Using data from sex and age pyramids. Russian age and sex pyramid "old" and "young" regions of Russia

  • 30.11.2019

Polo age pyramid - one of the main tools of sociology, which is used to study the composition of the population and its well-being. In this article we will talk about what it is, what are its advantages and what types it is divided into. Also consider the gender and age indicator of Russia.


A sex and age pyramid is a two-way strip chart that reflects the age and sex composition of a population of a particular area.

It has two axes:

  • The ordinate where age groups are marked. To her right is the number of women. On the left are men.
  • Abscissa, which indicates the population.

This population counting system is very ancient - it was already used in ancient China. The scale of that time was divided into six periods, starting with the oldest: old age, desired age, last creative age, the age of knowing one’s misconceptions, the age of fulfillment of obligations to society, the time of marriage, youth.

From this it is clear that even in those years, the significance of age for the social activity of the population was clear. In modern sociology, it is customary to distinguish the following stages:

  • Childhood.
  • Youth.
  • Mature period.
  • Old age.

However, these indicators may vary depending on the purpose of the case study. Today, scientists can calmly talk about the structure and level of development of the population of different countries, comparing them with each other, revealing from the obtained data a certain dynamics of demographic processes.

The very concept of the age structure of the population arose in the 19th century. And it began to reflect the distribution of the population of various age groups in the territory of a single country or our planet as a whole.


The age and gender pyramid basically has the principle of dividing the entire population by gender. It should be noted that according to sociological data, there are more men on our planet than women. However, this is a common figure, which owes its appearance to Asian countries. But the situation in Europe is quite the opposite. Which confirms the view that different countries are very different in gender terms.

Types of age and gender pyramid

There are three main types of such pyramids that describe various scenarios of population reproduction. Let's list them.

The first primitive type, also called the Eiffel Tower, is characterized by expanded reproduction. There is more young growing population here. It has a very high birth rate, but mortality rates are also high, life expectancy is extremely short. Externally, the diagram has a wide base, the sides can be gentle and even concave, the height of the pyramid is small.

Age and gender pyramids (the types of which are presented here) can easily be distinguished from each other in appearance. But back to our description of their varieties.

The second type, aka “bell”, or “head”, is also called the pyramid of “zero growth” or the stationary type of reproduction. This species is characterized by a decrease in fertility. On average, one woman has no more than two children. But the mortality rate is decreasing, life expectancy is increasing, older people are becoming more. Outwardly, the diagram looks like a bell with a narrowed base. This type is characteristic of the usual type of reproduction. Often observed in some European countries. If we take into account the need to compensate for the decrease in the population that died due to accidents, as well as to compensate for the absence of children in some families, then to maintain the population at the same level, it is necessary that there are 2-3 children per woman. Therefore, this type of development of society will lead to the gradual extinction of the population.

The third type, another name - "funeral urn". This pyramid reflects a rapid population decline. In a country with such a gender and age pyramid, a degradation situation is noted. The population is rapidly decreasing, older people more than young people. It has a low birth rate - about one child per woman, which cannot even provide simple reproduction. Mortality is low. According to the UN classification, a country is considered old if the proportion of the elderly population exceeds 7%. A similar situation is characteristic of many industrial countries. Therefore many developed states forced to spend huge amounts of money on a demographic policy.

What is it for?

A sex and age pyramid is used to study a huge number of social processes. In addition, population control is necessary to monitor the dynamics of socio-economic processes based on the demographic situation.

Information on changes in the structure of the population allows us to determine the reasons for the decrease or decrease in mortality and fertility. And as a result, look for ways to solve these problems. To begin with, you only need to determine what will be built age and gender pyramidthen it will be possible to derive the maximum benefit from it.

If there is information on the composition of the population, then it is possible to plan and predict the socio-economic consequences of the development of a business or state law. Such studies are of great importance for marketers, as they provide information about what services will be in demand in a certain time period.

Analysis specifics

The analysis of the age-sex pyramid, as well as its comparison with previous data, allows you to get ahead of progress or regression in the population and its well-being. We can find out whether there is an increase or decrease in the population, determine the mortality rate and much more. This data can provide researchers with a wealth of information.

Typically, such pyramids are analyzed in three aspects: migration, mortality, and fertility. The most important parameter in this case is the level of life expectancy. This indicator allows you to judge the degree of social welfare of the state. In addition, the analysis of the pyramid allows you to identify the main problems associated with demography, and outline ways to solve them.

