How to transplant a money channel. How to open a money channel

  • 14.04.2021

Today I invite you to familiarize yourself with the practice of pumping up your money level. It has long been no secret that in order to increase your income you need to gradually expand your comfort zone. This must be done consciously! As a result, you will work through your money attitudes and limitations; over time, you will begin to think completely differently and have a completely different attitude towards money and life in general.

So, if you are used to saving on everything and putting money under your mattress, saving it for a “rainy day,” then you are destined to exist and live in anticipation of a wonderful tomorrow all your life. Of course, the attitude towards money should be reasonable. That is, you must have a permanent income (and better not from one source, but from several), you must have at least an approximate distribution of the amount of money for the month, you must have a so-called “safety cushion” (for example, a certain amount for deposit in a bank), but your attitude towards money should be easy. No fear that you won’t have enough and will die of hunger, only love and complete trust in the world.

Plus, in order to open a money channel and increase your income level, you need:

First, expand your comfort zone.

Secondly, stop “spending” and start “investing”.

How to do this?

Expanding your comfort zone = increasing your material level

When you constantly buy something based on price rather than quality, you are giving the Universe a sign that you are afraid that you won't have enough. You are sending out a fear signal, as if to say that you are poor, you have no money, and you are unworthy and cannot buy anything good for yourself. And the world is a mirror and it reflects all our thoughts and emotions. You broadcast fear and a feeling of lack of money, and this is what you get in return.

You just need to stop spending and start investing! In yourself, in your health, in your family, in your appearance, at your own comfort. And, for example, paying public utilities, do not be indignant and indignant about the fact that you were robbed and that everyone is only doing that they are making money off of you, but simply rejoice in the fact that you can calmly and easily invest money in your comfortable existence. You don't spend, you pay for your comfort! And you can totally afford it!

Of course, it is impossible to change everything in one day, especially if you are at level zero.

First, decide what level you are at.

Level one. Zero

At this level there live people who save on absolutely everything; they are afraid to spend an extra penny. They go to the cheapest wholesale stores, crowd in lines there, buy cheap products (which are almost impossible to eat, but they shove it into themselves, getting no joy or pleasure from eating). They also buy clothes at sales or cheap markets, which are not of high quality. In general, everywhere and everywhere it’s a blow to yourself and your health. We bought low-quality products, put on synthetic clothes, wasted time and nerves in queues and heard a lot of rudeness from sellers and the same buyers, but we saved a lot!

The sensations at this level are fear, tension, irritation, anger.

Level two. I am poor and unhappy

These people are not much different from the first. They do not go to sales and cheap wholesalers so often and can shop at nearby stores. But at the same time, they also look at the price first! And if the price suits them, but they understand that the quality leaves much to be desired, various “persuasions” are used: “so what if the packaging is terrible, it’s not about the beautiful box”, “nothing, it’s quite edible”, “expensive, not necessarily high quality, there are also cheap products that are good.” In general, I’ll close my eyes and eat it, but it’s inexpensive!

The sensations at this level are tense and compressed (especially at the checkout, “what if I don’t have enough money”), constant internal monologue and anxiety.

Level three. I can! But not always

I personally have already passed this level, about mine personal experience I wrote in This is a transitional level from minus to plus. The main purchases are made in inexpensive stores, but from time to time purchases are also made in higher-class stores. And the main guideline is not price, but quality and pleasure from shopping. This is where shifts in consciousness begin to occur, and there is a smooth transition from spending to investing. A person is no longer looking for the cheapest goods, but what he likes.

The feeling at this level is awareness of one’s own worth, enjoying life, the feeling “I can afford it!”

Level four. I can! I Just Can

The purchase takes place in good stores, where there are no crowds and bustle. Purchases are often made online with delivery. Quite frequent visits to expensive, high-quality stores. When choosing products, everything cheap is immediately cut off and not even considered. The choice is based on quality and appearance (I choose what I like and gives a pleasant feeling).

Feelings at this level are self-confidence, calmness, trust in life, openness to cash flow, joy from shopping.

Level five. I can do anything I want!

This is the highest class and many people cannot afford it. This is a complete development of all blocks and negative beliefs, this is an absolute presence in the flow of life. Buy only what you like without regard to price. Not everything! But only what is tasty and what you like.

