Business plan for installation of screw piles. Manufacturing of screw piles

  • 18.07.2021

Foundations based screw piles are in demand. Enterprises are mastering the production of these products. Except the right choice metal and technology, the choice of equipment that is used for the production of screw supports plays a very important role.

Design and applications of screw supports

A screw pile is a support that easily penetrates the ground thanks to a special attachment. It makes it easier to immerse the support. The material used to make the pile is metal or reinforced concrete. To ensure alignment of the structure along the plane, the support is covered with caps, which are welded to the metal frame.

These types of supports are used everywhere:

  • during construction in difficult soils (private construction);
  • for installation of power line supports;
  • for the construction of a radio communication match;
  • for frame structures;
  • for installation of temporary structures and structures;
  • during the construction of fences.

It is noteworthy that there is virtually no vibration when installing screw piles. This allows the foundation to be carried out within an existing building. Depending on the need, screw supports can be produced with different strength characteristics, sizes, and so on.

Features of support production

Screw piles have various design features, which allows them to be divided into:

  • cast;
  • welded;
  • combined.

The name speaks for itself. Cast connections are made by high-temperature casting. Such designs are expensive, but at the same time reliable. Their characteristics are significantly higher than those of their analogues.

Welded ones can be made using a press; they have a cone-shaped lower part to which the blade is welded. This design is quite simple; if you have the equipment and certain skills, it can be made even at home.

Combination screw piles are made by casting, but the screw part is welded separately onto the rear cone.

Screw supports are most often made from thick-walled pipes. The workpiece is checked for the presence of defects, after which a part is cut out of it the right size. The tip (shoe) is made of steel of the required strength with a thickness of up to 5 mm. Special machines are used to form a conical surface. After this procedure, the metal is rolled and welded.

The blade can be produced on a lathe. Equipment that works on this principle is worth buying, it is the most accurate and minimizes defects. The blades are made of sheet steel. They are bent and welded directly to the body. At the final stage, the tip is connected to the load-bearing part, the pile is cleaned of scale and treated with anti-corrosion substances. Supports made of reinforced concrete are produced by casting into formwork. The structure must be well reinforced to ensure reliability and sufficient elasticity.

Equipment for the production of screw piles

Modern equipment allows us to produce structures with extreme precision. Such piles have high performance characteristics. Our company supplies high-quality equipment for the production of screw piles. It allows not only to produce reliable support structures, but also save money, as well as resources spent on production.
Remember, high-quality equipment for the production of screw supports is the key to the success and reliability of the structure being built. Its price may fluctuate depending on many factors. In our company you can buy high-precision equipment. Our specialists will help you select equipment based on your technological needs, and will also give any advice regarding the production of screw supports.

Currently, screw piles are used quite often in production. In order to organize your own enterprise, which will specialize in the production of such a building element, quite large investments will be required.

However, with a competent approach, income will not take long to arrive. And in order to open your own business in this area of ​​life, you will need to familiarize yourself with some basic nuances that can affect the formation of the company.

The main point to consider

The most important thing that requires special attention is equipment for the production of screw piles. It must be clearly understood that it must be of high quality. Only in such a situation can we talk about good profits from the products that will go on sale from the enterprise’s conveyors.

What do you need to pay attention to?

Currently, suppliers can offer a wide variety of equipment. Many characteristics, naturally, coincide. However, there are differences. The main distinguishing feature between various installations is productivity, degree of automation, and additional equipment.

In order to equip your workshop, you must be guided by the volumes of products that must be achieved during production. The financial capabilities of the entrepreneur also play an important role. They don't always reach a high level.