The role of territorial affiliation

The age and gender pyramid of the population is necessarily tied to a specific territory. It can be a separate region, country or the entire planet. And in the analysis, this parameter is necessarily taken into account.

For example, demographic situation in rural and urban areas will be very different, even if both settlements are in the same area. And statistics confirm this. So, in cities, there are more young men than women of the same age. But in the village the situation is different. Here, the number of men exceeds the number of women only in groups of 50 years old. This is due to the laws of population migration from rural areas. And such patterns can be traced in various territories.

Developed Country Indicators

The age and sex pyramids of high-level countries, of course, have their own distinctive features. The main parameter here will be the indicator of population aging. Due to the high standard of living and high quality medical services life expectancy in such states only increases over time. Interestingly, the leading place here is Japan, where the number of people over 80 is very large. However, the birth rate in these countries is declining. Even the age indicators of the United States, where there has always been a large number of babies, are now frozen in place. And this is a very disturbing fact. However, the United States is saved by an invariable wave of youth emigrating from other countries. Worse is Europe, whose population is dying out.

Developing country indicators

The characteristic of the age-sex pyramid of the third world countries is completely different. Everything is exactly the opposite. Fertility is at a very high level, especially in the Asian region. But mortality rates are rather big here. And life expectancy is much less than in Europe. In this regard, in the countries of the Third World there are problems with good housing, skilled personnel and highly paid jobs. There are too many youth; there are not enough jobs for everyone who wants to.

Today, Africa is the youngest continent. Here, mortality and birth rates are the highest.

Age and gender pyramid of Russia

Immediately, we note that the diagram of Russia belongs to the second type, but there are trends suggesting that it will soon switch to the third type. However, it differs from the pyramids of other countries by the presence of some characteristic “scars”. For example, a sharp decline in the population in the postwar period, as well as a decrease in the birth rate in the 90s and other crisis times.

The age and gender pyramid of Russia today makes it possible to make not very optimistic forecasts. Despite all the efforts of the state and the reforms introduced, fertility growth is practically not happening. The life expectancy of the older generation does not increase either.

Nevertheless, approximately 60% of the country's population are people of retirement age. Such a situation can lead to dire economic consequences, because young people simply cannot physically provide for the elderly. Sociologists hope that emigrants will be able to save the situation, who will be attracted by a large number of vacant lands. But how far these expectations will come true and what the consequences will be is not yet clear.

Regarding the gender situation, the number of boys and girls born is approximately the same. But at a more advanced age there are much more women.

What is the “burden of able-bodied citizens”?

The age and gender pyramid of the Russian population includes such an indicator as “the load of able-bodied citizens”, but what does this mean? This coefficient is derived from the ratio of working and unemployed population. A good indicator is only if the number of the former is twice the number of the latter. That is, 70% of workers should account for 30% of the unemployed. Only such a ratio can provide a decent quality of life for children and the older generation. As noted above, in Russia this indicator is extremely unfavorable due to the large number of pensioners and the small number of youth.


As we see, the current demographic situation in Europe, the USA and Russia indicates the presence of big problems in these countries. Due to the high life expectancy of the population and low birth rates, a socio-economic crisis may occur that will affect the most developed world continents. And it will not lead to anything good. On the other hand, the analysis of sex and age pyramids allows us to make not only a forecast, but also to outline ways to solve future problems. Perhaps this is what will help save the civilized world from extinction.

Summary charts, diagrams, tables are indispensable accompanying statistics. One of them is the age and gender pyramid, which provides a rich field for analysis. We will devote this article to it, simultaneously analyzing with the help of this diagram the composition of the Russian population.

About the age-sex pyramid

Age and gender pyramid - a graph that distributes the entire population by gender and age. It represents, respectively, the opposition of two groups of people of the same age - men and women. The schedule can be compiled by years of life and by more enlarged categories - five years and decades. Its appearance depends entirely on the goals of the component - to present a sex and age analysis of a short period of time or the scale of a century, centuries.

The standard form of the age-sex pyramid is as follows:

  • Each highlighted age is a horizontal bar in the chart. Shows the number or proportion of the entire population of people of a given age.
  • The youngest groups are at the bottom of the pyramid, the most overgrown - at the top.
  • On the left side of the chart is the number or proportion of men of a particular age, and on the right side is women.

