How to install the Russian Agricultural Bank client bank program. Features, tariffs and functionality of the client bank from Rosselkhozbank

  • 19.10.2023

Internet Client Rosselkhozbank offers clients for convenient remote control with your own accounts. There are no boundaries for this resource. With his help you can produce any banking operations regardless of location and time of day.

Capabilities of the Internet Client system

The Internet Client from Rosselkhozbank makes it possible to increase the efficiency of your enterprise. After all, timely paid supplier bills mean uninterrupted supply of products for further processing and sale, paid wages mean peace of mind for employees.

The developers have optimized the customer experience at all stages of working with current accounts. The Internet Client module allows you to work through the Rosselkhozbank website, which is available to registered users.

To create the most comfortable conditions, the service developers are constantly improving it and adding new features.


Using the Internet Client module you get the opportunity:

  • Make any payments from your account to the accounts of partners around the world.
  • Make payments to budgets of all levels, as well as to extra-budgetary funds.
  • Send register for payment wages V electronic form.
  • If necessary send various types of requests to the bank, compiled in any form.

Making any payment takes a record amount of time short terms. The document status is updated online.

Control over operations

To control the receipt and withdrawal of funds from your current account, you no longer need to wait until the next day. At any time you can contact the Internet client from Rosselkhozbank and form:

  • Statement for any period.
  • Document on receipt transactions.
  • Register of payments made.

You can export the received documents on cash flows through your current account at Rosselkhozbank in any possible format. This can be a table from Excel, a Word text document, or PDF format.

For enterprises that actively use accounting programs from the 1C: Accounting family for accounting, the developers created the 1C: DirectBank service. This module simplifies the work of an accountant. Any payment created in 1C can be uploaded to the Internet client, generated statements by current account export from the Internet client to 1C.

For users of the application, there is also the possibility of generating a final balance sheet for an arbitrary period.

In the document you can see information on the movement of funds, including

  • Balance of funds at the beginning of the period.
  • The amount of receipts with breakdown by counterparties.
  • Amounts written off by recipient.
  • Cash balance at the end of the period.

Working with currency and card accounts

For enterprises that conduct foreign economic activities, the Internet client provides the ability to buy, sell and convert foreign currency in real time.

Making foreign currency payments requires quite a lot of documents to confirm it. In RBS Internet Client, absolutely all transaction passports, other certificates and requests can be sent electronically.

In addition, it is possible to generate a certificate of specific work carried out foreign exchange transaction. You can also receive a similar document for an arbitrary period.

Availability corporate cards at an enterprise requires constant monitoring of the movement of funds through them. RBS Internet Client users have access to corporate account management. The ability to generate documents on the movement of finances for any period of use of one or several cards has been implemented.

Cash settlement services in other banks:

Tariffs for the service

Use of the Internet Client service is subject to a fee. Rosselkhozbank charges commissions for any transactions.

Installation, configuration of software, restoration of the current operation of the service with a visit to the clientThe fee is collected simultaneously with the submission of an application to the regional branch of Rosselkhozbank to carry out work on installing and configuring software and means of cryptographic information protection of the BS Client remote banking system module
Transfer of a user from the Internet-Client remote banking system to the Bank-Client remote banking systemThe service is paid by the client simultaneously with the submission of the corresponding application to the Rosselkhozbank branch.
The service will be provided within fifteen banking days from the moment of filing such an application
Maintenance of the distribution kit for the RBS "Internet Client" from Rosselkhozbank"The commission is calculated no later than the 25th of the current month.
Payment of the accrued amount is made no later than the last working day of the month following the month of service provision.
The number of accounts connected to the Internet Client module does not affect the commission amount.
When terminating a banking service agreement for the remote banking system, the commission is calculated in proportion to the number of days of using this service.
When transferring from one RBS module to another, commission accrual begins in the month following the month of transition.
Support of cryptographic protection of client information data:
Production of a temporary signature key certificate on Russian Agricultural Bank mediaThe commission amount is charged simultaneously with the submission of an application from the client for registration in the Certification Center of Rosselkhozbank.
The commission amount includes value added tax.
Production of a key certificate at the client's requestSuch a service can be performed only after creating a temporary certificate and registering the client with the Certification Center of Rosselkhozbank
Renewal of a signing key certificate upon client requestThe commission is debited from the client's account within three business days after the service is provided.
This service is a taxable transaction, so the commission amount includes value added tax.
The commission is charged by Rosselkhozbank for each certificate separately.
Authentication electronic signature upon user requestThe commission amount is subject to debiting from the current account of the user of the RBS “Internet Client” system within three working days from the date of the conclusion by the Certification Center.
The service is subject to value added tax.
Unscheduled change of signature key certificates at the request of a user of the Rosselkhozbank Internet Client system due to the loss of a key medium or its technical malfunctionThe commission is charged simultaneously with the submission of the client’s application for revocation or suspension of certificates. The amount of VAT is included in the cost of the service.
Unscheduled change of signature key certificates at the request of a user of the Internet Client distribution kit due to compromise of the signature keyThis service is provided subject to the return of the previously issued key media.
Otherwise, the client is required to submit an application for suspension or revocation of previously issued certificates.
Unscheduled change of signature key certificates at the request of a user of the Internet Client system at the request of a client of RosselkhozbankThe service is provided subject to the return of previously issued key media or submission of an application to Rosselkhozbank for revocation or suspension of their validity

