Dollar bank account. How to open a foreign currency account in Sberbank

  • 27.08.2023

Question: how to open a foreign currency bank account? to an individual is especially acute for those who often commit expense transactions V foreign currency. Of course, you can transfer funds in rubles, but in this case you'll have to pay additional commission for currency conversion. In addition, everyone knows that the bank sells foreign currency at a several percent higher price than it buys. Today, everyone has the opportunity to open an account in foreign currency, even if you are not a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. However, we will analyze this issue in order, and also present several proposals from Russian financial institutions.

Why do you need a foreign currency account and its advantages?

First of all, it is worth determining who needs an account in foreign currency. In addition, it is important to know what advantages and what it gives to potential clients:

  • you can exchange foreign currency remotely without searching for exchangers;
  • the owner can make transfers to individuals, for example, relatives living abroad;
    You can use it to pay payments and loans without converting currencies;
  • for those who often travel abroad or pay for any goods, there is no need to buy currency each time and pay a conversion fee.

But we should not forget that financial institutions charge a certain fee for the service. That is, the owner will still have to pay for its opening and maintenance, plus pay separately for transfers and commission fees.

Document processing process

To begin with, it is still worth explaining what a foreign currency account is. In fact, this is a personal account of an individual opened in foreign currency. That is, the bank opens it in your name, it is intended for storage and movement cash in a specific foreign currency. But today it is also possible to open a multi-currency account, that is, you can store not only domestic, but also foreign currency, and receive cash or pay for purchases in that currency without conversion.

In fact, the process of opening a foreign currency account is quite simple. The main task of a potential client is to choose the right bank. Indeed, the offers on the market financial services quite a lot, so you will have to spend a little time studying banking sites. As a rule, information about the terms of service is posted on the bank’s official website, however, it is advisable to personally visit the branch and consult with a specialist. Next, you will need to prepare several documents:

  • identification document;
  • application form;
  • amount for down payment.

So, to become a client, you must come to the bank yourself and write an application, then make an initial deposit of a certain amount, at least 5-10 units of foreign currency. If you are already a client of a particular bank, it may provide the opportunity to use all services without leaving your home using Internet services.

Please note that when opening a bank account, you have the opportunity to receive a plastic debit card, tied to him.

Which account to choose

For individuals, banks offer several options for opening foreign currency accounts, including deposit accounts. That is, everyone has the choice to open a deposit in foreign currency or an account with the only difference being that the deposit allows you to receive benefits in the form of interest. As for interest rates on deposits, they can vary greatly, most of them range from 0.1 to 3% per annum.

A foreign currency account for an individual is suitable if it is needed to conduct various operations In this option, there is no point in opening a deposit. To the extent that interest is accrued only for a certain period of storage of funds, the bank does not accrue profit upon early disposal of money.

There is a third option - this is a multi-currency account, that is, it allows the owner to profit from currency exchange rate fluctuations, for example, banks offer to open an account in three currencies: rubles, dollars or euros. Further, the client can independently manage his finances, for example, if the dollar exchange rate is expected to rise, the user can transfer his savings into dollars.

The best offers from commercial banks

Today, almost all commercial banks offer opening a foreign currency account for individuals. But before determining where it is better to open a foreign currency account for individuals, when considering various offers it is worth paying attention to some important details:

  • opening cost and annual maintenance;
  • transaction fee;
  • replenishment commission;
  • possibility of remote control.

Please note that up-to-date information on banking offers can be found on the official website commercial bank. Including opening a foreign currency account in a bank.

Reflection of a foreign currency account in Sberbank Online

Sberbank of Russia

Here you can open a deposit or current account in foreign currency; as for deposit offers, there are many of them. You can open a deposit either in your territorial division financial institution, and in online account in the Sberbank online system. As for interest rates on deposits in foreign currency, they range on average from 0.01 to 1.25% per year, the terms of placing funds in the account are quite flexible from 1 month to several years.

As for foreign currency accounts, there are two current offers: universal or demand account. Their only difference is that a demand account has no terms, that is, it is unlimited, while a universal one is valid for 5 years, after which the contract is renewed automatically, and the number of extensions is not limited.

Interest rates on the account balance are 0.01 percent per year. You can open an account in any currency, including dollars, euros, Japanese yen, Canadian dollars, Swedish kronor, pounds sterling and others. To draw up an agreement, just contact any Sberbank branch and sign a service agreement. By the way, as for tariffs, there is no fee for opening and maintaining an account, minimum amount credits are 5 dollars, or the equivalent of 5 US dollars. It should be noted that the number of cash deposits and withdrawals is not limited, provided that the balance must be at least a minimum balance of $5.

