Price index in rf. Consumer price index

  • 06.05.2020

This table shows the official data of Rosstat on the index consumer prices(CPI) on goods and services in Russia since 1991, broken down by months. CPI is key indicator characterizing the level of inflation. By examining the information in this table, you can track the rate of price growth for a particular month or quarter in 2017 or 2018. The index is updated at the beginning of the month following the reporting one. Please note that the value 100 corresponds to the beginning of the reporting month, and the published value corresponds to the end.

Year January February March April May June July August September October november December
2018 100,3 100,2 100,29 100,38 100,38 100,49 100,27 100,01 100,16
2017 100,62 100,22 100,13 100,33 100,37 100,61 100,07 99,46 99,85 100,2 100,22 100,4
2016 100,96 100,63 100,46 100,44 100,41 100,36 100,54 100,01 100,17 100,43 100,44 100,4
2015 103,85 102,22 101,21 100,46 100,35 100,19 100,8 100,35 100,57 100,74 100,75 100,77
2014 100,59 100,7 101,02 100,9 100,9 100,62 100,49 100,24 100,65 100,82 101,28 102,62
2013 100,97 100,56 100,34 100,51 100,66 100,42 100,82 100,14 100,21 100,57 100,56 100,51
2012 100,5 100,37 100,58 100,31 100,52 100,89 101,23 100,1 100,55 100,46 100,34 100,54
2011 102,37 100,78 100,62 100,43 100,48 100,23 99,99 99,76 99,96 100,48 100,42 100,44
2010 101,64 100,86 100,63 100,29 100,5 100,39 100,36 100,55 100,84 100,5 100,81 101,08
2009 102,37 101,65 101,31 100,69 100,57 100,6 100,63 100 99,97 100 100,29 100,41
2008 102,31 101,2 101,2 101,42 101,35 100,97 100,51 100,36 100,8 100,91 100,83 100,69
2007 101,68 101,11 100,59 100,57 100,63 100,95 100,87 100,09 100,79 101,64 101,23 101,13
2006 102,43 101,66 100,82 100,35 100,48 100,28 100,67 100,19 100,09 100,28 100,63 100,79
2005 102,62 101,23 101,34 101,12 100,8 100,64 100,46 99,86 100,25 100,55 100,74 100,82
2004 101,75 100,99 100,75 100,99 100,74 100,78 100,92 100,42 100,43 101,14 101,11 101,14
2003 102,4 101,63 101,05 101,02 100,8 100,8 100,71 99,59 100,34 101 100,96 101,1
2002 103,09 101,16 101,08 101,16 101,69 100,53 100,72 100,09 100,4 101,07 101,61 101,54
2001 102,8 102,3 101,9 101,8 101,8 101,6 100,5 100 100,6 101,1 101,4 101,6
2000 102,3 101 100,6 100,9 101,8 102,6 101,8 101 101,3 102,1 101,5 101,6
1999 108,4 104,1 102,8 103 102,2 101,9 102,8 101,2 101,5 101,4 101,2 101,3
1998 101,5 100,9 100,6 100,4 100,5 100,1 100,2 103,7 138,4 104,5 105,7 111,6
1997 102,3 101,5 101,4 101 100,9 101,1 100,9 99,9 99,7 100,2 100,6 101
1996 104,1 102,8 102,8 102,2 101,6 101,2 100,7 99,8 100,3 101,2 101,9 101,4
1995 117,8 111 108,9 108,5 107,9 106,7 105,4 104,6 104,5 104,7 104,6 103,2
1994 117,9 110,8 107,4 108,5 106,9 106 105,3 104,6 108 115 114,6 116,4
1993 125,8 124,7 120,1 118,7 118,1 119,9 122,4 126 123 119,5 116,4 112,5
1992 345,3 138 129,9 121,7 111,9 119,1 110,6 108,6 111,5 122,9 126,1 125,2
1991 106,2 104,8 106,3 163,5 103 101,2 100,6 100,5 101,1 103,5 108,9 112,1

Inflation in Russia in 2017 - 2018 by months and years. Official data of Rosstat for today.

