Agreement in Russian standard. Bank "Russian Standard" - "Termination of the contract with "Russian Standard" - sheer "fun"

  • 25.03.2020

Good afternoon

We are happy customers of RSB and decided on Sunday to dispel their melancholy a little and charge them with caps. Today we closed a consumer loan ahead of schedule and encountered a small nuance early repayment:
1. Deposit the full amount into the account through the cash register for early repayment of the loan.
- We received a cash receipt order.
2. They asked to provide an application form for early closure of the contract.
- We don’t have such a form at the bank, the loan will be closed ahead of schedule automatically on the date the funds are written off... the specialist said.
3. Asked to provide additional agreement about termination of the contract, since the client has fulfilled his obligations and the bank has no claims against him.
“We don’t have anything like that in our bank, the loan will be closed ahead of schedule automatically on the date the funds are written off... the specialist said.”
4. We were asked to provide a certificate stating that we no longer have debt on the loan.
“We can’t issue it, the loan will be closed ahead of schedule automatically on the date the funds are written off, then come back... the specialist said.”
5. Referring to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the absence of this point in the loan agreement, they asked to show the specialist where it is written in our loan agreement.
- The specialist has been looking for a similar item for a long time, but it doesn’t exist. Alas, he is not there. And then the specialist chose clause 14 of the loan agreement.
I quote -"14. The borrower's agreement with the general terms of the agreement / The Borrower agrees to the Loan Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the Terms), and also confirms that he has read this document and understands its contents"
6. We asked a specialist to explain what general conditions and where the client can view them.
- The specialist printed out the general lending conditions from the official RSB website and said: that this is what they are.
7. We asked the specialist to show in clause 14 of the loan agreement, where is the link to the general lending rules posted on the RSB website, and not to any others that were in force at the time of concluding the loan agreement.
- The specialist replied that all questions should be sent to the legal service.
8. They asked to invite a senior subsidiary or a lawyer of the bank.
- There is no senior, and all questions to the lawyers are in writing through this application form, since they sit in the legal department of the bank.
9. We asked for an application to disable the SMS notification service.
- Issued a statement.
10. They asked whether these boxes need to be ticked or they are considered as selected by default.
- He said nothing.
11. They asked for a copy.
- He gave me a copy and certified it along the way.
11. We returned to the issue of providing documents on early closure agreement.
- The specialist asked to fill out an application form.
12. We wrote a statement that, by virtue of clause 14 of the loan agreement, the specialist cannot close loan agreement today (ahead of schedule) and you need to wait for the next debit of funds, and clause 14 does not disclose information base to get acquainted with general rules lending, since it does not have details and where you can read it again or look at it in case of changes - it is missing.
- The specialist drooped and lost heart.
13. We cheered him up, told him not to become limp, he is, after all, a bank employee.
- I don’t know, maybe he will be deprived of bonuses, but he was upset that we wrote a statement.
14. I said that I would write a review on, but not in relation to it. I ask him not to scold him, not to deprive him of bonuses, in general, he’s doing well, finding himself in a situation where the lawyers wrote, and I know from my own experience that a specialist should take the rap.

I ask RSB Lawyers to provide their position on the situation that has arisen and provide clarifications or I will have to contact the regulator with a statement.
1. Why didn’t the Bank close the loan agreement early?
2. Why is a DS not drawn up for the loan agreement on closing the loan agreement ahead of schedule?
3. Why is there no information in the loan agreement about the general terms and conditions of lending?

P.S. I also ask you to scold the specialist located to the right of our specialist’s window (if you are sitting facing the specialist), since during the foreign exchange transaction The VIP did not issue the certificate to the client, and then when she found the certificate in the printer, she simply crumpled it and threw it in the trash.

Russian Standard Bank is a Russian commercial institution engaged in lending activities. The legal form of this bank is joint stock company. The head office of Russian Standard is located in Moscow. Represents credit institution banking products that are in demand among the general public.

