Elena Stepanenko is defended by Putin's lawyer in the fight against Petrosyan for his billionth fortune. Navalny lost the lawsuit about the "Browder effect" against Kiselyov and VGTRK

  • 11.12.2019

Answering the questions of the Russians, Vladimir Putin made a public statement stating that Nemtsov, Ryzhkov and Milov, together with Berezovsky, stole billions of rubles from the country's budget in the 1990s, while holding the Direct Line on the first television channel. again want to return to power and fill their pockets. The plaintiffs went to court demanding a refutation of this statement and compensation of 1 million rubles. After finishing judicial trial, which took place on February 14, Judge Tatyana Adamova announced only the operative part of the decision: refuse to satisfy the claim for the protection of honor and dignity. A full version of the court decision will appear in a few days, which will set out the reasons for the refusal.

Case of Academician Kudryavtsev


As already reported by Rosbalt, in 2010, the famous cardiac surgeon Yuri Shevchenko purchased an apartment in the House on the Embankment for his daughter Ksenia. During the repair, it turned out that the five-room apartment a floor above belong to Vladimir Gundyaev (the worldly name of Patriarch Kirill). A certain Lidia Leonova, who is registered in the same apartment with the patriarch, filed a lawsuit against Shevchenko demanding to pay her 19.7 million rubles.

The damage from dust and nanoparticles that supposedly got into Cyril's house during the repair was estimated at such an amount. The lawsuit included the following items: transportation of items from Gundyaev’s apartment and back - 376 thousand rubles, apartment renovation - 7.3 million rubles, rental of similar living space for the period of repair - 2.1 million rubles, damaged furniture and interior items - 2, 6 million rubles, special cleaning of 970 books - 6.3 million rubles, cleaning of property - 151 thousand rubles.

Zabralova elena yurevna

Yuri Shevchenko to pay 19.7 million rubles, he made two transactions to alienate his property: it was a formal transfer of apartments No. 212 and No. 374 to the closest relatives - children, ”said Zabralova. In total, at the time of the court ruling, according to the lawyer, the Shevchenko family owned three apartments in the House on the embankment, as well as living space in the Arbat region and in St. Petersburg. According to the plaintiffs, all but two of the apartments, in the historical building of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, were sold.

Ksenia Korsun’s daughters, the former minister presented a five-room apartment No. 212 in Building 2 on Serafimovich Street. “We believe it was a formal transfer: the daughter never registered in this apartment, and also did not bear the cost of paying utility bills. In addition, she has a personal living space on Udaltsova Street, at 32, and on Novokurkinskoye Shosse, at 35, ”the lawyer said.

The court refused to recognize Putin as a slanderer

Access to Leonova’s apartment is impossible, therefore, what was really spoiled there, we know only from her words and the appraiser hired by the plaintiff. ” In addition, according to her, not all books were submitted for examination, but only eight, but on the basis of which the cleaning of all books was evaluated: “The books were not only covered with dust, but there was a fungus on them. So we cleaned it not only from dust. ” In addition, according to Shevchenko’s defense, Leonova did not rent other housing during the repair, and therefore did not incur additional costs.
Leaving the court, Vera Travkina noted that she still does not understand why the damage is compensated by Leonova, while in the case file the owner of the apartment appears Vladimir Gundyaev (secular name of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church). Regarding the speech of her colleague, who detailed Shevchenko’s property in detail, she only stated that “the neighbors have no right to interfere in the personal lives of other neighbors,” as well as counting their real estate.

Navalny lost the lawsuit about the "Browder effect" against Kiselyov and VGTRK

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Elena Zabralova: plaintiffs use the court as a tribune

St. Petersburg and paid the required amount. Neither the plaintiff nor the defendant appeared in court on Friday. In cramped room number 322, lawyers and journalists came to clarify the housing issue. Judge Anna Andriyasova recalled the ups and downs of the proceedings of two representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church.
The plaintiff's lawyer Irina Zabralova handed over to the court payment order on the transfer of 19.7 million rubles to the account bailiffs, as well as the response of the bailiffs who confirmed that they were recovered from the defendant cash received on their account, in connection with which the temporary restriction on Shevchenko’s departure from Russia was canceled. Lawyers for Shevchenko and his daughter were waiting for the recall of the lawsuit. But the plaintiff’s side first decided to clarify their position to the court.

