What is the smm code? What is CVC on a bank card? Location on card products

  • 16.06.2021

Those who pay for goods and services online using a credit or debit card. Most virtual cards ask for this code after the card number, and people often get lost and try to enter a PIN code or some kind of password. As a result, the payment does not go through, but potential buyer remains perplexed. So what is the mysterious CVC code and where to look for it?

CVC/CVV is verification code authenticity, the additional digits of which are printed on the bank card. Its names vary. So, you may be asked for an “authentication code” - CVV, “security code” or “personal security code”.

Please note: in regular stores you need to enter a PIN code at the checkout, i.e. password. A CVC code will only be required when paying online.

Why is the code needed?

Its main purpose is to protect and secure online purchases. The seller will only see the client’s first and last name, and the code will be hidden from him. This is ensured by a special connection that uses the SSL protocol. To enhance security and ensure that the card is truly in the hands of its owner, you may also be asked to provide information about the card's expiration date.

Where is it located

The standard CVC code is located in the signature field on back side cards and represents a three-digit number. And on AMEX cards you need to look for it on the front side - it will be four digits.

The code is never printed in relief, unlike the number of the card itself. It is not printed on paper checks, so it is unknown to unauthorized persons.

If there is no code

It happens that there is no CVV/CVC code on the card, which means you won’t be able to pay online. You will have to look for other payment methods - WebMoney, Yandex.Money, etc. or order another type of card on which the code will be present.

More numbers

Another situation that raises questions from users is what to do if there are not three numbers printed on the back, but seven. In fact, there is no problem with this. The first four digits simply duplicate the end of the card number, but the last three are the code you need.

Cases of fraud

Always ensure that code data does not fall into the hands of third parties. For example, there is now a well-known trick on the Internet: websites offer an offer to check the security level of your card and ask you to enter its number and CVC code. Do you understand why this is really needed? If you provide data, you will actually give scammers access to your bank account. They can easily use your card for any online payments or simply withdraw all the money they can from it. Therefore, be careful!

Safety rules

To make your online purchases truly comfortable and safe, you need to follow simple rules: do not place your card information on unverified web resources, leave suspicious sites, and delete personal information.

If strangers find out the code

Anything happens in life, and the most reasonable action in in this case There will be an immediate call to the bank with a request to block your card.

And yet, paying for goods and services online is indeed very convenient - it helps save a lot of time and increases your choice. The basic security of such purchases is ensured by the CVC code, and then it’s a matter of common sense and experience.

Sberbank card holders: where to find cvc2 or cvv2 codes on the card. How to keep them secret: precautions for handling.

What is CVC2 and CVV2 code

  • CVC2 code (Card Validation Code 2) is a three-digit security code on Mastercard bank cards.
  • CVV2 code (Card Verification Value 2) is also a three-digit security code on Visa bank cards.
  • Maestro cards from Sberbank also have the code CVV2.

Where is the cvc2 or cvv2 code on the map?

The codes are located on the back of the Sberbank card on the same strip with the client’s signature.

Is there such a code on the virtual card?

It is sent when creating a card via SMS: sometimes you need to make a phone call to receive it.

What are the codes for?

cvc2 or cvv2 allow you to pay for purchases with a card on the Internet: when making a payment, you will be asked for your card details.
They help confirm what you have physical access to the debit or credit card you are using.

How to use the CVV2 or CVC2 security code

Select the payment option with a bank card to pay for goods/services online. Next you will need to enter:

    User data.

    Card number,

    Validity period.

    Security code on the back of the card.

Usually they ask you to confirm the operation with a code from an SMS that comes to the linked mobile phone. Or choose a code from a paper password list.