Initially it had the name “Agrooptorgbank”. Its activities were registered with the Central Bank in 1993. The original purpose of creation was to implement mutual settlements between institutions and enterprises. But due to the instability of the economy in Russia, Russian Standard Bank ceased to exist as an organization for mutual settlements and ceased to be active in the financial market.

In 1999, the bank was reorganized due to its acquisition by new management. The transaction amount was 100 thousand dollars. His priority direction on at the moment is consumer lending and issuing credit cards.

In addition, the bank is actively attracting free funds individuals in deposits. The bank also has acquiring services, cash management services, credit lines, international transfers and calculations.

Terms of loan

Russian Standard Bank offers several. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Cash loan

This program is the most popular among Russian Standard Bank clients. Its benefit lies in the misuse of issued funds. Under the loan program, the bank offers the following conditions:

The advantages of the presented program are also that:

  • To submit an application for a loan, confirmation of official employment by certificates is not required;
  • loan obligations can be drawn up using two documents;
  • Wide range of monthly payment options.

Cash loan for regular borrowers

This program is offered by Russian Standard Bank individually for its clients. You can get such a loan only if there are no overdue payments and timely payment of the loan in the amount established by the agreement.

  • rate on credit obligations - 24% per annum;
  • the maximum amount to be issued is 500 thousand rubles;
  • credit limit issued for a period of up to three years;

All other conditions are similar to the previous option.

Consumer loan plus

This program from Russian Standard Bank is a mini-loan for obtaining borrowed funds before salary. Suitable for citizens who need a small amount to purchase any product. The terms of the consumer loan are as follows:

When you apply for a loan, the funds are transferred to an already issued “Bank in your Pocket” card.

Consumer loan 24

Russian Standard Bank offers loans on improved terms. The program is designed for a certain category of clients who wish to borrow a substantial amount of money. Conditions for this offer:

  • for use credit program accrued 24% per annum;
  • the amount of the provided credit limit is 300 thousand – 1 million rubles;
  • payment period - from 6 months to 3 years.

A person’s desires do not always coincide with his capabilities. That is why Russian Standard Bank decided to enter the microcredit market and commodity lending. Now you don’t have to think about the lack of funds when purchasing goods and services. The missing money can be obtained in form from this bank.

The financial institution offers profitable banking products for purchasing goods without overpayment. To obtain a loan you do not need mandatory visit the department. You just need to go to the information desk on the territory of the bank’s partner store and apply for a credit limit in point of sale. This saves an individual’s time.

To apply for a loan, a person will only need a passport and additional document, for example, TIN or SNILS. Conditions for the “Credit for the purchase of goods” program:

What do you need

For registration at Russian Standard Bank consumer loan it is not necessary to go specifically to his department. Just go to the bank’s official website and fill out the form provided there. It is necessary to indicate only real data, otherwise the potential borrower will be denied a loan.

As soon as the questionnaire is processed, a bank employee will contact the client to clarify the data. If the decision is positive financial organization the client will be invited to come to the branch to personally submit documents and receive borrowed funds.

To purchase credit obligations, an individual will need to provide the following package of documents:

Client requirements

The main requirements for the future borrower are:

  • having a citizen's passport Russian Federation;
  • permanent registration in the territory of residence;
  • Age limit: 21–65 years. In some cases, the age limit is from 18 years;
  • availability of a 2-NDFL certificate. It may not be provided, but then the interest rate will be higher;
  • Availability of a landline telephone (home, work).

The potential borrower must have a positive credit history or be without it altogether. He should not have current debt on other loans from other banks.

Russian Standard often issues loans to citizens who have wages not less than 20 thousand rubles. This is due to minimum amount, necessary for the average person to live, it is approved by law in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. If you have a child, your income should be about 30 thousand rubles.

For small loans, the bank does not ask to provide a certificate in form 2-NDFL, a second identification document, or title documents for property. But if a potential client requests a significant amount of money, then he is obliged to provide all of the above documents.

A loan from a Russian standard bank is suitable for the general population. in the Russian standard are beneficial to pensioners. When providing a document confirming retirement, a citizen has the right to count on a reduction in cost banking product by several points.

