Beholder where to get money for treatment. Passing difficult and difficult situations in the game Beholder

  • 16.02.2024

And you cannot complete this or that task, we advise you to read this article, in which we will analyze each mission and tell you how to complete it. This material also contains information on how best to earn money for some tasks, what endings are in the game, and also how to get the secret ending. Be careful, as every detail is important when passing.

Let's take office

Chat with your boss and complete the in-game training. Then go to the desktop and take the CCTV cameras from there. Go left until you come across the end room. Install two video cameras in this room. Go to the phone and dial the ministry to report on the work done.

Crime and Punishment (time to complete - 48 hours)

Go to the second apartment and search it. Now purchase a camera from the in-game store, and then install it in the second room. Search the room again until you find playing cards and a broken bottle. Add them to the apartment owner's file. Follow to the mailbox and pick up the newspaper from there. Read it. Now you need to follow Jacob. When he is cooking drugs in the camera's field of view, film it, then go to your office and write a report on him. You will find all the information you need to fill out in his dossier.

Using the menu, renovate the second apartment and move one of two people there. Get your reward.

Trust and care (completion time - 48 hours)

Talk to each member of your family and ask them what they want. The wife will tell you that she needs a saucepan, which can be taken from Maria Shimmer from the first apartment.

Now you need to get books for your son. You can buy them from the merchant next to the bus stop, or beg them from Klaus Schimmer from the first apartment.

Martha and her dolls remained. Search your apartment thoroughly. The doll is in one of the closets. Tell Martha that you found the doll.

The secret will become clear (time to complete - 48 hours)

Chat with three residents - Klaus Schimmer from the first apartment, Mark and Rosa Ranek from the third apartment. Now you need to write a description of Klaus Schimmer. Go to your office and indicate in your profile all the information you have collected about this person.

Allozy Shpak

Mission completion: Loneliness Allosia. The character will want you to help him find a woman. You have two options. The first is to introduce Shpak to a stranger. To do this, inspect the mailbox and find there the phone number of the woman who wants to meet. Call her, then wait for her to call you back. Find out her name (Clara Jacquet) and tell Shpak everything.

The second option is to talk to Rosa Ranek, who will advise you to introduce Shpak to her niece named Sarah Wottermach. Tell Shpak everything, and then wait for the girl to arrive. Chat with her, and then again with Shpak.
Mission accomplishment: Love by phone. Shpak will ask you to buy him chocolate. You can purchase it from a merchant for $75. Give the chocolate to Shpak, after which he will ask you for a favor - to let the woman into his apartment. You agree. Here you can choose whether to move her in for money or for free - it doesn’t make any difference.

Mission completion: Drunk and happy. After you introduce Shpak to Klara, he will give you a bottle of wine. You will need it when the girl wants to drink. Otherwise, you can buy booze from a merchant.

Be prepared for Shpak to tell you about his disappointment in the girl. You have a choice - agree to help Shpak or refuse him, after which he will leave the house.

If you agree, you must evict Clara in one of four ways - spend 1,000 authority points and insist on eviction, give the girl $5,000, help her, or write a report on her. In the latter case, you must capture the moment when Clara dances through surveillance cameras and report this to the ministry.

In any case, Shpak will give you two cruise tickets, which you can either exchange for money or keep for the next task.

Mission accomplishment: Gathering information. Chat with Rose and ask about Sarah. As a result of the dialogue, you will learn that this girl is not Rosa's real niece, and her real name is Vera Renzi. In addition, the police are looking for the girl.

You have a choice - surrender your faith to the ministry, ask her to leave voluntarily, receive a bribe from her and deceive Shpak, or try to force her to move out. Please note that if the girl offers you a cup of coffee, do not accept, because it is poisoned and the character will die if she drinks it.

If you can persuade Sarah to leave the house, Shpak will reward you with two cruise tickets, but if you tell him everything, he will treat you worse.