The amount of the commission, as well as a complete list of charged services are on the web pages regional branches RSHB. They can be found at.

Information on tariffs for using the Internet-Client RBS system can also be found directly at the Rosselkhozbank branch.

Connection to the Internet Client of Rosselkhozbank

Before connecting to the RBS module “Internet Client” from Rosselkhozbank, it is necessary to carefully study the Terms of Remote Banking Services. The full text of the document is posted.

Next, you should familiarize yourself with the Temporary Regulations of the Certification Center of Rosselkhozbank. This body was created in accordance with Federal law No. 63 dated 04/06/2011 "About electronic signature". Its main functions are to generate, publish and revoke electronic signature verification certificates.

Personal account

To connect to the RBS “Internet Client” module, you must use the “Personal Account” service. This is a tool for ensuring a comfortable and prompt connection to the Internet Client distribution kit from Rosselkhozbank.

Connecting to the remote banking system through the service “Personal Account” has the following advantages:

  • Simplicity.
  • Convenience.
  • Speed.

The account owner only needs to take two steps:

  1. Register on the resource. Here you will need to enter the data received at the Rosselkhozbank branch in the appropriate boxes.
  2. Submit your application electronically.

Next, the user independently creates electronic signature keys. The certification authority will send the client confirmation in the same form that the system is ready for operation in the form of a certificate for the keys it generated.

Connection in three stages

If it is not technically possible to connect to the Rosselkhozbank Internet Client system through your Personal Account, you can use the standard procedure. It includes three stages:

Connecting the Rosselkhozbank Internet client in 3 stages

1.Go to the bank office and submit:

  • Application for joining the terms of remote banking services. The form can be downloaded.
  • Application for registration in the Certification Center of Rosselkhozbank for each authorized person of the enterprise who is indicated in the application for accession to the agreement on remote banking services. The application form can be downloaded from.

Photos with examples of completed applications:

2. Obtain key media for each authorized person of the enterprise.

  • Use it to connect to the Internet Client module and create permanent keys. This operation involves generating and printing requests for the issuance of electronic signature verification key certificates for each of them. Instructions for generating permanent keys can be found here.

3.At the last stage, the user needs to submit printed requests for issuing certificates to the Rosselkhozbank branch. The department, in turn, issues the requested certificates electronically. You can start working in the Internet Client system only after receiving and recording them on the bank’s key media.

Memo for users

  • When preparing documents to connect to the Internet Client system, do not forget to prepare them in duplicate.
  • Temporary keys are valid for 45 days from the date of their issue.
  • A request for permanent keys must be submitted within this time.

Download the system distribution

To work in the Internet Client system, you must install the appropriate software. To do this, you need to download the distribution kit. The official website of Rosselkhozbank will help you with this.

  • On the main page, select the “Small and Micro Business” deposit.

  • Next, select “Banking Services”.

  • On the next page, select “Remote banking”.

  • At the next stage, you can download the program. To do this, select “Distribution of the Internet Client system”.

