Promsvyazbank hotline phone number for legal entities. Promsvyazbank: hotline number

  • 28.06.2020

To provide the most comfortable customer service, all banks use their own operating methods. Particular attention is paid to technical innovations on the modern market.

Promsvyazbank also makes a lot of efforts to ensure the comfort of its customers. Thus, at Promsvyazbank the hotline is one of the most effective, high-quality and widely used means of round-the-clock communication.

Main telephone numbers for contacting the bank

Like others banking structures, Promsvyazbank is concerned, first of all, about the speed of resolving customer issues. It was for this purpose that he developed a whole list of telephone numbers, each of which was responsible for its own area of ​​​​work. So:

Individuals who have never called a hotline before have no idea of ​​the value of technical support. Meanwhile, it has obvious advantages:

  1. This is the fastest opportunity to obtain reliable and complete information about all tariffs, promotions and features of the bank.
  2. Anyone can contact technical support around the clock and every day in a way convenient for them - either through online chat, or email, or social media or by one of the phone numbers.
  3. It is not necessary to listen to a boring robot talk before connecting with a service employee.
  4. Possibility of receiving an answer to a question in the shortest possible time.
  5. The waiting time for a technical support response from the call center is no more than 60 seconds. This is especially true for those legal entities who want to urgently resolve an issue closely related to the conduct of their business.

How can technical support help?

By calling one of the numbers for free hotline, Promsvyazbank clients can resolve most of their issues quickly and efficiently. Yes, service technical support can help resolve issues such as:

  1. In case of loss or other circumstances, an urgent blocking of the card is necessary.
  2. Select the most suitable loan for the client.
  3. Make a transfer from card to card or from card to bank account.
  4. Get acquainted with all the new products in the field of customer services.
  5. Get all the information about bank branches in the area of ​​interest to the client.
  6. Find out the addresses of ATMs that accept Promsvyazbank cards and do not charge a commission.
  7. Find out the balance on your credit card or the amount of debt that needs to be paid off.

In what areas is there no help?

Despite the wide range of problems that a free technical service operator can solve, there are also questions that he cannot or does not have the right to answer:

  1. Applying for a loan over the phone. This can only be done when the client visits a bank branch.
  2. Clarification of questions, the answer to which implies clarification strictly confidential information. This may include the card number or personal data of the client. This is especially true if the answer is incorrect or absent.

How long does it take to answer a call?

Promsvyazbank cares about the convenience of all its clients, and therefore tries to minimize the time between calling technical support and its response. That is why their promised response time is no more than 60 seconds. However, they do not exclude that on weekends from 20 to 22 pm the waiting time for a call may be a little longer.

In case of going beyond these limits, as well as in case of outright rudeness of an employee, each caller has the right to go to the official website and write a complaint. In addition, he can call short number 8800 and voice your complaints.

Pay per call

Contacting the support service is not a source of income for Promsvyazbank, and therefore payment for the work of employees is not charged to clients. However, when calling mobile phone External charges may apply mobile operator. In some cases, the same rule may apply to calls via landline communications. Thus, when calling a number:

In addition, you can leave a request online. To do this, just visit the official website of Promsvyazbank.


Promsvyazbank is a high quality of work and a positive attitude of clients towards it. This is evidenced by numerous reviews on the official website and third-party resources. However, although rare, there are also complaints about the work of the hotline. Basically, clients complain about incomplete information about money transfers. But, despite this, the technical support service of Promsvyazbank are professionals in their field.

The bank was established in 1995 on the initiative of the Moscow Intercity and International Telephone organization. The first participants of the bank were JSC Technoserv A/S, JSC Moscow Intercity and International Telephone (35% each in authorized capital) and Singleton LLP (30%). In July 2001, the bank was transformed into a closed joint stock company, in August 2007 - into an open joint-stock company. During 2010, to the head credit organization regional subsidiary banks were merged - Nizhny Novgorod, Volgoprombank, and Yarsotsbank. In October 2004, Promsvyazbank became a participant in the deposit insurance system.

