Sept LouisL-12 San Francisco

So, 12 types of indices of issuing banks


This seal certifies the authenticity of the banknote and confirms the commitmentu.S. government to pay the holder of the note with the amount of hard currency. The print color is different and indicates that the bill belongs to one or another class (type) of the banknote. Until 1966, the inscription on the press was in Latin, later it replaced by an inscription in English, but on a banknote of 100 dollarsit remained until 1968, when an inscription in English appeared on all face lah. For type 3 banknotes, the seal was green until 1934. In 1936, they began to be usedyellow-green paint, and in 1938 a pale blue-green. There are half tones and shades of these colors. On early issues of banknotes - types 1 and 2-A - printingit was located to the left of the portrait, on the banknotes of other types - to the right.


The serial number is always 8-digit and is located on the frame and to the left of the portrait below (left) and above (on right). To the left of the digits of the number of type 3 banknotes is a letter, which is the issue indexbank of the USA .. Printing a series of banknotes begins with 00000001 and ends with 99999999. The first series of banknotes of the brandthe letter “A” is placed after the numbers, the next series has the letter “B”, then the series “C” goes on and on until the end of the alphabet.


There are banknotes in which to the right of the number is not a letter of the alphabet, but a five-pointed star. These "star banknotes" or "substitute notes" are issued to replace the banknotes that have become unusable in the process of circulation: torn, badly wrinkled or soiled. Damaged and defective banknotesyou are withdrawn from circulation, and instead of them the series is supplemented"star" bills. Banknotes with an asterisk are much less common, usually 10% of themrelease. Therefore, they are the subject of searches for the bonists.


Abroad, the object of the search for many bonists are the so-called "happy" butmeasure. From time to time, various newspapers and magazines publish advertisements for the sale or purchase of banknotes of one or another denomination with a certain number. Observation Impressionsthey say that any number can be “happy”. So, I met ads with the search for banknotes with a number that matches the bonist's year of birth: 00001923, in other ads I searched for banknotes with the number 00000001, some are interested in numbers like 10000000, etc. The photograph taken from the newspaper illustrates the realization of the dream of a Canadian collector who managed to pick up dollar denomination banknotes with numbers 11111111, 22222222, up to 99999999.

11. DATE

Until 1974, the date stamped on the banknote for individuals. Art. pointed to the year when the design of this banknote has been accepted and approved. The year on the banknote, as a rule, did not coincide with the year of issue banknotes into circulation. For example, banknotes of the 1st type, as mentioned above, with the date "1928" postdrank only in 1948-1949. Sometimes the letter of the alphabet from "A", "B", "C", etc. is added to the date. This is done when any changes are made to the original design of the bill. In this case, the first modified issue is indicated by the letter "A" after the digits of the year, the second by the letter "B". Most often, these changes relate to changes in the signatures of the treasurer and the Minister of Finance. After 1974, the dates on the banknote indicate the year the note was issued. For many bonus players, the date on the bill is xia criterion for the formation of the collection. Collecting "by years" is very common onpade. The table below can help you select your banknote by year.

Year Type 2 Tin 3



On faces. Art. banknotes are signed by the US Treasurer (bottom left) and Secretary of the Treasury (bottom right), usually the surnames of these individuals are indicated in the catalogs of bonuses, since collectibles “but with signatures” are also widespread in the West.


On each banknote of the United States there is an inscription with the name of the country. It is placed both on the front and on the back side. Usually the name of the country per person. Art. located at the top, below the namebills. On about. Art. for earlier issues, the name of the country was printed in small print at the top, and forthe next issues in large print at the top.

The name of the capital of the USA - "WASHINGTON, COLUMBIA DISTRICT" always stands on persons. Art. on rightfrom the portrait. This inscription can be below, in the middle and at the top, depending on the type of bill.