Methods for opening a foreign currency account at Sbarbank

VTB Bank of Moscow

This credit institution has one offer for a foreign currency account - a current account without accruing interest. Currency: rubles, dollars or euros. The minimum amount is not limited, the term is unlimited, there are no restrictions on depositing and withdrawing cash. You can submit an application directly at a bank branch or via Internet banking, provided that you are already using the services of VTB24 Bank and have access to your personal account in the online system.

Credit Europe Bank

At Credit Europe Bank it is possible to quickly open an account in foreign currency, namely in US dollars, euros, Turkish lira or in pounds sterling. You can open an account at any branch of Credit Europe Bank, you just need to have your passport with you, as for payment for the service, it is 10 conventional units. Servicing will also cost you 10 conventional units. By the way, the fee is not charged for existing depositors and borrowers on a loan from Europe Bank, the fee for bank transfers ranges from 1 to 10% of the transfer amount depending on the amount and currency. It is possible to issue a debit card for managing funds.

Alfa Bank

Similarly, Alfa Bank provides the opportunity to open a current account in any currency as part of one of its service packages. That is, the user can choose one of four service packages - Economy, Optimum, Comfort and Maximum Plus. The difference lies in the cost of the service package; accordingly, the higher the cost, the more opportunities the bank provides.

It is important that the client can use the package of services from Alfa Bank for free, provided that an account is opened to credit the client’s main income.

As for the terms of service, the bank provides the opportunity to open an account in any currency: rubles, dollars or euros. In addition, the bank accrues income of up to 7% on the balance of savings account and allows you to issue a debit card and use remote services for free. As for an account in a foreign currency, current account holders have the opportunity to transfer their funds into any currency; for example, when traveling abroad, you can transfer your savings into dollars or euros through Internet banking.

So, the main question is, in which bank is it better to open a foreign currency account, the question is individual for everyone, since the terms of service are identical everywhere. But it's also worth noting that some banks charge a service fee, while others do not. In addition, some banks, for example, Alfa Bank, give you the opportunity to earn up to 7% on your balance from your own savings.

As you can see, opening a dollar account for an individual will be quite simple. In this case, the bank does not require any additional documents from citizens of the Russian Federation, by the way, for non-residents of our country it is definitely worth adding to the list of documents documents confirming the right to stay on the territory of Russia. In any case, you can always get up-to-date information about the products and services of a particular bank from the operator hotline the bank you have chosen.

Competition in the market of credit and financial services is great and each bank offers at first glance favorable conditions, promising high interest rates to the account balance. But, often, the higher the interest rate offered, the greater the likelihood of financial instability for the bank. Most reliable option- this is to open a foreign currency account for an individual in Sberbank.

What are the additional features?

In order to consolidate your savings, you need to diversify them in percentage terms (30% in rubles, 30% in dollars, 30% in euros and 10% in yen or ). And if one currency depreciates, the other will automatically rise. These are the rules of the foreign exchange market.

As a rule, when opening an account for an individual in foreign currency, it is linked to the main one - ruble and a so-called transit account is opened for foreign currency payments.

If necessary, when the client needs to pay during a trip abroad, he will be able to provide his ruble card as a means of payment. This happens because due to an additional foreign currency account and linking it to the main ruble account, the bank automatically converts the funds into foreign currency.

Also, with the help of a foreign currency account you can:

  • receive currency transfers from individuals and legal entities from outside the country and cash out these amounts both in the Russian Federation and abroad;
  • make currency transfers outside the country in an amount not exceeding 75,000 US dollars per year (an exception to the amount is payment for treatment and education, confirmed by an invoice and contract);
  • carry out currency transfers within the country from your foreign currency accounts in other Russian banks.

How to open

When opening this type of account prerequisite Sberbank is. This condition is regulated Russian legislation, and Sberbank only implements the generally accepted rules of the game, since in the territory Russian Federation a single currency for settlements was approved - the Russian ruble.

Opening a foreign currency account with Sberbank for individuals can be done by contacting any of its branches, or by going through this procedure online on the official website.

Studying the conditions

In order to make a firm, informed decision, you need to be as knowledgeable as possible about the terms of service and the required documents. You can find all the latest information on the official website of Sberbank. Here you can open a deposit in real time and issue foreign exchange plastic card.

Algorithm of actions:

  • Now you can contact the bank to open an account.

At a bank branch

The main advantage of this method is that an authorized manager will answer your questions and inform you in detail how to open a foreign currency account with Sberbank for an individual.