Until recently, the main owners of Promsvyazbank were the brothers Alexey and Dmitry Ananyev*, who controlled in equal shares 50.03% of the shares through Promsvyaz Capital B.V. The bank's shareholders were also European bank reconstruction and development (11.75%), PJSC "Moskovsky Credit Bank» within the framework of REPO (9.97%), JSC NPF SAFMAR and NPF Doverie (10%, final beneficiary - Said Gutseriev), JSC NPF Future (10%, former OJSC NPF Blagosostoyanie OPS ", the final beneficiary is Boris Mints), former owners of PJSC Pervobank Leonid Mikhelson and Leonid Simanovsky (total 3.28%). "Non-state pension fund SAFMAR became a shareholder of the bank in August 2016. In February 2017, ex-senator Viktor Pichugov, who owned a 10% stake, left the shareholders; instead, MKB PJSC entered the bank's capital (as part of a repo).

Note that from December 2006 to June 2012, the shareholders of Promsvyazbank with a share of 14.369% of shares included the German Commerzbank AG (through its subsidiary Commerzbank Auslandsbanken Holding AG).

Let us recall that OJSC Blagosostoyanie OPS, a non-state pension fund (controlled by the structures of Boris Mints), acquired a 10% stake in Promsvyazbank in May 2015. At the end of April, the fund bought shares of the bank on the Moscow Exchange, the acquisition price was 6.9 billion rubles. At that time, many market participants noted the non-market nature of this transaction, since the bank was acquired with a capital ratio higher than that of Sberbank and a number of other traded banks. In May 2015, a group of non-state pension funds - NPF "European Pension Fund", NPF "Doverie" and NPF "Regionfond", controlled banking group BIN Mikail Shishkhanov - acquired another 10% stake in Promsvyazbank; the acquisition price also amounted to 6.9 billion rubles. The shares were purchased on the Moscow Stock Exchange.

Overall, 2015 was a bright and active year for the bank. Since the spring of 2015, the Ananyev brothers began actively buying shares of Vozrozhdenie Bank. As a result, within a month and a half, the structures of Promsvyazcapital managed to buy out the share of funds controlled by BNP Paribas (5.5% of shares), come to an agreement with JP Morgan (9.88%) and Tamur Holdings (4.3%), controlled by Vladimir Kogan. Later in August, 24.6% of the shares were sold to them by the second largest shareholder Otar Margania and Tatiana Orlova's brother Nikolai Orlov (owned 6.6%). In November 2015, Promsvyazkapital announced that it had received permission from the Central Bank to purchase more than 70% ordinary shares"Renaissance". The purchase of Bank Vozrozhdenie cost the owners of Promsvyazbank, brothers Dmitry and Alexey Ananyev, an amount exceeding $200 million. As of October 5, 2017, Promsvyazkapital structures controlled 55.25% of the shares of Vozrozhdenie Bank.

Since July 2015, based on the results of a competitive selection conducted by the DIA, Promsvyazbank was selected as an investor for the reorganization of Avtovazbank (PJSC AVB).

At the beginning of November 2015, the transaction for the acquisition of Pervobank by Promsvyazbank was closed, as a result of which 86.54% of the shares of the credit institution came under the control of Promsvyazbank, and the former owners of Pervobank Leonid Mikhelson and Leonid Simanovsky became shareholders of Promsvyazbank with shares of 2.57% and 0.71% respectively.

In December 2017, the Bank of Russia introduced a temporary administration at Promsvyazbank, assigning its functions to LLC Management Fund Consolidation banking sector" Early 2018 authorized capital bank was reduced to one ruble. In mid-January 2018, the Ministry of Finance officially announced the creation reference bank for servicing state defense orders on the basis of the sanitized Promsvyazbank. A little later, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov announced that up to 1 trillion rubles of loans issued to military-industrial enterprises could be transferred to the balance sheet of Promsvyazbank as part of the transfer to the bank of assets associated with companies included in the US sanctions list. In March 2018, the President of the Russian Federation signed a law on the scheme for transferring Promsvyazbank to Rosimushchestvo. The document gave the government the right to accept shares of Promsvyazbank from the DIA into the treasury by reducing the property contribution of the Russian Federation to the agency by up to 150 billion rubles. It was assumed that DIA would buy shares of Promsvyazbank for this amount using bonds federal loan previously provided as part of the additional capitalization program. At the end of March, DIA bought an additional issue of Promsvyazbank shares, additionally capitalizing it by 113.4 billion rubles and thus becoming the owner of 99.99% of the bank’s shares.

