ETP official electronic trading platform. News Universal electronic trading platform ESTP

  • 29.08.2023

ESTP.RU - universal electronic trading platform, on which thousands of customers who make their purchases within the framework of 223-FZ, and tens of thousands of suppliers of goods and services effectively work.

Electronic signatures for working with the universal ETP ESTP.RU

  • Electronic signature 3.0 for 1 year arr 5900 per year for the basic option
    and additional services
  • Qualified Classic arr Electronic signature - for basic business tasks: interaction with government information systems, submission of reports, registration of online cash registers, participation in auctions, receipt of financial services. 3000 per year for the basic option
    and additional services
  • Qualified for marking arr An electronic signature for marking is suitable for registration in National system digital economy Honest SIGN, registration of online cash registers with the Federal Tax Service and work on other government portals. 3000 per year for the basic option
    and additional services
  • Electronic signature 3.0 for 6 months arr Universal signature for advanced trading. Suitable for work by suppliers under 44-FZ, customers and suppliers - in auctions under 223-FZ, commercial auctions and auctions of bankrupt property. 3700 in 6 months, basic version
    and additional services
  • TriO: bankruptcy auctions arr Signature for those who buy debtors' property at electronic auctions. The basic configuration is suitable for participation in bankruptcy auctions at ETP Fabrikant, uTender and the Sales Center. 11300 per year for the basic option
    and additional services
  • TriO: commercial bidding arr One electronic signature for government and commercial bidding. Includes OIDs for working on the three largest platforms Gazprombank, B2B-center and Fabrikant. 11300 per year for the basic option
    and additional services
  • Electronic signature 3.0 for 3 months arr Universal signature for advanced trading. Suitable for work by suppliers under 44-FZ, customers and suppliers - in auctions under 223-FZ, commercial auctions and auctions of bankrupt property. 2500 in 3 months, basic version
    and additional services
  • Qualified Rosreestr arr Certificate for electronic portal Rosreestr will allow you to quickly send requests and receive the necessary data in electronic form. 3400 per year for the basic option
    and additional services
  • Qualified FCS arr The electronic signature certificate is suitable for working with the portal of the Federal Customs Service and the main state information systems, as well as for organizing procurement under 223-FZ. 3400 per year for the basic option
    and additional services
  • Qualified by Rosakkreditatsiya arr A comprehensive solution for interaction with FSIS Rosakkreditatsiya, which meets all technical requirements information system. 20900 per year for the basic option
    and additional services
  • Qualified SMEV arr Electronic signature for working in the Interdepartmental Electronic Interaction System and on state electronic portals. 2000 per year for the basic option
    and additional services
  • Qualified GIS GMP arr Electronic signature for working in the State Information System on state and municipal payments. 3000 per year for the basic option
    and additional services
  • Qualified KS2 arr The electronic signature certificate is suitable for work in the state information system for housing and communal services (GIS Housing and Communal Services) and the automated system for analysis and control in the field of labor protection (AS AKOT) 3400 per year for the basic option
    and additional services
  • Qualified for Disclosure arr Electronic signature certificate for use on information disclosure portals by issuers securities 3400 per year for the basic option
    and additional services
  • Qualified AS "URM" arr Electronic signature certificate for working in the automated system “Remote workplace» 2000 per year for the basic option
    and additional services
  • Qualified for medical organizations Republic of Bashkortostan arr Electronic signature certificate for medical organizations of the Republic of Bashkortostan for issuing electronic certificates of temporary disability 800 per year for the basic option
    and additional services

Today, one of the most optimal solutions for purchasing and selling various goods and services in real time are electronic services. Among them, a single construction tender platform has recently gained enormous popularity.

Construction tender site services

Thanks to industry tender platforms, companies find orders for the goods they produce and services they provide. In particular, if an organization is engaged in construction, you should find a service that holds competitions for various types work in this area. It could be:

  • house reconstruction;
  • renovation of premises;
  • finishing works;
  • building design.

Thus, construction companies can easily find the necessary tenders, which are held in a particular region of the country. If the company is very large, it can choose a tender regardless of the territorial location of the project. For small companies, such sites select projects according to a configured filter, in which one or several regions can be selected.

Modern services for the selection of construction tenders offer absolute transparency in the selection of contractors, which minimizes the likelihood of corruption risk. Among the various services that act as tenders may be:

  • supplies building materials;
  • installation of individual parts of structures;
  • manufacturing of structures;
  • landscaping of a site near a country cottage;
  • topographic survey of the territory.