Mission completion: Preparing for the wedding. If in the previous task you deceived Shpak and decided to hide the truth about Sarah from him, then preparations for the wedding will begin. In this case, your goal is to get the veil. You can either trade the veil for black tea or ask your wife to make one for you.

As soon as you give the veil to Sarah, she will kill Shpak during the wedding. You can safely hand it over to the ministry.

Jones Popanedo

Mission completion: Advantageous offer. In this task you must help Popanedo sell canned food. It is noteworthy that the minimum amount for which you must make a sale is $3,000.

Ask Rosa Ranek to buy the item for $4,000. After the sale, it turns out that the canned food was spoiled, which is why Rosa faces prison. To understand the situation, you can use your authority (250 units) or money ($1,000). Do not try to speak rudely to Rosa's husband or blame Popanedo for everything, as this will lead to the death of the main character.

If everything went well and Rose’s husband didn’t kill you, go to Jones and talk to him. Try not to be rude to him, as he will kill the main character. You can bribe Jones for 250 authority or $3,000. If you feel sorry for wasting your resources on this, volunteer to help Jones, and he will give you the task “Atonement.”

Mission completion: Atonement. Chat with Popanedo and tell him that you helped the Shimmers. After this, go to Shimmer and tell him that you managed to find a ship on which he can get out of the city.


Please note that you need to pay for housing and food weekly. In general, you need to shell out $1,200 every week, which you must give to your wife. If you don't do this, the main character will receive a prison sentence and the game will be lost. Always leave some money for the essentials.

Mission completion: Martha got sick (time to complete - 30 hours). In this task you must get aspirin. You have three options - buy medicine for $465, help Rosa Ranek (get her a cardigan for $255) or steal aspirin from Rosa's apartment. As soon as you get the medicine, give it to your wife.

Mission completion: Son's date (time to complete - 12 hours). You must help your son with his first date with a girl. You can give him money or refuse, which will leave your son without a girlfriend.

Mission completion: TV breakdown. Buy spare parts for the TV at the store for $50, and then make repairs.

Mission completion: Missing glasses. You must help Mark Ranek find his glasses, which are in the basement. First, buy candy from the merchant, then talk to Marta and ask her where the glasses are. To make her more accommodating, treat her with candy.

Then find your son and persuade him to return the glasses. Give the glasses to Mark and tell the truth so that the relationship with this tenant does not worsen due to lies.

Mission completion: Daughter's life is under threat (time to complete - 92 hours). In this task, you must first persuade Doctor Allozy to examine Martha. As a result of the examination, it turns out that your daughter has pneumonia. Your goal is to buy expensive drugs for $20,000. Otherwise, your wife will go with her daughter to the hospital, where $30,000 will be required for treatment.

You can get money in the following ways - steal items from residents and sell them, sell all the unnecessary trash from your apartment, blackmail residents into writing complaints about them, move Anton Grubitsa in, help Allozy find a girl, and then sell cruise tickets.

Mission Completion: Fruit Season. Get fresh apples for Martha. You can buy them for $480, or steal them.

Mission Completion: Bedtime Stories. This mission is optional, but if you still want to complete it, buy the radio from the merchant for $2,250, then give it to Anna.

Mission completion: Weather in the house (time to complete - 24 hours). The house is very cold, causing your daughter's feet to be cold. A heater, which can be purchased from the seller for $2,250, can solve the problem.

Mission completion: The final push (time to complete - 120 hours). It turns out that Martha was never cured, and therefore you need to buy another medicine for her called “Pure Spirit”. It costs $15,000. If you do not complete the task, Martha will die, and if you try to get the medicine for free by helping Danton, the protagonist's wife will die.

Mission completion: On the verge of expulsion (time to complete - 48 hours). In this task, Patrick will face expulsion from the university unless you bribe his dean with $15,000. If you refuse, your son will be expelled, which will force him to go to work in the mine.

Mission completion: Distant Shores (completion time - 48 hours). Patrick will ask you to give him $20,000 to move. Instead of money, you can give your son the cruise tickets that you received from Shpak (if you still haven’t sold them). If you refuse to help your son, he will die.