In April 2018, the Bank of Russia became the owner of 99.9% of ordinary shares of AvtoVAZbank, which was rehabilitated by Promsvyazbank.

In May 2018, almost 100% of the bank's shares were transferred to the state treasury.

On September 6, 2018, the FCBS Management Company ceased to perform the functions of the temporary administration to manage the bank.

As of February 2018, Promsvyazbank's service network consisted of 310 points of sale, including seven branches in Russian regions, as well as a branch in Cyprus and a representative office in China. The bank serves 10.4 thousand large corporate clients, 216 thousand clients from small and medium-sized businesses, 2.5 million retail clients. For the convenience of plastic users, more than 9.2 thousand ATMs and more than 200 self-service terminals have been installed throughout Russia. The bank's products and services are represented in the vast majority of regions, covering about 88% of the Russian population. In addition, Promsvyazbank cardholders have access to preferential cash withdrawals from the united network of partner banks (more than 10 thousand ATMs throughout Russia).

Currently, the bank's products and services for corporations and businesses include lending, deposits, exchange control, structuring and financing of foreign trade contracts, issuing letters of credit, liquidity management, investment services, salary projects, corporate and customs cards, trade and Internet acquiring, cash settlement services, factoring, bank guarantees, credit products SME Corporations. Individuals have access to deposits, loans (including consumer loans, mortgages, credit cards), bank cards (MasterCard and Mir), accounts and transfers (including via systems Western Union and UNIStream), investment services, insurance, cell rental, etc.

Since the beginning of 2018, the credit institution’s net assets have increased by 11.2%, amounting to 1.4 trillion rubles at the beginning of May. In liabilities, the increase was ensured mainly by an increase in balances in loro bank accounts, and to a lesser extent by an increase in equity capital and an influx of deposits from individuals. In terms of assets, there was a significant increase in the volume of issued interbank loans (including in the form of deposits with the Central Bank), the portfolio of which grew almost six times. At the same time, the bank used not only attracted funding, but also liquidity received from the sale of the portfolio securities (-20%).

At the beginning of May 2018, liabilities were 27.0% represented by deposits of individuals, 21.3% were attracted interbank loans, 13.5% were funds of enterprises and organizations, 2.6% were bonds and bills issued by the bank. Turnovers on customer accounts since the beginning of 2018 amounted to about 1 trillion rubles monthly. According to the bank’s IFRS reporting for 2017, the level of risk concentration on large clients is low: as of December 31, 2017, the total balances on current accounts and deposits of the 20 largest clients amounted to 13% of the total volume of client liabilities (a year earlier - 19%). Equity, calculated according to the methods of the Bank of Russia, was a negative value as of May 1, 2018 (-60.2 billion rubles).

Of the assets, 47.4% is accounted for by the loan portfolio, 86% of which are loans issued to legal entities, the rest is “retail”. The delinquency as of the reporting date is shown at 26.7%, according to RAS reporting, and is growing dynamically (15.9% at the beginning of 2018). The level of reservations since the beginning of the year has not increased so significantly - from 35.7% to 38.4% of loan portfolio. The collateral for loans with property is low, amounting to 56.2% of the portfolio. According to the bank’s reporting under IFRS for 2017, in sectoral structure of the loan portfolio, 21.9% was formed by the real estate segment, 10.3% accounted for trade, 8.5% - finance, 6.4% - agriculture, 6.1% - food industry, 5.7% - forestry and wood processing industry, 5.6% metallurgy and other segments. As of December 31, 2017, the total amount of loans issued to the 20 largest borrowers (or groups of related borrowers) amounted to 33% of the loan portfolio (the same as the year before).

