Photo. Apartment parents Ksenia Sobchak on washing

  • 14.04.2021

"I do not know what exactly the construction of this house is from a number of those called Stalinist," says Maxim. - We moved to it with parents in 1979, in the summer. Accurate before I went to school, in the first class. Prior to that we lived in a communal on Smolenk, and this apartment, oddly enough, was also a communal. When we got into it for the first time, I was silent: after our room, she seemed to me huge. These carved ceilings, two rooms, a huge toilet ... I remember, looked there and shouted my parents: "Oh, yes here the whole family can fit." From this apartment I went to school, then to the institute. And only after the institute first changed the place of residence. Repair here was last made year in 1995, just when I moved away from my parents. "

The apartment has two rooms. She belongs to Maxim Vitorgan and Ksenia Sobchak, but the family will live in another house. Family friends will stop here.

Maxim Vitorgan: "For me, hardly the most valuable thing in this apartment is species. For example, from the kitchen on the native yard. Of course, he also changed a lot, but at least the playground, where we played the kvass in football, remained the same. In general, this apartment since childhood has been very smashed: a chic view of the hotel "Ukraine", on the river. Now the view from the window is a very important moment for me when choosing housing.

Parents entered this apartment when they were 40 years old. I remember, we got an apartment on Babushkina and went to look at a completely deserted area: some new buildings, all in the mud, no "infrastructure" did not exist. And then mom by some incredible exchanges found this communal at Krasnopresnenskaya and sewed it. "
"First of all, parents restored the impaired apartment geography: divided the kitchen-dining room into two rooms. So I got my own room. At her door, for some time the castle remained from the previous owners, and I was not enough for this, I could close it, "remembers Maxim.

The bedroom area is approximately equal to the size of the living room (16 square meters. M), and if you look only on the plan, it would be logical to change the purpose of the rooms during the repair - to move the bed to the largest room. But still need to take into account the orientation of the apartment: a bedroom and a kitchen come out with windows in a quiet courtyard, and the living room is the embankment and sunset. The current purpose of the rooms was seen by the architect and the owners of the most justified.

Maxim Vitorgan: "Difficulty at the repair stage? Yes they were! Everything lasted very, very long. Built in Stalin's times thoroughly, for a long time, but very unevenly. Straighten the walls in this apartment - a practically inbox. We stopped repairs for a while, then started again: cracked again on the plaster. Everything was not easy. "

Home repair began independently, without a plan and project. Changed several building brigades. At that moment, when Houzz was asked to help, the rough finish was almost completed - to start all the owners did not have moral forces. Yes, and the project budget did not assume capital intervention. It was important to do everything excco, in the mode of reasonable savings - and finally finish the repair.

Maxim Vitorgan: "Who chose the objects of the situation? Thank God, I have a wife who does it with pleasure and voluntarily. "
Ksenia Sobchak: "The new history of the apartment twisted around the chest, which I saw in Instagram. Russian designer, handmade, incredible oaks from Izhevsk, who were dried on the courtyard of one of the local masters - I adore such things with a story. And this is a chest of drawers from the collection in the spirit of the 1950s, that is, the time of construction of the house. It seemed to me this consonant atmosphere of the family apartment. "

Maxim Vitorgan: "At the entrance to the room (almost at the place where the lamp is now) was a small corridor: a jumper between this apartment and two others from the next entrance. Small space, literally meter per meter. I remember that it was a garbage chute, and we constantly stored some things there. And dad jokingly told me, a little that Grandfather Lenin was once hiding in this corridor. Well, if seriously, on the other side of the corridor in one of the apartments, for some time Bulat Okudzhava lived. "

Maxim Vitorgan: "The current living room was essentially a bedroom of my parents. In the time of my childhood, about the same place was the TV "Rubin C-202", color. Not immediately, of course - from the late 1980s. "

An architect ordered an architect to support the idea of \u200b\u200bthe chest. Do not copy literally, namely support the motif of square boxes and holes. In order not to have the effect of the "headset", they took the same breed - oak, but a little different shade. As a result, the chest of drawers, the cabinet, the parquet work perfectly along with a stand from the American walnut. At the expense of the nuances of Tone Interior looks richer.