All applications for participation in the tender are reviewed by a committee consisting of specialists in the field of construction. Selection takes place according to various criteria, for example, work experience or company reputation. You can learn about the specifics of participating in government and commercial construction tenders.

A unified construction tender site allows you to speed up the process of searching for the required tender, and also reduces possible risks due to its functioning in accordance with the law.

Construction tender site SRO

Today in Russia, a single SRO construction tender platform is quite enough to satisfy the needs of all companies. On at the moment it unites more than 150 thousand different companies, and also includes approximately 500 design organizations.

This platform is designed to carry out construction-related tasks for private enterprises that have proven themselves to be the best domestic companies. If any organization is found to be carrying out misconduct, it will be excluded from the unified system. This also applies to unscrupulous performers who are unable to fulfill the tasks set in the tender.

The network of branches of the general construction tender platform operates throughout the country. Thus, companies located in any region of Russia can use the project’s services. Previously, tender sites for construction, although they operated within the framework Russian legislation, differed in some aspects. Thanks to unified system It has become possible to create a unified search and assistance framework for all companies.

At the moment in Russia, according to expert estimates, about 45% of online trading turnover relates to capital construction. With this experience, the main task that a single construction tender platform must perform is to control the safe and reliable fulfillment of contract terms. The tender platform for the construction of SRO is the main moderator in the relationship between customers and contractors. Thanks to modern technologies, most procedures are automated, which greatly facilitates the search for tenders.

Unified construction tender site: Video

The Unified Construction Tender Platform is a unique specialized electronic bidding system created specifically for construction market players. Its users are customers capital construction, contractors, suppliers of building materials and raw materials, SRO.

The main feature of the UST platform is the built-in filter of trading participants. Here the electronic trading operator checks professional qualifications participants, licenses and permits required to perform the declared work, validity of membership in the SRO. Therefore, the risk that the tender will be won by an unscrupulous contractor who will not be able to complete the entire scope of work is minimized.

Opportunities of the Unified Construction Tender Site

This electronic platform provides its participants with a fairly wide range of opportunities, which varies depending on their status.

What opportunities does the site provide to the service customer?

For the Customer, this site will be interesting in several respects:

1. Catalog of contractors.

On the website, in the “Additional Services” section, information on all Russian construction organizations registered on the site is easily accessible. If desired, using the search, you can filter contractors according to specified parameters, for example, geographical location. The contractor catalog contains not only information about contacts, but also information about the organization’s affiliation with an SRO, recommendations for bidding, current permits, and the number of projects completed by the participant.

2. Contractor filter.

An additional guarantee that reliable organizations will participate in the auction, which will subsequently be able to conscientiously fulfill the placed order.

3. Full and free support.

Each user of the site is assigned personal manager, which, according to the organizers, is available to the customer 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In addition, the customer is provided with free legal support in the preparation of tender materials. Upon request, samples of the contract that will be concluded with the contractor can be provided.

4. User-friendly interface of the site.

The content management system is extremely easy to use.

What opportunities does the Contractor get on the site?

Construction organizations on the electronic platform receive a number of interesting opportunities:

1. Large selection of tenders.

The platform covers information about all construction tenders in Russia, and not just those posted on this platform. Using the posted links, you can go to the auction or quote you are interested in, posted on another electronic platform.

In addition, the site hosts both government and private orders, increasing the volume of tenders available.

2. Increased efficiency of work.

The system is convenient due to its versatility for participants in this industry. For example, acting as a general contractor construction organization, without wasting time, can find responsible contractors here, and they, in turn, suppliers of materials. This speeds up the organizational process several times.

The electronic platform contains an extensive catalog of SROs in various geographies. Therefore, if desired, a participant can easily select a suitable SRO for himself and contact him.

Pros and cons of the ESTP platform

The advantages of the existence of this electronic platform include:

1. Narrow focus of the site on the construction industry.

Specialization provides a convenient and understandable system for placing orders for builders, which is necessary information base in the construction industry.

2. Great information content of the presented site, clear interface.

All the data necessary for conducting auctions is collected and well organized on the electronic platform.

3. Reducing the customer’s risks during tenders.

The tender platform is positioned as a professional tool for professionals in their industry, which is supported by a certain qualification when registering on the resource.

4. General database of ongoing tenders construction topics in Russia.

The resource operates on a one-window principle, where from one site you can obtain information about all current competitions, regardless of their location.


1. Specialization of the electronic platform.

What on the one hand is an advantage, on the other hand leads, for example, to a reduction in the circle of suppliers. In addition, having different needs, the Customer is forced to place his tenders on several electronic platforms, and this is not always convenient for the latter.