Applying for and receiving a loan

Having collected everything necessary documents, the potential borrower does not know how to proceed. Often bank specialists do not tell you how to get a loan cheaper and easier. It is better to take out a loan online.

In order to take out a loan, you need:

  • go to the official resource of Russian Standard Bank;
  • go to the “Credits” tab;
  • choose the best product for yourself;
  • click “Complete”;
  • fill out the form provided;
  • agree to the point of personal data processing and wait for a response.

You can receive money on a loan from Russian Standard Bank either in cash or on a bank card, depending on the chosen program.

(!) We recommend that you take advantage of a more convenient and advantageous offer - Apply for an online credit card Platinum card from Russian Standard Bank with the ability to withdraw cash for free (credit money - up to 300,000 rubles)!

Than the card more profitable than a loan in cash?

  • Free shipping— the courier will bring the card himself and hand it over to you personally.
  • No commissionsfree withdrawal cash at ATMs (0% commission).
  • Interest-free installments for a period of up to 12 months (1 year).


There are several ways to pay off a loan from Russian Standard Bank:

  • automatic debiting from a bank card “Bank in your pocket”;
  • at cash desks and ATMs of the represented bank;
  • interbank transfer;
  • in Qiwi, MKB, Elexnet terminals;
  • electronic transfer Leader;
  • postal transfer;
  • transfer from a mobile phone account.

It is worth remembering that it is necessary to deposit funds in advance and in the amount specified in the contract.

Lending from Russian Standard Bank is an advantageous offer for all individuals. The presented programs allow you to realize your dreams without putting them off until tomorrow.

A few years ago I got into a funny story with the Russian Standard bank. At the same time, at the peak of emotions, I wrote a devastating article on one of the banking portals. Now, in a more dimensional state of thought, I will retell my story again...

In still immemorial years, a trip abroad turned up for me. And then, as always, out of the blue, a problem popped up - my old camera was dead, completely dead... Of course, that’s all available funds were already converted into green non-Nash rubles and were required elsewhere. And I’m not rich enough to buy cheap disposable equipment. So I decided, without burdening myself with unnecessary headaches, to take a new camera on credit. I chose a rather expensive DSLR. The calculation was this: I’ll come back, put my financial affairs in order and pay off the bank in a few months. From several tables with bright signs, I chose “Russian Standard” - this is not the first time I’ve taken out a loan, I know that their interest rates are rather high, but I’m satisfied with the non-tiring registration procedure and the absence of the need to collect all sorts of certificates. And before this incident, there were no problems with this bank, fortunately I always pay on time.

There's a pretty nice girl at the table, she quickly makes the calculation, I agree, I go to the seller, fill out all the paperwork, come back... And here it begins - sign this, this... A lot of information on credit card, which I don’t need for nothing and I’m not going to use it. I tell the girl about this, to which she states that this is how it’s supposed to be and it doesn’t oblige me to anything unless I activate it myself... I don’t argue, I sign... Papers, papers... I say, you don’t need insurance. A girl with a sweet smile: “Oh, I’ve already arranged everything! But don’t worry - it’s only 170 rubles a month! The bank additionally insures its risks.” Okay, go ahead, the amount is not critical - time is more expensive today. In addition, standing behind her was a woman at that “wonderful” age when everything irritates, and she kept nagging - why is this girl (that is, my person) taking so long, why is she reading everything, asking everything... Finally, the documents arrive in hand (by the way, already signed by me) - the monthly payment amount appears in the schedule, more than what was previously stated. To my question: “Why?”, the girl with a sweet smile: “Oh, sorry, I counted incorrectly then!” I'm already shaking a little, but... to hell with you, I don't have time to bother with other loans.

In the evening, at home, in a calm atmosphere, I finally sit down to study the documents and... my hair stands on end... Some authorization amount or activation amount pops up (I don’t remember now), which increases the cost of the product by an order of magnitude and they are already being charged for it interest, and for some reason this overpayment is not considered an overpayment. And, based on this, repaying the loan amount ahead of schedule becomes completely unprofitable, since you don’t gain anything in this situation. If I had planned to repay this loan steadily, I might not have started rocking the boat, but I wanted to repay it in a maximum of three months and this state of affairs, of course, did not satisfy me.