Optimal choice

So, what equipment for the production of screw piles can be considered optimal? In order to start your entrepreneurial activity, you do not need to purchase all the devices at once. The minimum set of a production line should include the following systems:

  1. Band saw equipment. It is needed for cutting metal blanks, which in the end will have the shape of pipes. This procedure takes place according to strictly fixed dimensions.
  2. Rotary forging plant. This system is simply necessary, since with its help you can make a cone at one of the ends of the product.
  3. Induction equipment for the production of screw piles. It is required so that the end of the cone can be heated during production. This happens before the final forging.
  4. Steel molds. They should be used to tie the ends of the cone.
  5. Drilling machine. Required to purchase for making holes in products.
  6. A system with which strips are cut into specific spirals. It is impossible to find screw piles that do not have similar parts, which are located from each other at a certain pitch. Therefore, this equipment must be purchased without fail.
  7. A device that can be used to cut spirals. Typically, such an installation comes in one set with molds.
  8. A machine used for arc welding. This equipment, which is used to produce screw piles for foundations, can operate both automatically and manually. Naturally, for optimal operation of the entire enterprise as a whole, it is necessary to pay attention to the first option.
  9. A hydraulic press must be used to form the neck of the pile and cut out the special flanges. Goes on sale together with molds.

Optimal but not superior production line

All of the above equipment is necessary so that the technology for the production of screw piles can be established initial stage establishing your own enterprise. In order to purchase the above-described set of devices, you will need to spend about 900 thousand rubles.

The performance of such equipment cannot be called great. However, for beginning entrepreneurs it is the most preferable option. For larger enterprises, you need to pay attention to devices whose power is sufficiently high. high level. It should also be taken into account that you will need to pay extra money for such a parameter as automation. Additional costs will be spent on debugging the commissioning system. We shouldn’t forget about this.

Don't worry about saving

There is no need to save money on purchasing machines. When calculating screw piles, keep in mind that the quality of the final product will depend on the equipment. Naturally, protect your cash It's always possible. For this purpose, it is worth purchasing used equipment.

In addition, there is always the opportunity to order a production line directly from China, which will save some money. It should be understood that European-made equipment has a higher cost.

Required set of devices

To summarize, we can say that when organizing your own enterprise you will need to buy the following set of installations and tools:

  1. Cutting machines. Among them are various presses that stamp the blades of the screw part, circular saws used for cutting piles from raw materials, and angle grinders necessary for cutting the ends of supports.
  2. Assembly tools. This group includes welding machines, various tables, workbenches, assembly stands, vices, and clamps. In other words, this category of goods includes those tools that are used to enable the installation of screw piles. It will be much more difficult to do this with your own hands without using all the necessary equipment.
  3. You will need to purchase everything necessary tools for finishing and packaging of final products. IN in this case We are talking about painting stands, spray guns, packaging machines and other tools.

All this should be used in the production of piles.


This review highlighted the issue related to the purchase of all the necessary equipment. Solving such a problem requires approaching it with all responsibility and accuracy.

You must be guided largely by the amount that an entrepreneur is willing to allocate to organize his business, namely, to purchase equipment. And you should understand that you constantly need to develop your own enterprise.

And for this it is necessary to purchase the latest and most powerful equipment for the production of screw piles. Only in this case will it bring stable results high profits. Good luck in organizing your own entrepreneurial activity!

Most people dream of personal home outside the city. Today
There are all the prerequisites and conditions for the realization of such a dream. For example, private
You can buy housing or build a new house, if only you have the funds. What
As for the second option, previously it was available only to a few. These days
the picture is somewhat different. There are no problems with private construction. On the market you can
find all the necessary building materials, appropriate equipment and
auxiliary tools. Much that is needed for construction work Can
order online. A more interesting option is frame or
assembly house. The price of this type of construction is affordable, for example, the cost
frame structure measuring 5x5 m is 250,000 rubles. Agree that the price
very attractive. As practice has shown, to build a dwelling of this kind
quite possible on your own even without special theoretical knowledge and
practical skills. The main problem encountered when
construction of such houses is associated with the foundation. For example, the cost
concrete blocks is very high. At the same time, working with them is complex and requires considerable
time. The situation is similar with strip foundations. Don't despair
since there is a completely affordable and acceptable alternative - screw piles.
It is known that main goal developers is to obtain the highest income,
and for customers – cost minimization. If you look at the general construction estimate
private housing, you can see that the foundation accounts for up to 17% of the costs in
structure total cost construction. Due to the use of screw piles, this
the figure can be reduced to 3%.

For entrepreneurs, it is always important that there is demand for a product,
which allows you to receive a stable and solid income. This is exactly what business ideas are about.
we'll talk.

