How to cash a check from Google AdSense. How to cash a Google AdSense check Check from Google Adsense

  • 04.05.2021

On thematic forums and in Google groups, the question of canceling checks is quite common. Google Adsense. I decided to talk a little about this, especially since I myself have encountered this problem a couple of times. The procedure is absolutely free and simple - it is performed online, and there is no need to send any letters back. After requesting a cancellation, after some time the funds will be returned to the balance in your account.

Reasons for canceling a check

Essentially, there are two main reasons for this procedure:

  • The Adsense check did not arrive at all (it was lost in the mail or was sent to the wrong address).
  • You cannot cash it out at your bank. For example, the document contains an error, has been damaged, or has expired (usually from 6 to 12 months, but depends on the country). If my memory serves me right, at the Ukrainian Oschadbank you can hand over for collection Adsense checks no older than three months and only from $500.

In principle, other situations may arise. Let's say you are not satisfied with the high bank commission for small amounts and you want to combine several payments into one. It happens that a person’s details change. I also remember that once there was some kind of glitch in Google, and Adsense checks came in euros, while it was possible to cash only dollar ones.

One of the most popular reasons, I think, is a change in the payment method in the system. For example, you initially received checks or local banks, and then decided to send your earnings directly to your bank account. Collection in our country is far from a quick procedure, so the reluctance to wait for payment given the existing alternatives is quite logical. Actually, I now have just a similar situation: I have one check in hand, but instead of waiting a month, I decided to cancel it and make payments to a bank account. By the way, I’ll definitely tell you about this process a little later.

How to cancel an Adsense check

Regardless of the reason for canceling your Google Adsense check, you will have to wait 60 days from the date of shipment so that the function becomes possible. If after this time the corresponding link does not appear in the system, then the cashout has already been made.

You will find information about payments in the same section of your Adsense account (gear icon in the upper right corner).

The funds will not be returned to your account immediately; you will need to wait a little.

On the page you need to enter your name, email address, publisher ID, amount, issue date and Adsense check number. Also note one of the reasons for the return: incorrect recipient information, damage or loss of the check, high commission, exchange rate or problems with cashing, etc. If I'm not mistaken, this was the first time I had to cancel a Google Adsense check using this method. However, now everything is done much easier. Perhaps the form is used for a return when you are not able to log into your personal account in the system.

Total. If your Adsense check has not arrived or you want to cancel it for other reasons, then general case need to:

  1. wait 60 days after its creation;
  2. send a request to resend the payment.

Relevant help page for the topic. Write questions and additions in the comments.

When you start working with Google Adsense contextual advertising, the question arises of how to get money.
If the owner of the Google account is individual, then the affiliate remuneration is paid by personal check. Oh well. We leave this for later and work.

Hurray! We worked successfully, waited, and now we have a check from Google in our hands...

Firstly (it is advisable that the expiration date be more than 2 months).
If you didn’t make it or didn’t receive the check on time, don’t despair, you can request a re-send.
The check did not reach me the first time. I wrote through support - they returned the money from that check and resent it.
Of course, it takes all the time... But I don’t count on AdSense for instant earnings and money.

How to cash a Google AdSense check?

There are two ways:

  1. Through the bank.
  2. Through check cashing offices/Internet banks.

Cash a Google AdSense check through your bank

This service is called “collection” of a registered check from a foreign bank.
Called large banks in Chelyabinsk and did not find acceptable conditions (the majority simply do not accept).
I don’t know what the situation will be at the time of reading this post, but I decided not to contact the banks, but...

Cash a check through a third party

After some digging on the Internet I chose ePayService, I didn’t find any real alternatives :)

Commission for cashing checks from Google - 2.5%
The check amount will be transferred to the EPS Online internet bank account, then you can request a transfer to another payment system(or bank transfer, if you still want to hold green pieces of paper in your hands :)).
For example, Commission for withdrawal to WMZ is 0.8%
Or you can try to use this same Internet account to pay for services.