I'm starting to attack the RS hotline. Long, nervously, to no avail - NOBODY could explain what this amount was and where it came from. The only “intelligible” answer is “this is the amount that the bank is ready to lend you.” The answer to the question “Why do I need this amount?” it remained a secret behind seven seals. This state of affairs, of course, did not suit me, and I continued to “torture” the consultants the next morning. In the morning the answer was received (it seems that they had already been instructed in the past hours) - it turned out to be the same insurance, but for some reason it is accrued immediately for all months of the loan, added to the cost of the goods and interest is already accrued on it. That is, the insurance amount is also added credit interest and the amount turns out to be downright brutal. And if the loan is repaid early deadline, then you still pay the insurance for the entire loan term. What does this insurance give me if I no longer owe the bank anything, because the money from the insurance, if something happens, is received by the bank? IMHO, pure fraud.

In general, call hotline The Russian Standard is a separate song - I almost “squeaked” with delight. You get through quickly, they connect for a long time – you spend about four minutes listening to all sorts of crap about new services, etc. etc. With such a service it is clear - people are busy, lines are overloaded. Good thing the call is free. They connect... They immediately ask for the contract number, then your full name, address, and all sorts of other questions... At first, nothing, but when you call the fifth or tenth time, it boils. And I had to call not of my own free will... Every time I got through and started asking questions, and the consultant could not answer me, he (she, it) asked me to wait and... hung up the call...

Having studied all available legislative framework, I go to the scene of the incident to correct the situation. I arrive early in the morning - the working day has just begun, yesterday’s cute girl is not there yet. She came, and when she saw me, recognition flashed in her eyes, and a bewildered, sweet smile appeared on her face. In a conversation with her, I suddenly find out that I suffer from at least a split personality and memory loss. Whatever one may say, it’s still my fault - and she offered me to refuse insurance (I extracted this very insurance from her almost under penalty of death) and I almost forced this mysterious authorization amount on her myself... That’s just my request about terminating the contract did not delight her and initially I was told that this was not possible - that is, I could close the loan if I paid the full amount of authorization-activation plus interest for the first month, which is about 25% of the cost of the goods - quite a lot of interest per loan day.

What if I return the product?

Will they take it from you? (succinctly)

Well, according to the Consumer Rights Protection Law, I can return it without explanation within 14 days...

Well, try... (without joy, with obvious confusion in the eyes)

I run to the seller, explain the situation and say that I will immediately buy this product for cash. He doesn’t mind (rather, on the contrary, he’s happy with something), we call the bosses - the bosses don’t have anything against it either. I run again to the smiling employee. I inform you of our decision with the store - she is surprised and very upset (the smile disappeared from her face even at an early meeting). He calls the seller (I have a split personality and memory loss - I can’t be trusted), he confirms everything. Reluctantly, he begins to draw up documents, simultaneously offering to apply for another loan, without insurance-authorization-activation - thank you, we’ll manage somehow without your services. Now, having worked closely with banks, I know that the employee receives interest not so much from the loan itself, but from additional services, and insurance is one of the most profitable items. My contract included a very large percentage, and therefore the lost profit was quite significant.

When the documents are completed, it turns out that I still need to go somewhere else to their office, but why and what else I will have to do there - the girl did not answer me anything intelligible. By the end of this epic, I had the strong impression that when selecting employees, Russian Standard conducts an IQ test and hires those who score less than 60 points.