US banknotes are printed in sheets of 12, 18 and 32 banknotes on one sheet. Bank you with a denomination of 1 dollar usually print 32 bills per sheet (four banknotesin a row of 6 rows) The printing process consists of three stages: first, the front side is printed, then the back side is printed. After that, the sheet is cut into two parts, and the seals and serial number are imprinted on the banknotes. Each sheet has its own code in the form of letters of the alphabet and numbers, which placed on faces. Art. top left. The position of each bill on the sheet is indicated by a different code - a combination of letters and numbers that is placed on faces. Art. bottom right. On about. Art. banknotes rim at the bottom also placed a digital code for the position of the bill on the sheet and the size of the sheet.


Banknote printing in the USA is handled by the Banknote Engraving and Printing Bureau. The Bureau has two printing houses: one of the oldest in the country is in Washington, the other, the newest - in Fort TexasWorth. Banknotes printed at Fort Worth are indicated by the letters "FW "(Fort Worth ) on persons. Art. in the right bottom corner in front of the banknote position index on the sheet. Banknotes that do not have this letterchatans in Washington.


As mentioned above, banknotes are printed on sheets of special paper of 32 banknotes per sheet. In 1988 were releasedbanknotes printed on new continuous equipment. This typewriter got the name "WEB FED PRESS ". A roll of paper was fed into this machine, and instead of 3 operations, printing was carried out in two operations: both the front and the reverse sides were printed immediately. The roll paper passed between two cylinders with faces engraved on them. And both sides. The machine allowed us to produce not 32 bills at once, but 96. Banknotes made by this way, have a date of "1988A", and on about. Art. the control index of the position of the bill on the sheet is shifted from the lower part of the right side to the upper part. Banknotes of this variety are also a lucky find of a bonist.


In June 1944, $ 1 experimental banknotes were issued in the United States. All of them belong to type 2 andhave a date of "1935A." In the right part of the front side, near the seal of the Treasury and above the signature of the Minister of Finance, the letter "R "or" S ". The circulation of these banknotes is small and amounts to 1.184.000 notes of each letter. Motto:"IN GOD WB TRUST " (we rely on God) appeared on banknotes in 1957 (Type 2-B) However, it appeared on US coins much earlier, whenOn 4/22/1864, this phrase was coined for the first time on a coin of 2 cents. The motto goes back to times of civil war and the USA, soldiers of the North and South went on the attack with him.


Dollar sign - letter crossed out by two vertical linesS "although not widely used on banknotes fromwestern all over the world. This sign goes back to the number "8", which stood on the Spanish and Mexican silver coins, findingcirculating in the USA in the 18th century. In 1874, this sign was first used for US dollar denominations.


The US Reserve Bank annually prints about 10 billion banknotes of various denominations, approximately 50% of which are banknotes1 dollar worth. Among banknotes there are specimens with various defects, and this despite a very thorough and strict control. The main defects are image shift, bent and unprinted corners of notes, a double image, an inverted image, the absence of signatures and other details, etc. This printing marriage is a subject of intense hunt for collectors. Many newspapers, magazines and auction catalogs and brochures put photosgraphs of such defective notes, and their prices are expressed in three- and four-digit numbers.


So, to the question: "What to collect?" and "How to collect?" the reader will find the answer in this work. The choice is up to the reader. It all dependsfrom the reader’s interest and, of course, the size of his wallet. Collecting a "walking currency" is still expensive. The author expressesthanks to the editor and author of the Standard Catalog of World Banknotes Colin Bruce and American collector RobertJulian for her help in gathering information and for answering numerous questions from the author.

I.V. Viktorov-Orlov.

Unique. 1998, No. 2,3.

What do dollars look like and who is depicted in dollars?Dollars are “green pieces of paper” with which you can purchase material goods, services and other values, as well as make with these bank notes other manipulations, for example, to keep or invest. The dollar is still considered the world reserve currency. In this article you will learn, or rather see how dollars look, and find out who is depicted on american dollars.

Dollars pay some tribute to certain presidents who ruled in the United States over the years. That is, in dollars mostly depicted American presidents.

