Money spoils a man quotes. The best quotes and aphorisms about money from great people

  • 29.05.2020

In every country with money circulation The beginning of life and activity is the desire for money, the destruction of which entails the death of the state.
Claude Helvetius

Life is a game and money is a way to keep score.
Ted Turner

Money is an idiotic criterion for human achievement, but, alas, it is the only universal criterion we have.
Charles Steinmetz

Money is time.
George Gissing

Money, of course, is despotic power, but at the same time it is the highest equality, and this is its main strength. Money compares all inequalities.
Fyodor Dostoevsky

You can't buy happiness with money, but you can rent it.
American saying

Money does not bring happiness, but everyone wants to see this for themselves.
Stefan Kiselevsky

Everything I do is done for a good reason, and that reason usually turns out to be money.
Susie Parker

I know you can't have everything at once, so I'll start small - with money.
Janusz Wasilkowski

Money is thoroughly soaked in our blood.

Since money is in honor, nothing else has deserved honor: alternately becoming sellers and goods, we ask not “what is this thing?” and “what is the price?”

They say that money is the root of all evil. The same can be said about lack of money.
Samuel Butler

The only thing you can do without money is debt.
Heinz Schenk

Not worrying about money is almost the same as not worrying about money.
Mario Puzo

There is always money, only pockets change.
Gertrude Stein

Money is that. what passes through our hands on the way to the state treasury.
"14, LLC Quips & Quotes"

If they tell you it's not about money, then it's none of your business.
Bill Clinton

You can't chase money - you need to meet it halfway.
Aristotle Onassis

He who pays late never pays twice.
English saying of the 17th century.

Only money can help us forget about that. that we are not rich.
Philippe Bouvard

Money is an evil that is destroyed by the purchase of good.
G. Malkin

Money is an evil, the absence and even lack of which greatly upsets many.
V. Zubkov

Money is like manure: if you don't throw it around, it won't be of much use.
F. Bacon

Money is the best gift. Everything else costs too much.
Author unknown

Money is a good servant, but a bad master.
F. Bacon

Money is a kind of sixth sense, without which the other five are incomplete.
S. Maugham

Money is what limits and makes our possibilities unlimited, but dulls our abilities.
V. Zubkov

Money and time are the heaviest burdens in life. The most unhappy are those who have more of them than they know how to use.
S. Johnson

Money and stupidity give the greatest chances of winning elections.
"Walton's Rule"

Money either dominates its owner or serves him.

Money does not bring happiness, but it helps a lot to get by without it.
Author unknown

Money has not made anyone a fool, it only makes fools appear.
K. Hubbard

Money spoils a person, the absence of it - even more.
Author unknown

Money, if you have it, is grass; if you don’t, it’s starvation.
D. Lawrence

The money you have is an instrument of freedom; those you are chasing are instruments of slavery.
J. J. Rousseau

Most easy way explain what money is - not having money.
Author unknown

I always say: the Phoenicians invented money, but exactly a week after the invention there was no longer enough money.
A. Tuleyev

You borrow money from others and give it back.
M. Svetlov

Big money can be made in two cases: when a new state is created and when it collapses. In creation this process is slower, in destruction it is faster.
M. Mitchell

Public finance is the art of passing money from hand to hand until it disappears.
R. Sarnoff

For me, money is nothing, if only I had a cheerful man. But how can he be cheerful without money?
Ya. Ipokhorskaya

If you lend, you either lose money or make an enemy.
Albanian proverb

People who think money can do everything are themselves capable of doing everything for money.
P. Buast

Money gives freedom to some, makes slaves to others.
V. Zubkov

Wherever money reigns, the money that the people give to maintain their freedom always serves only as an instrument of their own enslavement; and what he pays today of his own free will is used to force him to pay tomorrow under compulsion.
J. J. Rousseau