Klaus Schimmer

Mission completion: Order from the ministry (time to complete - 240 hours). You need to evict Shimmer. This can be done in two ways - write a report on him or help him voluntarily leave the house.

In the first case, search his apartment and find books by Paul Williams. The fact is that they are prohibited, and therefore this evidence will be useful to you when drawing up a report. After Klaus is arrested, do not even think of blaming his wife, as she will kill the main character. It's best to explain the whole situation to her, that you had no choice, etc.

Additionally, to get extra money from the Shimmers, you can blackmail them. To do this, do not send a written report to the ministry, but threaten the Shimmers with it. When they can no longer pay you money, they will voluntarily leave home.

As for the less cruel way to evict Shimmer, you must first tell him the whole truth, after which he will ask you to find his documents, since without them he cannot leave anywhere. After this, the mission “Papers, please!” will begin.

Mission completion: Papers please!. You need to talk to Mark Ranek, who can help you get Klaus's documents. During the conversation, tell him the truth, after which he will ask you for a bottle of whiskey, which you can either buy from a seller near your house or get from Shpak.

Mission completion: Farewell to Motherland. If you still have cruise tickets while completing tasks for Shpak, give them to the Shimmers, after which they can easily leave home.

If you don’t have tickets, then you need to find the boatswain and ask him to take the Shimmers out. In this case, the fate of the Shimmers will not turn out very well, since they will drown when they leave the country.


Mission completion: Propaganda (completion time - 24 hours). After calling from the ministry and receiving this task, quickly post three notices in the house. It is noteworthy that advertisements must be hung in specially designated places.

Mission completion: House renovation (time to complete - 48 hours). At one point, unknown people will break several objects in the house. Your task will be to repair ten items in the allotted amount of time. Buy an electrician's kit and a carpenter's kit to get everything repaired in time.

Mission Accomplishment: Affordable Housing. After Shimmer leaves the apartment, renovate it and move new people in there.

George Danton

Mission Completion: Mystery Box. After you move Izadorozh Bryukich into one of the apartments, a character named George Danton will visit you and ask you to give Bryukich a mysterious box. Having agreed, you have two options - give the box to Izadorozh, or take it for yourself. In the first case you will receive $3,000, in the second you will either lose money or die.

Mission completion: Danton's request. Fulfill Danton's request to settle Anton Grubitsa. To do this, renovate one of the apartments, and then move Anton there. For this you will receive $3,000.

Mission completion: Under suspicion. Follow Anton by placing a video camera in his apartment, or by quietly peeping through the door. As a result, it turns out that Anton draws prohibited posters. Report this to the ministry, after which you will be issued a bonus.

Mission completion: Life of the creator (time to complete - 36 hours). Get Anton some scissors and paints that you can find at home. If you have already sold them, buy them from a merchant.

When Danton calls you, do not say that Anton works for the government, as this will ultimately lead to the death of your wife. The best thing to do is tell him that nothing happened and Anton is fine.

Mission completion: Strange note. If you were unable to find out Anton's identity, you will need to call him after your wife gives you the number. He will eventually ask you to find a safe haven for him. You can hide it at home, after which you will receive bonuses.

Then Danton will visit you and ask where Anton is. If you tell him, he will give you $5,000 and antibiotics for your daughter. At the same time, you will receive a call from the ministry, and if you tell the truth, you will be arrested. If you lie, you'll have to spend $2,500.

If you don't tell Danton where Anton is, the ministry will give you $2,500.

Leo Gwizdek

Mission completion: Horns and hooves. Unknown people will call you and ask you to accommodate a certain Leo Gvizdek, who recently won money, and also advise him to invest all his money in the business. If you agree, you will be given $500.

Mission completion: Brand new!. Buy a green tie for Leo, get a gift of $300.

Mission completion: Va-Bank. Leo will ask you where he should spend his money. You will have several choices, the most profitable of which is to advise Leo to invest in the business. As a result, you will receive $5,000, but Leo will be offended.