  • The browser will ask for permission to save the archive. Select “Save As” and specify the folder in which the downloaded file will appear. By default, the system suggests placing it in the “Downloads” folder.

  • Important! Do not interrupt the process of downloading the distribution package of the Internet Client module; wait for a notification from the system that the process is complete.
  • At the next stage, select “Open folder”.
  • This folder is an archive. Therefore, it is necessary to extract all the contents from it. To do this, you can use any archiver. Right-click on the folder and select “Extract All” from the drop-down menu. Be sure to specify the location where the system should place the archive contents.

The download of the Internet Client module distribution package is complete. Now you need to run the SetupRSHB file.

The software installation menu will appear on the screen.

The distribution developers warn that this software runs on the Windows Vista operating system older than version 7. Automatic installation of the Internet Client distribution kit is not possible in Windows XP.

In this option, only manual software installation is available. The developers do not guarantee the correct operation of the Internet Client RBS module at such a workplace.

How to install the Internet client program?

For the Internet Client program from Rosselkhozbank to work on your computer, you need to install the following components:

  1. System "Internet Client".
  2. Service Personal account.
  3. CIPF CryptoPro CSP.
  4. Driver eToken or Rutoken.

Video instructions for installing the RSHB Internet Client:

This software supports Internet Explorer browser. Therefore, make sure it is available at your workplace.

After downloading the Internet Client distribution kit, in the installation menu that opens, you must select “Install the Internet Client system.”

The installation program welcome window will appear on the screen. Click the “Next” button.

The installation algorithm for the Internet Client distribution kit requires the following steps:

  • Checking your computer for previously installed versions of the distribution. If they are detected, the program will offer to delete them. Click on the “Yes” button.

  • Checking for open browser windows. The program will also prompt you to close them, otherwise the installation of the program will not continue. Click “Yes”.

  • Determining the version of the operating system installed on the computer.
  • Checking the browser version.
  • Checking for the presence of the CryptoPro CSP CIPF software package. If it is missing, the installer will issue a warning about the need to install it.

Information about OS and browser versions, as well as the availability of CIPF CryptoPro CSP

If the CryptoPro CSP CIPF license has expired, you must enter information about its serial number. If it is missing, it is recommended to make a request and send it to the address [email protected].

If the system detects online RBS clients of other banks on your PC, you will receive a notification about this, as well as a warning that the correct operation of the RBS BS Client from Rosselkhozbank is not guaranteed. In this case, you will have to install this program on another computer or remove software from third-party banks.

  • BSS RBS BS-Client.
  • Personal account of Rosselkhozbank. Here you will need to set a login. If you have already registered in your account, you do not need to register again.
  • Setting up the Internet Explorer browser for the correct operation of the RBS “Internet Client” from Rosselkhozbank.

Sometimes the program prompts you to enter certificates from the Rosselkhozbank Certification Center. For correct operation, you must confirm your consent to their installation.

At the end of the process, the Internet Client system will offer to regenerate the keys received at the bank. A shortcut to the RBS “Internet Client” from Rosselkhozbank will appear on your desktop.

Installing drivers

To work in the RBS “Internet Client” system of Rosselkhozbank, you need to install one of the drivers: eToken or Rutoken. It depends on what functional key carrier you were given.

Visual comparison

Installing eToken

This driver is not included in the Internet Client distribution kit. The developers left a link to download it.

In the installation menu of the RBS “Internet Client” distribution kit, you must select “Download eToken driver”.

It takes some time to download the driver.

Once completed, the system will prompt you to install it. We confirm and the system starts the automatic installation of eToken.

If older versions of this software product are found on your computer, you will receive a request to remove them. You will need to remove them and run the driver installation again.

The eToken installation process occurs automatically. After successful completion, the installation window will close automatically.

Installation of Rutoken

Installing the driver involves several steps:

  • Select “Rutoken Drivers for Windows, EXE”.

  • The next step is to accept the terms of the license agreement.

  • A dialog box will appear on the screen asking what actions need to be performed with the file: “Run” or “Save”. Click “Save”.

  • After the download process is complete, click “Run”.

  • In the start window that appears, select “Install”.

  • Installation will take some time.

  • When installation is complete, select Close.