Many people think that the demand for new products is usually in the first
years is low. The practice of foreign construction in the private sector, as well as
results of the analysis of the beginning of the use of screw piles in the domestic
construction says that there is no need to fear low demand for this building material

High demand is also guaranteed by the fact that every year
private construction volumes are increasing, and this trend will continue to exist
for many years. In addition, developers are interested in building materials,
which allow us to speed up the pace of construction work, and customers will only
We are pleased to see the construction price drop.

This kind of piles is of particular interest in construction
houses made of OSB boards, the designs of which include insulation in the design, in
in particular mineral wool. Why? Everything has to do with the strength of the screw piles.
One such structural element, the diameter of which is 10.8 cm,
withstands up to 9t (determined by soil type). Mass of Canadian house from
sip panels 150 square meters is approximately 15 tons. Not difficult
calculate the number of piles required: maximum – 5, minimum – 2. Naturally,
that this is conditional, because you cannot build a house on 5 screw piles, here
These figures are an example of load.

This is interesting: read our other articles - ““, “” and ““.

Foreign construction experts claim that
screw piles provide more reliable foundation compared to classic ones

These piles will make private properties budget friendly.
A number of foreign experts assured that screw piles will become a bestseller.
As they say, this prospect will be achieved in the coming years (in 3-5
years). There is no doubt about this, since the idea itself is truly
good. Due to the fact that screw piles began to be produced recently, they have
place deficiencies, which are represented by rusty pipes, broken blades.
However, it should be understood that similar disadvantages are largely related to
unfair attitude of manufacturers, for whom priority
quantity, not quality.

Features of the production of screw piles

In any business, it is important that the game is worth the candle. IN
Otherwise, there is no need to talk about financial success. Each
screw pile is an ordinary pipe whose diameter is mainly
10.8 cm, and thickness - 0.4 cm. One of the ends of the pile is sharp, it is equipped with a blade,
which is fixed by welding. This is important to know: welding must be
high quality. To control this moment, you will need to acquire a device for
carrying out non-destructive analysis. Ultrasound is perfect for this purpose.
flaw detector UD2-70.

The quality of such piles largely depends on the grade of steel.
Precision alloys, for example, 34NK, can extend the service life of the material.
It is also important to provide anti-corrosion protection for pipes. Suitable for this
anti-corrosion paint. To enhance protection you will need polyurethane
(Only the most durable compounds can be used).

There are several ways to conduct quality analysis.
The first is to use the services of specialists from a company that specializes
on quality control of building materials, since it has a special
equipment. The second is independent analysis. After using the pile
appointment, you need to unscrew it and inspect the coating. Worn metal will indicate
that better processing is needed.

Important nuances of a business idea

To achieve a solid income in this form
entrepreneurial activity requires quite a long time.
Let us present the result obtained by one of the domestic businessmen. At the heart of it
activity was the manufacture of pipes, one end of which was presented
screw. These pipes were used as fence posts. They found
application in the construction of dachas, baths. To reach a large and stable
It took the entrepreneur a year to make a profit.

According to experts construction company LLC "Svoya"
a roof over your head" to implement a business plan based on
manufacturing screw piles will require about 500,000 rubles. Return
the initial investment is realistically for the summer period. Quite legitimate statements
as this is evidenced by construction abroad. The main thing in this matter is
be guided by the quality of manufactured products. Saving on quality
building materials is unacceptable.

In our opinion, the business of producing screw piles is included
in the TOP of the best section.

Have your own country house This is everyone’s dream without exception, especially since now all kinds of prefabricated houses are widely represented on the construction market. “I was interested frame house 5x4 m with a price tag of only 250 thousand rubles,” Andrey Smirnov from Rostov-on-Don shares his project. - I can assemble such a house myself. Only a fundamental problem stops it. Concrete blocks are expensive, troublesome and time-consuming. The same - strip foundation. Isn't it simple solution- fast, “do-it-yourself” and at the same time reliable?”

It turns out that there is such a solution, and it is popular both in Europe and America. "It's about screw piles for foundations, writes Mike Hopps from the Home Construction portal in his article “Minimizing Construction Costs Without Compromising Quality.” - Developers, as a rule, care about their income, and customers - about their expenses. Thus, in the general estimate for the construction of a private house, 15-17% of the cost of foundation work is included. When screw piles are used, it can be kept within 2-3%.”