Feelings at this level are joy and pleasure, a feeling of fullness of life, an absolute absence of fear, self-love.

Determine the level you are at. Realize this as a fact, remember your behavior and your purchases.

And, follow these steps:

1. Find a store in your place of residence that is higher class than the one you go to now.

2. Go there, find something you would like to try and buy it. If you like the product, periodically (every 1-2 weeks at least) run into this store and buy this product. Or something else, but only what you enjoy buying.

By the way, I want to note that when the shock of high prices wears off, then in such stores you begin to see and notice normal, quite familiar prices. It’s just that at first our brain is tuned to what is EXPENSIVE here, and we only see what we want to see. And when you start going to this store often, you will be surprised that you can buy good products there at reasonable prices. And the absence of spoiled and expired goods and the quality of service allows you to feel completely different than when you are jostling in line in cheap stores (crushing, stuffiness, bulging eyes, frantic mental calculation and price comparison).

3. And, most importantly, in the process of walking around the store, choosing products, at the time of paying at the checkout, it is important to keep inside a state of joy that you are buying good products in such a wonderful store! In general, broadcast positivity into the world and let it be known that you like what you are doing now. It is important to feel pleasure and gratitude to yourself and life for this! After all, you are doing this for yourself (or your loved one), and for people close and dear to you.

And your loved ones deserve all the best and the best, right?

If you want to upgrade your money level, but cannot do it because you do not understand and do not see your blocks and boundaries, then you can get Work will begin on its own, and you will only need to swim with the flow of life, and not resist to her.

Good luck, prosperity and happy shopping to you! Always!

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There are situations when you want to improve your life, afford more, pamper your children, finally relax like a human being, and receive a decent reward for your efforts. But no matter how much and no matter what is done, money does not increase, wealth and well-being do not increase.

There are many reasons for this, and each specific life situation must be considered separately. But there is something common in all these situations - if there are financial difficulties, it means that monetary energy cannot flow to the person to the required extent - something is preventing it. Below I present rituals that will help restore the money channel and attract wealth to you if the cause of financial difficulties was your wrong actions and/or negativity from the outside. By negative I mean envy, anger, scandals, gossip, intrigue, deliberate evil against you. All this settles on a person like dirt and weighs us down, taking away strength and energy. By removing this from yourself and your home, strengthening yourself and strengthening your money channel, you can improve your financial well-being.

I want to warn you right away that money will not flow like a river and that you will have to work and put in effort. Simply, “of course” a long-standing problem will be resolved, “accidentally” opportunities will appear for good earnings, “finally” they will give you a promotion, etc.

Try, practice, do rituals many times. If in your case the cause was something more serious and concerning not even you, but your family, then in this case, the rituals performed will make you feel better and there will be results. But in such cases, it would be good to find out the reasons and eliminate them. I can help you with this, details at the end of the article.

The following rituals can be done for yourself, or for your entire family and home:

Ritual of "Exorcism of all evil"

This ritual is needed in order to get rid of all the accumulated negativity that appeared as a result of your wrong actions or negative influences from the outside. It’s better to make it a rule and do it at least once a month. But if you feel the need, you can do it more often. This ritual is performed at dawn during the Full Moon, as well as on Saturday and Tuesday during the Waning Moon.
Light a red or yellow candle, mentally turn to the fire, saying:

After the fire is blessed, take the candle in your hands, looking to the east and say the words:

Sun God, Great and Just. Almighty creator and destroyer, I (name) turn to you. You destroy mountains, you destroy stones. Destroy my grief, failure, poverty, envy, illness, witchcraft, sorcery, hatred, deals against me, the evil eye, save me from a bad moment, not for an hour, not for two, but forever. True.

Holding a candle in your hands, turn to the south and say the spell again. Then turn to the west and say a spell. Do the same, turning to the north. After you say the spell facing north, turn to face east, place a candle on the altar (or on the table, so that it “looks” to the east). Tell:

Thank you God of the Sun, Great and Just.

Leave the candle to burn out. This completes the ritual. If you have a good, large candle, you can leave it burning for half an hour or an hour, and then put it out to use later for this ritual.