I came to this office of theirs - this is where their exorbitant interest goes! At the entrance you are greeted by another sweet-smiling girl with a question - why are you here? Interrupting unnecessary questions, I go to the manager. There weren’t many people in the office, but there was only one manager sitting – she was applying for a loan for a car (as I understood) – he would ask the client a question and run off somewhere for a couple of minutes (to consult) and so on a certain number of times – on the client’s face and at the queue there was obvious irritation. Fortunately, another manager appeared - I quickly switched positions with her and ended up being the first. I explain that I want to terminate the contract because I returned the goods, etc. etc. Again, a lot of questions - what, why, how... and in robot mode: “I suggest you use our new services...” I had to be a little rude and interrupt this eruption with a response tirade that I would never, ever use the services of their establishment again. and my last request is to do everything quickly and not waste my time (I already lost a lot of it because of them!). There is a shadow of understanding in my eyes, the smile disappears from my face... However, this manager turned out to be from the same category as the person at the next counter - as soon as I voiced what I wanted from her, she ran somewhere to get instructions... Again a mountain of papers... They offer to fill them out somewhere away from the employee’s counter. I walked away, filled it up, and the line grew. I stood in line for the second time, handed over the papers, and they explained to me that I still had to pay for the insurance - supposedly it was non-cancellable. I begin to threaten that it will no longer be me who will deal with them, but higher authorities. He runs away and comes out with a merciful decision - so be it, you can refuse insurance, but you will need to pay a certain amount for its termination (insurance premium). Here I didn’t argue anymore - I was tired and really wanted to get out of this hellish institution. "Compensation" can only be paid at an ATM. Coins and change in in this case, of course, are not provided for, which, of course, is again to the advantage of the establishment, since the payment has to be rounded. I paid, came back, stood in line again, and again they shoved some papers at me. When asked to step aside and fill them out to the side, she refused - there was no desire to stand in line for the fourth time, and besides, the line had already grown quite seriously. A hidden and not very dissatisfaction was brewing among the people that the line was moving very slowly (by the way, while I was busy with my problems, that car loan was still being processed at the first counter). Almost with a fight, she demanded documents for the loan and copies of the documents that she signed this time (and she did the right thing, as she soon became convinced of).

So, I refused the loan. True, I had to pay, so to speak, compensation (I call it “payment for inoculation against stupidity and gullibility” - that’s something, but it was a good lesson in distrusting people). Compared to all their markups and interest, the “compensation” is a tiny amount, but the toad still weighs on me - it would be better if I gave it to church or charity, and not to these scammers. I bought my camera for cash - the seller with undisguised pleasure tore up the credit papers (sellers also draw up something there), gave a backpack for the camera as a gift (the toad for the “compensation” calmed down a little - the bag costs no less) and his phone number (but this already personal). As for money, I had, of course, to change my plans, borrow from friends and relatives, tighten my belt, but somehow I managed to get out.

However, the epic is not over yet. In a couple of weeks I am called to my work phone! - customer support service (they named it!!! they will support you, of course - they will kick you and trample you into the ground) of the Russian Standard bank, something about a refund and call our hotline back to find out if your loan is closed. Feeling a catch, I call. After going through the “inquiry procedure”, I find out that my loan, it turns out, is not closed. I'm starting to figure out why. It turns out that I still have to pay them insurance, ALL!!! (I wrote an application to terminate the insurance contract and paid the insurance premium!) To my quite reasonable question: “Do I need it?”, the answer, piercing in its stupidity: “But you are insuring your life! This is your DUTY TO THE BANK!” Wow! I no longer have ANY relationship with your bank! The girl really doesn’t get it: “You have to pay for insurance, that’s how it’s supposed to be.” I had to send the girl to sleep it off (I wonder what they use at work?). I go to the local head office (and in a rather furious state), I demand that the bosses be called to see me - the girls (no longer smiling) listen to everything, batting their eyes in silence and confusion... The boss came out - she had already managed to explain at least something. In the end, it turns out that in this form they simply offered me not to terminate the insurance contract, however, what this contract gives me and what I will get from it, they could not explain to me... I had to explain in an accessible form that such a contract in the event If necessary, I can sign with a more respectable insurance company with more intelligent employees, clearer terms and conditions and at more reasonable prices. It seems they finally got it, since no one bothered me anymore...