Saving your money costs more work than getting it.
M. Montaigne

That you can love people - I understand, you can love science - I also understand, I even understand fanatical people who are terribly religious. But I really don’t understand a person who loves money.
V. Ginzburg

In market conditions, in order to make money, you need money. And only very great abilities and enormous willpower can break this chain.
V. Zubkov

There is not enough money even to understand that happiness does not lie in them.
B. Krutier

How more money, the more they are missing.
V. Zubkov

If you can fix a problem with money, then you don't have a problem.
X. Mackay

If you want to get rid of a guest who bothers you with his visits, lend him money.
B. Franklin

There are things more important than money, but without money you cannot buy these things.
P. Merimee

Greed for money, if it is insatiable, is much more painful than need, for the more money grows, the more needs they generate.

You can't fight money without money.
D. Steinbeck

It is believed that the love of money is the root of all ills. The same can be said about lack of money.
S. Butler

An amazing paradox: citizens are much more willing to sacrifice their lives than their money.

A penny can obscure the brightest star if you hold it in front of your eye.
S. Grafton

When the main value is the dollar, then no Cathedral of Christ the Savior will help.
Author unknown

We collect and constantly expand the collection of statements by great people of various professions, from creativity to representatives of the exact sciences. Many of these sayings have already become catchphrases, many phrases are well-known, but some you will read for the first time, some will become even catchphrases. Money has always been, is and will be one of the main issues in the existence of society.

Quotes from the greats that over time turned into aphorisms about money, and also about wealth and poverty.

Aphorisms about money

Old people always advise young people to save money. This is bad advice. Don't save nickels. Invest in yourself. I never saved a dollar in my life until I was forty. (Henry Ford)

Money must be managed, not served. (Seneca)

Happiness is not in money, but in the ability to be happy without it. (Leonid S. Sukhorukov)

Money is a very important thing. Especially when they are not there. (Remarque)

And money can be thrown into the wind if it is on the opposite side. (Leonid S. Sukhorukov)

The more I talk to people, the more I am convinced that in general they have one goal - to become the richest dead person in the cemetery. (Steve Jobs)

The highest wealth is the absence of greed. (Seneca)

Money is a bad master, but a very good servant. (Francis Bacon)

The purpose of money is not idleness, but to increase funds for useful service. (Henry Ford)

It is easier to ask from the poor than from the rich. (Anton Pavlovich Chekhov)

He who works all day has no time to earn money. (Rockefeller)

A true idealist strives for money. Money is freedom. And freedom is life. (Remarque)

The highest wealth is the absence of whims. (Seneca)

Happiness is not in the money itself or its quantity, but in the quality of its sufficiency. (Leonid S. Sukhorukov)

Wealth is like sea water, which makes you thirstier the more you drink. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

Do not value money either more or less than it is worth; it is a good servant and a bad master. (Alexandre Dumas - son)

Money spoils character. (Remarque)

Money should not be left empty. (Alexander Suvorov)

Money is like manure: if you don't throw it around, it won't be of much use. (Francis Bacon)

Money is freedom forged from gold. (Erich Maria Remarque)

Interesting economics: there are fewer people buying with money than people buying with it. (Leonid S. Sukhorukov)

Money is the nerve of war. (Marcus Tulius Cicero)

Money helps a person live, and a lot of money helps him prevent others from doing the same. (Stas Yankovsky)

You have to start a million-dollar business with a noticeable shortage of banknotes. (Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov)

A small amount lent makes the debtor a friend, a large amount an enemy. (Seneca the Elder)

Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap. (Margaret Thatcher)

I have not noticed that people's honesty increases with their wealth. (Thomas Jefferson)

He is richest who is satisfied with little, for such contentment testifies to the wealth of nature. (Socrates)

If it's not about money, then it's not a matter yet. (Leonid S. Sukhorukov)

If everything is fine with your stomach, chest, legs, no royal treasures can add anything. (Horace)