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MARCHI’s position in business looks even more unattractive. Kudryavtsev realized a huge social project. The court found that it acted within the law. Under the law, twelve waiting lists of the university received apartments.
And the new leadership of the university, which for six years has not done anything like this for its employees, is now trying to shift its financial responsibility to partners to the shoulders of a former colleague and boss. Elena Yuryevna Zabralova, Attorney at Zabralova, Krylova & Partners Bureau In addition to the fact that during the temporary period of actions that the prosecution considers criminal under Article 286 (abuse of authority), Alexander Petrovich Kudryavtsev did not hold the post of rector of the Moscow Architectural Institute and did not have the powers that he could somehow exceeded, the prosecution contains a ton of factual and illiterate errors.

Zamoskvoretsky court upheld Leonova’s lawsuit in full, later the Moscow City Court agreed with this decision. It is noteworthy that in an interview with Vladimir Solovyov, Patriarch Kirill said that he would send all the money received for court case about the apartment in the “House on the Embankment”. Mikhail Chernyak **** “The books were not only covered with dust, but there was a fungus on them.

So they cleaned them not only from dust ”Lidia Leonova, registered in an apartment in the House on the embankment, where relatives of Patriarch Kirill live, recalled the lawsuit on invalidating the contract of donation of the apartment, written out to her daughter by the former head of the Ministry of Health Yuri Shevchenko. The plaintiffs received 19.7 million rubles of compensation.

All decisions of civil courts confirm that the vice-rector acted in the interests of MARCHI - no one challenged these decisions. The allegations under Article 159 (Fraud) appear even more unfounded. Contrary to the allegations of the investigation, A.P. Kudryavtsev did not commit fraudulent acts, did not meet with the victims and did not know them.


During the implementation of the Investment Contract, none of MARCHI employees, including him, did not provide false information to the victims, they did not hide any information from investors. None of the victims were misled, were not deceived, none of them were given false information, and even less so by academician Kudryavtsev. Rafael Semenovich Paleev, Attorney at the Moscow Bar, In addition to the obvious violations and inconsistencies of the prosecution, which my colleagues spoke about in the courtroom, I would like to note the author’s unprofessionalism.

Elena Zabralova Wikipedia

Lyubov Aleksandrovna Makarova, Representative of the injured party First of all, we do not recognize ourselves as victims. We have no complaints against the accused - neither material nor moral order. We consider this fabrication through and through fabricated. An interested party is clearly visible in it. The new leadership of MARCHI is trying to get rid of obligations to investors by shifting responsibility legal entity to a living, honored and completely innocent person. The position of everyone whom the prosecutor’s office is trying to make victims in this process absolutely coincides with the position of the lawyers of academician Kudryavtsev. As a representative of the victims, I declare that we do not recognize any theft, we do not consider ourselves the injured party, and we have no complaints against the accused.

Zabralova elena lawyer biography

The court correctly understood, are you against termination of the lawsuit? ” the judge asked her. Then the lawyer finally agreed with the withdrawal of the claim. The judge retired to the deliberation room, and after half an hour announced that the court had terminated the proceedings on the suit of Lidia Leonova against Yury Shevchenko and the arrest was removed from apartment No. 212. After the meeting in the corridors of the court, Travkina said that during the meeting, in her opinion, the equality of the parties had been violated.
“You can put an end to the case of Shevchenko’s apartment. But we filed complaints about the decision of the Zamoskvoretsky court and hope to challenge the amount of compensation. I think the Moscow City Court will respond shortly. If the complaint is rejected, we will turn to the Supreme Court, the lawyer told Gazeta.ru. “We asked the court to hold independent assessment damage, but the court did not respond.