Ritual "Blessing of Heaven and Earth"

When you cleanse yourself of negativity by destroying it, you will need to fill yourself with life-affirming creative energy. This will “heal” the wounds of your Soul received from negativity and strengthen your spiritual strength. This state manifests itself as inspiration, the desire to act and achieve, the emergence of interesting ideas, and the discovery of new opportunities.

Execution time is morning hours (dawn is ideal) on the Waxing Moon and on the Full Moon. You can do it at least every day. You can when you feel the need. But the more often you repeat, the more clearly you will feel the effectiveness of this ritual.

It is best to perform the ritual outdoors, standing with your bare feet on the ground. Look at the sun. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply and evenly. Feel the warmth of the sun, feel the earth under your feet. Tune into that original spark that burns in your heart. Feel the warmth that the Creator breathed into you. Now tune in to the same warmth that exists in the Sun and in the Earth. You need to tune in not to the physical manifestation, but to those Forces that manifest themselves in the form of the Sun and the Earth. You need to tune in to Father Sun and Mother Ancestress. You will feel the connection with them that has always been and is now.

Mentally address them, say:

Great Father of All, Sun, please fill me with your strength, bless me on the righteous Path, give me the strength to fulfill my destiny and live with dignity in this World.

Feel how a flow of energy descends from the sky and fills you and your life.

Great Mother of Everything, Earth, please fill me with your strength, bless me on the righteous Path, give me the strength to fulfill my destiny and live with dignity in this World.

Feel how a flow of energy rises from the earth to you, filling you and your life. As soon as you feel full and sated, say: "Thank you" . This completes the ritual.

Ritual for money gain

This ritual opens the way for money, as they like to say, it opens money channels. If you suddenly have thoughts that money is evil and it only makes things worse, then apparently you don’t need to do such a ritual yet. It is better to first understand that the energy of money, like any other energy, is neither bad nor good. And it becomes painful and difficult because it simply sanctifies what already exists in a person. If you decide to do the ritual, first come to terms with yourself, realizing that money is the equivalent of power in the world and an assistant in achieving goals and fulfilling desires.

It is better to prepare for the ritual on the Waxing Moon. Choose three successful places where there are always a lot of buyers/clients and good income. These could be, for example, shops, cafes, banks, etc. You need to buy something from them (even if it’s not essential), but so that when they pay you, they give you change. The equivalent of money is not important, the fact itself is important. And now you have money from three places where good cash flow and profit. It is this money that we will use in the ritual. You also need to sew in advance a small green bag from any natural fabric with yellow ties (of a size so that you can put money in it).

The time for the ritual is noon on the waxing Moon on Friday or Sunday, noon on the Full Moon is also suitable.

Materials: green candle, yellow flowers, money, green bag.

Light a green candle, mentally turn to the fire, saying:

God of Fire, please bless this fire with your Power.

After the fire is consecrated, mentally tune in to the fact that you need to turn to the Spirits of money. Imagine yourself in a golden or green stream that comes from space towards you. It consists of the energy of money, expensive things and jewelry. Imagine that in this stream there are also living beings - Spirits of Money. Tell:

Lay the paths of the road into my home, into my life, into my wallet.
Be with me, come to me, teach me
Create and accumulate money and wealth.
Teach me to live in abundance and prosperity.
Let there be peace between us.

Imagine how money paths (channels) are formed from space moving towards you, your home and into your wallet. Put the money in the bag, place it in front of you, say, turning to the Spirits of Money:

Spirits of Money, Spirits of Wealth and Abundance.
Give your power to this money.
Let them attract new money, opportunities and wealth to me.
From morning to morning forever. So be it and so it is.

Place the bag in the house, perhaps in the same place where you keep money and jewelry. Or you can do it in the center of the house so that energy accumulates throughout the house. You can initially divide the money into two parts. Before consecration, put one in a bag, and leave the second in a handful (pack) lying near the candle. After consecration, put this money in your wallet, but do not spend it, wear it like a money magnet.

If you feel that the reason for your money difficulties is deeper, write to me, I’ll see if this is true and tell you how to help in your situation.