This is how it goes in this world: one person is good, another is bad, and people get rich at the expense of the poor. Should I step into the political light? Freedom for loudmouths and stupid smart people; no bad thing for rogues. (Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin)

Tongue and gold are our dagger and poison. (Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov)

Gold has killed more souls than iron has killed bodies. (Walter Scott)

Since they pay money for it, it means it’s work. (Danil Rudy)

To spend money wisely, you need to spend it wisely first. (Leonid S. Sukhorukov)

If people have not seen the stars and you have the power to build for them the Milky Way with unprecedented spans and arches, spending a fortune on the construction, will you really think that you have thrown away money? (Antoine de Saint-Exepury)

If the work brings only money, then we have been bought. (Leonid S. Sukhorukov)

By working only for material benefits, we build a prison for ourselves. And we lock ourselves in alone, and all our riches are dust and ashes, they are powerless to give us something worth living for. (Antoine de Saint-Exepury)

He who has lived well with poverty is rich. (Seneca)

If your hands are itching, don’t rush into a fight: maybe it’s for the money. (Boris Trushkin)

: You can’t have too much money, but you can’t eat all the sausage and all the kebab.

Dmitry Nagiev:
Many actions seem much more moral if you look at them through the fingers that hold the money.
Benjamin Franklin:
Before you consult your whim, consult your wallet.
Benjamin Franklin:
Time is money.
Benjamin Franklin:
Remember that money has the ability to multiply.
Benjamin Franklin:
Anyone who claims that money can do anything can very likely do anything for the sake of money.
Rudyard Kipling:
Money is something that changes hands and never gets any warmer.
F.F. Ushakov:
You should be generous with your own money, and stingy with government money.
Tristan Bernard:
Bankruptcy is a legal procedure in which you put money in your pants pocket and give your jacket to creditors.
Irina Khakamada:
Give it to the steward - and they will love you, and they will love you forever, unless someone gives you two hundred.
Wilhelm Schwebel:
Money can be both good and evil, depending on whose pocket it ends up in.
Wilhelm Schwebel:
Money is a coward's road to power.
If you spend money on unnecessary things, you will have little to spend on what you need.
Jason Statham:
People who believe that money can do everything are themselves capable of doing everything for money.
Sergey Lozunko:
Happiness is not IN money, but FOR money.
Sergey Lozunko:
Happiness is not in money, but in money.
Etienne Rey:
It was the rich who invented that talking about money is tactless.
Georges Elgozy:
Lucky people live with money, unlucky people live without it, and scoundrels live for it.
Ted Turner:
Life is a game and money is a way to keep score.
Will Smith:
Money and success don't change a person. They bring out what is already there.
Mark Twain:
A bank is an institution where you can borrow money if there is a way to convince you that you do not need it.
Money must be managed, not served.

Hello, dear readers!

A person’s attitude towards money can say a lot about his development and attitude towards life.

So that you can make sure that your attitude towards money is correct or correct it, we have selected wise quotes about money for you.

Wise quotes about money

If you only think about money, you may not have the opportunity to spend it.

Money is not an end in itself, it only reflects your creative energy and self-confidence. Ernie Zielinski

You want to earn money to live happily, and in the end all your strength, the whole color of your life goes into getting it. Happiness is forgotten, the means is taken for the end. Albert Camus

Money is often like people: when you need it, it is not there; appear - when it’s too late; when you don’t value them, they disappear; When you treat them with care, they are always there. Bakhtiyar Mamedov

Making money is the biggest mistake in life. You need to do what you feel inclined and talented for, and if you succeed in this, there will be money. Greer Garson

The first lesson we must learn is that money itself is not evil. It's just a tool, like a pencil. The pencil can be used to write a beautiful love letter or a complaint that will get you fired. When the pencil was designed, it was made in such a way that it became convenient both for writing and for getting the sharp end into the eye. It's not about the object itself, but about the motivation of the person holding a pencil or money in his hands. Robert Kiyosaki