Ksenia Sobchak: "In the color of the sofa, I fell in love before I saw. Just felt that in the living room we need velvet shade of mature wine. And asked the designer to find exactly such an option. The sofa, by the way, the giant depth - at first I even seemed to me that he would not enter the room or the TV would be too small. But no: everything is very convenient - there is enough space to climb and curl on it in any convenient position. "

Maxim Vitorgan: "Now there are quite a few former things in the apartment. For example, this chandelier in the living room. I do not know how she turned out to be - it seems that Hung here originally. I remember, this chandelier was restored by my rosulor - artist, and it was in the 1980s. Already then, at the time of my childhood, the chandelier was very old, but still working right. I also wanted to save the old stucco on the ceiling. And somehow it is to breed all this with ascetic, but modern design. I could struggle to leave the former parquet in the apartment. Yes, he creaks a little bit. But it seems to me that there is some good heredge in all this. "

Parquet Ot Cycicheli, lined the gaps with automotive mastic and re-covered with varnish. The dice in the doorway opening room recovery was not subject to - they were replaced by a wide band (board), at which the artist portrayed the Parquet imitation: if it was not specifically to pay attention to it, it is difficult to distinguish from the original.

The option with a rack from the wall can be called "Fryshaft": if a party is planned, snacks can be served on the table top. In any case, the distance between the bar counter and the sofa is about 65 cm - sufficient to push the chair.

Patterned tulle in the bedroom was chosen for two reasons: to hide the previously installed (standard) radiators and exhaust themselves from the neighbors. The courtyard is the "well" in Moscow standards: to the right and left many windows. To eliminate curious glances, decided to close the window ornamental textiles.

In all rooms, the problem with the curvature ceiling: it seems that the Kosovo windows are installed. The focus on the stucco only aggravates this effect. That is why the architect has chosen such a construction of curtains and cornice: centered with a relatively horizontal ceiling and completely closed the top line of the window.

Maxim Vitorgan: "The small room in which the bedroom is now, before was my room. And it was felt in it not only with all his own things, study and sofa, on which I slept, but also a wardrobe of my parents. For sensations, he was three times less than the new one, which is worth it now. In this room, I managed to play basketball (as soon as the parents left) and give concerts on a tennis racket under the "phonogram" from the "Three Musketeers".

To fully "lend" wine in the apartment, the mirror frame was picked up under the sofa. The curtains over the bath will not - instead they installed a glass screen.

Maxim Vitorgan: "I chose the tile himself and got great pleasure. When I get into the vintage mansions, for example, in Portugal, and see such a tile, my heart is filled with love. It is very meeting my aesthetic taste. "

Ksenia Sobchak and her husband began repairing a new apartment. The house in which she was acquired for 180 million rubles is in the best, in my opinion, the district of Moscow - Khamovniki.


The building consists of two sections, its facades are lined with marble. In the design used panoramic glazing and beautiful stained glass windows.

On the ground floor there is a fitness center with a swimming pool, a children's playroom and a cafe. Underground parking is designed for 70 cars. Starting from 2 floors are located apartments: they are only 28. The area of \u200b\u200bapartments - from 150 to 272 squares.

This is the miracle "House on Smolensk Boulevard":


The high cost of the apartments is quite justified. From the subway - five minutes of a leisurely walk. Nearby - the high-rise building of the Foreign Ministry, a little further than the new Arbat.

Photo: Absolut.

If you go to the other side, easily and quickly you can walk to the church of Christ the Savior and sacrifice sins. If you don't suppose yourself, there is a CKPIO nearby. Gorky.

Yandex maps

There is also a quiet stall, the embankments of the Moscow River, the Square of the Virgin Field. Everything is very convenient, everything is near. And office Moscow-City, and the center. And even Kiev - just in case! -- railway station.

Deals from the developer in the luxury complex "House on Smolensk Boulevard" start from 150 million:

Developer data

To buy an apartment in a house on Smolensk Boulevard, a Moscow teacher with a salary of 30 thousand rubles needs to be developed for only five thousand years. Since the origin of the Sumerian civilization in Mezhdrachye to the present day.

The office manager will buy an apartment much faster - for some three thousand years. Destroyed Troy, settled in the office, and today you can already enter!

Ksenia Sobchak is not a teacher. She led house 2, corporate parties and went to rallies. She, who, not bothering hands, was listed by the face of the Ginsovsky restaurant, Tverbul, kept opposition money in the safe and ruined the editorial office of the glossy magazine.

Ksyushai's husband Vitorgan ML. Also did not sow bread. The son of his father, Maksimka played a pair of cheap films and married several times.

And now, the ripe, the young family of very useful citizens of Russia, hate and muddling their country, bought an apartment in the center of her capital and makes repairs in it.

Photo: I-GENCY.RU.