The smallest paper American currency depicts the very first president of the United States - George Washington, who ruled from April 30, 1789 to March 4, 1797. He is considered the father of the country. From it originates the American institution of presidency. George Washington was distinguished by legendary honesty and was the commander of the continental army during the war of the North American colonies for independence. This person contributed huge contribution in the development of the United States, so the capital of the United States is the city - Washington. George Washington is also imprinted on a coin of 25 cents, which is popularly called the “quarter”. On the reverse side of $ 1 there is an unfinished pyramid, at the top of which there is a triangle, where the "Eye of Providence" is located, which symbolizes that God sees everything. Also, the famous inscription "In God We Trust" is on the reverse of 1 dollar, and this inscription means - "We trust in God." As for this inscription, it was the first to order Salmon Chase to put it on American money. And before the image of Washington appeared on a 1 dollar bill, it depicted a portrait of Salmon Chase, who was at one time the Head of the Ministry of Finance, and then became the Head Supreme Court USA.

The second US banknote depicts the third US president, Thomas Jefferson, who ruled from March 4, 1801 to March 4, 1809. This is an outstanding politician, philosopher and diplomat, actively participated in the first American bourgeois revolution. He is one of the creators of the doctrine of separation of church and state. Thomas Jefferson is the author of one good phrase: “Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” By the way, this 3rd president of America is depicted not only on a 2 dollar bill, but also on a 5 cents coin. On the reverse side of $ 2 is the painting “Declaration of Independence” by artist John Trumbull. And this is not a coincidence. The fact is that Thomas Jefferson is considered one of the founding fathers of the state, whose death was found during the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

A 5-dollar bill depicts 16 U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, who ruled from March 4, 1861 to April 15, 1865. This is the first president of the Republican party and is considered the liberator of American slaves. Therefore, he is considered the president-liberator, during whose reign in America slavery was abolished. During the American Civil War of 1861-1865, Abraham Lincoln personally directed the hostilities, which led to the victory over the Confederation. On the back of the 5 dollar bill is the Lincoln Memorial in the center of the US capital, Washington. The portrait of Abraham Lincoln flaunts and on a 1 cent coin.

The father of the dollar is depicted on a $ 10 bill - this is Alexander Hamilton. It should be noted that like Benjamin Franklin, depicted on $ 100, and Alexander Hamilton, depicted on $ 10 - they were not US presidents. That is, people who were presidents of the United States are not always on American money. So there are two exceptions. Alexander Hamilton is considered the first Minister of Finance and one of the founding fathers of the United States. On the flip side of a $ 10 banknote you can see the Ministry of Finance, founded by Alexander Hamilton himself.

This $ 20 denomination depicts the face of 7 US President Andrew Jackson, who ruled from March 4, 1829 to March 4, 1837. He is considered one of the creators of the modern American dollar. He was the first president elected as a candidate for the Democratic Party. It is considered one of the founders of the Democratic Party. Earlier, the portrait of Andrew Jackson was already adorned with banknotes of various denominations: at 5, 10, 50 and 10 thousand dollars, and during the Civil War he was depicted on a bill of the southern Confederation at 1000 dollars. On the back of a 20 dollar bill is the White House.

It is worth noting that Andrew Jackson himself was against the National Bank and paper money. And despite this, his face was still often placed on banknotes of various denominations, and now he is depicted on a $ 20 bill, which is most often faked. That is, the “twenty” is the leader in the number of counterfeit notes.

18th U.S. President Willis Grant, ruling from March 4, 1869 to March 4, 1877, is depicted on a $ 50 banknote. It is considered a hero of the civil war. He was a commander of the northerners during the American Civil War, an American political and military leader, army general. On the other side of the $ 50 image of the Congress in Washington - the Capitol. In 2005, they wanted to place a portrait of Ronald Reagan on this bill, but then the idea failed. By the way, Americans call the people “grants” of $ 50.