So, summary:

I will not advise you to stay away from this bank, since there are all sorts of life situations and sometimes you have to get into the wrong kind of loop. I just advise you to be VERY attentive, not to trust ANYONE, and especially sweetly smiling girls, to read all the papers that are handed to you, to calculate everything (even if there is a line “pressing” behind you, you can hear dissatisfied screams and time is pressing on your heels) and ask about everything that is not you understand. And be sure to collect all the papers. Even after closing the loan, ask for a certificate stating that you do not owe anything to this bank - you will have something to hide behind if the bank wants to extract something else from you.

If you are deceived from the first steps (as in my case), turn around and leave, nothing good will come of it anyway. Everything is fine with establishments like Russian Standard as long as you completely and completely play by their rules. I hope that my experience will help at least someone and that it was not in vain that I paid for my “vaccination against stupidity and gullibility.”

Russian Standard Bank FAQ documents

In the comments to the article “Credit cards of Russian Standard Bank,” which I wrote back in June 2006, there continues to be an active discussion of various aspects of clients’ work with Russian Standard Bank and many questions are asked. I would like to note that the relationship of Russian Standard Bank with clients is based on the TERMS OF PROVISION AND SERVICE OF RUSSIAN STANDARD CARDS approved by the bank.

In this post I tried to answer a number of the most frequently asked questions:

  1. Why did Russian Standard Bank send me a credit card if I do not have a loan agreement and did not sign it?
    In accordance with the “Conditions...”, a loan agreement with Russian Standard Bank can be concluded in one of the following ways:

    1) in accordance with clause 2.2.1. - by signing a bilateral document between the client and the bank on paper. The agreement is considered concluded from the date the agreement is signed by the parties.

    In other words, a regular standard agreement is drawn up and signed, which stipulates the issuance of a credit card attached to the credit account.

    2) in accordance with clause 2.2.2. - by the bank’s acceptance of the client’s application (offer). In this case, the agreement is considered concluded from the date of acceptance by the bank of the client’s application (offer). Acceptance of an application (offer) is the bank’s actions to open an account for the client.

    In other words, you write an application to the bank for a loan, the bank reviews this application and gives its consent to issue a loan by opening a lending account in your name. Let me remind you that the word acceptance means consent to payment.

    Notification of amount established limit credit card is sent to you simultaneously with your credit card, and this once again confirms that a credit account has already been opened for you. However, until the card is activated, the Russian Standard Bank lending account is blocked.

  2. If I change my mind about using a credit card, can I unilaterally, destroy the card without prior notification to the bank?
    No. You cannot destroy or throw away your credit card. Firstly, in accordance with the Regulations Central Bank Russian Federation dated April 9, 1998 No. 23-P - “On the procedure for issuing credit organizations bank cards and making settlements on transactions made with their use,” a plastic card issued by a bank belongs to the bank that issued it, and not to the client. Secondly, it is not economically safe, since there are many ways of card fraud.

    Therefore, in accordance with clause 7.3. “Conditions...” of Russian Standard Bank, you are obliged to return the credit card to the bank within 3 (Three) business days after:

    • its termination,

    • upon cancellation of the contract,

    • upon presentation by the Bank of a written request for the return of the Card (including in the form of a final invoice issued to the client).

  3. How to terminate a loan agreement and return a credit card to Russian Standard Bank?
    In accordance with clause 10.1 of the “Terms and Conditions...” you have the right to refuse to use the credit card and terminate the agreement. To do this you need to do the following:

    • in accordance with clause 10.1.1. submit a written application to the Bank in the form established by the Bank;

    • simultaneously return to the bank all credit cards issued under of this agreement, not previously returned to the Bank and not declared as lost/stolen.
    The specified application must be submitted to the bank at least 60 (Sixty) calendar days before the expected date of termination. The date of submission of the application is considered to be the date of receipt of the application by the bank.
    And also, in accordance with clause 10.1.2., the contract will be considered terminated only if all debts under the contract are repaid.