Elite residential building, where from 28 apartments commissioned in 2007, half the same way could not buy. Luxury apartment, with a 250 square metro station. Luxury planning with a dressing room and four bathrooms, a winter garden and an elite infrastructure below.

Fitness club, hairdresser, massage interior and swimming pool - everything so that elite residents than to brighten elite evenings.

To do not penetrate the house, they are guarded by the pro. There you can leave the child in the game room or safely fall the drunk carcass in the recreational hall under the "expensive stucco and prefaby columns that create a feeling of luxury." The house area is made in an English style to make it easier to fly to the elite lawn.

What is me for? Oh, yes: Perfectly realizing that the cattle-audience of the house 2 is now growing about the envy of successful Ksenia, I want to ask normal people about justice.

Do you think is fair when useless people turn out to owners of real estate for two hundred million rubles?

Maybe it would be more fair to settle in such an apartment of the teacher, a doctor or even a gastarbaiter from Tajikistan, and Ksyushadi to allocate a stall in the stable - the place that he deserved and the benefit of the state?

- Ksenia Sobchak really liked the sofa La Redoute wine color on the French site

That is what we heard the spring by phone from the designer from . The apartment Maxim Vitorgan - it was a new Houzz project, which meant the repair and the entire interior design.

To say that this was an interesting offer for us - not to say anything. First, cooperation with the editor-in-chief of L'Official Russia, secondly, finally try to deliver such a large-sized subject from France. And on an interesting coincidence, we started work on the project to expand the range of furniture on

Anna Sokolova, customs clearance manager La Redoute Russia:

"There was a big luck that this particular sofa in the right color was available in France. After all, most of the La Redoute sofas is made to order within 1.5-2 months. And further was the case of technology: deliver a sofa from France and present the first happy owners in Russia. This project served as an impetus to the launch of the sales of upholstered furniture on our website. "

After selecting this beautiful color, other items of decor and interior in the apartment began to seal. However, it was the sofa that became the basis of which designer was repelled when detailing the interior

Ksenia Sobchak:

"In the color of the sofa, I fell in love before I saw. Just felt that in the living room we need velvet shade of mature wine. And asked the designer to find exactly such an option. Sofa, by the way, the giant depth - at first I even seemed to me that he would not enter the room, or the TV would be too small. But no: everything is very convenient - there is enough space to climb with your feet and curl on it in any convenient position. ". —

Ruslan Kirnichansky, Designer of the Project:

"To coordinate the sofa with other objects, I had to" dance "directly from him. The color of the sofa is very saturated: to mute him a little, I decided to take a shade of French gray for the walls - in it initially "hesitated" a little red ".

Sofa Lazare (will be presented on the site in 2018), black bar chairs (buy), two Coffee table EDRIC (Buy)

In addition to the luxurious sofa, unusual coffee tables and bar chairs, in the apartment of Maxim and Ksenia there is a variety of decor elements from La Redoute. Let's all go on a visit to the project's heroes and look at everything with your own eyes!

Minimalistic details and bright textures - How do you like such a cozy bedroom? Pay attention to the laconic bedside tables that are so stylish fit into the interior. And most importantly, how is it functional!

Unusual? At first glance, yes. But how interesting is mixed with a variety of modern accessories on the background of a vintage chest. Spectacular fusion!

Fresh or beloved presses will always be laid neatly when there is such a stylish brass stand for newspapers and magazines in the living room. And most importantly, it performs and a decorative role!

Armchair in the corridor? Why not! Very functional and looks like an interesting designer solution. Try to note for the interior.

Is it possible to do without stylish decorative baubles? Although, for example, using a candlestick for the purpose, you can set a romantic or New Year's mood!

Bright and unusual details in the interior always add non-trivial strokes, smoothly, like these ships of cold color in such a cozy and warm living room.

Ksenia Sobchak and her husband began repairing a new apartment. The house in which she was acquired for 180 million rubles is in the best, in my opinion, the district of Moscow - Khamovniki.

The building consists of two sections, its facades are lined with marble. In the design used panoramic glazing and beautiful stained glass windows.

On the ground floor there is a fitness center with a swimming pool, a children's playroom and a cafe. Underground parking is designed for 70 cars. Starting from 2 floors are located apartments: they are only 28. The area of \u200b\u200bapartments - from 150 to 272 squares.

This is the miracle "House on Smolensk Boulevard":


The high cost of the apartments is quite justified. From the subway - five minutes of a leisurely walk. Nearby - the high-rise building of the Foreign Ministry, a little further than the new Arbat.

Photo: Absolut.