Those who believe that money can do anything can actually do anything for the sake of money. George Saville Halifax

If your only goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it. John Rockefeller

People work to get money. Money is a means of achieving freedom. If money earned with pleasure allows you to fill your life with impressions and satisfy your passion for knowledge, life is good. If you work in such a way that you don’t see the white light, why are you working? Evgeny Chichvarkin

Do not value money either more or less than it is worth; it is a good servant and a bad master. Alexander Dumas son

Money simply makes life more comfortable, but does not replace life itself! Vin Diesel

For smart people, money is a means; for fools, it is an end. Paul Decourcel

Getting money is a pleasure. Doing what you love is a joy. Getting paid for doing what you love is happiness. Alexander Makhnev

Catchphrases of famous people about money

American dream: make a million. Russian dream: spend a million.


The American Dream: Start making money, then make money with money, and finally make big money with big money.


A bank is a place where they will loan you money if you prove that you don’t need it.


A banker is a person who lends you an umbrella when the sun is shining and asks for it back as soon as it starts to rain.


Poor is not the one who has little, but the one who has little.

Russian proverb

Poverty is not a vice, but twice as bad.

Russian proverb

The poor man cries that he is not rich, and the rich man cries that he is not rich enough.

Jovan Steria POPOVIC

Selfless friendship is only possible between people with the same income.


Business is the art of extracting money from another person's pocket without resorting to violence.


Wealth, power, wife and children

You are needed in this world.

For that - both poor and rich

He will leave alone, without an escort.


Wealth is better than poverty, at least financially.


Wealth is a good servant, but a worthless mistress.

Francis BACON

The rich - so hello, and the poor - so farewell!

Russian proverb

A rich man is the same as a beautiful woman.

Anita LUS

The rich will buy the mind; The poor guy would sell his own, but they won’t take it.

Russian proverb

Individuals earn big money, and small cockroaches earn little money.


The marriage of convenience was complicated by mutual non-payments.


Be careful with small expenses: the smallest leak can sink a large ship.


If there were trinkets, there would be dancers.

Russian proverb

Being poor is bad because it takes up all your time.

Billem de CONING

In other societies, everyone lives by working and partly living, partly making money; in Russian, some only make money, others make a living, and no one lives or works.


There are three important things in the world - air, water and money.

Jacques Yves COUSTEAU

Aid to underdeveloped countries brings money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.

Alfred MOSER

Due to their innate servility to wealth, doormen, police and prostitutes are inclined to take significantly less from those who amaze their minds with the luxury of their outing or attire.

Victor PELEVIN "Hats on the towers"

This is the misfortune of poverty, that all its actions, no matter how disinterested they may be, are attributed to low interests.


In a civilized world, a person must support the society in which he lives. The intensity of consumption today is the main measure of service to society, and therefore to one’s neighbor... But in the post-industrial era, the main thing becomes not the consumption of material objects, but the consumption of images, since images have a much greater capital intensity.

Victor PELEVIN “Dialectics of the transition period from Nowhere to Nowhere”

The Great Torment of the Cross - Lack of money.

Stephen CRANE

Our whole world is a huge ski store located in the middle of the Sahara: you need to buy not only skis, but also a snow simulator.

Victor PELEVIN “The Sacred Book of the Werewolf”

Firstly, I don’t have money, and secondly: how do you like it in the first place?

Andrey PLATONOV “From notebooks”

Theft is the maximum effective form self-sufficiency of the socio-biosystem with necessary and additional energy resources.

Mikhail VELLER "The Great Last Chance"

A doctor who doesn't charge doesn't deserve it.

Babylonian Talmud

Time is money.


The time we have is money we don't have.

Ostap BENDER (I. ILF, E. PETROV “Twelve Chairs”)

Time is a way to make money, money is a way to kill time.


Time is the same money, but money is better.


It all depends on how you look at things. Even income tax- pleasure if you are the government.

Everyone is grieving about something: one about not having enough diamonds, another about not having enough beans in the soup.