Dora Noel

Mission completion: Insomnia. After Dora Noel moves into the house, follow her. It turns out that she doesn't sleep at night. You can find out why this happened, or buy sleeping pills for her from the merchant, after which you will be given 250 units of authority.

Mission completion: Fear and Loathing (time to complete - 48 hours). Dora will come to you and ask you to help her. The thing is, she needs a gun. You have three options - buy a pistol, or search the Raneks' apartment and find it there, and then give it to Dora. In addition, you can get a pistol if you picked up a box in the “Mysterious Box” mission.

If you manage to find a gun for Dora, you will receive $7,000 as a reward.

Margaret Sauer

Mission completion: Librarian. After Margaret Sauer moves into the house, talk to her. As a result of the conversation, Margaret will want to kill you. To survive, spend authority.

Aral Johnson

Mission completion: Glory to the war hero (time to complete - 24 hours). You need to inhabit a character named Aral Johnson, who is a war hero. After the character moves into the apartment, you will need to pay for his housing. Don’t worry, after completing the task, you will be refunded the money spent during the task.

Mission completion: The Butcher of Eglow. Danton will ask you to help him eliminate Johnson. If you agree, the easiest option for killing is to talk to the general. Persuade him to go outside, after which he will be stabbed. If Johnson dies, you won't get your money back, but the revolutionaries will strengthen their position.

If you refuse to kill Johnson, your money will be returned to you.


Mission accomplishment: Propaganda machine. To get the propaganda machine parked near the house to be removed, you must bribe the owners. In this case, the next task will not be available to you.

Mission completion: End of agitation (time to complete - 48 hours). When Danton approaches you with a proposal to change the broadcast frequency of the propaganda machine, you can either refuse or agree. In the first case, nothing will happen. If you agree to help Danton, then if you reconfigure the frequency yourself, you will have to spend $915 on the rum and screwdriver needed for the task. In this case, you will be fined $3,000.

You also have the option of setting the propaganda machine to frequency 85.7, as a result of which it will start broadcasting fairy tales. For this you will need a home radio.

Mission completion: Unexpected turn (time to complete - 36 hours). This task will open if you did not agree to Danton’s proposal to reconfigure the frequency of the propaganda machine.

As a result, they will call you from the ministry and ask what you know about the car explosion that happened. If you place all the blame on the revolutionaries, you will be arrested. The best option is to plant evidence on someone. Margaret Sauer is best suited for the role of the culprit. Throw her parts of the bomb located near the blown up car and write a report.

Albert Meinicke

Mission completion: Hunt for the engineer Place video cameras in Albert Meinicke's apartment or follow him through the door, as a result of which you will discover that the character is deceiving everyone and actually knows how to talk (at first he will pretend to be mute).

Having learned the truth, talk to Albert, and in order to expose him, you will need to get passports for him (see the mission “Document Theft”).

You can also go the other way - spend your authority in a conversation with Albert, after which he admits that he wants to take the drawings from engineer Bastian Volner. If you agree to help Albert, the mission “The Motherland Will Not Forgive” will begin.

Mission completion: Document theft. You can get passports for Albert through theft. Just steal three passports from the other residents of the house and give them to Albert.

Mission completion: The Motherland will not forgive. Here you need to complete all the missions for Volner, after which he will give you the drawings. Albert, in gratitude, will give you three passports, which you will need to leave.

Mission completion: What if she.... Volner will ask you to follow his wife Clara Jacquet. If you agree, you will receive the mission "Clara's Lover".

Mission completion: Clara's Lover. Follow Clara by placing video cameras near her bed in her apartment. You can also save money and watch her through the door. It turns out that she really is cheating on her husband with his boss. Talk to Clara first, after which she will pay you for your silence. It is noteworthy that you will still be able to tell the truth to her husband.

When Volner finds out about his wife's infidelity, he will commit suicide, but you will still receive the drawings. The drawings can be sold to a merchant for $2,500, but it is better to keep them for yourself.