Using the data in this table, you can track the change in the inflation rate in the Russian Federation for various periods of time, starting from January 1991. Information about the current value of thisThe coefficient is updated monthly.

Year January February March April May June July August September October november December Total
2018 0,3 0,2 0,29 0,38 0,38 0,49 0,27 0,01 0,16 2,52
2017 0,62 0,22 0,13 0,33 0,37 0,61 0,07 -0,54 -0,15 0,2 0,22 0,4 2,50
2016 0,96 0,63 0,46 0,44 0,41 0,36 0,54 0,01 0,17 0,43 0,44 0,4 5,38
2015 3,85 2,22 1,21 0,46 0,35 0,19 0,8 0,35 0,57 0,74 0,75 0,77 12,91
2014 0,59 0,7 1,02 0,9 0,9 0,62 0,49 0,24 0,65 0,82 1,28 2,62 11,36
2013 0,97 0,56 0,34 0,51 0,66 0,42 0,82 0,14 0,21 0,57 0,56 0,51 6,45
2012 0,5 0,37 0,58 0,31 0,52 0,89 1,23 0,1 0,55 0,46 0,34 0,54 6,58
2011 2,37 0,78 0,62 0,43 0,48 0,23 -0,01 -0,24 -0,04 0,48 0,42 0,44 6,1
2010 1,64 0,86 0,63 0,29 0,5 0,39 0,36 0,55 0,84 0,5 0,81 1,08 8,78
2009 2,37 1,65 1,31 0,69 0,57 0,6 0,63 0 -0,03 0 0,29 0,41 8,8
2008 2,31 1,2 1,2 1,42 1,35 0,97 0,51 0,36 0,8 0,91 0,83 0,69 13,28
2007 1,68 1,11 0,59 0,57 0,63 0,95 0,87 0,09 0,79 1,64 1,23 1,13 11,87
2006 2,43 1,66 0,82 0,35 0,48 0,28 0,67 0,19 0,09 0,28 0,63 0,79 9
2005 2,62 1,23 1,34 1,12 0,8 0,64 0,46 -0,14 0,25 0,55 0,74 0,82 10,91
2004 1,75 0,99 0,75 0,99 0,74 0,78 0,92 0,42 0,43 1,14 1,11 1,14 11,74
2003 2,4 1,63 1,05 1,02 0,8 0,8 0,71 -0,41 0,34 1 0,96 1,1 11,99
2002 3,09 1,16 1,08 1,16 1,69 0,53 0,72 0,09 0,4 1,07 1,61 1,54 15,06
2001 2,8 2,3 1,9 1,8 1,8 1,6 0,5 0 0,6 1,1 1,4 1,6 18,82
2000 2,3 1 0,6 0,9 1,8 2,6 1,8 1 1,3 2,1 1,5 1,6 20,13
1999 8,4 4,1 2,8 3 2,2 1,9 2,8 1,2 1,5 1,4 1,2 1,3 36,59
1998 1,5 0,9 0,6 0,4 0,5 0,1 0,2 3,7 38,4 4,5 5,7 11,6 84,47
1997 2,3 1,5 1,4 1 0,9 1,1 0,9 -0,1 -0,3 0,2 0,6 1 10,99
1996 4,1 2,8 2,8 2,2 1,6 1,2 0,7 -0,2 0,3 1,2 1,9 1,4 21,85
1995 17,8 11 8,9 8,5 7,9 6,7 5,4 4,6 4,5 4,7 4,6 3,2 131,61
1994 17,9 10,8 7,4 8,5 6,9 6 5,3 4,6 8 15 14,6 16,4 214,77
1993 25,8 24,7 20,1 18,7 18,1 19,9 22,4 26 23 19,5 16,4 12,5 840,03
1992 245,3 38 29,9 21,7 11,9 19,1 10,6 8,6 11,5 22,9 26,1 25,2 2508,9
1991 6,2 4,8 6,3 63,5 3 1,2 0,6 0,5 1,1 3,5 8,9 12,1 160,4

Consumer price index, CPI (Consumer price index, CPI) is a price index that is calculated for a certain group of goods and services that determine the composition consumer basket one resident of the country and calculated for a certain period of time.