Issued interbank loans account for 23.5% of assets as of the reporting date. About 60% of their structure was issued Russian banks on short terms, the remaining part is deposits with the Central Bank, and a very small share is short-term loans to non-resident banks. In recent years, the bank has been working in both directions on the interbank lending market, placing and attracting liquidity both in transactions with commercial banks, and with the Bank of Russia. Total placement turnover for last year ranged from 127 billion to 1.1 trillion rubles, in terms of attraction - from 73 billion to 727.1 billion rubles. In addition, the bank actively conducts operations and futures transactions in foreign currency.

The securities portfolio accounts for 11.2% of assets; since the beginning of 2018, the volume of investments has decreased by 20%. The portfolio is more than 60% represented by OFZ, 20% each was occupied by bonds of Russian corporate issuers and securities transferred to repo.

The share of highly liquid assets is just over 5%, funds are presented in cash and balances on correspondent accounts.

At the end of 2017, the bank’s net profit amounted to 10.5 billion rubles (the same figure for 2016 was 12.1 billion rubles). In January-April 2018, the bank suffered a loss of 47.5 billion rubles (1.6 billion rubles in profit for the same period last year) as a result of the additional formation of loan reserves.

Board: Pyotr Fradkov (chairman).

* Alexey and Dmitry Ananyev (born 1964 and 1969) - founders and ex-co-owners of Promsvyazbank, Orthodox philanthropists. In addition to the banking business, the empire of the Ananyev brothers included the system integrator Technoserv, management company Promsvyaz, PromsvyazCapital, which invests in media assets, Promsvyaznedvizhimost, Karacharovsky Mechanical Plant, etc.

Forbes magazine estimates the fortune of former member of the Federation Council from the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (from September 2006 to 2013) Dmitry Ananyev and his older brother Alexey at 700 million US dollars, giving them 149th and 148th places in the list, respectively. 200 richest businessmen Russia - 2018".

Promsvyazbank is one of the largest private banks in Russia. This financial institution also included in the list of the most successful banks in our country. Promsvyazbank has been operating for more than twenty years. Its branches operate successfully in the territory Russian Federation. There are also representative offices in foreign countries: India, China, Kazakhstan, Cyprus.

The bank offers different types of services to its clients:

  • registration of deposits and loans;
  • settlement transactions with payments;
  • registration of mortgage lending;
  • investing in small and medium-sized businesses.

Promsvyazbank has licenses to carry out any financial activities. All bank clients have the opportunity to contact its employees by phone and receive comprehensive information from qualified specialists. For these purposes, Promsvyazbank operates a hotline, launched for remote communication with clients. This service allows you to simplify and speed up the service procedure.


The client, by contacting the bank via the hotline, receives the information he is interested in about the bank’s activities. The hotline is considered one of the most effective methods of providing remote service.

Customers by phone will be able to perform the following operations:

  • block urgently bank card, if such a need suddenly arises;
  • apply for a loan, having learned in advance all the information on its terms;
  • carry out remittance, transfer money to another card;
  • obtain information about current promotions carried out by the bank at the moment;
  • clarify the addresses of the nearest branches and branches of the bank;
  • obtain information about the location of the nearest ATMs;
  • inquire about the status of your existing loan.

You can call the hotline 24 hours a day. Bank employees will promptly answer the call, even if the line is overloaded, the client will not have to wait more than 15 minutes.

Before connecting to the operator, all callers are offered to listen to a commercial about the services provided by Promsvyazbank. This video does not take much time, it lasts only about ten seconds.

Phone numbers

For quick customer service, Promsvyazbank hotline numbers operate:

  • 24-hour toll-free telephone for individuals – 8 800 333 03 03 ;
  • free telephone hotline of Promsvyazbank for service legal entities – 8 800 333 25 50;
  • Promsvyazbank phone number that you can call from another country - 8 495 787 3333 ;
  • "Quality Line", which is intended for customer reviews and wishes regarding the quality of service - 8 800 700 50 33 .

All calls to numbers starting with numbers 8 800, are free.

Using hotline numbers, Promsvyazbank has the opportunity to provide round-the-clock advice to all its current and potential clients from different parts of Russia. Thousands of calls are made every day.

Attentive operators will provide information of interest, answer all questions in detail, help solve emergency problems and give advice on any service provided by the bank.