The process took place in closed mode. During the meeting, the lawyer of the 65-year-old artist Elena Zabralova emphasized once again that Elena G. does not claim to be 80% common propertyas mentioned earlier, but half. Zabralova also said that Stepanenko refused to separate the case of divorce into a separate proceeding. According to Petrosyan’s lawyer Sergei Zhorin, this is due to the fact that the humorist’s legal wife is “afraid that her spouse will quickly form a new relationship as soon as she divorces”.

After the court session, Elena Zabralova first spoke with reporters and revealed some details of the high-profile case. So, the lawyer Stepanenko said that Petrosyan throughout the divorce process has been discrediting his still legal spouse. According to Zabralova, Elena Grigoryevna perceives this as bullying.

« For a long period, Elena Grigoryevna was completely discredited with the help of the media, as well as with the participation of one of the representatives of Evgeny Vaganovich. Elena Grigoryevna very regrets that this is happening, she thinks she’s just bullying", The human rights activist said.

Elena Zabralova noted that her client in this situation behaves very dignified. “He retains his image and does not say a single bad word,” Yelena Stepanenko quoted the lawyer as publishing Life.

Recall that information about the divorce of one of the most striking pairs of domestic show business appeared in late July. First, a 72-year-old comedian denied rumors of family disagreement. However, later the news of the separation of the spouses after 32 years of marriage was confirmed by colleagues, and then Petrosyan and Stepanenko themselves. The initiator of the divorce was a 65-year-old artist. Literally immediately it became known that the cause of the breakup was treason on the part of Evgeny Vaganovich. It turned out that Petrosyan and Stepanenko had not lived together for 15 years, and the comedian was happy for a long time in relations with his 29-year-old assistant Tatyana Brukhunova.

Evgeny Petrosyan and Tatyana Brukhunova

Evgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko

The patriarch of Russian humor, Yevgeny Petrosyan, hired a well-known divorce specialist Sergey Zhorin for the process of sharing family property, and the interests of his wife will be represented by a no less high-status lawyer Elena Zabralova.

On Monday, August 6, 2018, the Khamovnichesky District Court will begin consideration of the lawsuit of Elena Stepanenko on the division of jointly acquired property against her husband - the famous satirist Yevgeny Petrosyan. According to some reports, it claims to be real estate, antiques, jewelry and other property worth about one billion rubles.

Laughter is a profitable business

Evgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko own six apartments in the center of Moscow, parking places and a country ranch with an area of \u200b\u200bthree thousand square meters.

So, four apartments of comedians are located within walking distance from each other. Three - generally in the same house, in Sechenovsky Lane, 9. This is an old house (approximately the end of the 19th century), in which comedians have apartments of 92.64 and 138 squares. It is located in a quiet place, away from the bustle of the city. The most big flat in their neighborhood with the famous ex-official of the Ministry of Defense Evgenia Vasilieva - in a new club house in the 1st Zachatievsky, on 512 squares. In the same place, in the so-called elite "embassy" quarter, they have five more parking spaces.

Two more apartments of the comedian family are one-room, with an area of \u200b\u200b36 square meters. m. They are also located in the historical center of Moscow.

One of the small-sized vehicles is located near the Smolenskaya metro station, in the famous semicircular House of Architects. The windows of the house look at the square of the Kiev railway station and the Moscow river. Built according to the project of Shchusev, the house is made in the style of neo-constructivism, decorated with bas-reliefs and other decorative elements. This house is considered an architectural monument of Moscow.

But another odnushka is located in the metro area "Novoslobodskaya" - in Bolshoi Kondratyevsky Lane.

Spouses spent a lot of money on arranging their suburban estates in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Belorusskaya Zhavoronki station railroadlocated in the Odintsovo district of Moscow region. On a plot of 30 acres stands a mansion of 380 square meters. m

According to Life, the humorous spouses have not lived together for ten years. It was in the summer of 2008 that the first rumors appeared that Yevgeny Petrosyan left Elena Stepanenko, with whom he lived 23 years, to Tatyana Podolskaya, 26, the administrator of the Moscow City Public Theater Institution of Miniatures under the direction of Yevgeny Petrosyan. However, soon the comedian parted with Podolskaya.