If you go to the other side, easily and quickly you can walk to the church of Christ the Savior and sacrifice sins. If you don't suppose yourself, there is a CKPIO nearby. Gorky.

Yandex maps

There is also a quiet stall, the embankments of the Moscow River, the Square of the Virgin Field. Everything is very convenient, everything is near. And office Moscow-City, and the center. And even Kiev - just in case! -- railway station.

Deals from the developer in the luxury complex "House on Smolensk Boulevard" start from 150 million:

Developer data

To buy an apartment in a house on Smolensk Boulevard, a Moscow teacher with a salary of 30 thousand rubles needs to be developed for only five thousand years. Since the origin of the Sumerian civilization in Mezhdrachye to the present day.

The office manager will buy an apartment much faster - for some three thousand years. Destroyed Troy, settled in the office, and today you can already enter!

Ksenia Sobchak is not a teacher. She led house 2, corporate parties and went to rallies. She, who, not bothering hands, was listed by the face of the Ginsovsky restaurant, Tverbul, kept opposition money in the safe and ruined the editorial office of the glossy magazine.

Ksyushai's husband Vitorgan ML. Also did not sow bread. The son of his father, Maksimka played a pair of cheap films and married several times.

And now, the ripe, the young family of very useful citizens of Russia, hate and muddling their country, bought an apartment in the center of her capital and makes repairs in it.

Photo: I-GENCY.RU.

Elite residential building, where from 28 apartments commissioned in 2007, half the same way could not buy. Luxury apartment, with a 250 square metro station. Luxury planning with a dressing room and four bathrooms, a winter garden and an elite infrastructure below.

Fitness club, hairdresser, massage interior and swimming pool - everything so that elite residents than to brighten elite evenings.

To do not penetrate the house, they are guarded by the pro. There you can leave the child in the game room or safely fall the drunk carcass in the recreational hall under the "expensive stucco and prefaby columns that create a feeling of luxury." The house area is made in an English style to make it easier to fly to the elite lawn.

What is me for? Oh, yes: Perfectly realizing that the cattle-audience of the house 2 is now growing about the envy of successful Ksenia, I want to ask normal people about justice.

Do you think is fair when useless people turn out to owners of real estate for two hundred million rubles?

Maybe it would be more fair to settle in such an apartment of the teacher, a doctor or even a gastarbaiter from Tajikistan, and Ksyushadi to allocate a stall in the stable - the place that he deserved and the benefit of the state?

In the soul of Ksenia Sobchak lives love for one place, dear, the fact that her famous father lived there.

Apartment Anatoly Sobchak and Lyudmila Press - Wonderful huge, on washing, windows in the windows with a museum-apartment Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and in terms of the number of antique furniture quite rival.

The magazine "Hello" was given the opportunity to make an exclusive photo report from the Apartments of the Parents Ksenia Sobchak in St. Petersburg.
By the number of antique furniture, the housing of Lyudmila Pesolova (Mom Ksenia) may well compete with the museum-apartment A.S. Pushkin.

(Photos are increasing)

But the entire pathos collapsed when Ksenia came out of the bathroom in a bathrobe and with a wet head, and Lyudmila Borisovna invited tea with jam to the kitchen.

Two women surprisingly suddenly filled themselves all the rather big space by making it comfortable and simple. Bright, eccentric, very direct, they are an incredibly colorful duet.

- Ksenia, remember how you moved to this apartment?
- Sure. I resisted it so much! It was the classic Petersburg communal. In the room, where then they arranged my nursery, there was an alcoholic, and she was in a terrifying condition. After a three-room apartment in a modern house on Kustodiev Street, I could not imagine that we would live here that all this can be repaired ... But my mother put all the soul in this apartment and turned her from the ruins to what you see.

Lyudmila Borisovna:
- When friends began to come to visit, Ksyusha said all the time: "Mom, do we really have such poor things that can not buy decent furniture? I am ashamed to invite friends to the apartment, where a rhyler with the garbage ". She did not understand that this is a unique antique furniture. When I went to an antique store, Ksyusha stood at the entrance and screamed: "Comrades, do not come here! Here all things are just with the garbage! "

- Honestly, I am not a fan of antiques today. It is much more convenient for me to live in a modern interior. But in this apartment every time I return with pleasure. Here everything remembers the Father.

Cabinet Anatoly Sobchak remained the same as he was with his life.

"This portrait is an amazing story," says Ksenia. - Ilya Glazunov portrayed mom in the image of the widow five years before the death of his father. Later he admitted that he foresaw her fate. "

Based on