Inga Birkenfeld

Mission Completion: Ministry Request. Find an apartment for Inga Birkenfeld, who will move with her daughter.

Mission completion: The jokes are over (time to complete - 24 hours). After you are asked to find a bomb, go to the basement and examine the washing machine. The explosive device lies right there. Report this to the ministry.

Mission completion: So, so, boom (time to complete - 9 hours). Defuse the bomb. To do this, you need to cut the wires in the following order - red wire, green wire, black wire and then blue wire. Attention! After that, in five days the ministry will come to you. If you haven't completed any of the side quests, you will be arrested. In this case, you need to leave the country before the ministry arrives.

Mission accomplishment: Production of patriots. If you were able to defuse the explosive device, unknown people will call you and begin to blackmail you - either you kill Inga, or they will continue to carry out terrorist attacks.

If you want to save Inga, you will need to complete the mission "Saving a Life" (see below).

If you decide to kill Inga, it is best to hand her over to the ministry. Find evidence in her apartment, then write a report. Inga will be arrested.

Mission Accomplishment: Saving Lives. To help Inga leave the country herself, give Inga her passports if you still have them.

If you don’t want to help Inga, unknown people will call you again. Speak to these people respectfully, otherwise they will kill all the inhabitants.

Mission accomplishment: Citizen registration. This task is optional. But if you decide to do it, then make characteristics of the five inhabitants of the house.

Georg Dreman

Mission completion: The Last Tenant. First, find an apartment for Georg Dreman, and then move in Irving Munch. Speak to him respectfully, otherwise the main character will die.

Mission accomplishment: Propaganda. Post five notices in designated areas. If you complete the quest, you will be given $500 and additional authority.

Mission completion: Order from the ministry (time to complete - 48 hours). Chat with Irving and get him to admit that he ripped off the ad. If you file a report on him, Irving will be arrested. But it's best to hide the incident and ask Irving to write a new ad. After he completes the work, tell him that you liked everything. You will receive 1,000 authority points.


Mission Completion: Women's Task. Chat with Zhanna Ern and give her the money she asks you for. In gratitude, the woman will tell you who will win the cockfight. After this, talk to the merchant and find out from him about cockfighting. Bet $5,000 on the rooster that Zhanna recommended to you. As a result, you will receive $50,000, but you will spend only $10,000 on everything.

Mission accomplishment: To go or not to go. To leave the country, talk to a character named Georg Dreman. To do this, you will need a rather considerable amount - $175,000. But you have the opportunity to get a discount. To make the amount smaller, you must help your son leave the country, help Danton as often as possible, and preferably have passports. Also, characters such as the Shimmers, Mainike and Birkenfeld must successfully leave the country.

If you try to leave the country for free, the character will die.

Mission completion: A test is coming (time to complete - 120 hours). In order for the ministry check to be successful, you must complete more than half of all side missions. You also have the option to pay a bribe to a character named Bruno Hempf. At the same time, you can choose what exactly this money will be used for - for the army, for the government, or for your own salvation.

All endings in Beholder

Country. To leave everything in the country as it is, do not help Danton, and in the end give Bruno a bribe to the government.

If you tried to fulfill Danton’s requests as often as possible, a real revolution will begin in the country.

War. If you did not help Mainika, the war will continue.

If you helped Mainika or Birkenfeld, then a military coup will occur.

Hero. If you fail to complete most of the ministry's missions and do not leave the country on time, you will be arrested.

If you complete most of the ministry's quests, the government will praise you (if you give your boss money at the end), and you can safely stay in the country.

If you try to leave the country without paying a cent, you will be arrested.

If you gave money to Dreyman, then you will successfully leave the country.

Family. You will remain alone if you do not help your son leave the country, your daughter will not recover, and your wife will die.

In order for all members of your family to survive, help your son get out of the country, buy medicine for your daughter, and do not inform the revolutionaries that Grubica is working for the government.