Jewish proverb

All means are good, except non-cash.

Daniil RUDY

Everything that is given to us for free is better to take with money.

Jewish wisdom

Money is not God, but it is half a god.

Russian proverb

The ruble protects the money, but the ruble protects the head.

Russian proverb

Money is like pigeons: where it settles down, that’s where it is made.

Russian proverb

Money is a special thing. They are second only to love as the greatest source of joy; they are second only to death as the greatest source of anxiety. Money is different from a car, a lover or cancer in that it is equally important to those who have it and to those who do not.

John Kenneth GALBRAITH

The money you have is a tool of freedom, the money you chase is a tool of slavery.

Jean-Jacques RUSSO

Extra money is good not only because it gives you the opportunity to buy what you need, but also because it relieves you of the frustration of not being able to buy what you need.


You need to spend money without thinking about whether you are gaining or losing. And save energy for things that money cannot buy.

Haruki MURAKAMI "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle"

Money doesn't matter as long as you have it.

Joaquin MILLER

You need money even to get by without it.

Honore de BALZAC

Money reveals its true value when it disappears.


Money is a very useful thing. They allow you to avoid doing things that you don't like to do, and I don't like to do almost anything.

Grusho MARKS

Money is the sun of life, without which life is hard, dark and cold.

Vissarion BELINSKY

Money is the sixth sense, without which the other five are useless.

Sommerset MOEM

There is no worse means for obtaining our daily bread than philosophy.

Georg Friedrich HEGEL

Friendship is such a sacred, sweet, lasting and permanent feeling that you can preserve it for life, if only you do not try to borrow money.


The only thing I like about rich people is their money.


If there were no women, all the money in the world would mean nothing.

Aristotle ONASSIS

If you are internally determined that it is difficult to get money, then it is difficult for you to get it. The obedient Universe will willingly provide you with facts confirming your “rightness” - after all, it works according to your requests. The more such facts there are, the more convincing your poverty is to you, the more you get bogged down in it.

Boris BEREZOVSKY “How to make big money?”

If you owe $50, you are a malicious debtor. If you owe 50 thousand, you are a small entrepreneur. If you owe 50 million, you are a corporation. If you owe 50 billion, you are the government.

Lynn Townsend WHITE Jr.

John Paul GETTY

If you owe $100, that’s your problem; if you owe $100,000, that’s your bank’s problem.

American proverb

If you're unhappy, it's better to cry in a taxi than on a tram.


If you buy what you don't need, you will soon sell what you do need.


If you receive income without earning it, then someone else earns it without receiving it.


If the debtor has a chill, the creditor has a fever.

Alexander FREDDO

There are things more important than money, but without money you cannot buy these things.

Prosper MERIME

There are a handful of people in the world whom money cannot spoil, and we, of course, are one of them.



Still young: you'll live to see the money.

Russian proverb

Complaining and moaning is a direct path to friendship and human communication. Stories about success and high earnings require the listener to have rare strength and self-control.


Life is too short to do for yourself what others can do for you for money.

Somerset MOEM

For everything good you have to pay, for everything bad you have to overpay.


Money can buy a bed, but it cannot buy sleep; books, but not wisdom; food, but not appetite; lush outfits, but not beauty; medicines, but not health; entertainment, but not happiness; religion, but not salvation.

George Bernard SHAW

Money can't buy a friend, but you can buy better enemies.

Robert Andrews MILLIKEN

For money, I will drive your hare into the field to death.

Dmitry NAGIEV (from the television series “Caution, Modern!”)

Envious people believe that women are attracted to rich men by their money. Or what can be purchased with this money. I used to think so, but then I became convinced that it was a lie. It's not money that attracts women. Not cars or jewelry. Not restaurants and expensive clothes. Not power, wealth and elegance. And what made a person powerful, rich and elegant. A power that some are endowed with and others are completely deprived of.

