How to correctly debit or debit. Debit card - what is it? Debit card - what is it? Definition, meaning, translation

  • 05.10.2023

As a regular user (holder) of debit cards from various banks, I periodically have the same question: how to correctly say debit or debit card? That is, with the emphasis on the first syllable or the third? It especially hurts the ear when this phrase is pronounced on the radio. In everyday communication, such terms are rarely thrown around - they just say card or card. But if they say, then as soon as they don’t call it: debit, debit, debit, debit (as opposed to credit card). We'll figure it out!

A few words about the term itself and its origin

Let's start with the definition of a debit card, given in the document “Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2004 No. 266-P “On the issue of bank cards and on transactions performed using payment cards”:

Payment (debit) card as electronic means payment is used to carry out transactions by its holder within the spending limit - the amount cash the client held in his bank account, and (or) a loan provided by the issuing credit institution to the client in the event of insufficient or absence of funds in the bank account (overdraft).

You can read more about the capabilities of a debit card in.

The word debit itself came to us from accounting. The flow rate is reflected on the left side balance sheet and records the receipt of funds at the cash desk (to current accounts). For reference, in accounting, debit and credit are recorded using a double professional entry, reflecting transactions on two accounts at once ().

The word comes from the Latin debet, meaning "(he) must." So, if a company has debtors, then they are called debtors because they have money (or property) that belongs to the company.

How to say correctly: debit or debit card? Or maybe checking or debit?

So, we figured out the origin of the root of the word “debit” - the noun “debit”. Now it remains to recall that adjectives in Russian are formed from nouns using the suffixes -ov-, -n- (and a number of others). Well, in order to find out the correct pronunciation of the word we need, we turn to the orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language by R. I. Avanesov (or any other dictionary) and find out that the stress in the word “debitovaya” is placed on the third syllable. By the way, Wikipedia, in its article about the debit card, also puts the emphasis on the third syllable.

This does not mean that, for example, when pronouncing “debit” you will say it incorrectly. By simply saying "debitovaya", you are following the rules of pronunciation and stress of the Russian language. And if you are afraid to say it wrong, then just say “calculated”, and everyone will understand you. By the way, the term “debit” is mentioned in documents of the same Central Bank of the Russian Federation, for example, in paragraphs 8.2. and 8.3 of the letter of the Bank of Russia dated July 13, 2005 No. 99-T “On methodological recommendations for the development of internal control rules by credit institutions in order to combat the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism.” So you can safely say so - it will not be wrong.

The word itself has become quite common recently, due to the popularity of this type of plastic among most people in our country. And most people still pronounce this word differently, with different pronunciations. So debit card or debit card - how to put the emphasis in the word correctly?

“Debit card” – correct emphasis on the word

Where does the word "Debit" come from?

So, first let’s look at what word the adjective “Debit” comes from. If you look at the dictionary of the Russian language by Kuznetsov S.A., you will notice that the origin of this adjective is from the word “debit” - this word means the left page in the book, where all the valuable property of a person was previously recorded, and all expenses, debts and manipulations with money, such a book was also called a receipt and expenditure book.

In the word “Debit” itself, the stress is placed directly on the first syllable. Also, if you look at Wikipedia, there is an explanation that the word comes from the English “Debet card” and debit card, in turn, is a translation of this phrase. In most English words the stress is on the first syllable, that is, the same as in the first case. So how to pronounce and say this word correctly?

Correct pronunciation of the adjective "debit"

Where to place the emphasis? Once you find out where the word comes from, you will be surprised, but the emphasis in the adjective “debit” is placed directly on the letter “O”. Yes, banking life has slightly crushed this adjective and now it is correctly pronounced with the emphasis on the third consonant.

But still, no matter how you pronounce this word, no one will look at you crookedly, since almost most people pronounce it incorrectly, from the point of view of the rules. Yes and some bank workers They also don’t like to put emphasis on the letter “O” and pronounce it with emphasis on the first consonant, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Debit card - meaning

Plastic bank card which you have everything established details bank, and linked directly to yours, or debit account in the bank. The account itself can be used for any purpose, replenish it, spend money, and also make various transfers.


Debit card – we hear this word more and more often around us and this is due to the fact that this instrument has begun to spread more and more in our world due to its ease of use.

Total found: 20

Good afternoon How best to construct a phrase: Operations are available for debit cards, including youth, cards or Operations are available for debit cards, including youth. Thank you!

The second option is preferable.

Question No. 285188

Good day! Tell me how to pronounce “debit ovaya” or “debit ovaya” correctly? The online dictionaries that I looked at give the emphasis on “O”, but for some reason I doubt it.. Thanks in advance!

Answer help desk Russian language

Right: debit O wai.

Question No. 255638
Good afternoon, office staff! Please tell me whether the words “debit” and “credit” are used in the plural. For example: “Just as an accountant records debits and credits, so does...”?

Russian help desk response

This use of words is incorrect.

Question No. 247024
If we are talking about plastic card(credit or debit), what is the correct way to say: pay by card or by card? Or is some other option correct?

Russian help desk response

I'm interested in the correct spelling of the phrase "receivables". I’m tormented between the options “accounts receivable” and “debit accounts receivable”

Russian help desk response

Please tell me how receivables or debits are written? If this is from the word debtor, then debtor is from what word? How then are the words debit and accounts receivable connected? Why is it spelled differently in many legal documents?

Russian help desk response

Question No. 245110
Please explain why "debit" but " accounts receivable"?

Russian help desk response

Debit- from the Latin 3rd person form of the verb debet (2nd conjugation) - literally “he must.” Here -et is historically the personal ending of the verb.

Words creditor And debtor formed from another verb stem. There are three of them in Latin. And sometimes verbs that differ in the present tense are the same in other tenses.

How do you spell “accounts receivable”, with an “i” or an “e”, why? What word is it derived from? From debtor? or debit?

Russian help desk response

Correct: _debtor_ (from _debtor_).
Question No. 224991
debit - debtors?

Russian help desk response

Question No. 220865
Hello! Please tell me whether a comma is placed after the word...count... in a sentence Not all banking operations as simple as a debit or transfer from a current account and ideally fits the rails of Internet technologies.

Russian help desk response

A comma after _count_ is needed.
Question No. 216669
Which option is correct: accounts receivable or debit accounts receivable?

Russian help desk response

Correct: _accounts receivable_.