On the most valuable American bill on this moment depicts the face of Benjamin Franklin. Although he was not the president of the United States, his signature is on the US Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Versailles Peace Treaty of 1873. On the other side of the 100 dollar bill is the Independence Hall - the place where the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were once signed. Benjamin Franklin himself went down in history as a scientist, politician, journalist, diplomat. He was the first American to become a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Previously printed, but now American banknotes in denominations of 500, 1,000, 5,000, 10,000 and 100,000 dollars are no longer being printed. They were mainly used in settlements between banks and in settlements between criminal groups. Beginning in 1936, these American bills were no longer printed, and since 1969, by order of President Richard Nixon, they have been completely withdrawn from circulation.

But still interesting, and who was depicted on the old American dollars, which are now not participating in the turnover. The following faces were depicted on them:

  1. 500 dollars - 25 U.S. President - William McKinley.
  2. 1000 dollars - 22 and 24 US President - Grover Cleveland.
  3. 5,000 dollars - 4 US President - James Madison.
  4. 10,000 dollars - initially during the reign of Lincoln, the Head of the Treasury Department, and then the head of the US Supreme Court - Salmon Chase.
  5. 100,000 dollars - 28 US President - Woodrow Wilson.

Euro banknotes have a fairly strong degree of protection against counterfeiting, and from the words of experts we can conclude that at the moment they are almost impossible to fake. But despite this, the craftsmen are still there.

Express test for the authenticity of the Euro.

First you need to check the banknotes by touch: convex labels should be felt.

In addition, you need to check the bill for light: watermarks, a protective strip, and numbers that complement each other should be visible.

And be sure to check the bill at an angle: the graphic image on the hologram changes with a change in the angle of view. On the back of the bill is a golden strip for banknotes of 5 €, 10 € and 20 €, or a color-changing denomination for denominations of 50 €, 100 €, 200 € and 500 €.

Degrees of protection Euro bills, serial number.

The serial number of notes is composed of letters and 11 digits. The serial number is generated using a special algorithm, which we will consider below.

Country of Origin.

Summing up all the digits of the number, we get a 2-digit number. The procedure must be repeated until the amount is expressed in a single number from 1 to 9. The letter and this number indicate the country that printed this banknote.

Each country that can print the Euro has, attached to it, a specific letter, the checksum of the digits of the serial number:

  • Austria - N - 3,
  • Belgium - Z - 9,
  • Germany - X - 2,
  • Greece - Y - 1,
  • Ireland - T - 6,
  • Spain - V - 4,
  • Italy - S - 7,
  • Cyprus - G - 1,
  • Malta - F - 2,
  • Netherlands - P - 1,
  • Portugal - M - 4,
  • Slovakia - E - 3,
  • Slovenia - H - 9,
  • Finland - L - 5,
  • France - U - 5,
  • Estonia - D - 4.

For example: A banknote of 100 Euro has a serial number S11752786501. We calculate the amount: 1 + 1 + 7 + 5 + 2 + 7 + 8 + 6 + 5 + 0 + 1 \u003d 43; 4 + 3 \u003d 7. Both the letter S and 7 refer to Italy.

The checksum is eight.

The letter of the serial number changes to a number that corresponds to the serial number of the letter in the English alphabet. This number and each digit of the number add up to a single digit. For a real bill, the result is always eight.

The letters of the English alphabet according to the numbers:

  • A - 1
  • B - 2,
  • C - 3,
  • D - 4,
  • E - 5,
  • F - 6,
  • G - 7
  • H - 8,
  • I - 9,
  • J - 10,
  • K - 11
  • L - 12,
  • M - 13,
  • N - 14,
  • O is 15,
  • P - 16,
  • Q - 17,
  • R is 18,
  • S - 19,
  • T - 20,
  • U - 21,
  • V - 22,
  • W - 23,
  • X - 24,
  • Y - 25,
  • Z - 26.