Total costs: transfer of a check to an online account + transfer to WMZ = 3.3% + postage, it turns out to be quite profitable.

So, on the website you can register
Fill out the form (have your passport ready)
From step 5 onwards, quite a lot of marketing information is collected. It was a little stressful.
After submitting the form, you must confirm the creation of the account within a couple of days.
I was pleased with the message about activation the very next night :)

On the page Details for receiving checks we read:
Checks made out to your name.

Checks that you write out in your name must be signed (endorsed) as follows when received at your home address: reverse side on the check, where it says ENDORSE HERE, you must write in clear and legible handwriting For the credit to MTACC Inc and put your signature as in your passport. Next, you must redirect these checks for cashing to our main office at:

or, if it is more convenient for you, redirect them to our representative office in St. Petersburg at the address:

Payment system ePayService
197374, St. Petersburg, st. Savushkina 83, building 3, letter A, office 204.
Business center "Antares"

If you send checks to the representative office in St. Petersburg by regular mail, we highly recommend sending registered letters with return receipt requested. Such letters will be delivered to us at least 2 times faster than regular ones.

Also, at the representative office in St. Petersburg, you can personally hand over checks for cashing. Clients are received at any time from Monday to Friday from 12 to 20 hours.

The standard withdrawal period is UP TO 20 days.
But in addition, you can send a scan of the receipt, then the funds will be transferred immediately upon receipt of the original! This service is called iCheck (see in your personal account).
IN at the moment iCheck only accepts checks in US dollars from US banks. Those. Google checks are fine :)

I also sent a scan of what was signed in advance and 15 minutes later there was a message:
The check scan has been accepted. Original receipt awaited

After this message I calmly went to the post office.

12 days have passed from the moment of sending by mail to the moment of receiving an SMS about the receipt of funds in the account(maybe the post office is to blame, but still faster than standard deadlines). The fee for cashing a check was 2.5%. The usual withdrawal in Webmoney is at 12 o'clock on weekdays, commission 0.8%.

As of May 17, they launched a new cash-out rate - 2%, min $8. Consider what is more profitable for you.

P.S. There are actually quite a lot of different exchangers/payment systems.
But before you use any, be sure to read the reviews, because... scammers do not sleep.

Where can I cash my check?

Because policies vary between banks, we"re not able to determine if a specific bank is able to accept your AdSense checks. All check payments are issued by Citibank. If you receive checks in U.S. dollars, please inquire at your bank regarding whether they have a correspondent relationship with Citibank. This relationship is required in order to process our U.S. dollar checks. Please note that Google AdSense checks are for deposit only, and are not able to be cashed.

Additionally, please be aware that different banks often take different amounts of time to clear any check. We suggest contacting your bank directly for more information.

Delivery options

All checks are sent via standard delivery. Publishers usually receive their checks about 2-4 weeks after the mailing date. However, it may take longer depending on the postal service in your location.

Standard delivery payments sent to the countries listed below will be mailed by a local courier service. There will be no charge for mailing payments in this manner and we anticipate that the payments will arrive within 10-30 days of the check date.

  • Argentina
  • Bolivia
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Ecuador
  • Mexico
  • Paraguay
  • Uruguay
  • Venezuela

AdSense publishers in select countries in Latin America (listed above) will have standard delivery payments delivered via the local courier service Ocasa for no additional charge. Tracking numbers are not available for Ocasa check payments.

Publishers in China will have standard delivery payments mailed by Hong Kong post.

Note that your check delivery address must be in the same country as the address in your payment settings. Checks can't be delivered across different countries.

Deadline to cash check

If you haven’t received your check after 60 days, you can reissue a new check directly from your AdSense account. Visit your "Transactions" page to see the original payment date and current status. If the check still hasn’t been cashed after 60 days, you’ll see a “Re-issue payment” link appear next to your check’s status in your “Transactions” page. Click Re-issue payment and shortly after a new line item will appear showing that the check has been stopped and your refund is in progress.

You can only reissue a check from your account if more than 60 days has passed since it was issued.