Security measures for Sberbank cardholders

Codes cvv2, cvc2 are a tasty morsel for scammers. To pay with someone else’s card on the Internet, they only need information about the card itself (number, cvc or cvv verification code, expiration date, full name), and not its availability. Therefore, try to store your data - enter this information only on large, well-known portals that guarantee the safety of payment procedures. A few more recommendations so that the cvv2, cvc2 codes remain known only to you:

    install an antivirus program to block transitions to phishing sites

    do not pay for purchases with a card on dubious sites,

    do not enter your card details anywhere except on the payment form;

    do not give your card to strangers and do not share information about the codes;

    do not pay for services without 3-D Secure technology as confirmation of the transaction;

    activate the service Mobile bank from Sberbank, which involves sending a message about withdrawing money;

    keep your balance under control;

    do not give to cashiers, waiters, etc. your card in hand;

    keep the cards in your wallet, do not show the back side - a wallet would be the ideal solution;

    create PayPal for online purchases or open a Sberbank virtual card - you can pay for purchases online without entering card information.

It is difficult to find an adult who does not have a plastic card in his hands. It can be issued by a bank (for example, PJSC Sberbank of Russia), another financial institution or even an electronic payment system (Yandex.Money, WebMoney) - in any case, if the organization acted in compliance with international and local legislation, “plastic” will be suitable for non-cash payments. And we are talking not only about ATMs and shopping in shopping centers: with the development modern technologies You can either purchase the product in an online store.

To do this, the user, with rare exceptions, will need, in addition to other card details, to enter the CVV2/CVC2 code. At this stage, misunderstandings usually arise: despite detailed explanations and graphic tips, most bank card holders (Visa, MasterCard or any other) cannot find this sequence of numbers. Others, who have succeeded, are afraid to use the code for online payments for fear of theft of funds from the card. How valid this fear is and where CVC2/CVV2 is located will be discussed below.

About the purpose of CVC and CVV

Everyone knows that a bank card, regardless of the standard (there are more than a dozen of them, although the most common international formats Visa and MasterCard), designed to optimize non-cash payments. This could have been done before, but using current accounts (at a bank office) or a checkbook. This, undoubtedly, is already an improvement compared to the need to constantly carry metal money or banknotes with you; but such payments cannot be called truly comfortable and financially secure.

Unlike their "predecessors", plastic card it is compact, weighs practically nothing and is completely unattached to a place: you can take it with you to another city or abroad, paying as freely as at home. Lending companies offer people in need of money - you don’t even need to get up from your computer. And finally, using a bank card you can make purchases and pay for services online, which is why holderVisa MasterCard or any other “plastic” will need to indicate the following data in the payment form (it looks different on each site):

  • card number (embossed on the front side);
  • expiration date (indicated there);
  • sometimes - the owner's name;
  • CVC2/CVV2.

The last item is a combination of three or four numbers; Usually it is on the back of a bank card, but sometimes on the front. It happens that CVC2/CVV2 is not specified at all; In addition, with the advent of the “contactless” payment system, the so-called dynamic CVV code appeared, changing with each new transaction.

All these combinations of numbers refer to card security codes, otherwise called data verification codes (CSC, orCardSecurityCode;CVD, orCardVerificationData). They are intended, as you might guess from the name, to verify the authenticity of the card when conducting various operations, including payments and cash withdrawals. In most cases, CSC is automatically calculated by the system when the card is issued based on its number, expiration date and holder's name. The resulting sequence of numbers is reduced to three or four according to a certain algorithm; in the future, the authenticity of the card is checked (essentially, recalculated) in exactly the same way. Thanks to the well-functioning mechanism, errors during code assignment and subsequent verifications are practically eliminated, unless we are talking about a large-scale system failure.

Important: Although, as stated above, the likelihood of CVC2/CVV2 and other codes being miscalculated is incredibly low, a cardholder experiencing the problem will be severely limited in what they can do. It is impossible to correct the situation on your own: you will need to come to the office of the issuing bank again, write a statement indicating the difficulty that has arisen, and receive a new, fully functional card. Another option is to simply contact the same or another financial institution for a new “plastic” of the Visa or MasterCard standard, and keep the non-working copy for yourself.