What is said first sex and age chart? On the evolution of population reproduction in a specific period, on its type, which is determined by the birth and death rates in different periods of analysis, and, in addition, determines the total number of men and women of a particular age.

Types of sex and age pyramids

  1. Progressive. For him, a characteristic high proportion of the young population against the background of the elderly. This effect is achieved due to the expanded type of reproduction. A sex and age pyramid for this type will look like a triangle. The wider its base, the higher the birth rate.
  2. Stationary. There is a simple type of playback. The diagram in this form resembles a bell - the number of young and old people is approximately equal.
  3. Regressive. In this case, narrowed reproduction on the face. The diagram in its form repeats the urn - a small number of children and young people, but high percent adult citizens.

If you compare the age and gender pyramids with the graph natural movement population, you may notice the following:

  • A great influence on the structure of the diagram is made by wars leading to a decline in the young population and a decrease in the birth rate.
  • Reflected on the edges of the pyramid and population migration - the proportion of adult men of working age is increasing.

World gender and sex composition

If we consider the age and sex pyramids of all world states, then the latter can be conditionally divided into the following categories:

  • The number of women and men is relatively the same in Latin America and Africa.
  • The female population prevails over the male - this phenomenon is characteristic of half the countries of the globe, especially in Europe. The reason for this was the echoes of world wars - until now, the harmonious ratio of men and women cannot be restored.
  • The male population prevails over the female - typical for Asian countries, mainly for China and India.

Russian sex and age structure

The age and sex pyramid of the Russian population, compiled according to the results of the universal in 2002 and according to statistical data, demonstrates the following:

  • The general analysis shows the apparent gender imbalance of the population: up to 29 years, the number of the male population prevails, 30-44 years - the number of men and women is about the same, and after 44 years the number of women increases in order to 3 times exceed the number of men at 70 years old.
  • We can say that the country's population is steadily aging. This is not due to an increase in the proportion of older people, but because of low birth rates.
  • In 2016, the proportion of children under 15 years old was 17%, and the proportion of older people over 65 was 20% of the total population. This state of affairs can lead to a sharp reduction in the income of citizens (one dependent citizen accounts for one dependent). Only the birth rate can save the situation.

Age and gender pyramid of Russia in 2017

Present the data for 2017 in the form of a table.

Age: Men: Women:
0 979 812 927 463
10 762 818 727 275
20 711 645 679 614
30 1 305 776 1 286 426
40 1 037 511 1 103 251
50 842 687 956 797
60 867 544 1 163 224
70 412 537 711 701
80 210 032 535 326
90 35 060 143 638
100 2 208 9 400

The age and gender pyramid is important for analysis not only to statisticians and demographers, but also to any person who is not indifferent to the social situation in their country and around the world. The chart allows you to analyze the past and present, as well as make some predictions of the future.

In demography, the quantitative and qualitative composition of the population is usually depicted in the form of a pyramid, the basis of which are newborns, children; then there is a gradual narrowing of the pyramid, taking into account mortality in each age period; its peak is made up of persons aged 90 years and older.

Two concepts - age structure and age pyramid - in fact, reflect two sides of one phenomenon, namely the distribution of the population of a given country by age. The difference between the two is that the age pyramid is presented in graphical form and provided with verbal comments, and the age structure is presented in tabular form and is accompanied by more detailed analytical comments.

Pyramid of ages (other names: age-sex pyramid, gender and age pyramid) gives a clear graphic image of the distribution of people by age and gender.

Age and Age Pyramid- graphic image (histogram) of data on the age and sex composition of the population (Fig. 4). It is a two-sided directional diagram in which the number of people of each age and gender or their proportion in the population is depicted by a horizontal strip of a certain scale. The bands are arranged one above the other in order of increasing age values, usually from 0 to 100 years, on the left - for

men, right - for women 2. Since due to mortality in older ages, the number of people is usually less, the image for the full set of ages has the shape of a pyramid.

Fig. 4. Age and gender composition of the population Russian Federation1989

To build a sex-age pyramid of the population in the center, draw a vertical axis (ordinate axis), along which gradations of age are laid off. From the base of the axis, horizontal axes (abscissa axes) are drawn to the right and left along which gradations of the population are laid down, respectively, on the left of men and women on the right. The population of each gender and age group on the pyramid is depicted as a rectangle, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich corresponds to the population. Its lower and upper horizontal lines are drawn at the level, respectively, of the beginning of a given age interval and the beginning of the next age interval. Right vertical nah? the line in men and the left in women coincide with the vertical axis on a segment of a given age interval. Left vertical line in men and right? women are held at the level of numbers, respectively, of men and women of this age group. On the age and gender pyramid are deposited? abundance only for those age groups for which the top-Official Website of the State Statistics Committee is defined:

the lower and lower bounds of the age interval are not delayed for the so-called open age intervals (for example, “80 years and older”).