Based on foreign as well as initial Russian experience, we decided to talk about one of them - screw piles for foundations - and how to make money from their production.

Will there be demand for this product?

The main question of any entrepreneurial endeavor is whether there will be a demand for its products. “The topic is, of course, interesting,” says businessman Maxim Nagnibeda. - But will there be demand? That's the question. Our people are conservative, solid, they don’t build houses but fortresses with a bomb shelter in the basement.” Of course, there is some fair skepticism in the entrepreneur’s opinion. At the same time, customers and independent developers already have positive experience in using Western construction technologies aimed at minimizing costs during the construction of buildings.

“Why does a house made of OSB boards and mineral wool insulation need a powerful foundation? - Explains construction expert Rodion Kalanov. - One screw pile with a diameter of 108 mm, depending on the type of soil, can withstand a load from 3 to 9 tons. While canadian house of SIP panels with a total area of ​​150 square meters weighs no more than 15 tons. Taking into account the level groundwater and the depth of soil freezing, then a foundation made of screw piles will be even stronger than a concrete one.”

Thus, screw piles have a completely predictable prospect of filling the niche of budget foundations for light private houses. In particular, agency analyst Mark Katz is convinced that this product has all the prerequisites to become a bestseller within the next 3-5 years. “The idea is good, however, it is often discredited by poor quality production. As a result, pipes quickly rust, and the blades sometimes break during screwing in, says the expert. “However, when the foam clears and responsible producers remain, demand will be very high.”

What do you need to know about the production of screw piles?

Any business idea, before it gets a start in life, is thought through from a production point of view - is it worth the candle? It's the same here. “This is an ordinary pipe, usually with a diameter of 108 mm and a thickness of at least 4 mm,” explains Viktor Konkov, an entrepreneur who organized his own. - The end of the pipe is pointed, and the blade is welded there. Its size depends on the soil. This determines the range of piles.” With all this, the entrepreneur is sure that the most important thing in this matter is welding quality control. To do this, it is necessary to have instruments for non-destructive analysis, for example,.

At the same time, the grade of steel from which the piles are made also matters. In particular, the use of precision steel alloys 34NK can significantly increase the service life of such a foundation. “Don’t forget about protecting pipes from rust,” advises Rodion Kalanov. - Simple anti-corrosion paint is not enough here, since when the screw pile is screwed into the ground, it experiences high abrasive loads. Lining should be used, that is, the application of polyurethane, and the most resistant compounds.”

According to the expert, for this it is necessary to contact companies with special equipment. You can evaluate the quality of pile protection yourself, and without complex instruments. “Usually I unscrew such a pile back and look at the coating,” Viktor Konkov shares his experience. “If the pipe is worn down to the metal, then we can talk about unsatisfactory processing.”

In general, following three simple rules will ensure high quality screw piles:

  • welding control using ultrasonic flaw detectors;
  • use of pipes made of precision steel alloys;
  • applying a reliable coating of polyurethane resins.

Say a word about this business

As for the screw pile production business itself, it will take time to promote it. “I have been installing fences for a long time,” wrote a CSMPE forum member. - Once a customer himself provided us with screw piles for fences. These are pipes with a diameter of 54 mm, with a screw at the end. You screw it into the ground, then stretch the Chainlink mesh, and then dig a half-meter-deep hole around the piles and concrete it. So we decided to make the same ones, but for country houses wooden houses and baths. We made a hundred of them, fortunately it’s not difficult. We sold them for a year later, but things got better.”

Nikolay Markov posted the following post on the forum dedicated to this product:

“I don’t know why, but foundations on piles have not become as widespread here as in the West. Probably because misconception about complexity. Pictures of great technology and huge iron piles. If everyone knew that piles come in diameters of 18 cm and that you can drive them yourself, the situation would change radically.” Indeed, there is not enough information in the media.

"Thanks to such pile foundations, managed to launch a business construction frame houses , - said commercial director LLC “Your own roof over your head” Alexander Ivankov. - Speed, ease of installation and budget - all this makes this product very interesting. We have already developed a specific business for our own production. The starting price is 500 thousand rubles. Payback period is summer season. I’m sure everything will work out!”