How to get the secret ending

The secret ending in the game is quite interesting. To get it, after completing the game, find the newspaper and look at the back of it. You should eventually discover a phone number (247-000) that you need to call. It turns out that all the events in the game are a figment of your imagination. The main character lies in a coma, and all that happened to him was his terrible dream.

Hi all!

There are several key points:

I got my hands on an extremely exciting and at the same time topical toy, Beholder.

Some quests will not challenge you, but there are tasks that will make you sweat and think quickly. If you use the guide below, everything will work out!

How to save Martha?

This is the part of the game in which you will especially have to work hard. There are two things that are incredibly important in this mission - time and money.

Start saving money almost immediately after starting the game. Ways to save and earn money:

  • buying cameras for 50 authorities and selling them for $150 (cameras for 50 are exactly what you need);
  • constantly write blackmail letters against tenants (+$1000 each);
  • If you intend to steal, then steal the most valuable thing - prohibited goods. The most valuable thing I found was foreign money, which the merchant would buy for $10,000.
  • we write reports. The more information is sent in the report, the more money we receive (1 information - $125, 6 information - $1125).

We are trying to postpone the mission beholder money for treatment at the latest possible date. For example, we try to take on the mission “Martha is sick” (where we need to bring aspirin) as late as possible. We are given 30 hours to complete the mission (search for aspirin). We can buy aspirin from a merchant, or we can go to Rosa Ranek, who will offer barter (cardigan-aspirin), we buy a cardigan from the merchant, give it to Rosa and save $215. But we don’t give away the aspirin right away, we save money, carry out parallel missions, and write denunciations. We give aspirin when there is an hour left.

We complete quests:

  • Mark Ranek's glasses are missing. Patrick has the glasses, Martha will tell you about it in exchange for candy. When we return the glasses we tell the truth (+$500)!
  • We are moving in Aloysius Shpak. He will examine his daughter and ask for $20,000 for the medicine. As I wrote above, we try to postpone the task and inspection by Shpak as much as possible. After Shpak's verdict, we will have 92 hours. After this, you can evict the girl, Aloysius will give the cruise tickets ($5000) and leave. The cruise tickets can be given to Shimmer, given to his son in the future (I recommend) or sold (worst of all).
  • We settle George Popannedo, help him sell canned goods - we go to the merchant, about
  • After Shimmer evicts (more on that below), we move in Izadorozh Bryukich, hand over the box from George Danton (+$3000), Bryukich leaves, move in Anton Grubits (+$3000).

We postpone quests until better times:

  • Buying a radio. The quest is unlimited in time and will not give us anything special (we save $2280).
  • On the verge of expulsion. Nothing bad will happen if Patrick is expelled - he will leave in the future anyway (saving $20,000).
  • sell cruise tickets. Best to save them for Patrick. When he is expelled and starts working in the mines, he realizes that he wants to leave and needs $20,000 again. You can save them up, or you can give them tickets for a cruise (saving $15,000).
  • Give Anton Grubitsa to Danton. After which we will receive both a bonus ($5,000) and a second medicine for our daughter ($15,000), but in this case Anna, Karl’s wife, will definitely die.

How can I help Klaus Shimmer leave?

In other words, how to evict and save Klaus Shimmer. Those. I will not consider negative options such as suicide, denunciations, or congresses. Our intentions are to save Klaus and his wife.


  1. After we have received the order from the ministry, we go to Shimmer and agree to help.
  2. We go to Mark Ranek, confess and ask for an absentee ballot. In order for Mark to agree, we take whiskey from Aloysius Shpak (you can also buy it from a merchant or steal it).
  3. We populate Jones Popanedo, complete the quest with selling canned food (we give it to the merchant, the next day we take half of the proceeds, go to Jones, select “Offer to earn money”)
  4. We go to Shimmer and offer to either go on a cruise (Shimmer's family survives) or go on a barge (Shimmer's family drowns). If we’re going to send Shimmer on a cruise, then we can simply sell the canned food to the merchant for $3,000, and we’ll write a report on Jones and evict him.