A variety of manipulations can be performed on the age pyramid, for example, changing age groups to age categories of the population, for example, replacing a group of 0-6 years with the category of preschool children. The resulting graph is very useful in applied research (Fig. 5) 3.

Fig. 5. Changed age structure of the population

In addition, the age structure corrected by population categories can, again for practical purposes, be combined with the social structure of the population and get an even more intuitive graph of the structure of a given society (Fig. B) 4.

Fig. 6. Social and age structure of the population

3 Source: Population (

A sex-age pyramid is usually constructed according to censuses or population surveys for one-year or five-year age groups so that the area of \u200b\u200bthe pyramid steps corresponds to the number of people (thousand) of each age and gender, or, in comparisons, their share in the population (%). The length of the step in this case corresponds to the density of a given age group, i.e. the number of people per unit of age (Fig. 7). When constructing the age structure in international statistics, it is customary to take into account information about the distribution by sex and age (0-14 years old, 15-64 years old, over 65).

Fig. 7 Age and sex pyramid of the population of the USSR according to the censuses of 1926 and 1970

In the early 1930s. the concept of three types of age structure of the population was introduced, which correspond to the shape of the age pyramid: in the young population it has the shape of a regular pyramid, in the aged population - the shape of a bell, in a very old population - the shape of an urn (Fig. 8), and determines, all other things being equal, the fast growth, slow growth or population decline.

On most charts that reflect the age structure of different countries of the world, two asymmetries can be observed - by age and gender. Since in the structure of the population of most countries of the world there are fewer old people than children, the diagram takes the form of a pyramid, i.e. it is asymmetric with respect to the horizontal axis drawn along the average life expectancy of the population of a given country. At the same time, the number of men and women in different age groups is not the same, so the chart cannot be symmetrical about the vertical axis. The imbalance of the sexes is still not fully understood.

It is also easy to notice that in childhood, as in the world as a whole, and in individual regions, men predominate. This is explained by

boys worldwide are born on average 4 million more annually than girls. In able-bodied ages, such a predominance for the whole world persists, but in half of the regions it is replaced by an overweight of women. As for the elderly, in this group the preponderance of women is ubiquitous. The sharp, about 16.5 million, predominance of women in the CIS is explained, first of all, by the impact of World War I, the Civil War, and to a greater extent World War II, but also by the very long life expectancy of women in the CIS countries.

Fig. 8. Types of age structures (according to F. Burgderfer):

AND- young (growing) population; B- aged (stationary) population;

IN- very old (decreasing) population

About the same reasons influenced the sex composition of the population of foreign Europe, where, with the exception of Ireland and Iceland, women predominate in all countries. Their preponderance is especially great in Austria and Germany. In foreign Asia, by contrast, men predominate almost everywhere. The only exceptions are Japan, Indonesia, Myanmar, Yemen, Israel and Cyprus.

The age and gender pyramid shows the future development of specific regions of the world or a single country. Newborn children first reach kindergarten age and it can already be said almost exactly how many there will be. Then school age (how many schools, classes, teachers will be needed; is it possible and approximately how much to reduce the number of children in the classroom, it is better to do just that rather than close schools and dismiss teachers because of the decreasing number of school-age children that awaits us in coming years), etc. By examining the age pyramid, a specialist is able to determine, for example, when the largest competition in higher education is expected in a given area, or how the number and composition will change labor resources: in which years which contingents of the population will be included in their number, and which will be the opposite. Analysis of age dynamics can show the current and expected ratio of working or marriage ages, the difference in the age of grooms and brides: grooms are on average two years older. If you follow the current demographic proportions, then in the future you can expect for the young men of the 1990s. birth shortage of brides of suitable age although in

overall, the number of women will exceed the number of men. According to the 2002 census (Fig. 9) 5, a significant excess of the number of women over the number of men, which is characteristic of Russians, was 10 million people compared to 9.6 million in 1989. The deterioration of the sex ratio was due to high premature supermortality men. So, in 2002 there were 1,147 women per thousand men, and in 1989 - 1,140 women.