The most common data verification codes are:

  • CVC and CVC2 (Card Validation Code, international standard MasterCard);
  • CVV and CVV2 (Card Verification Value, Visa international standard);
  • CVN and CVN2 (Card Validation Number, Chinese standard China UnionPay);
  • CID (Card Identification Number, American standards American Express and Discover: four digits on the front side);
  • CSC (Card Security Code, American Express international standard: three digits on the back);
  • CVD (Card Verification Data, international standard Discover: three digits on the back);
  • CVE (Elo Verification Code, Brazilian Elo standard).

IN Russian Federation, as in the rest of the world, the most common formats are CVC2/CVV2: American cards, even for “external” circulation, are rare and are not accepted by most ATMs, and it is unlikely that anyone outside China and Brazil would think of transferring funds to local “plastic”. The domestic development called “Mir”, now actively being implemented at the state level, is extremely likely to remain a local standard, not giving the holder the opportunity to pay for goods and services abroad - with the exception of a few partner countries.

What is CVC on the card?

CVC is a card authentication code of the international payment system MasterCard. The transnational corporation of the same name, founded in 1966, is currently represented in 210 countries around the world. The main areas of its activity are transfers between counterparties of any level, lending and investments in industry.

MasterCard has been represented in Russia since 2012. During this time, the company managed to establish itself from the best side and attract many regular customers. However, its popularity is still incomparable to its main international competitor, Visa.

What is CVV on the card?

The CVV code is the code for the primary verification of the authenticity of a card from the international payment system Visa, founded in 1958 and currently present in more than 200 countries around the world. The first cooperation agreement with this transnational corporation was concluded back in 1988; later, in 2012, the company was officially accredited in the Russian Federation.

According to the accepted classification, the networkVisa is divided into six regions:

  • USA (US);
  • Canada;
  • Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC);
  • Western Europe (Europe);
  • Central and East Europe, including Russia, the Near and Middle East, and Africa (CEMEA);
  • Asia Pacific (AP).

The division is purely administrative in nature: bank card holders from different regions can easily carry out transactions and, if there is such an option in the service agreement, pay with a card anywhere in the world.

Advice: for a Russian user there is no fundamental difference between Visa and MasterCard bank cards. Consequently, he can issue any of them - or, if he wants to prepare for possible surprises, get both at once: the bank does not have the right to refuse to issue a client a card of any serviced standard. It is quite possible that a user who has developed a taste will decide to get a “Mir” card, which also has a three-character security code: its benefit at the international level tends to zero, but for payments within the country the card is quite suitable.

The CVV code, like the previously mentioned CVC, is encoded on the second line of the magnetic stripe. It is used, like its main “competitor,” for settlements that require the physical presence of the cardholder or his trustee: information is read by the control device and checked for authenticity according to the accepted algorithm. If verification is completed successfully, the user will only need to confirm the action by entering the bank card PIN code, which must be remembered or written down.

Advice: If there is serious mechanical damage to the magnetic stripe on the card, malfunctions in its operation are possible. The holder who notices a defect (or causes it) must, in order to avoid possible troubles, immediately contact the bank branch where the card was received. The plastic product will be checked and, if necessary, replaced with a “functional” one; the operation, depending on the bank’s conditions and specific circumstances, may be paid or carried out free of charge.

CVC2/CVV2 code - where is it located?

CVV2/CVC2 codes, corresponding to international ones, respectively payment systems Visa and MasterCard are intended for non-cash remote payment using a bank card. They are also necessary to verify the authenticity of card data when its holder and the recipient of funds are not in direct contact. The most vivid examples- purchases in online stores and, depending on the conditions of the microfinance organization, obtaining a loan for.

Typically, CVC2/CVV2 codes are three-character combinations located on the back of a bank card. Despite a common misconception, the location of the specified code is not fixed: it can be applied to the right, left, slightly above or below. The card holder can easily distinguish it: three numbers always stand apart from other inscriptions. They are often written in italics.