For example, in the United States, the consumer price index is calculated by taking as a basis 265 goods and services taken in 85 cities of the country. In Russia, when calculating, a consumer basket is taken, the composition of which is approved federal law No. 44-FZ "On the consumer basket as a whole for Russian Federation". It includes both food, non-food products, and various kinds of services.

Thus, the consumer price index is the ratio of the entire consumer basket of the base year, which is estimated in prices current year, to the consumer basket for the base year, which is estimated at the prices of the base year.

If we assume that the consumer basket includes only three types of goods, then an example of calculating the indicator will look like this, as shown in the table below.

The consumer price index is one of the most widely used price indices and plays an important role in the economy because is the base value serving as an impetus for the recalculation of wages, social benefits and other payments that should occur regularly and automatically, for example, every quarter, annually or every six months, by organizations hiring employees in their staff.

The important role of the consumer price index implies the need to create in the economy a unified methodology for calculating this indicator, which in due time would reflect the degree of change in the price level. For example, only a small and limited number of goods that fall under the minimum level of consumption will be taken into account when calculating the CPI. Based on this, the price change index will be much smaller and growth wages does not compensate for rising inflation, which may affect the reduction in incentives to work. A similar situation can happen if, for example, the consumer basket includes such goods that were produced within the country. In such a situation, when high level centralization, a redistribution of the rise in prices for consumer goods must be carried out. For example, between such goods as Kalashnikov assault rifles and tarpaulin boots, the prices for which the country's government can artificially reduce.

The calculation method itself also plays an important role. For example, consider the following method for calculating the consumer price index, which is mathematically correct and even recommended for calculating the CPI, but gives a slightly different result than in the case shown above. The formula looks like this:

Having determined the share of each group of goods that are part of the usual consumer basket and substituting prices into the formula, we get:

When calculating indices, statistical accuracy entails the creation of a single base and therefore the consumer price index in the country is based on single base, which represents the volume of production of the base year or single shares of goods in the consumer basket. As a result, the CPI does not capture the impact of a change in price on a change in the share of consumption of any good. In addition, the price index cannot estimate what percentage of the price increase is the qualitative improvement of the product as such. For example, a 1960 model car and a 1990 car differ significantly in their quality characteristics.

In the current economic situation, the public is interested in the question: what will happen next with the prices of products and basic goods. The head of the Government of the Russian Federation does not get tired of talking about positive aspects, expresses hope for a gradual recovery of the Russian economy. But what are our prospects without embellishment? What do the dry numbers of consumer price indices for 2017 say? Service of the Ministry of Economic Development provided another forecast economic development countries for 2016-2018.

Positive trends

The experts of the department analyzed the situation and came to the conclusion:

  • this year inflation will fall to 4.9% (versus previously expected 7%);
  • the further rise in the price of goods will first slow down, and then it will be completely stopped.

The Ministry's analysts consider positive trends as a base case in their economic development forecast for 2016-2018.

Experts of the Bank of Russia agreed with the conclusions of the Ministry of Economic Development and predicted a decrease in prices by the beginning of 2017. The growth rate, in their opinion, will be 5.5-6.5%, and inflation this year - 6-7%. However, the Accounts Chamber does not share the optimistic forecasts of experts. Representatives of the joint venture doubt the rosy prospects. It is worth listening, because last year the Central Bank of Russia predicted an inflation rate of 9%, but in reality it was 12%.

All experts base their opinion on the same indicators - indices and deflators for all types of goods. Based on the indicator, they build a forecast of changes. The calculation of the department's experts indicates a significant slowdown in inflation this year. They give specific figures - growth will decrease from 12% to 6% (compared to last year).