First login

To log in for the first time, click on the program shortcut on the Desktop.

  • In the window that appears, select “Login to the Internet Client system.”

  • The program will ask for a login and password.

  • After this, the system can request the installation of certificates from the Certification Center of Rosselkhozbank. Agree to this by clicking the “Yes” button. These requests may appear periodically throughout the entire time you work with the system. Confirm your consent each time.

  • In the additional authorization window that appears, select the subscriber, insert the functional key carrier issued to him, and click “Next”.

  • The program will ask you to change the password for eToken. On at this stage It is not recommended to do this, so click “Cancel” or simply close. This procedure should be carried out after receiving permanent electronic signature key certificates.

  • At the next stage, you must enter the password for eToken or Ru. After fifteen incorrect password entries, the program is blocked. The solution to the problem is to return this key carrier and reissue it.

After this, it is necessary to regenerate the keys. The exception is those cases if this procedure was completed in the Personal Account service.

In the next window “Send to Bank”.

The program will ask for the name of the key carrier. We choose one issued by Rosselkhozbank. Click "OK".

Next, the process of activating the biological random number sensor will begin. It is necessary to move the mouse pointer within the window that appears until the indicator is filled. You cannot close the window yourself. This will result in the need to repeat the operation again.

In the window that appears, the program will ask you to enter the password for the container. If the system does not work, it means that you have already changed the password for the functional media.

The next stage is signing the generated certificate. Click “Sign”.

After this, the bank will issue new certificates within two to three days. The next time you log in, the program will notify you about this. It will be necessary to accept them. At this stage, setting up the bank for full operation will be completed.

While working with the distribution, pop-up windows may appear periodically. It is forbidden to ignore and simply close it. You must click the “Allow” button.

Let's sum it up

The Internet Client remote banking system from Rosselkhozbank is an excellent opportunity to conduct business online. Despite the apparent complexity of installing the distribution, working with the system is quite simple.

In addition, it has a number of advantages:

  • All cash flow transactions securely protected by crypto encryption.
  • RBS system "Internet Client" provides ample opportunities for generating payment documents, control over the movement of finances.
  • This product allows clients to quickly make any payments using the technical capabilities of the Internet.
  • Constantly developing technologies allow us to improve the Internet Client.

Modern banking service It’s almost impossible to imagine without the most convenient virtual office, created to manage savings and manage money. There is a similar remote access system at Rosselkhozbank - client-bank. Logging into the system of a legal entity is carried out in compliance with the most important security requirements and allows you to ensure that financial information does not fall into the hands of strangers and criminals. At the same time, the functionality of the bank account remains extremely simple and convenient to use. And the presence of a large number of programs and additional options integrated into the account makes account management fast and the service itself accessible.

A personal account is an integral part of modern banking services. It allows you to manage your savings remotely, without visiting a bank branch. Thanks to it, clients are able to:

  • carry out monetary transactions and transfers;
  • work with financial documentation;
  • transfer wages to workers’ cards;
  • prepare financial statements;
  • work with personal information;
  • make payments.

The Internet client contains almost all the services that can be obtained in the office. At the same time, it allows you to seriously save time, since it does not require a mandatory visit to the bank. And a reliable security system guarantees the protection of investments from attacks by intruders and scammers.

Rosselkhozbank - instructions for installing an Internet client

Installing the Rosselkhozbank Internet client is an extremely simple task that requires only a little time and patience, but does not pose insoluble problems for the entrepreneur. To be able to use the online service, you will have to worry about obtaining a password and a unique login in advance. This must be done during the execution of the service agreement or immediately after its conclusion.

Having the combinations for authorization in hand, all you have to do is visit the official portal of the RSHB, go to the section for legal entities. persons and click on the inscription prompting you to go to the Internet client. After which you will have to accept offers to install additional software, which will be downloaded automatically, and start using your account.

Authorization and login

Authorization in the system can cause a slightly larger number of problems and difficulties. But those who already know how to install Internet banking will be able to log into their personal page. And some difficulties associated with multi-step entry should not become an insurmountable obstacle.