Accordingly, in order to become a client of the bank, you will need:

  1. Contact any bank branch. Don't forget to take your ID with you - a passport.
  2. Fill out an application to open a foreign currency account. Today, the “Universal” deposit is considered the most optimal.
  3. Top up your account with 10 rubles through the bank cash desk. or 5 US dollars (or the equivalent of another foreign currency).
  4. Sign a standard agreement, which will be printed out for you by a bank employee.

For mobile access to your account and the ability to make payments in the trading network and use the online payment system, you need to open a plastic card. The best option will become Visa Classic or MasterCard Standard. Annual maintenance according to these cards, during the first year it will be 750 rubles, in subsequent years - 450 rubles.

Opening an account via an online resource

To register using remote access, you must go to the Sberbank website

Select a deposit:

Create an application

According to the terms of the bank, the client has the right to open a deposit as down payment, and without it.

If the deposit is opened without a down payment:

There are many options for how to open a foreign currency account with Sberbank for individuals. It can be ordinary, intended for receiving transfers, card for everyday payments, or cumulative, if the goal is to increase savings. We will tell you not only how to open it, but also how to use it, for example: get details and make transfers from one account to another. We will explain whether the cost of servicing a foreign currency account at Sberbank for individuals and legal entities will always be zero, and also give practical advice. Let's start with classification.

Types of foreign currency accounts in Sberbank

To regularly receive transfers or send money abroad in dollars or euros, it is recommended to open a foreign currency account with Sberbank. For one-time sending or receiving, you can do without it - in this case you will only have to pay increased commissions.

Opening a foreign currency account is completely free, just like a ruble account; Sberbank does not charge any maintenance fees. The only thing you have to pay for is the issue and use of the linked card (did you know?).

Current and transit

When opening a foreign currency account, the client will actually have:

Current, intended for payments within Russia. In order to manage it, you don’t need anything special. You can also manage it through Sberbank Online, sending money, for example, to a foreign currency account on a Sberbank card.

Transit, which will receive money from the counterparty. To withdraw money from a transit account, you first need to identify the operation. To do this, the client needs:

  • passport to confirm identity;
  • application for withdrawal of funds from “transit”;
  • documents justifying the payment - for example, a contract or invoice (usually they are prepared during currency control);
  • transaction passport (if needed).

Thus, no problems arise at Sberbank with a transit currency account.

As soon as confirmation of the transaction is received, the bank will unfreeze the money in the transit account and transfer it to a ruble or main currency account, or to the applicant’s card, and they can be managed as usual.

Savings account and deposit

It’s not practical to just keep money in a current account, especially if you don’t plan to spend it right away. Therefore, you can open a foreign currency account with Sberbank for an individual and increase your savings. The bank offers two options: savings and deposit.

A savings account is advantageous in that you can withdraw money from it at any time, there are no limits on replenishment, but the interest on deposits there is significantly lower than on deposits.

So, interest rate for a savings account in dollars and euros it is set at 0.01% per annum, for ruble accounts - from 1.5% to 2.3%. However, as of the beginning of 2019, deposits in euros and other currencies are not accepted, only in dollars and rubles.

When choosing a suitable deposit, individuals should proceed from its specifics inherent in the name itself. Thus, the “Save” deposit is intended only for a one-time replenishment - when it is opened, and does not provide for expenses or incoming transactions. The “Manage” option, on the contrary, involves an unlimited number of operations.

It is more profitable to open a foreign currency account in Sberbank Online: higher interest rates are offered:

  • Save Online – up to 2%;
  • Top up Online – up to 1.80%;
  • Manage Online – up to 1.45%.

The longer the period and larger amount, the higher the interest the bank offers.

Tariffs for servicing an account with Sberbank

So, we already mentioned at the beginning of the article that servicing a foreign currency account for a Sberbank client will not cost anything, but there are nuances for individual categories depositors.

For individuals and legal entities. persons (without card)

Sberbank does not charge fees for servicing foreign currency accounts of individuals. Opening and closing is completely free. This also applies to deposits.

For entrepreneurs, service depends on the chosen tariff.

If the currency account is on the card

If a foreign currency account is opened on a Sberbank card, then the client will have to bear additional costs for servicing the plastic card.

Currently tariffs for standard Visa cards and MasterCard are:

  • first year of servicing the main card – 15 dollars / 25 euros, additional – 15 dollars / 15 euros;
  • subsequent years - for the main one 15 dollars / 15 euros, additional - 10 dollars / 10 euros;
  • reissue at the client’s initiative – 5 dollars / 5 euros;
  • cash withdrawal limit – $6,000 per day and $50,000 per month;
  • commission for issuing over the limit is 1%, but not less than $3.