It often happens in life that a person, despite his efforts and work, cannot not only get rich, but even earn a comfortable living. This happens because the money channel is closed. Is it possible to open it and how to do it?

Why is the money channel closed?

There can be many reasons for closing a money channel:

  • Bad money karma- when there were no and there were no wealthy people.
  • Negative attitude towards money- comes from upbringing and is fueled by negative attitudes such as “no money”, “this is expensive for us”, “poverty is not a vice” and other phrases that a person hears from childhood and subsequently begins to follow them himself.
  • Money damage or evil eye. This is a deliberate negative impact on a person, which comes from an ill-wisher and an envious person. Agree that when they often wish you evil, this evil most likely appears in life.

Whatever the reason for closing the money channel, it can be opened using a universal method, which consists of several techniques.

Ritual for opening a money channel

This ritual is carried out in several stages. The process of opening a money channel itself can last a week, a month, six months or more - depending on the degree of your perception and desire to change your life for the better. So where to start?

  1. Notice the abundance around you. Look around: you are not poor, but rich. Appreciate everything you have and what you can use. Realize that the Universe is rich and its gifts are limitless - sea, forests, trees, flowers, air. You are part of the Universe, which means you are also rich.
  2. Start giving thanks. The power of gratitude is a powerful tool for opening the money channel. Say “thank you” to everything and everyone. Give thanks not only for something positive, but also for something negative. The ability to radiate positivity and the ability to concentrate on the good will give you the opportunity to attract money, kind people, luck and love into your life.
  3. Don't get stuck on one source of income. Try to see the benefit in something other than your main job.
  4. Share with your money. In order for money to come to you in large quantities, you need to be able to give it away. Money is energy and it must constantly move, so do not forget about charity or gifts to your loved ones.
  5. Play the role of a rich man. If you want to open a money channel quickly, then you will need to feel rich and successful right now. To do this, get rid of negative attitudes, critical assessments of reality and negative emotions. Enjoy the state of euphoria that arises when you think about your large income and the benefits that you want to have.

By following these recommendations, you can open a money channel yourself. Be happy and rich! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Our whole life is connected with certain energy channels that connect our biofield with the Universe. By opening a money channel, you can improve your financial situation and increase your income.

Each of us dreams of a well-paid job that will bring high income. But sometimes efforts do not bring the desired result, and daily hard work does not lead to enrichment. Thus, the Universe lets us know that our cash flow is blocked, and in order to correct the situation, it is necessary to reactivate it. There are many effective ways to open a financial channel and thereby increase your income, but the easiest way is to use an effective ritual.

Reasons blocking cash flow

Why is cash flow blocked? The answer to this question is not difficult to find, because the reason is the person himself. Negative thoughts, a pessimistic attitude, a lack of self-confidence - these are not all the reasons why the financial channel is blocked.

Negative thinking. Many people believe that thoughts have no influence on their life and destiny, but this is not so. A person who is constantly in a bad mood and dissatisfied with every day he lives pushes away not only good luck, but also wealth. To avoid blocking the financial channel, you need to think positively, and most importantly, always believe in yourself and your strengths. If you once had the chance to communicate with a wealthy and successful person, then you probably noticed that every word he said carried only a positive connotation.

Conflicts with other people. It is not surprising that many cannot earn the desired amount. Constant stress, lack of understanding from other people and a negative attitude can make us participants or even initiators of conflict. Quarrels and disagreements with others can also block your cash flow. To avoid this, try not to react to other people's provocations. Don't forget that rich people pay the least attention to envious people and aggressors.

Damage to poverty. Sometimes it is the damage caused that can cause a blocked money channel. It is not difficult to recognize the impact of a negative program: you will feel a sharp deterioration in your condition. If lately you have been suffering from severe headaches and a fever, although there is no reason for this, there is a possibility that you have become a victim of damage. In this case, you should immediately try to remove it at home.

Ritual for opening a money channel

If your financial situation has worsened, this does not mean that you are poorly fulfilling your job responsibilities and don't make any effort to increase your income. The reason for this may be a blockage of the financial channel, and you can open it with the help of a proven money ritual.

For the ritual you will need three green candles - this color symbolizes wealth and prosperity. You will also need a 500 ruble banknote.