It is important to note that depending on the client's preferences, the login procedure may vary slightly, but in general, users will go through the following procedure:

  1. First of all, you will need to enter your password and login;
  2. Next, you need to indicate the organization on whose behalf you are logging in (if the client has the right to log in on behalf of several OJSC or individual entrepreneurs);
  3. select a bank branch;
  4. enter a digital signature, if such a requirement is established;
  5. enter the code received by any method chosen by the entrepreneur, including a password generator or SMS message.

After which you will be logged in.

Features of using the online service

The first step is to point out that the only browser where you can use RBS is Internet Explorer. You will not be able to log in through other browsers.

The second point that needs to be mentioned is related to passwords. They come in 2 types: simple and complex. Simple ones contain letters and numbers, while complex ones allow the use of symbols and signs. In this case, the final password complexity is determined by the RSHB manager.

The last detail has to do with getting help. To deal with any difficulties that may arise, you should dial 88001000100 on your mobile phone and provide the specialist with all the information necessary to provide support.

Rosselkhozbank online client for legal entities

Virtual service is an integral part of high-quality banking services, so entrepreneurs should actively use the bank’s Internet client offered by Rosselkhozbank. Logging into your personal account is secure enough to save confidential data and finances, and the interface and functionality are convenient enough for anyone to be able to quickly and easily manage their savings. And this is exactly what is required from a modern service.

Almost any modern bank provides its clients with a convenient online service that allows them to manage savings and finances remotely. Rosselkhozbank’s virtual services for clients are no exception. But login for legal entities can cause confusion among users and make them think about how to gain access to their personal account.

Such difficulties are associated with the need to ensure the security of the current account. The bank tried to provide for all possible threats and was concerned that fraudsters and attackers would not be able to take advantage of other people's money. Therefore, account holders must accept possible difficulties. All inconveniences are caused by concern for the well-being of clients, the desire to ensure the safety of invested funds and not allow scammers to access the Internet client.

Online service functions

Focusing on the main functions of the virtual service for legal entities. individuals, it should be noted that current account holders receive high-quality service, which allows them to quickly make money transactions and not worry about the safety of their finances. Company managers and accountants can:

  • make timely transfers to partners;
  • pay salaries to employees;
  • control the movement of funds and receive information about the receipt of money and expenses incurred;
  • enjoy a lot accounting programs, synchronized with your personal account;
  • manage money online;
  • use support services.

In addition to the above, users are provided with many other useful functions and options that can significantly simplify doing business. To get acquainted full list, you should start using your personal account or carefully study the instructions.

Installation instructions for Rosselkhozbank Internet client

Installing the Rosselkhozbank Internet client does not require anything special from users. To start using your personal account, it is enough to conclude a service agreement with a financial institution and receive a secret login and password.

It is interesting to note that managers have the right to issue 2 types of passwords, depending on the required conditions and personal discretion:

  1. simple, consisting of letters and numbers;
  2. complex, complete with capital letters and various symbols.

Another important fact that requires attention is that you can only access your personal profile through the Internet Explorer browser. Moreover, after the first visit to the authorization page, the system will offer to download additional software necessary for correct operation and will ask a question about the appropriate type of authorization. Further actions will depend on the choice made.


The current version of the RBS provides 3 types of communication channel protection:

  • one-way SSL;
  • two-way SSL;
  • BS-Defender.
  1. choose secure or regular authentication;
  2. enter your login and password (if the password has expired, you will have to change it);
  3. if the user has the right to work on behalf of several organizations, you will need to select which company or JSC page you want to open;
  4. the next step is to select the bank branch where the company is serviced;
  5. in case of use digital signature, you will need to enter it;
  6. in situations where the entrepreneur decides to use additional verification, you will need to enter a code that will be received via SMS or code generation device;
  7. after which you will be logged into the page.

Rosselkhozbank bank-client online for legal entities

The second option for authorizing entrepreneurs in the bank’s Internet client developed by Rosselkhozbank is not very different from the method described above; the login almost completely repeats the steps described above, but does not contain the requirement to use a digital signature. Otherwise everything is identical.

Those who cannot understand how to set up a personal online banking service can contact support operators at any time. To do this, you will need to dial 88001000100 and wait for the consultant to respond. The specialists working in the contact center will definitely help you understand all the features of using the system.