Sergey DOVLATOV “Branch”

You need to borrow money from pessimists. They know in advance that they will not be given it.


An acquaintance is a person whom we know well enough to borrow money from, but not well enough to lend to him.

Ambrose BEERS

Ideals are luxury; a by-product of hereditary annuity. No money - no ideals.

Richard Aldington "Perfect Paradise"

Intelligence is the cheapest thing money can buy.


“Intellectual leisure activities” is just a humbly allegorical form of the desire to join the class of people living on unearned income.

Richard Aldington "Perfect Paradise"

The wallet should also be considered an erogenous zone.

Leszek KUMOR

As they say in Bulgaria, if you can't solve a problem with money, solve it with a bunch of money.

From the film “Black Cat, White Cat” (dir. Emir KUSTURICA)

Just as poets love their creations, and fathers love their children, so rich people treat money with care - not only to the extent of need, like other people, but as if it were their work. It is difficult to communicate with such people: nothing evokes their approval except wealth.


How I love everything beautiful and expensive!

Francis Scott FITZGERALD

Of course, in our world there are things more important than money, but they cost a lot of money.


Saving money is a useful thing, especially if your parents did it for you.


Anyone who is not healthy at twenty, not smart at thirty, and not rich at forty will never be like that.

Russian proverb

He who works all day has no time to earn money.


Better a small dollar than a big thank you.


It is better to reach into your pocket for words than for money.


A woman's best protector is her thick wallet.

Lucille BALL

People are poor because they have not yet decided to become rich.


People don't want to be rich; people want to be richer than others.

John Stewart MILL

Millions are business, billions are politics.

Vladimir ABRAMOV, Deputy Director of Sovintersport

Many people perceive every shilling in someone else's pocket as a personal insult.


Many actions seem much more moral if you look at them through the fingers that hold money.



Many have become pessimists by funding optimists.


You can be bourgeois, enjoy the benefits of society, roll around in caviar with diamonds, and then shoot everyone. Or you can live in poverty and maintain its inferiority and place porcelain elephants on the windowsill.


My wishes to the unbridled horde

There won't be enough gold from all the Californias.


A wise man lives by his wits and his wallet.

Philip Dormer STANHOPE, Lord CHESTERFIELD "Letters to his son"

We remember God in vain

When we ask God for money


They earn their bread with their hands, and their butter with their heads.



Taxes were invented by those who never paid them.


Don't be afraid of big expenses, be afraid of small incomes.


Not observing employees means leaving your wallet open to them.


Don't let yourself hate a man enough to give him back his diamond ring.


Don't buy chestnuts, but try them out.


Without getting rich, you won't know how many poor relatives you have.


Don't waste your time on things you can spend money on.


Don't joke more than a ruble.

Russian proverb

It doesn't matter where a person got his millions from. The main thing is that he has them!


The inability to sell is a complex thing.


You can't beg for poverty. They don't give anything to poor people.


An unhappy lover is like an entrepreneur who stubbornly covers the losses of an unsuccessful enterprise so as not to lose what she invested.


There is nothing more demoralizing than a small but constant income.


Things are never as good with money as they are bad without them.


Get rich!

Francois GIZOT

Don’t renounce prison or money.

Russian proverb

It is very difficult to save money if your neighbor lives beyond his means.

American proverb

Remember that time is money.


The truly rich person is the one who cannot answer with certainty whether his house was robbed or not.

Konstantin MELIKHAN

There is an opportunity to pay for almost everything with words.

Umberto IVF

You begin to lead a righteous life when there is no longer any strength or money left for a sinful life.


Before you consult your whim, consult your wallet.


A successful man is one who earns more than his wife can spend; a successful woman is one who manages to find such a man.


Acquiring money requires valor; saving money requires prudence, but spending money requires art.


Prosperity is when most people earn more money than they earn and spend more than they earn.

American proverb

Work saves money, drunkenness drowns money.