For example: a banknote of 100 Euro with serial number S11752786501. The letter S is the 19th in the English alphabet. Add: 19 + 1 + 1 + 7 + 5 + 2 + 7 + 8 + 6 + 5 + 0 + 1 \u003d 62; 6 + 2 \u003d 8.

Degrees of protection of Euro notes, external signs.

Special paper.

In the manufacture of Euro banknotes, special paper is used, which is made from cotton fibers. This increases the life of banknotes quite well and complicates the counterfeiting. Banknotes have a smooth surface on the front side (obverse), rough and hard on the back side (reverse). In addition, this paper crunches a little when bent and does not glow in ultraviolet rays.

Relief print.

The special printing technology gives some parts of the notes a relief that you can feel with your fingers. Such elements are: the main drawing, the line ECB (European Central Bank) in five languages, the year of issue, Latin and Greek spelling EURO, the sign, letters and denomination of the banknote. All of them are located on the obverse.

When checking a banknote for light, one can distinguish the following elements: a watermark, a security thread, a combined image of the face value on the front and werewolves of the banknote. Only on the original bill, these elements can be seen both on the obverse and on the reverse.

There is also a special element (serif) for people with low vision, along the lower edge of banknotes with a face value of 200 € and along the right edge of a banknote of 500 € there are additional signs that feel good to the touch.

Water signs.

Watermarks on Euro are a partial repetition of the main image of the obverse, the face value and a machine-readable bar code in the form of vertical light and dark stripes.

A watermark is formed due to the different density of the paper, which becomes noticeable when checking the bill for light. When checking bills against a dark background, elements that were white in the light darken. When viewing the white edge of the bill in the light, the symbols of the bill and its denomination become visible.

The watermark is placed on the coupon field and repeats (in a reduced form) the main image of the obverse of the bill.

Combining image.

The combined image of the denomination of banknotes is printed partially on the obverse, partially on the reverse of the notes. This means that this element can only be fully seen when checking for clearance.

Hologram (Kinegram).

On the obverse of all Euro bills on the right side is a metallized element with holographic images (three-dimensional image effect).

On banknotes of 5, 10 and 20 Euro denominations, this element is a silver transverse strip on the right, on which at different angles to the light source the denomination figures in the star ring, horizontal lines of small text “EURO ΕΥΡΩ” or the symbol € are visible.

On banknotes in denominations of 50, 100, 200 and 500 Euro, the hologram has a certain geometric shape. Changing the position of the bill in front of the eyes, the denomination figures, the architectural motif against the background of divergent rainbow circles, which are formed by microtext (EURO in Latin and Greek and the denomination figures) and the Euro sign, are alternately visible.


Checking the hologram for light on it, you can distinguish the perforation of the symbol €. The pattern is formed by microscopic holes made by a laser beam, and is not felt to the touch.

Security thread.

Checking the banknotes for light in the middle of the banknote, you can see a dark vertical strip - this is a protective tape fully embedded in the paper with the EURO light microtext embossed on it and the face numbers made in the direct and inverted images.

Protective strip.

In the middle of the reverse of denominations of 5, 10 and 20 Euro denominations there is a vertical mother-of-pearl strip with a golden sheen, on which at a certain angle of inclination you can see the digits and the symbol €.

Fluorescent Ink.

On the reverse of banknotes in denominations of 5, 10, and 20 Euros in the central part, a transparent pearl strip is applied, on which the denominations and Euro designation are distinguishable.

On the reverse of banknotes of 50, 100, 200 and 500 Euro denominations, the denomination figures in the lower right corner are applied with optically variable paint, changing its color from purple to olive brown when changing the angle of view.

Degrees of protection of Euro notes, machine-readable Euro protection elements.

The use of special equipment is required for the Euro authentication features below.

Microprinting and microfibre.

In some places of notes, if you look closely (or under a magnifying glass), the text is printed in such a small font that it is perceived by the naked eye as a thin line or pattern. For example, the letters of the word EURO in Greek on the obverse consist of repeating digits of the denomination at the microscale.

The microzinn is clearly visible at multiple magnifications.