2. Small number of participants.

The electronic platform is quite young, so it is not as well known to a wide range of customers and performers, such as Sberbank-AST.

To summarize, it should be noted that this tender platform has a good chance of becoming the main electronic platform for all participants in the Russian construction market.

The purchase of goods, works, and services to meet state and municipal needs, the so-called state order, is regulated by Federal Law No. 44 dated 04/05/2013 and establishes the introduction of a single transparent cycle for the formation, placement of government orders and execution of government contracts. The law establishes that in addition to electronic and closed auctions, various types of competitions may be used, as well as requests for quotations (proposals) and purchases from sole supplier(under certain conditions). When making purchases, advantages are provided to institutions of the criminal correctional system, organizations of the disabled, small businesses, socially oriented non-profit organizations. Government customers are obliged to give priority to innovative products. In addition, purchases of foreign goods and services are limited.

Currently, a selection of electronic trading platforms has been carried out on which government orders in 2019:



Unified electronic trading platform

ETP of Gazprombank

RTS tender

TEK - Bargaining

National electronic platform



To work at these sites, the Supplier must obtain an electronic digital signature for the State Order and undergo accreditation (up to 5 working days from the date of submission of the application). After confirmation of the application, the Supplier is given access to his personal account and provided with details of an electronic account on which money will be placed and blocked to secure the application for participation in auctions.

List of sites working with enhanced qualified electronic signature (EDS):

  • All-Russian government procurement website
  • State Services Portal
  • Rosimushchestvo
  • Bank of Russia Financial Markets Service
  • Portal of the Unified Federal Register of information on the facts of the activities of legal entities
  • EFRSB - Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information
  • National Union of Liability Insurers
  • Unified register domain names
  • Federal service on financial monitoring
  • Federal State information system territorial planning(FSIS TP)
  • Portal of state and municipal services (functions) of the city of Moscow
  • FIPS
  • Rosaccreditation
  • GIS “Energy Efficiency”
  • Automated system analysis and control in the field of labor protection
  • Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation Software package “Budget planning”
  • State Registration Bulletin
  • FAU "Glavgosexpertiza of Russia"
  • Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market
  • Universal electronic trading platform ESTP.RU
  • LLC "RUSSIA Online"
  • Federal tax service Russia
  • Rosreestr
  • portal My Arbiter
  • FSIS "Mercury"

Thus, in most cases, an enhanced qualified signature is used on government portals where any individual or legal entity can learn a public service via the Internet (register real estate, change the address, submit a declaration to the FS using the RAR, order an advertisement in the Bulletin, find out tax arrears, file a lawsuit, etc.).

List of electronic platforms for the sale of property (during bankruptcy procedures):

  • JSC "Realization Center"
  • Remote Trading Center (RTC)
  • uTender (UTender LLC)
  • "Auctions of Siberia"
  • ETP LLC "Auktsion-Group"
  • uTrade
  • ArbiTrade
  • LLC "Verdict"
  • FSUE "ETB"
  • Property trade
  • iTender
  • United Federal Register bankruptcy information B2B Group
  • B2B-Center
  • B2B-Rusnano
  • B2B-Energo
  • B2B-NPK
  • B2B-Avia
  • Trade portal
  • NTK Altimeta
  • Norbit
  • iTender
  • ETP ETPRF (uses OID of the State Order)
  • Group of platforms OTS.RU
  • Group of sites NAUMEN

List of commercial trading and purchasing systems:

  • Purchases for commercial customers of Sberbank-AST. Bidding for commercial customers
  • Procurement of JSC Sberbank of Russia
  • Sberbank-AST. Implementation of block freight transportation
  • Auction Competitive House
  • Baikal-Tender
  • TZS Electra
  • RB2B LLC “Purchasing and Marketing Systems”
  • "Tender.Pro"
  • platform "eRUS"
  • SETonline is a multifunctional e-commerce system
  • OAO Severstal
  • Electronic trading system - Sitno
  • Trade purchasing system "AMS-Service"
  • AGC Glass Russia
  • Electronic trading system of JSC Russian Auction House
  • "Tatneft trading and purchasing platform"
  • Ural Electronic Trading Platform
  • R-Sigma
  • 223ETP.ZakazRF
  • Electronic platform Tender
  • ETP
  • CJSC "Siberian Agrarian Group"
  • “Standard”
  • “Augustina”
  • "Eltorg"
  • "StroyTorgi"
  • Electronic platform 223
  • NizhTorg
  • “Industry trading system”
  • Avtodor-TP LLC
  • torgov.rf ETP "Torgov"
  • EP "Federation"
  • Trade and purchasing system ""
  • Universal electronic platform ESTP.RU
  • "AstraTorg"
  • platform "TORGI 223"
  • site "Procurement Automation Center"
  • "Moscollector"
  • "UMMC"
  • Crimean Electronic Platform
  • ETP "Grid Company"
  • ETP NPO "Verkhnevolzhsky Trade Union"
  • ETP of the Legal Center