Russian proverb

You have to work selflessly, they pay more for it.


A ruble is intelligence, and two rubles are two intelligence.

Russian proverb

With money - a dragon, without money - a worm.

"Book of the Dragon"

It's not as good with money as it is bad without it.

Anatoly RAS

Money is no joke, and even more so without it.


They don’t go to the market with wisdom alone.

Jewish proverb

Along with and after the need for the necessary comes the thirst for excess.


God himself does not love the poor. For if God loved the poor man, the poor man would not be a poor man!

Sholom Aleichem "Tevye the Milkman"

Tell me, is happiness in money?

Of course not. But with money you can have a great time waiting for happiness.

Oksana ROBSKI “Casual 2”

You can't put a thank you in your pocket.

Russian proverb

First pay, and then faint.

Stanislav Jerzy LETS

You can’t easily earn crazy amounts of money!


Money is distributed most fairly in the world: everyone complains about the shortage.

Daniil RUDY

The demand for money always exceeds the supply.


There are only three true friends: an old wife, an old dog and cash.


Happiness is not in money, but in its quantity.

Mikhail GENIN

What you got for free is better to take with money.

Jewish proverb

Only those who have pocket money are rich.

Albert Camus

Anyone who is deprived of money is deprived of basic human rights.


I don't have a penny of money. Well, there are a million, two, three.


The philosophy of the rich differs from the philosophy of the poor in the following way: the rich invests his money and spends what is left; the poor spend their money and invest what is left.


The financial abyss is the deepest of all abysses; you can fall into it all your life.

Financial crises are nothing more than regular piston blows with which big capital sucks out the collective surplus of a nation's earnings, concentrating it in its pool.


Finance is a weapon, and politics is the ability to pull the trigger at the right time.

From the movie "The Godfather 3"

Good people don't mind anything for good money.


If you want to make a poor man happy, give him the opportunity to waste money at least sometimes; If you want to make a rich man happy, give him the opportunity to save at least one extra penny.


I want to be rich so as not to think about money, although the rich only think about it.


Artist, it is better to be rich than poor.

Salvador DALI

Civilization and luxury can be considered as wife and husband. Always dissatisfied with each other, they still certainly walk arm in arm.

Jovan Steria POPOVIC

What I don’t like about the poor is impudence: they are not given anything, but they keep asking and asking.


A person can live for a long time on the money he waits for.


Man does not need anything more than what nature has given him. Except for the money.


The less a person has extra money, the more unnecessary problems.


The fewer vices a person has, the more time, health and money he spends on each one individually.

Konstantin MELIKHAN

The worse off your money is, the more likely it is that unexpected expenses will arise.

Gudmund HERNES

What if the world is an illusion and there is nothing? I definitely overpaid for the carpet then.


What is poverty? Fly paper. Once you stick to it, it’s not easy to tear yourself away...

David FRIEDMAN "Mendel Marantz"

What is life? Theater. Different prices, but one spectacle!

David FRIEDMAN "Mendel Marantz"

Shame you lived like that, as if you were poor.


An economist is a person who knows more about money than people who have money.


Saving is a way to spend money without any pleasure.


I would take it in parts. But I need it right away.

Ostap BENDER (I. ILF, E. PETROV “Golden Calf”)

Money is like manure: if you don’t throw it around, it will be of little use.


Money either dominates its owner or serves him.


Destroy money - destroy wars.


Remember that money has the ability to multiply.


It is believed that the love of money is the root of all ills. The same can be said about lack of money.


Money must be managed, not served.


Spend one penny less than you earn.


Golden shower blurs all boundaries.


Money is a very important thing. Especially when they are not there.


Money doesn't smell, but it disappears.


What should laws do where money reigns?


Extravagance imitates generosity.


Cash is not the only person-to-person connection.


The whole advantage of having money is being able to use it.


He who has money cannot be punished.


The main organ of the human body, the unshakable foundation on which the soul rests, is the wallet.


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