Fig. 9. Age and sex composition of the population of the Russian Federation, 2002

The preponderance of men is quantitatively highest in South and East Asia (in India by 24 million, in Pakistan by 4.5 million, in China by 31 million). The preponderance of men is also characteristic of the Arab-Muslim countries of South-West Asia. This is the result of the centuries-old lowered position of women in families and society. Greater susceptibility to disease and higher mortality among women was due to early marriage, frequent childbirth, malnutrition, constant hard work at work and at home. For African countries, sharp fluctuations in the sexual composition are not characteristic, and in the vast majority of them the number of men and women is approximately equal. Yet in the northern, Arab-Muslim, part of the mainland,

Goskomstat official website:

a certain predominance of men is observed, whereas, in East Africa, for example, a predominance of women.

IN North Americaas in the region with respect to the new colonization and the massive influx of immigrants - mainly men - for a long time the male population dominated. But gradually, first in the USA, and in the 1970s. and in Canada there has been a preponderance of women. This is especially true for older ages. In Latin America, as in Africa, the number of men and women is approximately equal. In Australia, as a country of continued mass influx of immigrants, men, as in Canada, prevailed until the early 1970s. Then there was a slight preponderance of women. IN developed countries in rural areas the male population predominates, in the cities - female, and in developing countrieson the contrary, the female population predominates in rural areas, and the male population in cities.

At the end of XX century. the age structure of the population of most countries of the world, including Russia (Fig. 10), resembled not so much a pyramid as a column, characterized by a relatively small number of children, young and mature people, and relatively high numbers persons of older age groups. For the first time in many countries, a situation has arisen in which the number of all age groups, including the most advanced age, is approximately the same.

Fig. 10. Sex and age pyramid of the Russian population in 2000

The age structure of the population of Russia is characterized by a continuing increase in the number of able-bodied population. The population of working age (men 16-59 years old, women 16-54 years old) amounted to 89 million people (or 61%), younger than working age - 26.3 million people (or 18%) and older than working age -

29.8 million people (or 21%). The average annual working-age population has increased from 2002 to 2004 by 1.4 million. Projected economic growth rates in 2002-2004. did not lead to an adequate increase in the number of people employed in the economy. Thus, the excess of supply was preserved during this period work force over demand for it.

As in most European countries, Russia is characterized by an aging population. Compared with the 1989 census, the average age of the country's inhabitants increased by three years and amounted to 37.7 years, men - 35.2 years, women - 40.0 years (according to the 1989 census, the average age of the population was 34, 7 years old, men - 31.9 years old, women - 37.2 years old). At the same time, the number of children and adolescents during the census period decreased by 9.7 million.

Since in the short term - until 2050 - indicators of the age and sex structure of the population will change for the worse for us (the general decrease in the population, its aging), the age pyramid will take on a completely different form compared to 2000 (Fig. eleven).

Fig. 11. Change in the age and sex pyramid of the population of Russia for the coming 50 years

The age structure in 1897 showed a typical picture of a society almost not affected by the demographic transition, with a high proportion of children and adolescents (about half of the population), and a small proportion of surviving to older ages. In the future, the tragic history of the twentieth century substantially changed the appearance of a sex and age pyramid, which is a vivid description of the situation and at the same time “captured by the demographic history” of the country.

The population of 68–69 years of age (that is, those born in 1933–1934 during the decline in fertility and high infant mortality as a result) is much smaller than in neighboring age groups. In the second half of the 30s of the last century, demographic processes somewhat stabilized: this is evidenced by the large number of people aged 63–65 years living in early 1998 (that is, those born in 1937–1939).

The next “landslide" decline in fertility occurred in 1942–1945, as a result of which the sex and age pyramid of 2002 has the strongest “scar” at the age of 57–59 years. Generations of the war years of birth began to form families in the second half of the 60s of the twentieth century, which caused another (with a minimum number of births in 1968). In turn, those born in the late 1960s marry in the early 1990s, which causes a new decline in fertility, moreover, intensified economic crisis and declining living standards.

The age pyramids of the urban and rural population of Russia are largely similar, which is not surprising, given their general socio-demographic history. However, there are differences that reflect the characteristics of the urbanization process in Russia and differences in the reproductive behavior of urban and rural residents. Rural fertility has always been higher than urban, and therefore the proportion of children in the rural population is higher than in the urban. At the same time, migration from village to city primarily affects working age, and their washing out leads to the fact that the share of people in working ages in the village is lower and the proportion of older people is higher than in the city.