Fee for additional services

You can connect additional services:

  • requesting a balance at an ATM or via SMS request is free;
  • statement for the last 10 transactions - 15 rubles at an ATM and free when connecting;
  • Mobile bank– 2 free months after connection, then – 60 rubles for the Full package and no charge for.

You can pay with a currency card abroad and in Russia. In case of payment not in dollars, conversion occurs at the current bank rate.

Since the payment is actually made later, after the transaction is confirmed, if the exchange rate jumps, a technical overdraft may occur, which the client will have to pay. Therefore, it is better to pay in the currency in which the card is opened, or to have a significant reserve of funds in your account.

More details about the principle of occurrence and procedure for the occurrence of a technical overdraft:

How to open a foreign currency account

In order to obtain a foreign currency account in largest bank countries, you can contact a bank branch directly or turn on Internet banking and open online.

At a branch of Sberbank of Russia

The client will only need a passport to complete the application and the minimum amount to top it up is $10.

After opening, the client will receive details of a foreign currency account with Sberbank, which he can transfer to the future sender of money. The time for transferring funds usually takes literally several hours, or even minutes, but in exceptional cases the transaction can be delayed by no more than 5 days.

Funds can be deposited either through the cash register or through Sberbank Online.

Through Sberbank Online

There are no difficulties in opening a foreign currency account with Sberbank Online. To do this you need to use the interface personal account according to this scheme:

  • go to “Deposits” – “Opening a deposit”;
  • mark the appropriate option in the checkbox: one of three deposits or a savings account and click “Continue”;
  • select the appropriate currency from the drop-down menu;
  • click "Open";
  • read the agreement (you can print it or save it);
  • confirm the operation with the code from SMS.

Please note that when opening the foreign currency account balance will be zero.

Use the video instructions to perform the operation error-free:

How to transfer money to a Sberbank foreign currency account

In order for another client to make a transfer to a Sberbank foreign currency account, he needs to provide the details. They can be found in your personal account, for this you need:

  • click on home page on the account name;
  • go to the "Information" tab;
  • select the "Details" menu.

The necessary information will appear in a separate window, so disable pop-up blocking at least for the Sberbank website.

Through the personal account interface, you can top up and withdraw the required amount from your Sberbank foreign currency account. This is done in the menu in the "Operations" section.

Confirmation of the transaction is carried out during business hours, so when replenishing a foreign currency account on weekends or at night during sharp fluctuations in the exchange rate, another amount may be debited from the ruble (or additionally credited). This is a normal practice that you need to be prepared for.


Thus, there are no difficulties in opening a foreign currency account with Sberbank. This can be easily done both in the branch and online. The client has a choice - to open an ordinary savings account in foreign currency (US dollars, euros) or a dollar deposit for special conditions. You can also order a card linked to a foreign currency account for payments abroad or in Russia. The cost of its service is charged at a standard rate.


Give your identification document to the window. Tell me which one exactly check want . Look at their list in advance on the official portal of the Savings Bank of Russia - In addition, you can obtain information on interest rates and processing conditions from bank employees. And also from leaflets located on information desks in the operating room.

Then the savings institution employee will prepare an agreement on the provision of services for foreign currency deposits. Please read it carefully. Please sign on the last page. One copy will be stored in the bank archive, the other will remain with you.

After concluding the contract, the employee will create a new front page for you check and will open. The minimum amount you need to deposit depends on the terms of the agreement. Usually it is at least fifty US.

Place currency on check You can do it there, at the box office. Before this, the manager who completed the registration will give you a token with a number. Hand it to the cashier and state the amount you want to deposit. Count down required quantity funds and hand them over to the bank employee. It will print receipt and debit order(check) indicating the deposit amount. Based on this document, all activities are carried out check but cash transactions. Sign it, carefully checking your passport information. The order data can later be used to verify your identity. Any discrepancy may result in problems with receiving money from foreign exchange check A.

In an unstable economy, the foreign exchange check will become one of the guarantors financial independence. In addition, you will be able to make any purchases in foreign currency, receive money from other companies, and also protect your savings. The safest place to place your savings is Sberbank.

You will need

  • - passport;
  • - constituent documents (for a legal entity);
  • - money.


Contact your nearest Sberbank branch. You must have your passport with you. The bank will ask you to write an application to open a foreign exchange check A. To date optimal choice for an individual is a deposit " Universal Sberbank Russia." To open it, you must deposit a minimum amount of 10 rubles or US (or the equivalent in another foreign currency). Now you can use check om, carrying out any payment transactions. Interest will be accrued on the funds as agreed between the parties.