Hope I helped you save Martha And save Shimmer. Ask questions - I will be happy to answer.

How to help Klaus Shimmer in Beholder?

Shimmer can either be evicted or helped escape from the country. In the second case, you will have to talk to him and admit that you were given an order. Say you're ready to help. You will need to find Shimmer's documents - some kind of sheet. Read below where to find it.

When you have the document in your hands, return and talk to Shimmer. He will say that now he has problems traveling abroad.

There are several options: settle the boatswain Popanedo. Talk to him, figure out his task (Beneficial offer). After that, when you give money for canned food (or you don’t have any at all), tell him that you have a great way for him to make money. Offer to take the Shimmer family overseas. In this case, you will soon hear the news that the Shimmers and Popanedo went down with the ship.

Shimmers can be removed using a cruise ship. To do this, you will need to complete the quest “The Loneliness of Alloysius”. If Alloysius breaks up with Sarah or Clara, he will give you two cruise tickets. In this case, the Shimmers will survive.

How to save your daughter in Beholder? How to cure Martha?

To save Martha, Karl's daughter in Beholder, you need to act quickly. You will have to find some aspirin for her first. Read below. Then call Doctor Alloysius to examine the girl.

If Alloysius is not there, then Anna will take her daughter to the hospital. Alloysius will ask for $20,000 for the medicine, and the doctor from the hospital will ask for $30,000. Therefore, the first option is more profitable.

Read below about how to raise money for treatment.

But after the first medicine, Alloysius, you will need to get another one. You can buy it for $15,000 from a street vendor. It all comes down to money!

How to raise money for your daughter’s treatment in Beholder? Martha.

To raise money for treatment, use all the ways to earn money in the game. Read more about earning money with Beholder below.

How to make money in Beholder?

So, to make money, there are several ways. The first is completing tasks. Everything is clear here. The second is the preparation of reports and characteristics. For characteristics, keep an eye on your neighbors. For each characterization evidence you will receive $100 (not to be confused with evidence for a report).

The third option is to exchange authority points for money. To do this, buy (best!) level 1 cameras for 50 authority points and sell them to a street vendor for $150. Thus, you exchange authority points for dollars at a rate of 1 to 3.

Fourth option - collect all the things from Karl's apartment and sell it to the merchant. Fifth option - steal glasses, watches or a tie from the residents. These are the most precious things. If you get caught, you can always reload.

If you don't give the cruise tickets to Shimmer, you can sell them for $5,000. Please note that before you cure your daughter, there will be 2-3 quests that bring in a lot of money. Unfortunately, there is a high chance that Patrick's university will have to be sacrificed. But, looking ahead, this does not play a special role, because he will still want to go abroad.

How to evict Klaus Shimmer in Beholder?

To evict Klaus Schimmer, you will have to search his apartment. Find books by Paul Williams. If you begged them for Patrick, then you may have to plant evidence. After this, you can write a report on Shimmer or Maria. In the second case, Shimmer will go crazy and get shot.

After you find out about the books, you can start blackmailing Shimmer. He will say that he has little money and will leave with his wife.

How to save Anna Stein in Beholder? How to save your wife?

There is one option in the game in which Anna dies. If you tell George Danton where Anton Grubica is (and he will spend the night in your office), then after a while a crowd will run down the street and crush Anna. Just don't tell Danton where Anton is. There is no other way to save Anna!

How to help the Shimmer family escape in Beholder?

How to help the Shimmer family was written above. You either give them the cruise tickets you received from Alloysius, or arrange for their transportation with the boatswain Popanedo.

How to defuse a bomb in Beholder?

To defuse a bomb, you must first find it. It lies inside the washing machine on the ground floor. Take the bomb and call the Ministry. They will send you instructions. Look in the mailbox and click on the instructions located behind the newspaper. Surely you will have a bomb with a wristwatch timing mechanism and six checkers. This is the first option in the instructions. Interact with the bomb that will be below, next to the washing machine. Select "Disarm" and cut the wires in the order shown in the instructions. Red, green, black, blue. Perhaps you will have another bomb.