Experts foresee positive trends amid stabilization in oil prices. Taking into account the cost, the dollar exchange rate will be set at 63 rubles. This will allow the economy to move from a stagnant state (note, no longer a crisis, not a critical one) to further development. All consequences of the crisis, according to analysts of the Ministry, will be smoothed out by the end of this year. The next step in the changed situation is the restoration of GDP indicators.

Hidden Problems

Let's hear the opposite. Specialists financial market experts from the Accounts Chamber echo: it is too early to tune in to an optimistic mood, a slowdown in the country's economic development is still taking place. They admit that the indexes indicate the stabilization of the situation in the market, but the forecast raises a lot of doubts. The factors that led to the rise in price of almost all goods are still taking place. In 2015, growth was driven by currency appreciation and counter-sanctions. Imported goods today are much more expensive than before the crisis. Could not but affect the increase in interest rates on loans. And this factor remains relevant to this day.

The Accounts Chamber does not turn a blind eye to the determinants and does not foresee a decline in growth rates in the future. The main reason will be:

  • obsolete capacities of domestic producers,
  • negative expectations of citizens, especially business owners,
  • reduced competition in the domestic market.

Addiction Russian economy From what is happening on the oil market, the experts of the joint venture do not interpret in a positive way, as the Ministry does. On the contrary, they emphasize the instability of the cost of a barrel, point to its sharp fluctuations. This cannot have a positive impact on the domestic currency. If there is an increase in oil prices in the near future (2016-2017), inflation will slow down. But this is unlikely, rather, in the current conditions, there will be a drop in the value of "black gold" (due to the overstocking factor of the market). The cost of production will skyrocket accordingly.

Government Approved

No matter how many doubts were expressed regarding the forecast of the Ministry, the document was approved by the Government of the country. Indices are recommended for use by organizations to determine their tariffs. The text of the forecast for 2016-2018 is posted on the department's website, in the "Macroeconomics" section.

Indexes set for different species economic activity. The overall picture shows a significant difference between the 2016 CPI indicator (an increase of 107.4) and the 2017-2018 indicators (it will decrease to 105.8 and 105.5). It will manifest itself in most industries, for example, the index in industry will change from 104.4 in 2016 to 103.8 in 2017 and 2018. The increase in tariffs for heat energy and water supply will also be suspended: from 105.5 to 104.2. However, in some industries, changes will occur with a minus sign (mining, oil production, construction).

Consumer market

Back to consumer market, to the cost of goods. In the structure "turnover retail» the producer price index will change in positive side, as well as the CPI (from 107.4 to 105.1). What does a decrease in the level of the cost of goods mean. The increase in the cost of services will also stop (index 107.4 will drop to 106.5 by 2018).

Next year, a low increase in fuel prices is expected and, consequently, a moderate increase in the cost of electricity and heat. Costs in this area for manufacturers of goods will be minimal. This circumstance will allow business owners to keep prices for products of constant consumption from in high demand(bread, salt, sugar) for the sake of maintaining competitive advantages.

Consumer price indices are given in the document of the Ministry of Economic Development in the general table. It can be seen from it: the growth in the cost of food will significantly decrease (from 107.8 to 105.9, and by 2018 to 105.4). If we consider without taking into account fruits and vegetables, we will see not so significant changes (from 107.9 to 105.6). This is understandable, given the current desire of citizens to provide themselves with food through self-growing in the garden. The increase in the cost of non-food products has decreased more noticeably and will continue to decline (from 106.9 to 104.8).

The rate of increase in the cost of services to the population will stop just as rapidly: from 107.4 to 106.5. Mainly due to the suspension of growth in the housing and communal services sector (107.5 to 105.1). Without taking them into account, the picture looks more deplorable: 107.5 first to 106.8, and then again 107.3.

Low PPI indicators in the consumer sector will be the result of ruble stabilization, continued demand for domestic goods, while the position of Russian goods on the world market is deteriorating.