Important: embossing is not used to apply CVC2/CVV2 codes; numbers can be quite easily erased from the card, intentionally or through negligence. Therefore, it makes sense to learn or write down “your” combination, like a PIN code: the data recovery procedure is too complicated and requires the cardholder to personally contact a bank branch. A client of any bank can clarify the procedure by calling hotline indicated on the website of the relevant financial institution.

How are CVC/CVV different from CVC2/CVV2?

Although the main differencesCVV/CVC fromCVV2/CVC2 were given in the previous paragraphs, it makes sense to briefly name them again:

  1. CVV/CVC- This invisible for a person, a code inserted into the second information strip of a magnetic tape, which is located on the back of a Visa or MasterCard bank card. It is used to verify the card at the physical level in the presence of the “plastic” holder: when making payments at the checkout, paying for services or withdrawing money from an ATM.
  2. CVV2/CVC2- This visible a sequence of three numbers laser printed on the back of the card. The inscription is always located at some distance from others, so it can be recognized without problems. The code is used to make remote payments and transfers: when making purchases in online stores or receiving microloans without leaving home.

Important: Although this probability is small, you may encounter a data verification code located not on the back, but on the front of the card. In this case, the code will consist of four digits. It is extremely difficult to use such cards at the physical level in the Russian Federation due to the lack of necessary funds data processing, but for online payments they are no less suitable than the usual Visa and MasterCard.

What you need to know about security?

The use of CVV2/CVC2 codes hardly makes sense to be considered outside the context of general security, so below will be given basic recommendations for using bank cards:

  1. It is necessary to minimize the risk of loss or theft of the card. You should not put it in an outer pocket or carry it along with your purchases: a small and light piece of plastic may simply fall out when walking or slip out of the bag.
  2. Do not tell anyone, including bank workers and employees of various online stores, your PIN code: it can be used by criminals who have taken possession of the card to make purchases or withdraw cash from an ATM.
  3. The same applies to CVC2/CVV2 codes: they should not be known to anyone except the card holder. Using these combinations of numbers, the fraudster, who also knows the card number, expiration date and owner’s name (the latter is optional), will be able to make purchases in online stores and transfer funds to his account through online services. The holder can cover the CVC2/CVV2 with paper, completely erase it from the card - then, of course, you will need to write it down or remember it first - or simply try not to show it to anyone. The latter, although it seems like an ideal option, is actually problematic: when paying for purchases in a supermarket and doing other things in the presence of a large number of people, even the most careful bank client is unlikely to be able to constantly hide one side of the card.
  4. If the CVC2/CVV2 code is lost (for example, erased) and cannot be restored from memory, the client can apply to restore the required combination at the same bank branch where the card was issued. It is impossible to restore the code on your own.
  5. You cannot enter your CVV2/CVC2 code to pay or transfer funds on untrustworthy sites. According to current regulations, to prevent reuse without the owner's knowledge cash the code must be deleted from the system immediately upon completion of the transaction and, of course, under no circumstances be stored in it. Fraudulent sites, on the contrary, store all the data specified by the bank card holder, which will be freely used by attackers in the future - until the user blocks the card. It is unlikely that he will do this instantly - which means that criminals will have enough time to transfer to themselves all the funds on the card. The bank will not be able to return them: in fact, the user will voluntarily provide his data to third parties, thereby giving consent to the transfer of money. You will have to contact law enforcement agencies, but due to the peculiarities of the domestic investigation and the real difficulty of catching cybercriminals, you should not count too much on a positive result.

Advice: before using the services of a site, it would be a good idea to check its reputation by looking for reviews about it on the Internet - fortunately, everything necessary for this is already at hand. If there are few or no reviews, it is better to look for a more reliable service for making purchases or transferring funds: there is currently no shortage of them. It is also important to pay attention to the coincidence of the root addresses of known sites with real ones. For example, for the Yandex.Money service the main address ismoney.yandex.ru. It should remain the same throughout the entire operation; user who notices an unexpected change (for example, tomoney7.yandex.ru or money.jandex.ru), it is best to immediately leave the page and try, now more carefully, to enter the official website.