The last decade has made some changes in the ratio of age profiles of citizens and rural residents. In particular, in 1989 the average age was higher for the rural population, in 2002 for the urban population. This is due to some rejuvenation of the able-bodied part of the rural population, which, in turn, is explained by migration trends that are not quite usual for twentieth-century Russia: the influx of migrants into the countryside in the 1990s from neighboring countries.

Regional differences in the age and sex structure of the population are determined by differences in the natural and mechanical movement population.

The most important indicators of the demographic well-being of a population are age. Sociology, studying it, applies various methods, including which allow you to see the population in dynamics.

in sociology and demography

The age of the population and the individual are important indicators for sociology and psychology. A lot of social roles are influenced by age status. public relations. The number of years lived since a person was born, determines his position in society and requires the implementation of certain patterns of behavior. There are several varieties of age:

Absolute, it is also a passport or calendar. This is the calculation of years in the amount of time lived since the day of birth;

The biological or age of development, the antipode of the calendar, means the degree of morphological development of the body at a particular moment in life;

Mental, determining the development of intelligence and the psyche at a particular moment in life;

Social, characterized by the level of social achievement for the average person of a particular age.

The concept of age structure of the population

Age structures are the allocation of groups of people according to the number of years. For the first time, this method of classifying the population was used in ancient China, where the first age scale was compiled, it included 6 stages: youth, age of marriage, time of fulfilling social duties, age of knowing one’s own misconceptions, last creative age, desired age and old age. Already by this scheme it is clear that the age structure is an important indicator of a person’s social activity. Modern sociology distinguishes periods such as childhood, youth, maturity and old age. To solve various research problems, scientists distinguish other stages of human development over time. Today, scientists talk about the age structure of the population. different countries, evaluate the difference between them, build age pyramids that help to identify the dynamics of demographic processes. The term “age structure of the population” appeared in the 19th century; it denotes the distribution of a population with certain age characteristics across the country and the planet as a whole.

Study of age structures of the population

The study of age is the starting point in the study of many social processes. The study of this phenomenon is necessary to track the dynamics of socio-economic processes that are based on demography. Information on the age structure of the population makes it possible to identify the causes of increasing and decreasing fertility and mortality, and to look for ways to solve problems associated with these phenomena.

It is important to determine exactly why the age-sex pyramid is being built in order to extract the most useful information from it. Knowing the structure of the population, it is possible to predict and plan the socio-economic activities of the state and business. This information allow predicting what goods and services may be in demand at different time intervals, form a budget for various social payments and build a policy for the development of human capital.

Methods of studying age structures

There are several methods that help to collect information about the age parameters of a population. The simplest and most common way is monitoring, which is based on the analysis of statistical data. Survey methods are also widely used, the most famous of which is the census. Each state periodically conducts which allow you to collect information about the age structures of the country. Most often, these data are examined along with information on sexual distribution. The goal of the age-gender pyramid is to present the differences and similarities between the distribution of ages among gender groups. This information allows us to evaluate the consequences of socio-economic events and plan future social policies.

The concept of age-sex pyramid

The first systematic censuses of the number of people in a country of the same age begin to be conducted in the 19th century. In 1895, the Scandinavian scientist A. G. Sundberg proposed creating diagrams that would record a set of peers at certain points in the country. Thus began the practice of creating age pyramids. Later, the gender parameter was added, this made it possible to compare the number of men and women of the same age, to evaluate the dynamics and the total duration of their life.

To build an age pyramid, it is necessary to collect quantitative information and present it to the vertical. It marks the age in it, and horizontal - the number of people. The base of the pyramid is always wider than anything else, since it is made up of newborns, the number of people begins to decrease further to the last counted oldest person. One horizontal bar may indicate the number of people per year, 5 or 10 years, depending on the information collected.

Classification of age pyramids

There are varieties of pyramids with different time intervals, the most detailed is the type with an interval of 1 year, but it requires great work for information gathering, 5 and 10-year-old models are more common. International standards recommend using a 5 year interval to estimate population. It is also customary to distinguish the types of age pyramids in accordance with the variant of society, as models of a growing population appeared, in this case the diagram is as close as possible to the regular pyramid, a steadily aging generation, in the form of a bell and a decreasing number of people, in the form of an urn. Another basis for the classification of age pyramids is the regions. So, models of developed and developing countries are distinguished. This allows you to compare regions and identify their fundamental differences. It is also possible to build the pyramids of certain population groups, for example, representatives of ethnic communities or migrants.