Negative Scenarios

It should be noted that the forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development also contains a negative scenario.

The dollar exchange rate can reach the level of 75 rubles with the cost of oil at $40 - fertile ground for rising inflation. If you believe the head of the Ministry Ulyukaev, inflation is growing in proportion to the decrease in the value of the ruble - with a decrease of 1% - an increase of 0.1%. Based on such calculations, the "weight" of the ruble will decrease by 13.5%, and inflation will grow by 1.35%.

Prices of $50 would result in a 0.7% decline in GDP this year and an inflation rate of 6.4%.

Analysts noted that a significant reduction in inventories reserve fund will exacerbate the situation. This year, spending in the amount of 2.6 trillion rubles is already planned, plus the traditional increase in spending in December. Spending will also increase due to the upcoming elections. In the first quarter of 2017, inflation will accelerate.

Target calculations

Ulyukaev, head of the Ministry of Economic Development, gave his explanations on the forecast. He noted that the goal for the Central Bank this year is to keep inflation at 4%, but this makes no sense. The Ministry has set a different priority - the economic development of the country. And in the target forecast, the department's experts reflected the expected effect of such a position. Namely, the rapid decline in inflation from 6.2% this year to 5.5% in the future and 4% in 2018.

For the well-being of citizens and further economic progress:

  • ruble strengthening,
  • increase in the supply of goods
  • increased competition (for example, by removing intermediaries from the chain),
  • increase in the income of the population,
  • the implementation by the Bank of Russia of a competent policy that does not suppress economic progress,
  • pursuing a structural policy to ensure high rates of economic development.

This is how the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia sees the anti-inflationary policy.


At the moment, Rosstat noted the accelerated growth of inflation (within 6 days by 0.2%). This may be due to temporary factors, then the situation will improve, or it may serve as a signal for a negative development of events. In any case, it's too early to panic.

The consumer price growth index for 2017 in the base version of the forecast has a positive trend. With a negative variant, the dynamics will be different. Analysts of the Ministry of Economic Development also leave hope that with a targeted impact on economic situation in the country, it will be possible to achieve a more stable position of the population (both in terms of prices and in terms of income).

The consumer price index for goods and services (CPI) is one of the main indicators that characterize inflationary processes in the country. CPI applied in recalculation macroeconomic indicators from current prices to comparable prices. This indicator is also used to characterize changes in household consumer spending on goods and paid services in the current period compared to the previous (base) period under the influence of price changes for these goods and services in individual subjects of the Russian Federation and in the country as a whole. Based on the CPI, in particular, the value per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups is calculated. Using CPI indicators, employers can produce a mandatory one (Letter of Rostrud dated April 19, 2010 No. 1073-6-1, Definition of the Constitutional Court dated November 19, 2015 No. 2618-O).

Consumer Price Index: formula

The CPI characterizes the change over time in the general level of prices for goods and services purchased by the population, and is calculated as follows:

CPI \u003d C 1 / C 0,

C 1 - the cost of a fixed list of goods and services in prices current period;

C 0 - the cost of a fixed list of goods and services in the prices of the previous (base) period.

The set of goods and services on the basis of which the CPI is calculated is the same for all constituent entities of the Russian Federation and represents a selection of groups of goods and services most frequently consumed by the population developed by Rosstat. Such a set consists of food products, non-food products and services.

How often is the CPI determined?

The CPI is calculated on a monthly basis within the framework of the Federal Statistical Work Plan, approved by Government Decree No. 671-r dated May 6, 2008. The methodology for calculating the CPI was established by the Order of Rosstat dated December 30, 2014 No. 734.

Information about the approved CPI is posted on the Internet on the official website of Rosstat

The CPI value in 2017 can be found on the website in the "Indices" section or in the ATP ConsultantPlus.

Consumer price indices for 2018 will also be posted on the Rosstat website as such coefficients are approved; for January 2018, such coefficients will be available no earlier than February 2018.