If you do not deposit your check within 12 months after it was issued, your earnings will be credited back to your account and your payments will be put on hold.

Once your payments are put on hold for an expired check, visit your payment settings and update your check delivery address. Whether or not you update your delivery address, you still need to click the "re-enable" button on the check form of payment widget (or select a new form of payment). After you edit and/or re-enable your form of payment, your payment hold will be removed.

>> How and where to cash a Google Adsense check

How I cashed Google Adsense check at ePayService.

Hello, dear readers!

In this post I want to tell you about how and where. I'll tell you mine personal experience how I made money on google adsense and how I withdrew my earned money.

Before I start my story, I want to tell you that absolutely everyone can cash a Google Adsense check, since there is nothing complicated in this procedure.

me on initial stage I had great doubts about whether I could cash the check and withdraw my money. I dug through a lot of information on this subject, including articles, videos, etc.

Everything seemed very simple, but at the same time confusing, since, firstly, there were several options for cashing a Google Adsense check, and secondly, everyone who cashed their checks had their own nuances and difficulties. This certainly confused me and slowed me down. But I still made up my mind and chose one method of cashing a check and decided to follow the given route to the end, albeit in small steps.

And so, here is my story of how I made money on Google Adsense and how I withdrew my money to the WebMoney electronic wallet.

How to Cash a Google Adsense Check.

It all started when I decided to register with Google Adsense and added my site for moderation. Moderation, as I expected, was fast, and my site was accepted into Google Adsense contextual advertising. After that, I started experimenting with the code on my site.

I changed the location of the advertisement, experimented with the number of advertisements on one page of the site, changed the color of the advertisement text, alternated banners with graphics and text. After a couple of months, I came up with text for my site, so far, in my opinion, the ideal option is text. Banners, unfortunately, worked very poorly.

As you know, in order to withdraw money from Google Adsense contextual advertising, you need to reach the minimum wage, which is $100 or €70. I will say that I gained this amount within 3 months, twice already. The first time I successfully cashed my check. Now I’m waiting for the second check and will cash it in the same way, which ended successfully and which I want to tell you about in this article.

First of all, how to get a check from Google Adsense, I doubted how to get this check. Since I live in Ukraine, I had two options - by mail or courier delivery.

Delivery by mail is free, but it has its drawbacks - delivery takes from one month and it is not a fact that it will arrive. I know our Ukrainian post office and my postmen, so I had doubts about ordering a check this way.

Therefore, the second option remains - courier delivery, which costs 15 €. I decided to take this step and placed an order for courier delivery and waited for the result. I was very interested in what would happen next.

After some time, I saw in my Google Adsense account that the amount including delivery had been processed and sent. About a week later I received a call on mobile phone and informed me that I had received a delivery and that I needed to pick it up at the specified address within a week.

Since I don't live in the same place as the check arrived, I needed to get there. I found some free time and went to get the check. I arrived there, found the address where I needed to pick up the package, and received my check in the package.

If you live in the same city where courier delivery is available, then you are a little lucky and cashing a google adsense check will go faster. Residents of Russia are lucky in terms of withdrawing money from Google Adsen, since they have Rapida - a system for transferring money directly to your e-wallet without checks. It's very convenient. All other countries still have to cash their money using checks.

I got a little distracted, so I'll continue. After I received my check, it was time to decide how and where to cash a google adsense check. As I said above, I found several options, but one option resonated with me more and I decided to use it.

I found out that there is such a service as, where you can cash checks without any problems, including from Google Adsense.

I registered in this service and logged into my account.

As you can see, there is an arrow in the screenshot indicating what to do next. Follow this link.

Afterwards you will be given instructions on what you need to do with your check, and this is to write an additional inscription and put your signature in the space provided on the check. Read the instructions carefully; everything is explained in detail and clearly and shown with examples.

Once you have completed all the instructions with the receipt itself, the next step is to upload the scanned receipt into the form below the instructions. This is what she looks like.

After uploading the scanned receipt to this form and click on the Add button, you need to wait literally a day or two before the information below this form changes to the status " The check scan has been accepted, the original check is awaited"If you have such information, then you can consider that half the battle is done.