Even the smallest microprint characters should be sharp and clearly readable.

Ultraviolet luminescence.

  • in the upper left corner the image of the flag of the European Union - a rectangle in blue - green with orange stars;
  • images of stars - in red;
  • yellow or orange stars and small rings in red;
  • blue stars - blue-green;
  • the signature of the President of the ECB in the upper left - yellow-green;
  • colorless edging along the borders of holographic elements - blue;
  • on the back of all banknotes: images of the bridge and map;
  • denomination in the lower left corner, a contour image of the denominations in the upper left corner (except 500 euros) and a strip along the lower edge of the banknote, including the text “EURO ΕΥΡΩ” (in two lines on the left);
  • 5, 20 and 100 euros - greenish;
  • 10, 50, 200 and 500 euros - yellow-green;
  • the paper itself does not glow - does not respond to UV rays;
  • visible red, blue and green hairs randomly imprinted in paper;
  • red-orange stars and circles (dots) of the background;

Infrared tags.

Since metameric paints are used, in the infrared range only some elements of notes are visible - IR tags. They are located on the right side of the main image and a hologram on the obverse of banknotes, the upper serial number and face values \u200b\u200b(for banknotes from 50 Euros) on the back of banknotes.

Magnetic marks.

On some parts of the notes, paints with magnetic properties are used, forming marks that can be detected by magnetic control devices. Such elements are a security thread, the right side of the main drawing on the front of the bill, the upper serial number on the back.

The rest of the automatically readable hidden codes are not disclosed to the public for currency security.

Check yourself, do you know the images of which cities are on the banknotes of our country? If you do not know, carefully read the article, and you will become better at understanding this in what cities of Russia are on banknotes. Usually people get confused on which of the banknotes the Kremlin, Krasnoyarsk or Khabarovsk is depicted. They do not know which Arkhangelsk or Yaroslavl. And certainly they won’t remember immediately what city image is on the bill of 5,000 rubles.

Once upon a time, banknotes depicted people who went down in the history of our country. But over time, instead of them, types of Russian cities began to appear on banknotes. Initially, it was only the capital of our country. But the reforms of 1995 led to the fact that various architectural structures of our country began to appear on Russian banknotes.

Ten rubles

This banknote depicts Krasnoyarsk. The side that is the front shows the Paraskeva Friday Chapel and the bridge passing through the famous Yenisei River. On the other side is the dam of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station.

Fifty rubles

The image of this small denomination is dedicated to St. Petersburg. Attractions of this city adorn this bill. On the front side there is a column with a female figure sitting on a throne (symbolizes the Neva). Peter and Paul Fortress is visible from behind the column. The image is applied on the back former exchange, which was located on the waterfront.

One hundred rubles

Which cities of Russia on banknotes are available at 100 rubles. This banknote has an image of Moscow species on it. On the side of the bill, which is the front, Apollo is shown with a quadriga, that is, a chariot. This architectural structure is located on the building of the Bolshoi Theater. The side that is on the back shows the building of the Bolshoi Theater and the theater square in front of it.

Five hundred rubles

With this value, it is dedicated to the city of Arkhangelsk. The side that is the front shows a monument dedicated to Peter the Great. On the other side of five hundred rubles is the Solovetsky Monastery.

Thousand rubles

A banknote with a face value of one thousand rubles has an image of the glorious city of Yaroslavl. The side that is the front shows a monument erected in honor of the symbol of this city - Yaroslav the Wise. In addition, on the same side there is a chapel, which is located on the background of the Kremlin of Yaroslavl. On the reverse side is an image of the Church of St. John the Baptist and the bell tower.

Five thousand rubles

What city of Russia is depicted on this banknote? This is the largest banknote to date with views of Khabarovsk. On the side that is the front is the image of the monument dedicated to Muravyov-Amursky. In addition, the embankment of Khabarovsk is also shown here. On the back of the five thousandth bill is an image of a bridge passing over the Amur River.