Before performing the ritual, you need to get yourself in the right mood. First, free your thoughts from negativity: as you already understand, mood and emotions are closely related to your financial situation. Imagine that there is a crystal in front of you, and, looking at it, you notice how it shimmers. Then you should feel yourself touching it. Try to study its appearance as if it were in front of you. After this, you can begin the ritual.

Any day at midnight, retire to a separate room, turn off the lights and light three candles. Look closely at the bill for three minutes, and then say:

“Let the money channel open for me. Let my wealth grow and multiply. My words will be heard."

It is advisable to carry out the ritual during the waxing moon. At this time, energy grows and strengthens, which gives special power to the ceremonies and rituals performed.

Weak cash flow is one of the reasons for financial difficulties. A few simple ways will help you strengthen your energy channel and increase your wealth. We wish you wealth and success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.02.2018 02:36

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Why don't money come to many people? How to make money start coming in? How to “marry” money, open a money channel and attract cash flow? Find out 2 methods of attracting money and opening a money channel.

Negative thinking, negative programs and beliefs do not allow you to open a money channel and make the successful implementation of major plans almost impossible. Meditations to attract cash flow help eliminate them.

Meditation on water called “Money Channel”

Meditating on water will help you recharge it in public places.
1. Visit some public place and try to feel its atmosphere - relax and record the feelings that arise when you are there. Remember your feelings - whether they were comfortable or not.

2. Now go to a public place where money is “found” - a bank, a large store, etc. Try to feel the money channel and tune it to the bottle of water that you take with you. Imagine how cash flows through your water. Try to make your feelings comfortable.

3. Drink charged water - drink it in small sips, gradually adding it to your foods and drinks. When you drink water, mentally realize your financial goals, attract the realization of financial goals in your dreams. This way you will open your money channel and begin to manage your cash flow!

Choosing water for coding

If you want to charge water, it is best to take melted water - it does not contain any extraneous information. Moreover, you don’t have to collect snow on the street - prepare melt water from your tap water yourself (just don’t forget to clean it with a filter so you can drink it later).

Marry money

There is an expression: “He is married to luck.” How to make sure that the money channel is opened and money starts coming in? You can increase your cash flow with this practice.

This is said precisely about this method - to get married to money. In order to do this, you need to go to a place where there is always money, for example, a bank, store, etc.

Go to the bank and touch the wall of the building, while mentally saying the words of matchmaking:

“This is where the money flows,
It falls into the wrong hands.
Here are copper and gold coins,
All kinds - both small and large.
Damn my godfather and matchmaker,
Brother to gold and silver.
My godfather, my matchmaker,
Bring money to my house
For money to love me
And they followed me everywhere.
How a wife follows her husband,
And husband after wife,
So let it be money
Follows me everywhere.
Key. Lock. Language. Amen (3 times)"

Quick fulfillment of material desires

If you need urgent help in solving any problem of a material or moral nature, perform the following simple ritual.
In silence, write your request on a piece of paper without errors or corrections, as if it has already been fulfilled, indicating as many details as possible.

For example: “I bought new car Toyota Scorpio brand, metallic color for (specify amount) by such and such date (specify date). I thank the Universe. (Your name)".

Read the “Our Father” and the prayer to the Mother of God. Hold the piece of paper between your palms, looking at the flame of a lit candle and filling the piece of paper with a strong desire to buy a car. After a few minutes, light the leaf from the candle flame, placing it on a plate. If the leaf burns to the ground, your request has been heard by the Supreme Karmic Council, wait for its fulfillment.

Usually comes true within three months, often in 21 days. If there is even a tiny unburned piece left, the request is not yet ripe. It can be repeated after a few days.

Affirmation to attract money energy

Sit down, relax.

Say: “Cash flows are rushing towards me.
Monetary energy is inexhaustible.
I am happy to receive money and I am happy to give money.

The more I give, the more comes to me.
Success leads me to success.
God, grant me the wisdom and prosperity of Solomon.
The rich are generous, which means I am generous.
The generous God grants me abundance, success and prosperity.”

We wish you high income and successful fundraising! Help your friends - show them these incredibly practical recommendations!