Evgeni Vaganovich has a new favorite. This is 30-year-old Tatyana Brukhunova.

Tatyana Brukhunova moved to Moscow from Tula ten years ago, entered the Moscow State University of Cinematography, where she studied management, and then fate brought her to the Petrosyan Theater. There, the girl practiced the art of management for several years with the director of the artist. In 2016, she became the right hand of Petrosyan. Since then, according to the journalists of the portal, the brunette accompanies the elderly comedian everywhere.

The couple managed to light up at a secluded dinner in a trendy restaurant on Belorusskaya, as well as during joint walks through the territory of one of the boarding houses near Moscow.

I agree to half

Now the outcome the trial and the fate of the family’s assets will depend on the competence of lawyers: Petrosyan’s interests are represented by the well-known divorce master Sergei Zhorin, and Stepanenko hired lawyer Elena Zabralova, whose clients were the president of Russia, the patriarch, and large businessmen.

As lawyer Sergei Zhorin told Life, Petrosyan turned to him for help a few days ago when he only learned about the intention of his wife Elena Stepanenko to divorce him and share the property acquired during the marriage.

Evgeni Vaganovich told me: “You know, I just want to divide everything in half, and let Elena Stepanenko decide what she wants to pick up,” the lawyer said.

According to him, in his practice, and indeed in Russia, this is a rare case when the spouse is willing to voluntarily give half of the property. However, according to Zhorin, something strange happened later.

We were supposed to meet with the other side and discuss all the details on August 4, but Stepanenko suddenly announced that she had a headache. Then we learned that two days before our proposed meeting, she had already sued, ”said the lawyer. - As it turned out, Stepanenko wants more than half of the property, which is similar to rudeness or arrogance on her part.

According to the lawyer, Petrosyan’s spouse wants to get real estate, antiques, cultural property and other family assets. According to some reports, the value of this property may be one billion rubles.

Since the spouses-humorists could not agree on a peace, the fate of their property will depend on the professionalism of the lawyers.

Bohemian protector

42-year-old metropolitan lawyer Sergei Zhorin, who represents the interests of Petrosyan, specializes in family affairs. He helped divorce and share property to many famous people.

So, in April 2012, Zhorin represented in the Meshchansky District Court of Moscow the interests of the famous poet Ilya Reznik in the suit of his ex-wife, the Uzbek choreographer and dancer Munira Reznik (Argumbayeva), who has long lived with their common son in the United States. She tried to challenge the court's decision to terminate their marriage. Reznik broke up with his wife for a long time, but financially provided her in the United States, transferring her about one million dollars. Only recently did he decide to divorce her officially, sending her everything to the USA required documents and an invitation to come to court in Russia. Munira ignored them, so the court in Moscow divorced the spouses in absentia. When she found out about this, she arrived in Moscow and tried to challenge the court decision. She herself filed for divorce and demanded to divide the property. Zhorin convinced the court that Reznik bought Argumbayeva in the USA an apartment and two cars, and also transferred her more than a million dollars, so the court dismissed her lawsuit.

In the spring of 2012, Zhorin helped the family of actor Alexander Porokhovshchikov fight off relatives who claimed his inheritance. For example, his cousin tried to seize part of the apartment from him.

In the fall of 2015, Zhorin represented the wife of former Sakhalin Oblast Governor Alexander Khoroshavin, convicted of corruption. Irina Khoroshavina filed a lawsuit against the division of family property in the amount of more than 800 million rubles. However, earlier the Prosecutor General’s Office filed a lawsuit in the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk City Court on confiscation of all property registered with the former governor, his wife and son. This was due to the fact that the Khoroshavin family could not explain the origin of the four apartments in Moscow, the mansion on Rublevskoye Shosse, and a collection of jewelry.

In the fall of 2016, Sergey Zhorin represented the interests of the figure skater Marina Anisina, who was divorcing her husband, the famous showman Nikita Dzhigurda. The process was accompanied by scandals and even fights. Once Zhorin had a fight with the defendant Dzhigurda. As a result, the magistrates' court in Krasnogorsk divorced the couple. However, already in the spring of 2017, divorced people began to live together again.