The next step, as you might have already guessed, is to go to the post office, put the original check in an envelope and send the letter by courier delivery (necessarily in this way) to one of the addresses indicated in the service itself. After about a week, your status should change to " Original check accepted"If this happens, and I'm sure it will, then in a couple of days it will be credited to your account. ePayService money will arrive.

Now this service has simplified receiving money to an electronic wallet. Now you don’t need to send the original check by mail, but just send a scanned check on the website. After this, if everything is fine with your check, then you will be credited with money to your account in this service, which you can now transfer to your electronic wallet and then withdraw in cash.

Here you will need to enter the number z-wallet WebMoney, the amount to be transferred and indicate the payment details, for example, write the withdrawal of funds and then click on the Send button. Now, depending on the transfer amount, you will have to wait a few days and the money will be in your wallet.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this and everyone can cash a check google adsense, you just need to find some free time and run to the post office.

I hope you now know that earning money in Google Adsense is real and cashing a check is also possible. If you have questions on this topic, write them in the comments, and I will answer them if possible.

Thank you and all the best!

Best regards, Vitaly Shmatov!

Greetings to all readers of my blog! Recently my Google Adsense account balance became more than $100! The first money is always nice, especially if it is earned on the Internet! Like any person who is withdrawing money from this service for the first time, naturally I had several questions - How to withdraw money from Adsense? What are the options? And today, in this article, I will try to explain to you everything possible options withdrawing money from the Google Adsense contextual advertising service.

Unfortunately, the Adsense service does not directly work with any virtual currency. Although it would be great to indicate your webmoney wallet and receive all the money you earn directly there. But this would be too simple and not interesting, Google thought so and decided to make only two payment method options! So, the following options are available to us:

  1. Payment through the service money transfers Rapida
  2. Payment by check

Payment through the Rapida service became available relatively recently. Before this, there was only one payment option - payment by check! As a result, the Google Adsense contextual advertising service was terribly inconvenient due to its transfers by checks. Today, users mainly withdraw money through Rapida. This happens because in Rapid you can then transfer money anywhere!

So, now let’s look at all the possible options for withdrawing money from Google Adsense one by one.

A check is the simplest option for processing a payment, but the most hemorrhoids in terms of receiving and cashing it! I recommend using this withdrawal option only when for some reason you cannot choose another payment option - Rapida.

I'll explain everything in order. In the Adsense payment settings, you need to set the payment option by check (“Check – postal delivery” or “Check – courier delivery”). Upon reaching minimum amount payments ($100), an Adsense check is sent to you, to the address that is in your system settings and to which the first letter from Google Adsense arrived, with a PIN code to activate your account.

Within a month, the check should arrive by mail to you; delivery times depend on the remoteness of your locality.

When the Adsense check is in your hands, it must be cashed within 6 months (the validity period of the check). You need to find a bank in your city that accepts personal checks issued foreign bank, for collection. It makes sense to visit several banks and find out the percentage of their commission for this service; ultimately, choose the most minimum percentage and receive your check!

Go to the Rapida Oline registration page. After reading the memo “About electronic cash"At the bottom of the page click "Proceed to registration"

  • User registration. Step No. 1. Enter your phone number, email, full name, check the box that you have read the terms of the offer, enter the captcha and press the “Confirm” button. You should only enter real data, because in the future everything will be checked!
  • User registration. Step No. 2. A registration confirmation letter will be sent to your email. We copy and paste the code that will be sent to you by email into the form for verification. Click “Confirm”.
  • User registration. Step No. 3 At this stage of registration, the service checks your access to the phone number. Enter the PIN code that was sent to you via SMS. Click “Confirm”.

At this point, registration in the Rapida Online system is completed, you can now log into your wallet. But that's not all!

After logging into your wallet, take a look at your status, there will be an unpleasant red inscription “ not personalized" This means that until you change your status to " personified» no transfers from Adsense are possible!