  1. A good, although not 100%, solution is to install an antivirus on your PC, laptop and mobile devices, which prevents the theft of details by malicious code embedded in the system or operating online. Rely too much on software it’s not worth it: every user knows one or two stories about application inaction in extreme cases. However, until something better is invented, antivirus software will remain in demand.
  2. If you discover missing funds, you must immediately block the card by calling the issuing bank’s hotline number or using online services - for example, Sberbank Online provides the owner with personal account block the card yourself.
  3. Great idea to install daily limit to withdraw funds from a bank card. In this case, the fraudster who took possession of the CVC2/CVV2 codes and another necessary information, simply will not be able to withdraw more than a certain amount. Of course, losing money is always a shame; but a card holder who has shown forethought will be able to block it in time, escaping with minimal losses.
  4. You should not, unless absolutely necessary, photograph, photocopy or videotape the back side of a bank card - as well as the front side. If it is still impossible to avoid this, you need to cover the CVC2/CVV2 code with paper or otherwise hide it throughout the shooting.

Important: although chemically resistant substances are used for printing CVC2/CVV2, you should try not to spill anything on the card or place it in an aggressive environment: even if this does not affect the inscription-code in any way, non-standard conditions can damage the magnetic layer, which will ultimately lead to need to replace the card.

What to do if there is no code on the card?

Some MasterCard standard bank cards, in particular Maestro, do not have a CVC2 code by default. In this case, they are only suitable for verification at the physical level. Simply put, the card holder can pay at the cash desk of a shopping center or withdraw money from an ATM, but this is no longer possible to pay for a purchase in an online store or transfer money through an online service.

There is only one way out of this unpleasant situation: order a full-fledged Visa card or MasterCard with all the necessary attributes. There is no point in contacting the issuer for a CVC2 code: no one will change the card format because of a few dissatisfied customers, who, in addition, could have learned in advance about the peculiarities of handling a plastic product.

If there was a CVC2/CVV2 code, but it was erased or unreadable for some other reason, the card holder will need to apply with documents to the bank branch where it was received. Refine list necessary papers and the general sequence of actions can be done by calling the bank’s hotline number listed on the website.

How to find out codes for a virtual card?

It is quite logical that virtual payment card(usually they are issued by electronic wallets) cannot contain physical form no information, including the data authentication code. The secret combination, along with other information, can be sent to the service user via SMS, notification within the system, or communicated by phone. Like regular CVV2/CVC2, you should not share the virtual card code with anyone: together with other details, it can be used for unauthorized withdrawal of funds.

A user who has lost the verification code for his virtual card needs to contact the issuer’s support service: upon completion of all formalities, the information will be provided to him in one of the previously listed ways.

Is it possible to make an online payment without a security code?

This possibility exists in two cases:

  1. If the site does not request a CVC2/CVV2 code. Currently this is an exceptional rarity; in addition, the visitor will still have to enter any additional information to identify him.
  2. If banking or virtual card was “tied” in advance to payment service. The best option, which allows, after entering card details once, to make payments according to a simplified scheme, simply indicating the amount and purpose of payment.

Important: Most major online services give the user the opportunity to “link” one or more bank cards. The rules and procedure for the operation vary greatly between different portals, so the client needs to familiarize himself with the system requirements in advance.

Let's sum it up

CVC2/CVV2 codes are an integral part of most bank cards, used to verify their authenticity, and subsequently to make remote payments. Like the PIN code, this sequence of numbers should not be shared with anyone, and if it becomes known to third parties, the card should be blocked immediately.

To avoid entering your personal data when paying online physical card, it’s better to have an electronic (virtual) one. Online transfers will be further simplified by “linking” the card to the service: this way the user can save time on paying for services and goods, and sometimes reduce the percentage of commission charged for each transaction.

Payment cards are used to pay for goods and utilities through online services. To make such transactions, it is not enough to know the number and PIN code of the plastic card. Bank cards have a special code, without which it is impossible to make a payment online.