Quiet lawyer with high-profile cases

Representative of Elena Stepanenko in the divorce proceedings in the district Khamovnichesky court of Moscow will be defender Elena Zabralova, who works in the law office "Zabralova, Krylova and partners" of the Moscow Bar. The general public knows little about it.

Over the years, Elena Zabralova represented the president of the country Vladimir Putin, the patriarch Kirill and the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin.

Opposition politicians - Boris Nemtsov, Vladimir Ryzhkov and Vladimir Milov - filed a lawsuit in 2010 against the then prime minister, Vladimir Putin, for libel.

Answering a question about what Nemtsov, Ryzhkov, Milov and so on really want, the prime minister replied: “Money and authorities, what else do they want ?! At one time, they pounded, in the 90s, dragged away together with the Berezovsky [...] many billions. " The plaintiffs demanded compensation for non-pecuniary damage in the amount of one million rubles from Vladimir Putin, as well as a refutation from the channel "Russia 1", on the air of which Putin said this answer.

During the trial, Zabralova accused the opposition of filing a lawsuit against Putin not to defend her good name.

The plaintiffs use the court as a tribune, it is obvious, ”said the lawyer then.

The court rejected the lawsuit against Putin and the channel "Russia 1".

In 2012, Elena Zabralova represented the interests of Patriarch Kirill in the Moscow City Court, demanding damages estimated at 19.7 million rubles, which allegedly caused dust to the patriarch’s property, having flown from the apartment of the ex-head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, well-known cardiac surgeon Yuri Shevchenko. Zabralova won the process.

Four years later, Elena Zavyalova won the case against Novaya Gazeta, defending the reputation of the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin. The Basmanny District Court of Moscow ordered Novaya Gazeta to refute the information contained in the article on St. Yacht Princess Olga ("Princess Olga"). The court decided that the information contained in the article was untrue and the publication should publish a refutation in the print version of the newspaper and on its website.

About the state of the artist, who is going through a divorce proceedings with comedian Yevgeny Petrosyan.

A colleague of comedians also expressed concern about the emotional state of the artist. For example, she noted that recently Stepanenko has lost a lot of weight - "probably from her nerves." “I know that for a year they have not performed together. What they are talking about now did not happen yesterday. I recently talked with Elena Grigoryevna, we spent the evening in a women's company. Young people came up to us, they simply did not recognize the artists in us, it was nice. It seemed to me that she was very impressed with such attention, ”she said. - Elena Grigoryevna lost a lot of weight. And I kept wondering why? Now it is clear. Maybe really nervous. Because when people get divorced, part, share property, it is always a powerful stress. You don’t wish anyone like that. ”

Discussing the current situation, Stepanenko herself called the divorce "a matter of life."

“Something happens in every person’s life. Here, Evgeny Vaganovich and I had a divorce. This is everyday life. Everything will be according to the court - as the court says, it will be so. And you will know everything about it, ”the 65-year-old artist emphasized in an interview with the Vesti program.

According to lawyer Elena Stepanenko, now the representatives deliberately disseminate information that is not true that the artist claims 80% of the property declared for the division.

In turn, the representative of Yevgeny Petrosyan in court, said he was surprised to hear about Stepanenko’s desire to receive less than half of the jointly acquired property following a divorce.

“I was surprised by something else - their side said that Stepanenko wants even less than 50 percent of the property. This, of course, is a twist. I hope that they will also document this desire and attach it to the case files. Then the dispute will be completed at the very first meeting. Even if not less than 50 percent, namely half - if everything is really so, there are no more questions. But it still seems to me that this was said for the red words, since earlier she talked about some 57 percent, now it’s a different number ... There is no sequence, ”he said.

Elena Zabralova also did not ignore the question personal life comedian. She pointed out that the presence of Petrosyan's young lover is not in doubt, even if his lawyer denies this.