  • Sberbank-AST
  • Trade portal
  • ETP B2B-Center
  • Electronic platform uTender
  • EP “Auction Tender Center”
  • Baltic Electronic Platform LLC
  • Interregional Electronic Trading System
  • CJSC "RUSSIA Online"
  • Electronic trading system of JSC Russian Auction House
  • ETP “Electronic Property Trading System”
  • EP of the Implementation Center
  • "Auctions of Siberia"
  • "Electronic trading platform ELECTRO-TORGI.RU"
  • Regional trading platform
  • "A-KOSTA"
  • ETP "Auction Center"
  • EP “Electronic capital”
  • EP "Profit"
  • ETP "Alfalot"
  • "TenderStandard"
  • “Auctions of the Far East”
  • "Gloria service"
  • Ural ETP
  • ETS24
  • "Vladimir Tender Center"
  • trading-platform-vetp.rf All-Russian Electronic Trading Platform
  • “New Information Services”
  • Arbitat LLC
  • "ArbiTrade"
  • EP "Agency of Legal Communications"
  • Open trading platform
  • Ru-Trade
  • PROM-Consulting


  • platform AZORO plus

International trading systems:

  • China Bidding Ltd.
  • dgMarket (The Development Gateway Foundation Inc.)
  • - Ukrainian tenders
  • Procurement portal of JSC National Welfare Fund Samruk-Kazyna
  • National Center for Marketing and Price Study

The Center’s specialists will help you choose the right digital signature without overpaying for additional areas of application of the signature.

Contact persons:

What is the Unified Construction Tender Site?

What is the Unified Construction Tender Site?

This is the first specialized electronic trading platform in Russia, which employs only professional participants in the construction market who have the necessary qualifications and SRO approvals.

The ESTP has created a complete catalog of construction companies - members of the SRO, into which companies are included regardless of their wishes, based on the permits they have.

Why does a contractor need ECTP?

All information about the Russian construction complex is located on one portal. The site can be used as information resource in order to search for information about all tenders in Russia, as well as data from the register of Russian SROs with daily updated information.

How does the tender search work?

A convenient ESTP search filter allows you to search and find information about more than 3 thousand specialized construction competitions and auctions that take place throughout Russia! The obtained data can be analyzed and trading can be carried out online.

On the ESTP you can subscribe to daily e-mail notifications about new construction tenders in Russia.

Why does the customer need ESTP?

The simple and convenient interface of the customer’s Personal Account allows any user to work in the system.

Access to a contractor directory of more than 100 thousand companies.

The customer works on the ESTP for free.

Expert assistance in preparing documents necessary for procurement.

Opportunity to participate in any construction tender in Russia.

Participation in the implementation of public-private partnership projects.

Possibility of integrating UST with the customer's procurement system.

Automation of most procedures.

Technical support.

How do customers look for contractors for the ECTP?

You need to “drive” several search queries into the ESTP system: the name of the city in which the customer plans to work, types construction work in accordance with the approvals of the SRO, the staff of the contracting organization.

The customer will receive the result almost instantly. At the same time, the ESTP allows its clients, without making their plans public, to send proposals to contractors who are interested in them through personal accounts the latter.

How to trade on the UST?

You need to go to the website, click on the “Registration” button, select the type of participation, and, following the system prompts, fill out the registration application. After this, the login and password for your personal account are sent by e-mail.

After registering as a contractor, create a card for your company, which will be displayed in the general directory of contractors. Attach an electronic digital signature to the card.

Accreditation is required to participate in bidding on the UST.

What's happened electronic card companies?

This, if you like, is the “portfolio” of any construction company. First, the company reports information about itself to the extent it considers necessary (activity profile, staff, permits, licenses, letters of recommendation). Then, following the rules of the ESTP, he fulfills the mandatory requirement and tells a so-called competition story about himself.

Well, and finally, the ESTP itself, together with the SRO, which has access to one or another construction company, forms a loyal attitude towards it from customers.

The service for placing information in the contractor directory is paid:

6 months - 18 thousand rubles.