Inflation is getting more and more attention. And not only from the side of economists, but also from the side of ordinary people. What is it, how is it formed and what can it lead to? Features of inflation rates in Russia and a full table for 26 years.

According to economic definitions, inflation is a general increase in the prices of goods and services within a country that can last for a long time. Every year, if there is an increase in inflation, the same amount of money can buy less and less goods. For example, 1000 rubles in 2007 turns into about 418 rubles for 2017.

Types of inflation

This economic phenomenon, according to modern classifications, several varieties:

  • demand inflation. Demand is higher than supply, which allows the manufacturer to raise prices for a “rare” product;
  • cost inflation(suggestions). The cost of production increases, causing the manufacturer to raise the cost of production.

There are other types of inflation that can be noted as follows:

  • balanced. The cost of different goods does not change in relation to each other - prices rise at once for everything at about the same pace;
  • unbalanced. One or more categories of goods may skyrocket in price relative to others that rise in price much more slowly;
  • predictable . Using market analysis, you can calculate the size based on expectations and behavior economic entities. Often, a certain level of inflation is included in the country's budget for the year;
  • unpredictable. A sudden rise in prices that no one could have predicted - neither analysts nor the public - ends up being higher than the predicted value;

Separately, it is worth highlighting the expectations of consumers who are able to create artificial inflation. As a rule, it is provoked by rumors that some product will soon become scarce or will rise in price sharply.

This was the case with buckwheat in 2014, when someone spread a rumor that snow had ruined the buckwheat crop in the Altai Territory. Suppliers raised prices, followed by retailers. And the population rushed to buy buckwheat, mindful of the 80s and 90s, which ultimately led to its shortage and, of course, an increase in cost.

There are three main types of speed:

  • moderate or creeping. Prices are rising, but very slowly - up to 10% per year;
  • galloping. The depreciation of money goes at a rate of 20 to 200% per year;
  • hyperinflation. The most terrible view for the state. Money depreciates at a tremendous rate - more than 200% per year.

At the same time, inflation can be suppressed or open. In the first case, it will go unnoticed by prices. That is, the growth of wages and prices is restrained by the state (as it was in the USSR), but with the availability of money and a fixed cost of goods, there is simply nothing to buy. There is a shortage of products. With open inflation, this is not the case - prices are regulated by the market itself.

The following two types are also separate:

  • imported inflation. It turns out when too much comes to the country foreign exchange(for example, the dollar), combined with an increase in the prices of goods imported from abroad;
  • exportable inflation. Comes from other states through international economic relations and "infects" the country's economy.

You can also highlight stagflation, which is expressed in the simultaneous rise in prices for goods and the fall in production volumes.

Features of inflation in Russia

For each country, inflation has its own specifics. And Russia is no exception. The enormous influence of the USSR with its planned and distributive economic system killed the balance in the market and in national economy. The consequences are still being felt.

Only since 1991, the government began to gradually transfer the economy from a planned economy to a market one and try to somehow remove production from the power of the state. Naturally, this could not happen right away. There was a lack of legal framework and experience.

As a result, the supposed liberalization of prices, which started in 1992, did not lead to the establishment of a market equilibrium for the country, but to hyperinflation due to lack of production capacity, mass monopolization of production and, as a result, lack of competition. Hyperinflation led to stagflation, which further exacerbated the crisis. A break in ties with countries former USSR led to further destruction of the economy. As a result, all these factors led to a sharp increase in the inflation rate in the country. Further liberalization of currency legislation did not help, but aggravated the situation.

We can say that the main cause of inflation is not extra money in circulation, but the monopolization of the market and, as a result, a sharp increase in prices through intermediaries.

It is noteworthy that one feature of inflation in Russia at that time was the peg of the ruble to the dollar when setting exchange rate only according to the results of trading on the Moscow Interbank Stock Exchange. Although almost all the currency was sold on the interbank market.

The year 1995 was characterized by the government's attempts to tightly control the supply of money to the economy. But this led to nothing but the 1998 crisis. And by 1999, the country's gross national product had halved.