Location of numbers CVV2 and CVC2.

Types of codes

Depending on the type, the CVV2 or CVC2 code may be applied to the Sberbank card. The CVV code is a three-digit (sometimes four-digit) number that protects VISA when making online payments. It is located on the back of the plastic next to the place for the owner’s signature. Typically, the numbers indicating the CVV2 code are printed at a short distance from the total numerical value.

CVV is an acronym for Card Verification Value. Cards issued by the MasterCard system have a Card Validation Code. This code on a Sberbank card is abbreviated as CVC2. Usually it is located in the same place as CVV2 on the VISA plastic. In rare cases, the card does not have a code printed on it and to obtain it, you must contact the bank.

Assigning additional codes

Not all clients understand what a CVV code is and why it is needed. This numerical value is a kind of account protection against fraud. If there were no security code, then any operation to pay a bill on the Internet could be performed knowing only the credit card number itself, which can be obtained without any problems.

When paying for goods in an online store, in addition to the 16 digits of the number, you must enter the expiration date of the plastic card, the owner’s last name and CVV. The last three digits, which are the Sberbank card code, are not always mandatory.

The code must be entered when paying your bill online.

How to secure your card

Every year the number of fraudulent card transactions increases. To avoid becoming a victim of a fraudster, you need to take simple security measures to protect your account from unauthorized transactions.

The PIN code must be carefully hidden from unauthorized persons. It is best if it is written down in a notebook and hidden at home in a safe place. You cannot share your PIN code even with relatives and bank employees. The most common mistake made by cardholders is writing the PIN code on the back of the card. In this case, if your credit card is lost or stolen, fraudsters will be able to withdraw money without much difficulty. This method can be used to confuse criminals. To do this, you should write a code on the card that does not correspond to the real one. Then, if the card is stolen, fraudsters will not be able to use the money, and the card owner will have time to block the account and order a reissue of the plastic card.

To make a payment from an account on the Internet, you need to know the expiration date of the card and its secret code, located on the reverse side. Therefore, when paying with plastic in a store, it is necessary to hide secret data.

The risk of unauthorized transactions is greatly reduced if the cardholder sets daily limit use of funds. The limit can be set both for withdrawing money from an ATM and for the movement of funds during non-cash payments. In this case, if your card is stolen, you can protect yourself from losing a large amount. Immediately after discovering the theft of money, you must call the contact center and block the account.

SMS notifications will help you quickly detect withdrawals. Using SMS messages, you can instantly find out about money withdrawal from an ATM or payment transaction in the store.

Considering that most online stores make payments using CVV and CVC codes, you can protect your account from fraud by removing this code from visibility to other people. Important numbers can be rewritten or memorized, and then painted over or sealed on plastic.

The issuing bank seeks to improve the security of issued cards, especially when making online payments. In this situation, it is very important for clients to know where the cvv2 or cvc2 code is located on the Sberbank card.

CVC 2,CVV2 - verification codes that allow you to safely make online payments

Many people don't even realize digital combinations exist until they start shopping online.

Bank cards have several levels of protection designed for specific situations. Thus, a PIN code is required to confirm your actions when using the terminal. cvc codes and cvv which are located on a black magnetic strip and are read to pay for real purchases upon actual presentation of the plastic. This is how they differ from cvc2, cvv2 code on a Sberbank card, which perform a protective function when conducting payment transactions via the Internet. This is different from cvc and cvv, which are located on a black magnetic strip and are read to pay for real purchases when you actually present the plastic.

The safest way to make online payments is to use a virtual card

These codes perform the same function, and the difference in the abbreviation is associated with the names that determine the type of payment system:

  1. Visa – cvv2 (Card Verification Valu);
  2. MasterCard – cvc2 (Card Validation Code).

Mostly the code is placed on the reverse side under the tape intended for signature. In front of it are the last 4 digits of the plastic number. The entire number consists of 16 digits and is placed on the front side; it has a pronounced, convex structure. The verification code consists of three digits. It is flat, unlike the card number. It can only be convex on MasterCard plastics if it is located on the front side.