How to get documents from the archive in Beholder for Klaus Schimmer? How to get to the archive?

In order for Klaus Shimmer to leave the country, you will have to get documents for him. Just ask Mark Ranek, an elderly man with a cane who lives above Klaus. In return, he will ask for whiskey for himself. A bottle of whiskey can be purchased for $1,000 from a merchant. If you talk to Alloysius Shpak immediately after checking in, he will give you a bottle of whiskey as a gift. You don't have to buy it!

As many already know, at a certain point in the Beholder game, the manager faces a serious problem when his daughter gets sick. The fact is that for her daughter’s treatment she will need to pay $20,000, and it is practically impossible to earn it in such a short time. In this article we will tell you how to earn 20,000 for your daughter’s treatment in Beholder.

Blackmail letters

As soon as you notice that one of their tenants has committed a “crime,” then immediately send him a blackmail letter. This way you can get $1000 and remain without suspicion. During the game you can write a huge number of such letters and get a lot of money. It is worth noting that for Klaus Shimmer, blackmail will not work, as a result of which he will simply be evicted from the house.

Writing characteristics

As soon as you recognize 2-3 traits of a tenant, then immediately start writing the characteristics necessary for a totalitarian government. For one trait you will receive 100 dollars, even if you find out a little information you can earn several thousand. If you collect all the information on Klaus Schimmer, you can write a testimonial for $800.

Settlement of Shpak

During the game, new residents will move into the house. Try not to let them in, with the exception of Dr. Allozy Shpak. During the game, Shpak will ask you to find him a girl. Under no circumstances look for the Shpaka girl from the newspaper ad, otherwise you will have to pay $5,000. Instead, go to Grandma Rose, who will immediately recommend dear niece Sarah. After some time, Shpak will decide to marry Sarah and ask you to collect all the information on her. In order not to waste time, immediately go to her aunt, who will say that she does not know Sarah. Next, call the ministry and find out that Sarah is in fact a murderer. We go to Sarah and tell about everything to save ourselves and the wedding, she will give you 5,000 dollars as a bribe. You can also get another $2,500 if you write a report to the ministry. By the way, under no circumstances let Shpak move out, otherwise your daughter’s treatment will cost you $30,000.

Family assignments

Of course, you won’t get a lot of money for running errands for your wife, on average $50-$150, but at least it’s something.

Sell ​​all your junk

All the things that are in your apartment must be sold mercilessly; on average, you can earn $1000 at a time. Before the seller comes to you, all things in the apartment will appear again. So you get $1000 for nothing.

Getting medicine for my daughter for free (not verified information)

According to AndrewSokoloff, you can get the medicine for free, here is a message that details how to do this.

To do this, you need to complete the quest by Anton Grubitz, who will ask you to find paints and scissors (they will almost certainly be found in Karl’s apartment, in which case the merchant will also have them). After this, you need to answer the call from George Danton, who will ask about the result of the surveillance. First we answer that we need medicine for our daughter. Danton agrees to bring it. Then we choose the answer option that everything is fine with Grubitz (that is, we do not disclose the fact that he works for the government).

2) After some time, the wife finds a note with a phone number. We call the indicated phone number - it turns out it’s Grubits, asking for asylum. We don’t refuse him - he will move into our apartment.

Then Danton himself appears. We hand over Grubitsa, in return we get medicine for our daughter.

The rude man is then killed, and the ministry calls us with questions. We turn on the fool (donate 500 points) and divert suspicion from ourselves: they say Anton Grubits acted independently.

If you are a fan of this genre, then our site offers you the game This Is the Police, in which you will manage a police department, investigate crimes and catch criminals. In general, everything is in the same spirit and with an unusual atmosphere. Using this link you can buy the game at a discount for 269 rubles: click here!

Summing up

Now you know how to earn 20,000 for your daughter’s treatment in Beholder. If you have an easier way to earn 20 thousand, write in the comments. Good luck!