Additionally, it is required to indicate that clients should be careful and attentive when working with the virtual service. Repeatedly entering your password incorrectly will result in your account being blocked. It will be quite difficult to regain access to your personal account; to do this you will have to visit the bank. But it’s easier to be vigilant in a timely manner than to waste precious time later.

Now that modern technologies are present in almost every sphere of habitual everyday life, it is no longer possible to imagine high-quality banking services without reliable, convenient online banking. Remote access to financial management greatly simplifies life and ordinary people, and entrepreneurs. That is why depositors should not abandon the client-bank developed at Rosselkhozbank; logging into the system for legal entities and ordinary clients here is distinguished by its simplicity and security. To get to your personal page, just enter a few combinations and wait a little. At the same time, the reliability of these combinations cannot be questioned.

Being virtual bank, the Internet client contains almost all acceptable services that can be obtained in a standard bank branch. The only exceptions are those functions that cannot be provided without the participation of a specialist. As a result, authorized clients are able to:

  • receive account statements and control the movement of funds;
  • pay for purchases and services;
  • repay loans and debts;
  • pay government services and fines;
  • open new deposits;
  • order plastic cards(main and additional);
  • make money transfers;
  • specify details;
  • limit the use of funds;
  • set rules and limits for withdrawing money from ATMs.

There are other useful features available to registered users. The online bank has almost everything you need to receive high-quality, complete financial services and disposal of savings.

Installation instructions for Rosselkhozbank Internet client

To use online access to deposits and accounts, you must register. To obtain a login and password, without which it is impossible to use the virtual service, you will need to select one of the following options:

  • Those who wish to discuss the features of working online with a bank manager can visit the nearest branch and request the necessary information from the specialists working there;
  • the next method is to use a self-service terminal, where the phone is linked to a plastic card;
  • the third method also requires going to an ATM to get an activation code special program M-Token.

Each option indicated takes time, but the numerous advantages that will be received after registration will instantly cover the minor inconveniences that clients encounter when receiving a login.

Obtaining a bank login

The simplest, but longest way to obtain code information is to obtain necessary information from a specialist of OJSC Rosselkhozbank. To do this you will need:

  1. visit financial institution and wait your turn;
  2. explain to the consultant the purpose of the visit and submit an application;
  3. wait for the application to be processed and receive the required information.

It is important to remember that a visit to bank branch requires a passport and a previously concluded service agreement. Additionally, you will need a mobile phone.

It should be noted that you can only visit the bank in person.

It will not be possible to ask a stranger to take the password. The exception is cases when this person has a certified power of attorney.

It is worth mentioning the main advantage of this approach. It consists of the opportunity to receive detailed advice on working with the online service and ask the manager a variety of questions that will help you understand the features of virtual banking.

Internet client of OJSC Rosselkhozbank: login

The next method of gaining access to the bank’s Internet client developed at Rosselkhozbank is logging in using SMS confirmations. To use this method, you will need:

  1. select the nearest ATM and visit it;
  2. insert the card and enter the PIN code;
  3. go to the services section and click on the “Internet office” subsection;
  4. select “access via SMS”;
  5. enter a phone number;
  6. receive code information (on the receipt).

Next, to log in, you need to go to the bank’s official website and switch to the personal account tab. Here you should select the SMS authorization option. On the page that opens, you will need to indicate the received login combinations and enter a one-time code, which will be sent to your mobile phone within a few minutes.

It is important to remember that the password received at the ATM is temporary.

It is necessary to replace it with a permanent one the first time you use the system. When choosing a password, you must remember that it must contain lowercase and uppercase letters, symbols and numbers. This is the only way it will become reliable enough.

RBS Rosselkhozbank Internet client login

The next authorization method is to use the M-Token one-time password generation program. But it is important to note that it does not eliminate the need to create a username and password, but it becomes an excellent alternative to SMS confirmations.

To use this approach, you will need to download and activate the generator. To activate, you will need to visit a self-service terminal and request a special code. Then you will need to turn on the application and fill out the activation fields, after which you will need to create a special PIN code necessary for quick access to the generator.

To receive a one-time password, you will need to turn on the activated application, enter the previously created PIN code and the verification combination written down right there. Next, the program will produce the necessary numbers.