“Today you will not surprise anyone with the appearance in life of young assistants who become owners of the heart, life and necessarily someone else’s property. And I understand Yevgeny Vaganovich that hardly anyone will want to talk about his romance with a half-century difference with his employee, ”says Zabralova.

Now, according to Zabralova, there can be no question of a settlement, since in this case Stepanenko may lose his rightful half of property. In turn, Evgeny Petrosyan insisted only on his own terms.

According to the lawyer, Petrosyan offers her client “unnecessary” half.

“My client asked for less than half of the identified property, but one apartment occupies half the cost and covers the cost of the rest of the property. It was created under the Petrosyan Museum, there is a stage there. Now he does not need her, and he wants to give her away. And why did she need someone else’s museum, for what money should she support it, ”Zabralova explained.

However, the representative of Petrosyan, commenting on the situation with the "house-museum", did not agree with the words of Zabralova.

“Stepanenko herself called this property a house-museum, while Zabralova says that it is impossible to live there, that this is not an apartment ... But for some reason, she forgets that Stepanenko lived there and actually lives there now. It is in this apartment that she does not let Petrosyan, it is in this apartment that all the things she has acquired together are stored. That is, Zabralova contradicts what they themselves wrote in the statement of claim. If this apartment is not needed by Stepanenko, let her move out of there, ”said Zhorin.

Recall that yesterday the Khamovnichesky court of Moscow, as a result of the meeting, refused to separate the divorce proceedings of humorists into a separate proceeding. As for copyrights to works, they are not yet shared. The court also imposed a temporary arrest on the disputed property.

Yuri Petrovich GervisDeputy Chairman of the Mezhregion Inter-territorial Bar Association The indictment against Alexander Petrovich Kudryavtsev contains a lot of procedural violations. Article 159 “Fraud” brought against Kudryavtsev, at least, implies the fact of intentional misrepresentation of the injured party. But the aggrieved party claims that no one deceived her and did not mislead her. Moreover, the co-investors of the project were not even familiar with it. However, the prosecutor’s office, with manic persistence, is trying to force the project investors to recognize themselves as the injured party. The prosecutor's office, designed to ensure legality, does not consider it necessary to comply with elementary legal norms of prejudice. The circumstances of the case have already been examined by the Khamovniki and Meshchansky courts. Both courts did not find any violations in the actions of the accused.

Case of Academician Kudryavtsev

As a result, for more than a week the Zamoskvoretsky court did not consider the claim about the illegality of the gift agreement and at the same time refused to remove the arrest from the apartment of Yuri Shevchenko. Only on April 13, Leonova’s lawyers, announcing that she received the money, withdrew the lawsuit. And the servants of Themis finally removed the arrest from the estate of the family of a heart surgeon.

Also on April 13, the Zamoskvoretsky court responded to the demand of Shevchenko’s lawyers to clarify what the terms “dust” and “nanoparticles” mean in a court decision. “Dust is not a legal concept, its formation is possible from dirt, but not from nanoparticles, also not a legal concept introduced into the case by the Zamoskvoretsky court and not explained to them,” the Shevchenko lawyers complained. The Zamoskvoretsky court was brief in its explanations: everything about dust and nanoparticles was said in the decision to recover 19.7 million rubles, and no further clarification of these terms was needed.

Zabralova elena yurevna

She noted that, despite a donation agreement, the Shevchenko family soon tried to sell both apartments in the House on the embankment through the Capital Real Estate Agency. “We have witnesses who came to the apartment as buyers of real estate on the day the gift transaction was completed,” the plaintiff’s lawyer said. According to Zabralova, Shevchenko allegedly tried to sell the repaired apartment No. 212 for $ 2.7 million. Previously, the court, based on the papers on the purchase of Shevchenko’s apartment in 2010, estimated it at 15 million rubles (this amount was indicated in the sales contract).
“All the property owned by Shevchenko miraculously evaporated in a few months,” said Zabralova. She recalled that in October 2010, when Leonova (she has been living in the house on Serafimovich since 1995) found dust from repairs in her apartment, the plaintiff tried to notify the defendant twice about the existence of material claims.