Growing Types of Pyramids

The age-sex pyramid of the population, in which the young generation prevails over the old, is called progressive, or growing. Typically, such societies are characterized by high birth rates. Populations with similar indicators are distinguished by a large number of young people, most often in such societies there is a low life expectancy and high mortality, only a small part of the population survives to senile age. Often this type of reproduction human resources called simple or primitive, since it does not participate social protection and economics.

Stationary types of pyramids

The fixed population pyramid is characterized by low or absent rates of population growth. This model is called stationary, since in it the number of newborns is equal to the number of people of young and middle age and only the number of elderly people decreases as they reach 65-70 years, but not sharply, but smoothly. Such pyramids indicate fertility problems and require government intervention, since society cannot be in this state for a long time, and the pyramid goes into the next type - aging.

Descending Types of Pyramids

A pyramid in which mortality slows and fertility decreases is called aging, or decreasing. The structure of such a society is dominated by middle-aged and elderly people, there are few newborns and young people, and over the years such countries are doomed to extinction. Such states have a clear problem with the material support of the elderly, as young people who would contribute money to pension fundslittle or no at all. Regressive types of society can lead to the disappearance of a population.

Age Pyramid Analysis

Conducting a population census and creating age charts allows you to get absolute and relative data. Thus, the analysis of the age-gender pyramid and its comparison with previous data allows us to find out the total population, its total and natural growth, mortality rate, growth in the number of people of different sexes, that is, a large set of statistical information. Traditionally, the analysis of age pyramids takes place according to three main parameters: fertility, mortality, and migration. The most important indicator is life expectancy, it allows you to judge the social well-being of the country. Analysis of the pyramids helps to identify the most significant age groups for subsequent research.

Pyramids of developed countries

The main trend in the age structure of developed countries is that due to the high quality of medical services and a decent standard of living, the life expectancy of the population of these countries is growing steadily, the leader here is Japan, where there is a fairly pronounced population of people over 80 years of age. Moreover, fertility in developed countries is also steadily declining. Even the United States age pyramid, which has always had a large number of newborns, in last years became stationary, and this is an alarming symptom. The United States is saving the immigration of young people who give birth to children, but in insufficient quantities. But Europe, especially northern, has already crossed the line and demonstrates a regressive model of the age structure.

Pyramids of developing countries

The states of the "third world" have a completely different age structure. The sex-age pyramid in such states is a younger type. Especially Asian regions demonstrate a high and even highest birth rate and short life of people. Only China slightly increases life expectancy, and India, Iran, Vietnam and other countries in the region have a very low indicator for this parameter. Therefore, such problems as unemployment, the shortage of highly qualified personnel, and low living standards appear here. But the youngest continent today is Africa, this is due to the high mortality and short life expectancy of people. African states are implementing a simple method of reproduction, compensating for the loss of population with a huge birth rate.

Russian age pyramids

Russia differs from similar schemes for many countries by the presence of several deep “wounds”, failures in terms of population, these are traces of the war, as well as less noticeable losses in crisis periods. Russia today is rapidly moving from a stationary type to an aging one. Fertility growth, despite the titanic efforts of the state, is scanty, and life expectancy is growing slowly. This leads to the fact that in the country more than 60% of the population are people over 65 years old. Such an age structure is fraught with dire economic consequences: young people are simply not able to provide for the elderly. Sociologists say that the vast empty territories of the country will certainly attract migrants and this will solve the country's demographic problems if the difficult social and economic consequences of such a resettlement do not arise.

Demographic problems of the present and pyramid indicators

Modern age pyramids demonstrate clear demographic problems in developed countries. Population aging in these states will lead to socio-economic difficulties. Today, Europe is undergoing a migration test, which helps solve the problem of necessary rejuvenation of the population, but this new generation does not want to work and support Europe's pensioners. Therefore, the dynamics of age structures may change for the better, but the cultural and social status of this population will also change. The question of what happens to the age pyramid of developing countries is of great concern to sociologists today, as the growing population of Africa and Asia leads to overpopulation of the planet, which entails the inevitable depletion of resources.