In order to be identified in the Rapida Online system and change your status, you must provide this service with documents that confirm your identity. On the topic of identification in this system, I wrote a separate article (Identification (Personification) in Rapida Online), in which you will learn how it will be easier for you to go through this procedure and how I went through it.

After you change your status to a personalized user, all kinds of options for transferring money from Adsense will become available to you!

You can now transfer money anywhere! You can simply transfer money to electronic wallet, and you can even pay off your loan! The possibilities for transferring money to Rapida Online are simply endless!

Let's look at the most popular ways to withdraw money from Adsense through Rapida.

Withdrawing funds to Webmoney?

Perhaps the most common way to withdraw money from Adsense is to withdraw money to a Webmoney wallet.

  • Select “WebMoney, replenishment of R-wallet”.

  • Enter your WMR wallet(12 digits, without R), phone number and payment amount. Next, click the “Create Template” button.

  • Let's go to the list of all templates (in the top menu, the "Templates" item), by going, you will see the template "WebMoney, replenishment of R-wallet" that you just created. Click on it.
  • Here, we are most interested in the unique five-digit number, which will be highlighted in bold, and in brackets after it it will be written “For Google AdSense users”. Copy this number and log into your Google Adsense account.
  • In your Google Adsense account, click on the “View payments” link, then “Payment settings”. Find the line “Payment Method” and click “Change Payment Method”. Use the pointer to select “Rapida Setup” and click the “Next>>” button. Here, you indicate your data and in the line “Rapida system template identifier” insert the number of the Rapida template that you copied before. After checking all your data, check the agreement box and click on the “Save changes” button.

The setup is complete, now your money from Google Adsense will be redirected to your Webmoney wallet!

Another fairly popular way to withdraw money from Adsense is to withdraw money to a Yandex wallet. The principle is the same as with withdrawal to Webmoney, we create a template, only now for the Yandex money wallet.

  • Log in to the Rapida Online service.
  • Next, you will need to make the desired template. Go to the “Templates” item in the top menu.
  • Click the button on the right “Create template”.
  • From the entire list, select “Payment systems”.

  • Select “Yandex Money – account replenishment”.

  • Enter your wallet number and payment amount. Next, click the “Create Template” button.

  • Let's go to the list of all templates (in the top menu, item "Templates"), by going, you will see new template“Yandex Money – top up the account” that you just created. Click on it.
  • In your Google Adsense account, click on the “View payments” link, then “Payment settings”. Find the line “Payment Method” and click “Change Payment Method”. Use the pointer to select “Rapida Setup” and click the “Next>> button

The setup is complete, now your money from Google Adsense will be redirected to your Yandex Money wallet!

How to withdraw to a Bank card?

For those who are not comfortable withdrawing their money to electronic wallets, you can withdraw to bank card! You can withdraw money from Adsense to a bank card in almost the same way as in the two previous cases, the only difference is in the template that we will create again.

  • Log in to the Rapida Online service.
  • Next, you will need to make the desired template. Go to the “Templates” item in the top menu.
  • Click the button on the right “Create template”.
  • From the entire list, select “Repayment of loans and borrowings.”

  • Select “Payments using free details”.

  • Fill in all the fields according to the sample (below are 2 samples of filling). Next, click the “Create Template” button.

  • Let's go to the list of all templates (in the top menu, the "Templates" item), by going, you will see the new template "Payments using free details" that you just created. Click on it.
  • Here, we are most interested in the unique five-digit number, which will be highlighted in bold, with “For Google AdSense users” written in parentheses after it. Copy this number and log into your Google Adsense account.
  • In your Google Adsense account, click on the “View payments” link, then “Payment settings”. Find the line “Payment Method” and click “Change Payment Method”. Use the pointer to select “Rapida Setup” and click the “Next>>” button. Here you indicate your data and in the line “Rapida system template identifier” insert the number of the Rapida template that you copied before. After checking all your data, check the agreement box and click on the “Save changes” button.

The setup is complete, now your money from Google Adsense will be redirected to your Bank card!