But there are other options for the location of the protective digital combination. Some cards may have it on the front side (mainly MasterCard).

It is worth knowing that not all plastics have a verification code. This applies to all products of the so-called initial level, which included Maestro and Visa Electron. But their absence from the plastic image did not mean that they were not assigned a verification code. For this reason, it was not possible to make online purchases using these plastics.

But since a protective digital combination is assigned to almost all cards, it’s not superfluous to know it. It may be required under certain circumstances. To do this, the client should contact the bank employees.

Each digital combination on the card carries certain information about the product

Virtual cards, which are the most secure for online payments, also have a verification code. It is worth getting it in any case, since it is often almost impossible to carry out actions on the network without it. Usually, it is sent when opening the plastic in the form of SMS. Sometimes the user will need to call the specified phone number to receive it. Since the received code is a guarantee of security, it must be remembered, not disclosed and stored in a place inaccessible to unauthorized persons. But since the protective digital combination is often located on the plastic itself, and many people know where exactly, you shouldn’t show it to strangers again.

How to use the CVV2 or CVC2 security code?

Having received a security digital combination, it is worth knowing the features and procedure for its use. Having selected a product in an online store or decided to pay for a service online, you need to select a payment option. In this case, you need to click on the logo or button that allows you to deposit money using plastic. After which a window will appear in the appropriate columns of which you will need to enter:

  • Last name, initials of the user.
  • Card product number.
  • Expiration date.
  • Security code.

Sometimes the application may contain fields requiring additional information. But, in any case, all of them can be viewed on the card itself.

After submitting your application, you must wait feedback. It can be confirmation of the procedure or rejection. Refusal may be due to the following reasons:

  • data on the card product was not entered in in full, inaccurate or with errors;
  • there are no or insufficient funds on the account to make the payment;
  • the card has a limit on the amount, established by the bank(O ).
  • Plastic was not originally intended for this type of operation.

It is also worth noting that you can use not only debit and payment cards, but also credit cards. The main condition for online transactions is to use products where the cvc2 code is located on the Sberbank card or cvv2, respectively.

On most payment cards, CVV2 is located on the reverse side

In case of payment using the latter, the interest-free period and limit are maintained, since purchasing online is equivalent to paying in a store or outlet.

Protection against cardholder fraud

Fraudsters often try to find out security codes. After all, to make a payment on the Internet, they only need information about the plastic card itself (number, verification code, expiration date, full name), and not its availability. Therefore, you should only enter this information on large, well-known portals that guarantee the security of payment procedures.

Often, scammers use mailings on behalf of large and well-known sites asking you to provide or confirm your data. According to the letter, the user goes to the website of a non-existent organization (but visually very similar to the real original), where he is asked to enter payment instrument data. It is worth knowing that these numbers are not subject to disclosure and may only be required at the time of confirmation of payment.

As technology develops, fraudsters' methods also change, so when using cards you should follow the recommended security measures

When making online payments, you must follow all possible security measures so that the cvv2, cvc2 codes remain known only to you:

  1. cooperate only with large portals;
  2. enter plastic data only in the payment form;
  3. do not give the card to strangers or share the code;
  4. use 3-D Secure technologies (about how to get);
  5. connect to the bank notification service, which provides for sending a message about the withdrawal of money;
  6. control the card balance.

The uniqueness of the code is considered to be its complete security. Fraudsters will not be able to read it from a magnetic tape, like a PIN code, for example. You can recognize it only by looking at the plastic itself or from the card holder.

For active buyers via the Internet, there is another opportunity to secure their resources in addition to cvv2 and cvc2 on a Sberbank card. Can be opened electronic card, which is tied to the real one. If you need to pay a certain amount, you can transfer money from real plastic only in the required amount. When you withdraw them from a virtual product, the card balance will become zero and, accordingly, nothing will be stolen. Repeat the same procedure for subsequent payments.