The court refused to recognize Putin as a slanderer

Navalny lost the lawsuit about the "Browder effect" against Kiselyov and VGTRK

According to the Plenum Supreme Court, liability for abuse of authority occurs in case of commission an official active actions clearly beyond his authority. The investigation accuses the academician of inaction: “did not inform”, “did not inform”, etc. In this case, article 286 cannot be applied at all, as well as the limits of Kudryavtsev’s powers, which he allegedly exceeded, are not indicated.
The investigation accuses the former rector of having signed a contract with the Government of Moscow, assigned the duties of its execution to the vice-rector and vested him with powers to manage financially - business activities Institute and presented the right to conclude contracts on behalf of MARCH. None of these points violates the law and does not go beyond the authority of Kudryavtsev.

Elena Zabralova: plaintiffs use the court as a tribune

However, Svetlana Kurtsynysh considered that the “principle of equality” of the parties was not violated during the consideration of the claim, “since the defendant’s side was not deprived of the opportunity to independently conduct an independent non-judicial examination in an expert institution, including a non-state one, in order to determine the amount of damage”. “It was impossible to do physically,” representatives of Yuriy Shevchenko object. - Lidia Leonova categorically objected to the joint examination, and only she has access to supposedly spoiled items. We have never even seen them. In this situation, the judge should have appointed an independent examination, but refused to do so. ” Kuritsyna also admitted that lawyer Elena Zabralova (previously she represented the interests of Vladimir Putin in the courts of various instances) legally participated in the consideration of the lawsuit.

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Lawyer Elena Zabralova in court stated that in the phrase that the plaintiffs in the case considered discrediting their business reputation, their names were not mentioned, and the Prime Minister expressed only a personal value judgment not about someone specifically, but about a certain group of people. Answering the question of one of the members of the Direct Line about “what Nemtsov, Ryzhkov, Milov and others really want”, the Prime Minister replied: “Money and authorities, what else do they want ?! At one time, they hurted, in the 90s they dragged away billions [...] along with the Berezovsky. ” Zabralova’s lawyer emphasized that Vladimir Putin “was not the author of the question, and there were no names in his answer.”

Zabralova refused to explain the moment whether Putin had in mind the persons listed in the question when he answered him, explaining his refusal by the fact that he does not have the right to “go beyond the phrase”.

The case is incredibly inflated and contains a lot of unnecessary information - for solidity, and when you get acquainted with the materials it turns out that in thirty volumes of the criminal case nothing is contained. The formula is confused so as to lose the main idea. It contains a lot of unnecessary and high-profile words. The nine lines of the accusation formula indicate that Kudryavtsev “had information”.

Elena Zabralova Wikipedia

On this basis, the complaints of the representatives of Yuriy Shevchenko were dismissed. Now they began to collect documents for the Supreme Court, where they intend to file a complaint in the near future. In order to secure the claim of Leonova, the same Zamoskvoretsky court arrested the apartment adjacent to the apartments of the patriarch (it was bought by Yuri Shevchenko, and then presented to her daughter Ksenia, who has four children).
Leonova appealed against the deed of gift, consideration of the claim was to take place on April 6. By this time, the family of Yuri Shevchenko transferred 19.7 million rubles to the account of the judicial department. However, this did not suit Leonova’s representatives. They several times asked to postpone the hearing - until the amount is received on Leonova’s personal account.

Zabralova elena lawyer biography

All petitions of the representative of the defendant to conduct new examinations in this case by the court were initially rejected as prematurely declared, then it turned out that they were declared too late, because it was urgent to make a decision, ”said Yury Shevchenko’s lawyers in the complaint. They also drew Svetlana Kurtsynysh's attention to the fact that during the hearing on the lawsuit of Leonova, her lawyer Elena Zabralova had an expired power of attorney. “Zabralova had no legal reason to participate in this matter,” Shevchenko’s representatives said. - Officially, as it turned out, she was at the hearing an outsider who was not bound by existing agreements with either the plaintiffs or the defendants. Accordingly, all decisions taken with the participation of Zabralova must be rescinded. ”