    To avoid misunderstandings with Russian Standard Bank, send an application for termination of the agreement to the bank and make a refund yourself plastic card and PIN code in an unopened envelope (if the card is not activated), you only need it in person or by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt of the letter. The PIN code can only be returned by separate registered mail. The receipts for sending registered letters must be retained until the issue is fully resolved.

  4. Do I need to notify the bank if the client’s details reflected in the agreement have changed?
    In accordance with clause 7.1. “Conditions...” if you change any data specified in the form, you must notify Russian Standard Bank in writing within 5 (Five) calendar days. During the entire lending period, Russian Standard Bank must report:

    • about changing the last name, first name, patronymic,

    • about a change of address,

    • about changing passport data,

    • numbers home phone or business address and telephone number,

    • place of work (source of income),

    • about any circumstances that may affect your ability to make loan payments.

    Messages about a change in home telephone number, place of work (source of income), business address and telephone number, as well as about any circumstances that may affect the Client’s ability to make payments on the Loan, can be accepted by the Bank orally (by calling the Reference and Information Line Center).

    To avoid trouble, it is best to give verbal notices only in addition to written notices. So, for example, after changing the address and timely written notification of the bank about this, the latter, in case of delay in sending bills to the new address, will not be able to apply penalties to you, and if necessary, this can always be proven.

Most residents of our country have long been accustomed to deciding their financial problems through lending. But life circumstances sometimes make you think about how to quickly get rid of your obligations to the bank. Insofar as the relationship between the lender and the borrower is sealed by a loan agreement, the question arises of how to terminate the loan agreement with the bank. Let's look at the question in more detail.

You can terminate the agreement with the bank until you borrow money. That is, the agreement is, in principle, considered as such only after that. How the creditor fulfilled his obligations, that is, issued the money. If the borrower did not take funds from the bank, then the agreement cannot be considered concluded. So, if you change your mind about taking a loan from this bank, for example, you found a more advantageous offer, then notify the lender of your decision, the contract between you will be terminated.

The second way to terminate the agreement with the bank ahead of schedule is to return the funds within 2 weeks after the agreement has entered into legal force, if we are talking about targeted lending, then within a month. There is no need to notify the lender; simply deposit the money into the credit account.

Please note that for each day that the money was in your use, no matter whether you used it or not, you need to pay interest.

Termination of a loan agreement by agreement of the parties

If you are interested in whether it is possible to terminate a loan agreement with a bank solely on the initiative of the borrower? The answer is obvious - no, you can’t. The essence of the agreement between the parties is that the bank issued money and the borrower undertakes to return it, the lender fulfilled its obligation, and accordingly, until the borrower fulfills his obligations, it is impossible to terminate the agreement.

But a loan agreement can be terminated early if both parties agree to it. For example, you are restructuring a debt at a bank, that is, in essence, you are taking new loan to pay off the old one. Accordingly, the old loan agreement with the lender will be terminated, but a new one will be concluded.

By the way, the borrower can terminate the partnership with the bank ahead of schedule if he deposits the entire amount at a time and fulfills his obligation ahead of schedule.

Basically, it is in court that all proceedings under loan agreements take place. Most borrowers, when they are unable to cope with the loan load, stop paying the loan and wait for the lender to file a claim in court. And indeed, basically all banks sue the borrower, not for the purpose of terminating the contract, but for forced collection debt.

Only here there is one significant nuance - as long as the lending agreement between the borrower and the lender is in effect, the bank continues to charge the client additional funds, namely fines, penalties and penalties. Even after a court decision to collect the debt, the bank has the right to charge a penalty if judicial procedure the contract was not terminated.

Please pay special attention, if the bank has filed a lawsuit against you to collect funds on an unpaid loan, be sure to file a counterclaim to terminate the loan agreement, otherwise the bank will continue to charge you interest, penalties and fines.

The borrower also has the right to file a lawsuit to terminate the loan agreement with the bank. Only for this he needs very compelling circumstances. For example:

  • the bank increased the loan rate or changed the terms of the agreement unilaterally, for example, levies fines not provided for in the agreement;
  • the lender wrote it in an unreadable font in the contract important conditions affecting the final cost of the loan;
  • if circumstances have changed in your life that did not exist when the contract was concluded, resulting in the client’s insolvency.