After 1998 central bank The Russian Federation thought about pursuing an anti-inflationary policy and supporting financial stability in the country. The active participation of the national regulator in the economy and the national economy, as well as sensitive responses to the real financial situation, were able to resolve the situation. And gradually the economy and financial sector, despite the crises, are recovering and developing to this day.

But at the same time, it is worth remembering that today Rosstat "for old times' sake" is trying to somewhat underestimate the official inflation figures in its charts.

For example, according to Rosstat, in January 2017, official inflation was only 0.6%. And the research holding Romir calculated 3.2% using the deflator formula. On average, according to independent analyst Dmitry Adamidov, official inflation is one third lower than real inflation.

What should be inflation for the growth of the country's economy

According to research conducted by A. Illarionov, high inflation has a negative impact on economic growth in the country. The faster prices rise, the slower the economy develops. Provided that all other factors do not affect it.

During the analysis, it turned out that in 1976-1996, the critical indicator of average annual inflation, which led to a halt in economic growth and, as a result, economic downturn- 25-49%. At the same time, the maximum rates of economic growth in the same period were observed at an inflation rate of 1.1-4.7%.

It can be concluded that the lower the rate of price growth, the better. economic condition states.

What causes inflation

In general, all the reasons why inflation may rise are as follows:

  1. excessive money issue- an increase in the amount of money leads to their depreciation;
  2. lack of money in state budget- excess of expenses over income;
  3. Growth in spending on military needs up to the militarization of the economy;
  4. Insufficient and slow development of the country's economy;
  5. Monopoly pricing for goods and services in the state;
  6. The expectation of rising prices by citizens, which leads to the purchase of goods more than necessary, and which in consequence leads to an increase in prices due to increased demand;
  7. Mutual import inflation - an increase in prices for exported and imported goods.

Naturally, individually, each of the reasons will not lead to catastrophic consequences. But the combination of even a few of them can cause a gradual increase in the rate of inflation.

Inflation in Russia by years: 1991-2017

In Russia after the collapse Soviet Union hyperinflation began almost immediately. Now no one controlled prices, and the market, which was not ready for this, was left to itself. And the already existing shortage of goods and lack of production capacity eventually led to a catastrophic rise in prices. In 1991, it amounted to 160.4% at the end of the year.

It was only at the end of 1993 that inflation began to slow down, when inflation fell from 2508.8% at the end of 1992 to 840%. And the decline continued until 1998, when, following the results, the rate again jumped from 11.0% last year to 84.5%. Then another decline. Only by 2000 tough money-credit policy was able to level the situation and slow down inflation.

The following jumps, as a rule, fell on the crisis year and the year after it: 2008 and 2009 (the government even had to freeze prices for 6 categories of products), 2014 and 2015. The full calculation of inflation for 26.5 years can be seen in the following table by year. The growth rate is given as a percentage relative to the previous year.

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
160,4 2508,8 840,0 214,8 131,6 21,8 11,0 84,5 36,6 20,1
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
18,8 15,06 11,99 11,74 10,91 9,00 11,87 13,28 8,80 8,78
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*
6,10 6,58 6,45 11,36 12,91 5,38 2,52 2,4%

* for 2018, inflation is calculated based on indicators for January-April.

Judging by the data given in the table, inflation in 2017 is the lowest in the history of Russia. The forecast for 2018 is also optimistic. The minimum value of inflation expected in 2018 is 2.3%.

Inflation chart in Russia since 1991

We agree with you that the “comic” values ​​of inflation in the early 1990s hinder the viewing of the “picture”. Let's rearrange the schedule. This time the starting point will be 2001.

Inflation chart in Russia since 2001

The last 10 years have been more calm in terms of price growth. The situation has more or less stabilized, and only periodic crises led to bursts of price growth. So, over 10 years (from June 2007 to June 2017) inflation increased by 132.38%. In the decade preceding this period, between 1997 and 2007, this figure was 577.67%.