The construction industry will never lose its relevance; it is always in demand. Technologies may change, new materials may appear, but decades-tested developments will be in constant demand, and, therefore, will give rise to the emergence and development of more and more new enterprises. If we consider the production and installation of screw piles from a business point of view, then this direction, although it has its own specifics, will always find its consumer and generate income, you just need to foresee all possible risks and take into account the necessary requirements.

Selection of premises and personnel.
To set up production, it is necessary to find premises remote from where people live. This can be an existing or new workshop, well ventilated, with a low level of humidity inside. An established, high-quality power supply will ensure the uninterrupted functioning of the enterprise, without malfunctions and downtime. Rental costs will vary depending on location and total area. Renting a small workshop (250 sq.m.) will cost from 30,000 rubles.

You can start small-scale production yourself, but most likely it will be long and unprofitable. Qualified craftsmen will be the key to professional execution, and most importantly, high-performance results, without defects and unreasonable costs. The monthly salary of three workers will be from 45,000 rubles.

Production stages and related equipment.
Initially, launching an enterprise requires a carefully planned calculation of the volume of output. Not only the choice of premises, but also the purchase of equipment will depend on it. At each stage of production, a different machine is used.

First, the component parts are prepared. The load-bearing element of the pile is made of thick-walled steel pipes that have been tested for defects. A cutting machine with a circular saw or band saw divides the pipes into segments of the required size. In small-scale production, you can get by with an ordinary grinder. Next, the end part of the rod is formed, which is transformed into a cone using a rotary forging machine. In an induction installation, the end of the cone is heated, and the finishing forging is carried out using steel molds.

The appropriate equipment is used for different types of blades. The most effective is screw cutting of sheet metal products with a width of 5-6mm on a lathe. The screw pitch depends on the purpose of the pile: for sandy soils A screw with a larger diameter is preferable; in denser soil, a smaller screw is more firmly secured.

The second stage is associated with the assembly of the entire product. Using an automatic welding machine, a connection is made according to the markings of the conical tip and the screw. On a special stand, the pile head is assembled by welding a U-shaped flange or square part onto the upper end.

At the end, the welding seams are carefully cleaned and all elements of the pile are primed. The cost of the original pipes ranges from 30 to 50,000 rubles per ton, depending on the size, and the price of one finished pile ranges from 2,000 to 14,000 rubles.

Production lines may differ in the degree of automation, level of productivity and the availability of additional equipment. But they must necessarily include the following set: cutting machines (saws, stamping presses, grinding units), assembly mechanisms (welding, workbenches, stands) and everything necessary for finishing and packaging products. The minimum cost of the entire complex will be about 250,000-300,000 rubles for small construction and 900,000 rubles for large-scale serial production, if we are talking about new equipment.

Saving on raw materials and technical equipment is fraught with dangerous consequences, because the strength and bearing capacity of the foundation and the reliability of the entire structure depend on these factors. All materials are necessarily certified in accordance with current standards.

The presence of equipment for control and verification activities is also welcome in production. Required: X-rays for testing welds, stands for determining strength characteristics, instruments for measuring all dimensions.

The installation process itself is extremely simple: the piles are placed in holes drilled using a manual or electric drill. After they are leveled, long pipes are inserted into special holes on the top of the rod, through which workers rotate the support, screwing the pile into the ground. No special equipment or technology is needed, all you need to do is follow all safety rules and regulations.

Relevance and sales area.
The range of applications for screw piles is very wide, due to their special ability to withstand extreme loads and easy installation. They participate in laying the foundation structures of greenhouses and frame buildings, power lines and masts, piers and bridges, for strengthening slopes, billboards, fences, etc. Such systems are absolutely indispensable in conditions with difficult marshy and clayey soil. In this case, there is no need to use special equipment in confined spaces. Installation is carried out at any time of the year and does not require additional waiting. Such widespread use ensures that constant distribution methods are always available.

Reasonable investment and return on production.
Affordable price, speed of construction, durability of the screw pile design allow us to have no doubt about the prospects of production. Thus, with an initial investment of 400,000 rubles, with competent organization of the business and correct fulfillment of the minimum conditions, the return on invested capital is real within one year.