Only the plaintiff needs to take into account that the court will never oblige the bank to forgive him the entire debt. The only thing you can count on is the cancellation of some of the fines; the principal debt and interest will definitely have to be paid.

If, due to life circumstances, it is not possible to pay the loan, you should not immediately go to court and file a claim to terminate the contract, because you can resolve the issue peacefully directly with the creditor. First, contact the bank with a written application for debt restructuring; of course, the bank will not reduce the interest, but may increase the term of the agreement or provide an installment plan for several months. The application should be submitted to the credit department and ask the manager to make a copy of it and put a mark indicating that the application was accepted, the date and signature of the employee.

If the creditor considers the application and makes a positive decision, then there is no point in going to court; the agreement will be terminated by mutual consent of both parties. If the bank refuses you, then ask for a written refusal; in the future it will be useful to you in court.

How to terminate a credit card agreement

If you are a credit card user and want to terminate the service agreement with the bank, then you will have to act differently. Firstly, if you simply pay off the debt and interest on the card, the agreement will not be considered terminated, because the credit card is revolving line of credit, that is, you can use borrowed funds again. Secondly, the bank debits a fee for services from the client’s account, for example, SMS information and annual maintenance.

How to terminate a credit card agreement with a bank? First, check the exact amount of debt for a specific date, then top up your account with that amount. Then contact the bank branch and write an application to terminate the agreement.

Please note that before you pay off your credit card debt, turn off all paid services, if you have used them.

So, we can conclude that there are quite a few ways to terminate a loan agreement with a bank. Just don’t think that terminating the agreement with the bank will save you from loan debts. Not at all, the simplest and affordable way early termination of the relationship by the creditor means fulfilling its obligations and returning the borrowed funds.

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If the need arises to terminate the loan agreement with Russian Standard Bank and taking into account that unilateral termination of the loan agreement is impossible (the prohibition of unilateral termination of the agreement is expressly stated in the relevant legislative acts),

You have the opportunity to choose one of several options:

1. Terminate the agreement in accordance with the voluntary agreement of each of the parties that signed the loan agreement. In practice, termination of a loan agreement by mutual and voluntary agreement of the parties is rarely possible. The main reason is that the bank is unlikely to want to give up income that it will be able to receive in the future. Accordingly, as an option, if the loan agreement has already been signed and the funds have been received by the client, the only way out is to pay the loan earlier than the terms established by the agreement. Consequence: automatic termination of the loan agreement.

2. You can terminate a loan agreement with Russian Standard Bank through the court. However, to go to court, the Borrower must have good reasons. Such grounds, according to which the court will clearly decide in favor of the plaintiff and terminate the loan agreement, include:

  • unilateral change by the bank of lending conditions; late payments and non-payment of debt;
  • delay in the provision of funds specified in the loan agreement or the issuance of borrowed funds in an incomplete amount.

For example, banks often engage in practices whereby they increase interest rate without prior agreement with the Plaintiff, or begins to charge for those services that were provided free of charge at the time of concluding the loan agreement. In addition, the grounds for termination of the contract may also be the incapacity of the citizen who entered into the contract; if the transaction violates any norms of current legislation, as well as if the transaction was made under the threat of physical violence or reprisal, as a result of deception or a combination of difficult circumstances that the other party did not fail to take advantage of. All of the above reasons must not only be correctly stated in statement of claim, but also supported by relevant documentary evidence.

3. Refusal to carry out the transaction may also be grounds for termination of the loan agreement. This situation has its own specifics, which is expressed in the fact that any borrower has the right to refuse a loan, even if the loan agreement is signed, if such a desire is expressed by him before cash were received by him. This right of the borrower is provided for by current legislation, in particular Art. 821 of the Civil Code of Ukraine. In this case, termination of the contract does not entail any adverse consequences for the borrower (in particular, the application of penalties).