In order to make purchases for or on foreign sites in foreign currency, you can open a currency account. The most affordable options are Visa Classic or Mastercard Standard. Cost - the first year of service is 750 rubles, each subsequent year - 450 rubles. The convenience of currency cards is that you can manage your

The instability of the ruble reduces the profitability of creating classic deposits. Looking for alternative way to preserve and increase capital, a person can contact Sberbank and open a deposit in foreign currency. The bid rate is lower, but the difference between the cost monetary units allows you to increase your earnings and make a profit.

About the offer

Sberbank's foreign currency deposits differ from other offers of the organization. They have increased efficiency. Not every individual can become the owner of a foreign currency account. To credit institution agreed to accept the deposit, its future owner must open a ruble deposit in Sberbank.

Using the service is associated with a number of positive aspects. By opening a foreign currency account, a person will be able to:

  • Receive transfers from persons located abroad without additional restrictions;
  • Send transfers in foreign currency;
  • Make payments using a card linked to your account while you are in another country;
  • Cash out received transfers;
  • Perform transactions with foreign currency accounts in other financial institutions.

The bank charges interest for storing capital. Their size depends on the chosen tariff plan and the individual characteristics of the cooperation stipulated in the contract.

Terms of service

By contacting Sberbank, a person will be able to use one of six specialized tariffs. Terms of interaction with financial organizations may vary depending on:

  • The selected service package;
  • Method of opening a deposit;
  • Account currencies;
  • Capital retention period;
  • Deposit size.

An individual can open a foreign currency deposit at Sberbank by personally visiting a branch credit institution or using the online service. The amount of income depends on the client’s choice. The maximum interest rate is set for the “Save Online” deposit. If the deposit was opened in dollars or euros, the profit can reach up to 1.7%.

Almost all tariffs designed for creating deposits in foreign currency have the same period of use. A client wishing to receive income must transfer capital to the bank for a period of 90 to 1000 days. The exception is the “Trust” deposit. Using the service package, the client must deposit money in the bank for 190 days.

Foreign currency deposits in Sberbank of Russia are not extended. When the contract expires, the money and accrued interest are transferred to the client’s current account. Payment is made upon request of the deposit owner.

Features of income calculation

Interest on foreign currency deposits in Sberbank is accrued monthly. They can be capitalized or withdrawn to a current account. The action is performed on the last working day of the month or at the end of the period of interaction with the bank.

If the client wants to withdraw money earlier deadline, the rate on foreign currency deposits will change. Its size depends on the period of storage of the deposit in the credit institution. If the capital was in the bank:

  • Less than 90 days – the income will be 0.01%;
  • 90-190 days – 50% of the deposit rate;
  • 190-370 days – 75% of the rate;
  • 370-501 days – 85% of the rate;
  • 501-751 days – 95% of the rate;
  • 751-1000 days – 100% rate.

The conditions for accruing interest for early withdrawal of a deposit may vary depending on the selected tariff plan.

Opening procedure

Before opening a foreign currency account with Sberbank, you will need to prepare a package of documentation. Scroll necessary papers depends on the status of the person. If a citizen of the Russian Federation wants to open a deposit in foreign currency, the deposit will be created on the basis of a passport. When an organization approaches a bank, a list necessary documents is expanding. The company representative will need to provide:

  • Copies constituent documents, previously certified by a notary;
  • Papers confirming the applicant’s authority to open a foreign currency account on behalf of the company;
  • Sample signatures of persons who have the right to manage company funds;
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (unified state register legal entities).

When the papers are prepared, you need to visit the company’s branch and contact its representative. To open foreign currency deposit An individual will have to write an application at Sberbank. Then the person will be asked to enter into an agreement to begin interacting with the company.

After completing the documentation, the client must deposit the desired amount of funds into the account. When the action is completed, the person becomes the full owner of the foreign currency deposit in Sberbank.

Creating an account online

To create a deposit, it is not necessary to visit a branch of a credit institution in person. You can open a foreign currency account with Sberbank online. To perform the action you will need:

  1. Go to the official website of the credit institution and log in to your personal account.
  2. Click on the “Deposits and Accounts” section and select “Open”.
  3. View the list of existing tariff plans and choose the appropriate offer. Then click “Continue”.
  4. Fill out the online application that appears, indicating the amount and currency of the deposit.
  5. Select the card from which capital will be debited to open a deposit. To perform the manipulation, you can also use a ruble card. The system will automatically convert funds into the deposit currency.
  6. Decide where the accrued interest will go. Sberbank can capitalize them or pay them on a card.
  7. Select the storage period for the deposit at the credit institution.
  8. Check the entered data for errors and inaccuracies. If the information is correct, click on the “Open” button.

The system will automatically debit funds from the card and transfer them to the foreign currency account.